Chapter 1365

When she saw Raisalyn and Seamo meet again, Xie Ming understood that there was nothing wrong with him here. He didn’t bother to come back with the horns that Lysalyn was holding in her hands.

Although it is precious as a material, it is not something that must be obtained.

Moreover, he also chopped off a dragon horn of the captain of the other person, as a substitute for the horn of the bull-head lord, it was not too disadvantaged.

After all, dragon horns are better than bull horns, right?

He then injected a little more energy into the space door so that it could last for about half a day. After greeted Seamo again, Xie Ming walked through the space door and returned to the holy voice.

Jump off the deck and walk towards where Celia and Minette are.

The two were trying to clean up the mess at this time, and assisted the priests in bandaging the injured adventurer and guard. It seemed that Celia was the first to propose, but Minette had no choice, so he had to fight on the sidelines.

“Selia, Minette.”

“Xie Ming!”

Hearing the voice of her companion, Celia raised her head and showed a beautiful smile from her heart: “Great, you are not injured.”

“Of course, I am very good.”

Xie Ming deliberately raised her eyebrows, causing Celia to cover her mouth and chuckle.

“How can he get hurt…”

Minette couldn’t help but muttered in his heart, Celia couldn’t see it, but she saw it. The two major trump cards of the Revolutionary Army, the Dragon Root broke the corner, and Ludmila also had an overdraft expression, which seemed to be fleeing in embarrassment.

After the female swordsman who was raging underneath went up, only Xie Ming came down. Naturally, there is no need to say more about the ending.

“How about you two? Have you accidentally been injured by the aftermath of the battle?”


Celia shook her head slightly: “Sister Minette took me to the edge of the battlefield after that, so I was not injured by mistake.”

“That’s good.”

Xie Ming smiled and looked at Minette: “Where is Minette? Has his hearing recovered?”

“Well, it will be restored in a few minutes.”

Nodding coldly, as if changing the subject, the dark elf girl said nonchalantly: “I am afraid that the caravan can no longer be maintained. The leader Yalle and the strongest Louis have been killed by the silver-haired female swordsman.”

“More than that, in the battle with the revolutionary army, some guard captains who can take the lead were also seriously injured. I am afraid that what is waiting for the caravan next is the battle of the leader.”

“The leader of the caravan of the Perus Chamber of Commerce can be said to be a very fat errand. If you perform well at this time, it is likely to be valued by the Chamber of Commerce and get ahead in the Perus Chamber of Commerce.”

“If there is development in the Perus Chamber of Commerce, returning to the family will also receive considerable attention. It will also be of great help to the inheritance of the title. Those young nobles and masters will definitely not miss this opportunity. ”

“At that time, there will be another civil war. I believe that neither you nor Celia should not want to get involved in this kind of thing.”

Xie Ming and Celia nodded their heads when they were in good agreement.

“That’s right, I’ll ask you one more thing.”

Pointing to the Sage’s Voice, which was still floating in the air, Minette took a deep breath: “Are there any living people on it?”

“there is none left.”


Xie Ming’s decisive answer made Minette’s mouth twitched: “Then, are you interested in the Sage’s Voice?”

“If you are not interested, it must be fake.”

After thinking a little bit, Xie Ming touched his chin and said: “After all, if there is this extremely fast flying ship, it will save a lot of time for future journeys.”

“But ah, this ship has a lot of problems now. First of all, no one of us can drive.”

“The second point is that it is easy to be wanted by the empire if you get this ship. If the empire is not interested in this ship, it must be fake. Moreover, because of this attack, the Perus Chamber of Commerce has suffered such a serious loss. Make up for the loss in time.”

“And the horn of the saint is their only choice.”

Xie Ming smiled: “Let’s say that those nobles and young masters must also be thinking of the holy cry. Just now, many people must have seen Lu Te’s defeat.”

“The third point, we can’t fix it.”

“Repair?” Minette didn’t expect this, but after Xie Ming’s words, she also reacted.

It was just above, but a battle broke out between three one-sense powers and a suspected two-sense powers, how could it not cause damage?

“Yeah, repair it.” Xie Ming said casually: “Don’t look at the sage’s horn now, it looks okay, there are already pineapples inside (PS: Homophony in Japanese, it’s a stalk.)”


“It means that it’s broken and unrefined.”

Xie Ming shrugged: “If the operation is forced to start, I am afraid it will disintegrate in the air before long. Well then…”

Everyone on the boat will experience a free fall. As for the height, a group of guys who don’t even feel anyway will surely fall to death with a sound of “piaji”.

“Then, the last point. The Revolutionary Army and the Belmar Principality have a close relationship. You and I know this. If I were to get the Sage’s Voice, it would be a very interesting situation.”

“Is it very exciting to think about being hostile by the two major countries on the Arad continent?”

Having said that, Xie Ming couldn’t help laughing.


Even Celia, seeing Xie Ming’s expression, couldn’t help but twitch his mouth: “Um, Xie Ming, I don’t think this is something to be happy about.”

“Just kidding, don’t be nervous.”

Xie Ming said with a smile: “So, we are not suitable to take over the Sage’s Voice. The best way is to leave the caravan now and go to Huttonmar on your own. Of course, Celia will be a little bit tired. .”

“Hmm~, it’s okay, I have had a good rest for nearly a week.” Sai Liya gently shook her head and said softly.

“Well, but Minette, you…”

I wanted to say, “If the Dark Elf Kingdom has ideas, you can send someone over to take over.” After all, the Dark Elf Kingdom can be regarded as a fairly powerful country on the continent, and its terrain is easy to defend and difficult to attack.

Neither the Delos Empire nor the Belmar Principality will come to war with the Dark Elf Kingdom because of a rare flying ship.

But the words were blocked by a Byakugan from Minette.

“The Dark Elf Kingdom, you can’t get the horn of the holy.”

Minette only said this, and Xie Ming understood what she meant.

The fact that other countries don’t want to make trouble does not mean that the Dark Elf Kingdom does not want to make trouble. You know, the Dark Elf kingdom has not yet been unified, and if the Senate, which is hostile to humans, gets the nickname of the Holy One, it will definitely be repaired at any cost.

At that time, it is time for the Dark Elf Kingdom to begin war against other countries. The freely coming and going horn of the holy, coupled with the dark elves suitable for guerrilla warfare, will definitely be the beginning of a nightmare on the mainland.

This is something that Minette, who wants peace, never wants to see.

“Then, let’s decide.”

Seeing a consensus, Xie Ming glanced at the horses around him: “Then choose three horses, and let’s leave the caravan and go to Huttonmar on our own.”

“Ah, by the way, in that case, call sister Nuoyu too.”


“It’s me, Mr. Xie Ming.”

Holding the black magic horse with a little Bloodline on him, Nuo Yu walked over and smiled slightly.

“I don’t know if Mr. Xie Ming is willing to take me?”

I can answer, can I refuse?

Seeing Seliya’s pure eyes, Xie Ming twitched the corners of his mouth.

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