Chapter 1362

“Ding ding ding ding!”

After rushing to Xie Ming, the phantom Rasalin quickly cut out four or five knives, but Xie Ming flashed them by the slightest difference. But Reshalin’s use of phantom swordsmanship was used to delay time after all.

The human body is in an extremely dangerous state in the air where it cannot be borrowed, because this means that a person cannot control his body. Even in a world of mystery, the same is true for people who don’t have the ability to stay in the air or fly.

In the Arad continent, those with flying ability are even rarer, and even magicians can only fly briefly on broomsticks. Obviously, this kind of trick cannot be used in combat.

Some melee professions that don’t have any self-protection ability, if they are in the air, it is equivalent to handing their lives in the hands of the enemy.

Therefore, a skill that allows these melee occupations to land quickly and protect themselves was born.

Landing skills.

Of course, this is Xie Ming’s collective name for the series of skills that can make his body fall quickly. The silver blade of the ghost swordsman, the eagle step of the fighter, and the phoenix hammer of the priest are all landing skills. In the range.

Of course, as the sword mastering created by the combination of various swordsmanship and martial arts by the Sword God, naturally it will not lack the necessary skill of grounding skills.

As the son of Tianjiao, Leshalin has even practiced this landing technique to the level of specialization. In conjunction with that high-quality epee and natural supernatural power, Ryshalyn in the air is sometimes more terrifying than her on the ground.

For example, at this time.

Sword Control: Leaping Through the Air (change)!

Originally, the jump cut in sword control was to perform a powerful slash in the air before landing, and while landing, it caused a strong shock wave to cause damage to surrounding enemies and a floating effect.

But after borrowing the silver light falling edge and collapsing shot in ghost swordsmanship, and combining some of the characteristics of sword control, Reshalin made a significant adjustment to the jump. Combining landing and slashing, the resulting specialization is Leaping Air Slash (modified).

The body and the epee were completely integrated into the cold to a bit stern sword light, and they fell crashingly across a distance of several meters. Time, it happened to be stuck at the moment when the magic swordsmanship just ended.


Just by hearing the explosion of the ground, you can feel how powerful Risalyn’s strike is. The agitated dust was also dissipated by the shock wave when it fell, but people around could see what was going on.

The situation, naturally, did not develop like the members of the revolutionary army imagined.

In front of the black and white epee, the pitch-black Taito was obliquely blocked by Xie Ming, and part of the front end of the Taito was inserted into the deck, firmly blocking the girl’s offensive.

He actually took this slash from Reshalin directly?

This situation not only exceeded the expectations of other members of the Revolutionary Army, but also exceeded the expectations of Reshalin.

Because although the two did not engage in much head-on fights, Ryshalyn was quite confident in her strength. In the competition, even the half-dragon Root was never willing to take his own slash head-on.

Even the berserker who is strong in strength, like the one who just fought with himself, has Mastered the memory of blood, and has activated the three states of runaway, bloodthirsty, and blood rage at the same time, he was slashed by his own move. ) Give a direct hit.

Now, a Juggernaut who obviously doesn’t have too much power can actually defend it firmly? A little sense of frustration appeared in Ryshalin’s heart.

Naturally, Xie Ming couldn’t forcefully catch this move, Yuekong Slash (modified), unless he turned on the forbidden state of the Cage Hand of the Scarlet Dragon Emperor, otherwise the end of the game would be to be cut directly.

The short fight has already given the girl in front of Byakugan Xie Mingming what terrifying power. With the strength of the body that I didn’t even feel at this level, it would be difficult to completely remove it even with vibrations.

What about the ground?

A small part of the strength that can be endured is unloaded with the arm, and most of the strength is introduced into the holy voice at the foot through the blade of Apophis, then he naturally shows a picture that can easily be blocked. The appearance of the opponent attacking.

This is the method Xie Ming gave birth to after learning to block and improving the block: Relieve his power to block.

By inserting the weapon into the ground, it connects itself with the ground, thereby creating a sense of integration. This trick was originally developed by Xie Ming to deal with some huge monsters with power beyond imagination.

Unexpectedly, the first battle was actually used on humans.

The plan really never keeps up with the changes. Xie Ming can be regarded as once again, deeply aware of this matter.

But now it’s not the time to think about this, it’s not his style of swordsmanship.


The blade of Apophis quickly rubbed against the blade of the black and white epee, and a large amount of firelight spattered from the intersection of the blades. Xie Ming’s movements were very simple, drawing a knife to force back, then turning around and kicking.


There was a whirlwind on his left foot, which was printed on the body of the epee that was blocked in front of him. Both feet slid back a few centimeters on the deck, and Ryshalyn made two sharp slashes again.

Sword Control: Parry and counterattack.

The same move, not only for the Saint Seiya did not want to work for the second time, but also for people whose realm is higher than himself. Because the other party has already seen through, the details of your move.

With a wrong footstep, Xie Ming’s figure passed through Leshalin’s two consecutive cuts, narrowing the distance between the two. The thumb was slightly against the sword, and a poignant arc appeared from the sword.

Ghost Swordsmanship: Moonlight Cut.

The blade cut open the light armor worn by the girl, leaving a clear knife mark on it. But with the impact, Ryshalyn quickly retreated. Because she knew that the non-Devil May Cry professional Moonlight Slash only had a sharp upswing.

After the Devil May Cry profession uses Moonlight Slash, it will add a two-handed upslash, which is called Full Moon Slash, due to the large increase in the body by the power of ghosts and gods.

The connection between the two hits is extremely high, the gap is extremely small, and the blade track of the weapon swings will have the light of the waning moon formed by the power of the ghosts and gods, so there are not too many flaws.

Normally, it is rare for masters to use such large-scale movements as the upper cut. The reason is simple, the amplitude is large, and the gap is large. The particularity of Moonlight Slash is that it is the sharpest and fastest move among the basic ghost sword skills.

Therefore, when non-Devil May Cry professionals use Moonlight Slash, they usually deal with enemies with heavy bodies and high defenses. But apparently, Reshalin did not meet this condition.

But in the same way, only the Devil May Cry profession can use the principle of Moonlight Double Slash, which is not universal for the skill demon transformation madman Xie Ming.

Since Moonlight Slash is a one-handed upslash, can’t it be connected with another hand for downslashing?

As a result, the hilt of Apophis was handed over from the right hand to the left hand, and another cold arc flashed, leaving a deep mark on Reshalin’s breastplate.

Moonlight Slash Demon Modification: Upper String Slash, Lower String Slash, and finally…

The hilt of the knife was held tightly by two hands, with the waist as the axis, a black line cut on the epee that Resalin returned to defend in time. The impact took her body and flew upside down, set on the huge mast of the holy voice behind her.

Break the moon cut.

Moonlight Slash Demon Change: Breaking the Moon Three Combo.

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