Chapter 1369 Rectification

The first thing most people do when they come to Huttonmar is to wash.

Except for those who have become sloppy and habitual, no one feels greasy and dirty and feels okay. What’s more, they are the girls who pay much attention to their appearance.

Minette is a little better, because of her career, she can bear it. But Nuoyu has reached the limit, and he can’t wait to rush in and take care of it.

Come to think of it, unlike Celia and Minette, she still has a comfortable time in the caravan. First, he dug the cave for one night and one morning, and then he just sorted out and chased the caravan without stopping.

After chasing all the way, only keeping the most basic rest time, but also breaking through waves of monsters rushed out of Gran Forest.

Fortunately, it didn’t rain during this period, otherwise the uncomfortable level would increase several times when the humidity came.

Even Xie Ming wanted to take a shower to clean up a bit, not to mention the other three girls.

As the commercial capital of Huttonmar, there is no shortage of bathhouses for bathing. There are several bathhouses near the gate. And every one has a free service to help take care of the carriage.

But of course, the cost of going in and taking a bath is a bit more expensive, but it’s not that you can’t even bear the money. After all, these bathhouses were all set up specifically for adventurers who returned from the adventure.

First put the three of Celia down, and then put down the carriage under the guidance of the staff, led the three horses into the stable, reminded Xiao Hei to let him look at the little gray and little brown, and don’t make trouble. Later, he also went into the bathhouse to rinse.

I have to say that since he entered the main god space, it seems that he hasn’t entered such a crowded public bathhouse for a long time. Last time, it seemed that I was in the university dormitory bathhouse when I didn’t enter the main god space.

Because there is a waterproof space bag, the changed clothes and equipment can be directly stuffed into the space bag, and then the lanyard on the space bag is tied to the waist or hung in the injured space.

The bathhouse is very similar to the Japanese-style bathhouse. After washing yourself outside, you can enter the pool to take a bath. Each pond also has a different effect.

Recovering from fatigue, with a trace mass effect, which can help restore the magic power…..

Finally, there is an area dedicated to washing clothes and equipment. The cleaning props have been placed next to the independent small pool, and the adventurers are very consciously queuing up and using them in turn.

The sewage after the cleaning of these independent pools is merged together through the waterways and then enters the Huttonmar underground drainage system. What will happen next, Xie Ming is not sure.

He only slightly probed the structure of the bathhouse with his mental power. Of course, the mental power was not spread to the women’s bathhouse.

No matter which plane or world it is, there is no shortage of GHS and LSP. Someone even said such a famous saying, if everyone likes GHS, maybe the world will be more peaceful.

In fact, in the comment area of ​​a certain pink app, there are really few comments that curious or irritable brothers appear. In a sense, maybe it’s true.

Naturally, things like peeping into women’s bathhouses have also appeared. Therefore, between the male bathhouse and the female bathhouse, there is a high-level magic circle that detects energy fluctuations. And this magic circle was personally arranged by Shalan, the president of the Magic Association.

Whether it is a machine created by a mechanic or a small magic researched by a magician, it will be detected by this magic circle. Once detected, the magic circle will mark these LSPs.

As for the result of waiting for these LSPs, well, it won’t be any better anyway.

After the intensity of the consciousness projection increased again, the mental power Xie Ming was able to display was improved both in quality and quantity. Sharan herself is here, and maybe she can’t feel his mental scan, let alone the magic circle arranged by Sharan.

But this does not mean that Xie Ming would do that kind of thing. If he is really an LSP, there are really as many opportunities to come along this way. And even if you are wearing clothes, mental scans can be directly fluoroscopy.

Why do you have to pick it when you are in the bathhouse?

So if you are strong, the most important thing is to maintain your own mentality. The stronger the person, the more you must know how to control yourself. At this point, Xie Ming thinks that he is still doing a very good job.

After washing the base clothes and leather clothes, Xie Ming left the bathhouse and went to the stable to wash the three horses. When arranging them, he also specifically asked the staff who manage the stables.

As long as you provide food, you can just give the cleaning items to yourself when you come back.

Xiao Hui and Xiao Zong have good tempers, but Xiao Hei is quite a wild horse. As a magic horse of the Warcraft level, it will not let people move around on it casually.

Unless, you get its approval or give it to the lesson.

After Xie Ming had cleaned all the three horses and washed the outer wall of the carriage again, the three girls also walked out of the bathhouse.

“Sorry, Xie Ming, let you do so many things by yourself. Or you can go back and wash it again. We will wait for you here.”

“Need not.”

Xie Ming rubbed Xiao Hei’s head: “Xiao Hei, they are all pretty good. When I rinsed them, they didn’t shake their hair casually, so my body is quite clean.”

“Very good…”

Nuo Yu looked a little strangely at Xiao Hei who was resigned and submissive. She knew exactly what virtue this guy was in the beginning. Is it possible that he is really a bully and afraid of hardship?

Seeing Nuoyu’s eyes, Xiao Hei rang his nose and turned Byakugan.

Just kidding, such a terrible guy came to clean you up, can you still resist the desperate prank? Are you looking for death? It’s just you, an idiot female monkey, who dares to grumble and get angry at this terrible guy.

“So, what are your plans next?”

Xie Ming looked at the three women, smiled and asked: “Selia and I should go to Socia’s tavern next. The proprietress Socia is a friend of Celia, so after Celia came to Huttonmar, I am definitely going to meet.”

“Minette, you are going to be separated from us.”

“Well, that’s right.”

Minette said calmly: “I have other things to do, so let me separate here. If there are other things, I will come to you.”

“OK, do you need a horse then? If you need it, choose one from the little gray and the little brown. Anyway, there is little black, and the carriage can still move.”

MMP, Laozi is a magic horse, not a horse that pulls a cart.

Hearing Xie Ming’s words, Xiao Hei turned Byakugan again. Of course, it only dared to vent its dissatisfaction slightly.

“Need not.”

Minette shook his head: “My business can be solved in Huttonmar City, and no horses are needed. So, everyone, goodbye.”

Shaking hands with Nuo Yu, gently hugging Celia, and nodding to Xie Ming, Minette gradually disappeared from the eyes of the three of them.

“So, Nuoyu, how about you?”

After watching Minette leave, Xie Ming looked at Nuoyu: “What are you going to do? Do you continue to be with us, or do you have your own things to do?”

“I really want to stay with Celia. After all, the master was teleported away by you and disappeared, so I can only continue to travel the mainland by myself. And let Celia be with you, some things may be difficult for this child. Speak. It’s just…”

“That’s it. As long as you don’t drink, then I have no objection.”

“It’s forbidden to mention that after all! It was just an accident!!!”

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