Chapter 1360 Sword Sect

Why did the girl persist until now, for what?

One is not wanting to die, and the other is to let parents live a not so hard life.

But now that her parents are dead, she has no meaning to stay here. Although the study of sword control was only halfway through, it was already much better than most people in the lord’s mansion.

As long as the trainer, the lord, and some guard captains are not there, she can escape smoothly and accumulate strength.

Then revenge.

Time is very limited, but as long as you endure, chances will definitely appear.

Having endured the hatred from the bottom of my heart, the girl insisted on training as usual, and learned as much as possible about the knowledge of sword control. Even just remembering it will be of great help to her in the future.

The opportunity will come soon.

The perennial disguise was successful at this time, and the lord seemed to be very relieved of her. After all, who would have thought that a 12-year-old girl would have such a city. So rest assured, let your son take a team of guards with her to hunt for Warcraft in the suburbs.

According to the plan of the lord, it was like this. In order to take care of the girl’s mood, the son deliberately broke the rules and took her to see his parents. Then accidentally learned that the girl’s parents were killed by bandits.

The furious son directly led the guards and wiped out the bandits nearby and avenged her.

By then, this little girl will definitely be grateful to her son and her family, so that she can better control this girl who is born with supernatural power and possesses an unprecedented talent for swordsmanship.

When he followed this young master to his village and heard their “righteous words”, no one could imagine how the girl endured.

“It’s not time yet, it’s not time yet…”

She could only, with her eyes closed, with pain and hatred on her face, constantly admonishing herself in her heart.

When the guards separated most of their hands to destroy the bandits, she finally drew out the epee behind her, which was twice as large as herself, and killed the remaining guards and the lord’s son with lightning speed.

He snatched the beast mount under the lord’s son’s crotch and started the escape journey.

But even if the girl is precocious, she is only 12 years old. The physical strength and mental strength were not enough to make her persist until she escaped the empire. Just as she was surrounded by imperial knights and faced a desperate situation, a blood-red cat demon jumped out.

With horns in his paws, he controlled his blood, and cooperated with her to kill the imperial knight. After that, one person and one cat and demon lived on each other, ran out of the control of the Delos Empire, and came to the Duchy of Belmar.

She should have been separated from the cat demon when she passed the Gran Forest. But the old stubborn cat demon still insisted on sending her to the vicinity of Huttonmar, and handed over most of the stolen things to her before returning to the original path and sneaking into the Gran Forest.

Not long after she came to Huttonmar, a ninja in white came to her and asked if she wanted revenge on the empire.

This ninja called himself Boken Neve. Later, she learned that he was the secret envoy of Skadi, Queen of Belmar, who had been secretly observing the queen’s orders to prevent the secret invasion of the empire.

The girl at the time naturally agreed. Later, she joined the Revolutionary Army under the introduction of Borken, where she kept training and accumulated strength. Finally, when he was one step away from awakening, he returned to the empire with the help of the holy voice.

Killed all of the lord’s family, leaving no one behind, and obtained all the materials that record sword control. But a year ago, she finally took that step, successfully awakened, and became one of the three powerhouses of the Sage’s Voice.

Sword Sovereign: Reshalin.

“Short silver hair…I use a giant sword, dark red pupils, and earlobes…There are indeed three moles connected together.”

The emerald green in his eyes quickly extinguished, and Xie Ming quickly determined the identity of the girl. Sure enough, the girl named Reshalin, whom Sear entrusted him to find, joined the revolutionary army to avenge the empire.

This conjecture appeared in Xie Ming’s heart when he heard from Seamus that there was no trace of a girl in Huttonmar. Now, it has finally been confirmed.

“Lisalyn, be careful…”

The pale-faced Ludmila handed the blessing of a god from Rutt’s hands to Rasalyn, gritted his teeth and said: “This man is very strong, and you just killed Louis, don’t hold on.”

“You just need to delay as long as possible and let all your companions leave.”

“Very strong…”

Ryshalyn glanced at the golden capsule in her hand, then at Lut who had severely injured a broken horn, the huge consumption of Ludmila, and the gray-headed companions around her, and nodded gently.

“Understood, you all retreat. That Louis, has not fully awakened as the blood demon god, so I didn’t consume much, don’t worry.”

“Hmm…Also, that man is very good at swordsmanship, but he will be empty…”


Before Ludmila finished speaking, he found that Xie Ming in the corner of his eye had disappeared. The next moment, the pitch-black Taito and the black-and-white epee violently collided, and the strong wind caused the skin to feel the sting of a knife.

“When I don’t exist?”

Xie Ming said with a faint smile, “I’m really underestimated in front of my face.”

“Anyway, you have no intention of hiding, do you?”

Raising her head slightly, the dark red eyes under the silver bangs looked at Xie Ming indifferently, and Lesha Lin said indifferently: “Space ability is very tricky for others. But for the Sword Sect, who is awakened by the swordsman, It’s not that effective anymore.”

“Speaking of which, I am afraid that the words “Sword Master” and “Sword Master” are the first time for you to hear. Sorry, I shouldn’t overestimate your knowledge.”

“The unforgiving girl.”

Very well, all the characteristics that Seamer said, except for the long and wavy hair, were already in line with the others.

Xie Ming naturally didn’t have any emotions because of the little girl’s poisonous tongue. He just kicked a kick mercilessly while exerting a slight force on his arm.

War trampled, side kick style.

However, at this time, the length and width of the epee far exceeding the length and width of the sword were reflected.

Holding the hilt of the heavy sword in both hands, with a slight side of the arm, the wide blade just blocked Xie Ming’s right foot.


The powerful force made Risalyn, who was born with supernatural power, step back a few steps, and the shock wave accompanying the trampling of the war blew away the seriously injured Rute and the weak Rudmila.

But after successfully blocking, Reshalin was clearly backing, but she quickly performed two consecutive cuts. Feeling the immense power coming from the blade, Xie Ming’s arm shook and removed it all.

Sword Control: Parry and counterattack.

“Interesting, it’s a brand new swordsmanship.”

Xie Ming raised his eyebrows and retracted Apophis into the scabbard.

“Why, don’t fight anymore?”

“Well, I do have this idea.” Xie Ming said lightly: “As long as you follow me, I will let the revolutionary army go. As long as they don’t attack me, I won’t attack them again, how about?”


Upon hearing this, Reshalin laughed, but what she said was completely opposite to the expression on her face.

“As long as you defeat me, and you are not afraid that I will attack you and the people around you at night, I will follow you, how about?”


Xie Ming also laughed when he heard the second half of the sentence. But it’s different from Risalyn. His smile was accompanied by a bloody murderous look overflowing from his body.

“I will forgive you once because of the great help of a certain guy. But in order for you to remember what you can say and what you can’t say, lessons are still needed.”


Reshalin smiled sweetly and replied softly.

“Then please let me see what your so-called lesson is like.”

“Don’t worry, you can see it right away.”

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