Chapter 1361-God-given Son

No matter it is anyone, as long as he dares to violate Xie Ming’s bottom line, even if he just talks about it, Xie Ming will definitely give him an unforgettable memory in his lifetime.

But Lesalin, naturally, was not scared.

I have experienced hell since I was a child, and I was able to endure the deep hatred of my parents being killed to find opportunities. The girl’s city house is not something ordinary people can do.

The past experience has created Risalyn’s character like a crow. As we all know, the crow has a very high IQ and is very vengeful. As long as you provoke it, it will still remember your face even in the past few years.

As long as you walk on the street, it will shit and throw stones on your head, and even its offspring will attack you together.

Similarly, crows are also creatures that value their relatives very much. As for Lesaline, her parents are dead, and now her relatives are the companions and friends who took care of her in the revolutionary army.

And the bloodthirsty cat demon who was willing to help her for free.

Therefore, when she saw the appearance of Ludmila and Rutter, the anger had already filled Rishalyn’s heart. Now she just wanted to use her best to kill the guy in front of her to vent her anger.

Of course, Ryshalyn was not a stunned person. She knew that under the joint hands of so many people, she could still seriously injure Lut and consume Ludmila in such a way that she had to use precious consumables. It’s definitely not something to mess with.

But she believes that it’s just that Rout and Ludmila have a bad relationship with their opponents.

The enemy has the ability to come and go freely, and for them it is simply impossible to guard against. In fact, it’s not just her, but Rout and Ludmila also think so.

The space ability is too cheating. Apart from this ability, the only thing the enemy is powerful is the sword technique that excels among the strong.

This also caused Ludmila to only pay attention to reminding Xie Ming’s spatial ability, but did not pay much attention to Xie Ming’s knife skills.

After all, how can a person who doesn’t use a sword know how far the opponent’s technique is?

Just like Xie Ming, just know that Ludmila’s archery is very strong, but you have to ask him to explain where Ludmila’s archery is strong, and why, if he is strong, he can rely on his master-level experience. You ripped it out.

As for whether it is correct or not, he doesn’t know.

Therefore, not paying too much attention to Xie Ming’s swordsmanship, or not paying enough attention to it, became the biggest point of victory in this battle.

But it doesn’t mean that even if you pay attention to it, it will play a role. The difference between emphasizing and not emphasizing is just how ugly Reshalin lost.

After all, Leishalin’s unobstructed words made Xie Ming really serious, planning to give this little girl a severe lesson to let her understand what the gap is. Let her understand through her body what the consequences will be if she acts on the people around her.

“Are you ready?”

Xie Ming smiled slightly: “Be serious. Otherwise, even if I stop in time, your life may be in danger.”

“Just talk or practice, everyone…!!!”

Just wanting to ridicule a few words to make the other party even more angry, Reshalin suddenly lost her capture of Xie Ming. The next moment, she slashed out the huge sword to the side of her body.

However, only a bloody afterimage was cut.

A murderous aftermath formed by the murderous intent of the wave of murderous intent.

Then there was an extremely viscous killing intent and blood on her head. Lifting his head slightly, he found a huge blood-colored cross that was falling rapidly.

Cross-cut enhancement: Killing cross-cut.

Strengthening effect: mental shock, speed, damage, and range increase.

“This is the Sword Saint?”

At this moment, such an idea popped up in Leshalyn’s mind. Where is the sword saint who can release a cross cut that possesses such a strengthening of blood and reaches the field of specialization?

However, even if it was a cross-cut that reached the specialization, it would not have any effect on her. Since his own cross cut can’t compare to him, it’s good to change other moves.

The giant sword slashed upwards fiercely, and the speed could even be comparable to that of a sword. The next moment, three huge sword auras were thrown from the blade.

Sword Control: Instant Shadow Sanjue Slash.


Obviously it was just a confrontation between sword qi and sword qi, but there was a harsh sound, like using an electric saw wheel to cut steel, and the fire was splashing at the confrontation between the cross cut and the instant shadow three cut.

But with a loud noise, the original balance between sword energy and sword energy was instantly broken.

War trampled.

The right foot stomped fiercely in the center of the cross cut, and the powerful impact caused a sonic boom on the top of the scarlet cross, and the sword energy emitted by the instant shadow Sanjue cut was quickly defeated.

But Leshalin also took advantage of this effort to make a short distance transfer. Holding the heavy sword in both hands, it is an upslash that combines speed and power.

Sword Control: Piercing the Clouds and Breaking the Sky Sword.

The size of the sword light and the heavy sword took her into the air, slashing the cross and attacking Xie Ming straight from below. Of course, Shang Zhan’s Jianguang cut his loneliness.

Xie Ming didn’t want to rely on his current physical fitness to insist on this strange girl in front of him, and it was still an epee slash. The unexpected parry and counterattack just now made his arm numb for a few seconds even if the force was removed with the technique of vibration.

The strange power increases the heavy sword, and the one who can wield the heavy sword is similar to that of Taito. It is really only blessed to describe the girl in front of him.

Not to mention, according to Seamer, Reshalin is only about 17 years old now. The 17-year-old Yijue Jianzong, if this were exposed, the entire Arad continent would be completely shaken.

He is blessed with a unique physical quality, the best swordsmanship in the mainland, and his parents have died, and he bears hatred…..

Isn’t this TM a template for the protagonist?

If Xie Ming knew about Leshalin’s past experience, he would definitely not help but complain in his heart. Well, but this is not something to be happy about.

Both parents die and bear hatred, although it is too routine and too vulgar. But if you really know that the people around you have this kind of experience, the guy who can complain about the bad settings in front of others is either a fool or a fight.

Therefore, there must be a limit to complaints and jokes. To make a joke with someone’s sad experience, then… then I can only wish you peace.

I have also practiced the role of the Sword Emperor (Sword Master Erjue) of a female ghost sword, so although I don’t know the skills of the swordsman as well as the Emperor (Ashura Erjue), it will not even cause some high damage. I forgot all of his moves.

The Chuanyunpokong Sword is the kind of move that hurts and looks quite dazzling. Xie Ming naturally has an impression.

So after using teleportation to avoid the upper cut, he did not approach rashly, but pulled a distance away. Because he knew that after the upper cut, Leshalin would use multiple consecutive cuts to attack.

The upper cut plus multiple consecutive cuts, and finally smashing the enemy to the ground severely, is the release of the whole set of Cloud Piercing and Air Breaking Sword.

But it is clear that Jianzong in reality cannot be as rigid as the characters in the game. After sensing the location of Xie Ming’s teleportation through space perception, the girl directly interrupted the cloud-piercing and air-piercing sword combo.

The most basic operation of sword control is to instantly relax the muscles of the whole body, thereby interrupting skills and attacking movements.

A phantom flew out of Lesalin’s body, with a sharp and powerful sword light, and rushed towards Xie Ming, who had just appeared.

Sword Control: Magic Swordsmanship.

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