Chapter 1366

Faced with the double choice question of going and not going, Nuo Yu finally chose the past to see the situation. In any case, I owe others a favor. It’s pretty good if you have a chance to return.

Furthermore, she also wanted to know why the revolutionary army had been attacking the imperial caravans in recent times. This is very inconsistent with the revolutionary army’s long-standing style of reserving energy and waiting for an opportunity.

He and Xilan have been on the mainland for so long, and they must have heard about the news of the major forces. What’s more, she is also a royal swordsman appointed by the Xuzu royal family. Naturally, I will feel something wrong with the Arad continent over the years.

Not only her, Xi Lan also felt the same. That’s why the two agreed to the commission sent by the Belmar Principality to investigate the Screaming Cave where an unknown change occurred.

Maybe I can learn some clues in this abnormal place, maybe.

When Xie Ming talked to her before, of course Nuoyu also asked some questions that he was puzzled by?

For example, why does Xie Ming have a conflict with the Ziwu group? Since the change was resolved by Xie Ming, what was the cause of the change? How did Xie Ming solve it?

And these questions, the youth did not give her a clear answer.

“Because the Ziwu regiment acted on me, so I killed them all.”

“The reason for the change? It is because there appeared creatures that shouldn’t have appeared in Arad.”

“Because that creature disappeared, so the mutation was resolved.”

Ordinary people would not feel wrong to hear these answers, but in Nuoyu’s eyes, they are really too ambiguous.

Why is there a conflict with Ziwu Tuan? She asked the reason. Indeed, Xie Ming said that it was because the Ziwu regiment did it to him, so he did it too. So, why did the Ziwu group do something to him?

You know, the Ziwu regiment belongs to a group of mercenaries chasing profits in the final analysis. Even if Guy’s character is very violent and cruel, it is impossible to directly attack Xie Ming when he sees Xie Ming appear in front of Weiming Cave.

There is no benefit at all.

Of course, it is also possible that Guy is really the kind of brutal madman who eliminates all problems. So on this issue, Nuoyu didn’t go deep into it. After all, a group like the Ziwu Group would be beneficial to the Arad continent and any country if it died.

But the answers to the other two questions made Nuo Yu completely suspicious.

The reason for the mutation was the emergence of creatures that shouldn’t have appeared on the continent of Arad. What is this creature? Why does the appearance of this creature cause abnormal changes? Why would Xie Ming know that this creature does not exist on the Arad continent?

And finally, because that creature disappeared, the mutation was resolved.

Disappearing, the word used is very intriguing. What is disappearance? To understand only from the sentence, Xie Ming killed the monster. But in this case, the problem comes.

Why Xie Ming said very bluntly on the issue of the Ziwu group that he killed them all. As for the creature that caused the mutation, Xie Ming said it disappeared?

Did this creature disappear by itself, or did it disappear for some reason?

The question that still exists is why the empire has to send the Purple Mist regiment to investigate, although it is obviously an abnormal change in the Principality of Belmar?

No matter where it is placed, the Ziwu Group is a powerful force that cannot be underestimated. When did the Delos Empire become so enthusiastic and willing to send such a powerful force to help solve the problems of other countries.

And, hiding from them, the group of people who officially accepted the principality’s entrustment, secretly sent a team to Weiming Cave. Want to do good things without leaving a name?

No ghost will believe it.

All the problems must lie with the “creature that shouldn’t have been on the Arad continent” in Xie Ming’s words. And knowing the existence of this biological body, one is an empire.

The other one is Xie Ming.

It just so happened that the master was also sent to where this guy didn’t know, so he would continue to travel in the mainland. So while traveling with Xie Ming, isn’t it just right to find the trace of the master and investigate the origin of the mysterious creature?

However, looking at Xie Ming’s disapproval just now, he must find another way to join him. At this time, a name was remembered by Nuo Yu.


This girl who voluntarily followed Xie Ming from the Alvin line of defense should be a very gentle, lovely, and considerate girl. Perhaps, she will become a breakthrough.

Although I haven’t met each other, the two characteristics of silver ponytail and clear red pupil are relatively obvious, and it shouldn’t be difficult to find. At least, it must not be the female swordsman who is currently fighting the Berserker in the distance.

“By the way, this is too young…”

Nuo Yu thought that he was already quite talented. Although he hadn’t learned much from that unreliable master, he was already quite good at being able to reach the middle-level sword soul at less than 20 years old.

But now, she saw a silver shoulder-length short-haired girl who looked a few years younger than herself, holding a black and white epee to suppress the berserker who was known for her strength.

And looking at the state of the Berserker, all the major states have been turned on, but they are still being pressed and beaten there, which is really a bit of a blow.

“Sure enough, in this world, there will always be some outsiders…”

With a light sigh, Nuo Yu had an urge to express his mood at the moment in poetry. But she immediately shook her head and reacted. Now, it’s not the time to write poetry.

The thought energy in the body was circulated to the eyes, and the vision was strengthened in a short time. After scanning the battlefield, I found that in the battlefield farther away, a girl with a silver ponytail was facing the battlefield under the cover of a dark elf. The edge moves.

After that, she rode a black magic horse and crossed the battlefield at a very fast speed, and came to Seria and Minette to help. And when the revolutionary army retreated, it took the lead to go to the battlefield to rescue the wounded.


“I see…..”

After listening to Celia’s explanation and Nuo Yu’s supplement, Xie Ming nodded. Regardless of what the woman was thinking, she did help Celia and Minette.

But ah…

“Selia, you figured it out clearly.”

Xie Ming frowned and said, “Looking at what she looked like last night, this woman should like to drink quite a bit. I’m drunk by that time, is it possible for me to clean up the mess again?”

“Ah this…”

Hearing Xie Ming’s words like this, Celia suddenly didn’t know how to reply. Linus also loves to drink, but when the drink is almost the same, he will consciously return to his home.

She wanted to say that she could help clean up. But what should I do if I rush during the day? Let Xie Ming lead the horse slowly and take her away like today? This is not causing Xie Ming and Minette trouble.

“That…that…Mr. Xie Ming.”

Nuo Yu’s face was blue and red, and his teeth tickled with hatred, wishing to bite the guy in front of him to death. There is no one who dislikes and mentions the dark history in the presence of a lady without hesitation! And it was a complete accident last night!

But how can this be explained? Said that it was because I was too tired last night, and I would not get drunk at all when I drink that little wine? Doesn’t this prove his name as a drunkard!

Although…Although when I usually chant poems and compose lyrics, I like to drink some wine to improve the mood and atmosphere…..

“What’s wrong?”

“By the end of Huttonmar, I won’t touch another drop of wine.” Nuo Yu said with a blushing face: “Last night…Last night was indeed an accident.”

“real or fake….”

Xie Ming was full of disgust: “I don’t object to people drinking, I sometimes drink it myself. However, your wine…”

Okay, let’s draw the sword. Even if you die here today, let the man in front of you know what it means to not mention the dark history of ladies!

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