Chapter 1368 I hope they are okay (join hands)


Xie Ming sighed. Faced with this old-fashioned plot, his heart did not fluctuate, and he even wanted to laugh a little. He could guess without thinking about it, what kind of calculations this Master Keckel was making at this time.

The most fundamental factor that first determined his behavior was that he didn’t know Xie Ming’s true strength.

Although Xie Ming had threatened him with killing intent before, but with his knowledge and combined with Xie Ming’s appearance and age, I am afraid that he feels that he is just a high-ranking transferee, and he has not reached the level of more than a single sleep.

Since he didn’t feel it, his strength has not reached a qualitative change. With so many mid-level and low-level transferees present, it is not difficult to co-operate and suppress high-level transferees.

This is the confidence that Kaiker brought to Xie Ming’s troubles.

Then comes the reason, nothing more than two words, interest and power.

Minette just said that now a group of noble young masters are vying for dominance. Presumably Kaiker must be one of the candidates. But what is needed for dominance, or you have a strong strength.

Or, you have to get the public’s approval, which is the so-called leadership temperament.

And nothing is easier to unite people than to establish a common enemy. Xie Ming, the “high-ranking job changer”, became the enemy set up by Keckel.

The strength is very strong, but can be defeated if united. Being “lost” in the war just now shows that he is selfish and will naturally be rejected by these adventurers who participated in the war.

The final benefit was that Kaiker witnessed the high-level recovery potion that Yale handed to Xie Ming: Norton’s Master’s potion. Such a precious potion can at least directly restore half of the current caravan’s combat power.

Think about it personally, if you have a team in your team who does nothing when the team encounters a problem, will you also be disgusted with him and want to drive him out of the team?

This is the case with adventurers at this time. So, don’t think that Keckel is too stupid. There are real stupid people in the world, but most people look so stupid. The main reason is that his Master does not have much intelligence and his knowledge is not wide.

Just like a high school student takes a junior high school student’s question and asks the elementary school student to answer it, it is only natural that the elementary school student can’t answer it.

You have to scold this elementary student for being too stupid because of this, and even beat him severely. Isn’t it a bit too unreasonable?

Of course, Xie Ming was able to think so open-minded mainly because although Keckel had come with bad intentions, he didn’t bring too much malice and killing intent. If he came with maliciousness and murderous intent, and even tried to mislead Selya over there, that would be another ending.

But it could also be that Keckel hadn’t reacted yet, or he didn’t want to force Xie Ming to jump the wall in a hurry. After all, even if there are so many people, it is not a problem for a high-level transferee to replace five or six people desperately.

Keckel, don’t want to be the few people who were replaced.

No matter what the other party thinks, Xie Ming is still very good at talking when others are not carrying malicious or killing intent. So in the face of the group of elementary school students who came to trouble him as a special soldier, he felt that he should be more tolerant.

Then fire a warning shot.


The powerful mental power turned into incomparable coercion and fell on the adventurers who stood in front of them, causing their knees to instantly soften, almost directly kneeling on the ground.

After fighting against Ludmila, Lut, and Raisalin, Xie Ming’s physical fitness has been improved again, probably to about 40, which is about the level between the high stage of the second stage and the peak.

The quality of mental power has once again been improved. It is difficult for mid-level transferees to straighten up in front of this fine Kamui. Not to mention low-level job transfers like Keckel.

Even some people whose injuries have not healed, under this coercion, the wounds cracked again and blood began to bleed.

It lasted about five seconds, Xie Ming withdrew his mental power, looked at the relieved adventurers in front of him, and said lightly.

“Now, can you get out of it?”


No matter how ugly the face is and lose face, the adventurers can only make a way out and stop talking. People just press Kamui, you can’t even lift a weapon, so what else?

Led Xiao Hui and Xiao Zong through the dozen or so adventurers, and came to Minette. Xie Ming smiled and said, “Let’s go.”


Putting the reins on the carriage on the two horses, the two got on the carriage and drove the carriage slowly to the side of Nou and Celia. After everyone got on the cart, as Xie Ming flicked the rein, the cart walked onto the main road towards Huttonmar.

As for the end of these adventurers? Then it has nothing to do with him. Anyway, these adventurers should still survive as long as they don’t have the idea of ​​calling the sacred horn.

But if they are so overwhelming, then…then I can only hope that they are all right (gather your hands).

Xie Ming didn’t think that Raisalin, who came back through the space gate after meeting with Seamus, would behave very politely after seeing a group of thieves running on her boat.

But if Ryshalyn hasn’t returned yet, they think that behind that space gate leads to some secret treasure house of the Revolutionary Army…

The fun is even greater.

The curse cat demon on Seamo’s side is no worse than some job-changers. In addition, Seamus and Ryshalyn are both in a strong sense, tusk tusk tusk.

Hope they are okay (gather your hands together).


During the rest of the journey, there was no trouble. And after leaving the caravan, the speed increased a bit, so it only took five days for the four of Xie Ming to reach Huttonmar.

However, this section of the road is not very friendly to Celia.

Because the roof of the car was split open by Xie Ming, many magic circles were useless. The functions of maintaining temperature, ventilating, preventing wear, etc., have all disappeared.

So Celia has also felt what her future life in the wild is like during these five days.

The first thing is the daytime temperature. Even if Nuoyu provides a precious leather covering the top of the car with heat preservation and sun protection, the sultry heat inside the car is not relieved, and the walls of the car in the sun are hot.

Not to mention the inside of the carriage, it is simply a steam room.

Even Nuoyu and Minette, the two high-level transferees, were a little bit stunned, let alone Celia. In the end, the three of them put on their straw hats, lifted the leather on the roof, and seated the leather on the wall of the carriage under the buttocks as a cushion.

This is a little better.

The second is personal hygiene. There are no mobile toilets and showers at the moment. Fortunately, there are Minette and Nuo Yu nearby, otherwise Xie Ming really doesn’t know what to do.

But after seeing Celia go out with Nuo Yu, she came back and pulled the brim of the straw hat to block her face, emmmmm, forget it, know what so much.

Xie Ming wisely chose to pretend to be deaf and dumb, and implement the four principles of not asking, not hearing, not knowing.

If it weren’t for the shock-absorbing magic that was applied to the wheels without damage, and Xiao Hei’s scent of Warcraft, Celia might still experience the two “good” experiences of “motion sickness” and “mosquitoes”.

For others, there was no major problem. But when they saw Huttonmar’s door, Nou and Minette breathed a sigh of relief.

Celia was even more tearful, and she couldn’t help but sigh.

“Finally…. finally here…”

Yes, Huttonmar, finally arrived.

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