Chapter 1370 Moonlight Pub

If you ask the adventurers in Huttonmar, where they want to go most at night. Socia’s Moonlight Tavern can definitely be ranked among the top five. To summarize the reasons, there should be three main points.

The first point: Socia Elmin, the elf boss, has a sweet voice, and in her free time, this gentle boss will listen to your story gently, so that you can feel the feeling of companionship.

For adventurers who experience life and death adventures, what they need is such a beautiful listener. Because this can not only satisfy their vanity, but also reduce the sense of loneliness that adventurers feel at night.

The second point: The wine in the Moonlight Pub is very special and seems to have a touch of magic. Have a few cups when you are physically and mentally exhausted, and then enjoy a good night’s sleep. When you get up, you will find that the fatigue you felt yesterday is like a fake.

The third point: Moonlight Tavern is very free. Usually pubs are for customers who never like to drink and make trouble. No, it should be said that 99% of the service industry will not like customers who are crazy about drinking.

But the Moonlight Pub is different, making trouble? Whatever you make trouble. Fight duel? If you are free, Socia, the boss’s wife, will still stand on the sidelines and watch the battle with a calm and seductive smile, and will even become the referee of your duel.

Of course, after you wake up, you will be pleasantly surprised to find that there will be several compensation expenses on your bill. The amount of damage will be compensated, and there will be no intentional price increase to cheat others.

After all, Socia has opened a tavern in Huttonmar for many years, and her reputation has been established. In addition, Socia’s own strength is very good, and there are many powerful old customers, so no one will come over and make trouble on purpose.

Or it should be said that few people who came to make trouble deliberately ended up well.

Freedom within order is real freedom. In this regard, the Moonlight Tavern is very well controlled.

The last point is equality.

Yes, equality. Moonlight Pub welcomes any guests. No matter if you are a murderer, a thief, a profiteer, a robber, a wanted criminal, a beggar… As long as you don’t make trouble, as long as you have money, then there is a glass of wine for you in the Moonlight Pub.

There is no prejudice here, there is no difference, as long as you come here and sit on the wooden chairs in the tavern, then everyone’s identity is the same. Yes, guests who came to the Moonlight Tavern to relax temporarily.

In addition to these four points, the tavern naturally has many places that attract adventurers. For example, although the interior of the hotel is somewhat old but very charming, the customers include many famous beauties in Huttonmar. The food is particularly delicious, the price is affordable and so on.

The combination of various praises has created the reputation of Moonlight Tavern in Hutton Marli. After all, unlike the noise at night, the Moonlight Tavern in the daytime, on the contrary, gives people a tranquility that is detached from the city.

At this time, Socia would often hold a goblet, shake the red wine in the glass, and taste it slowly. There was a little trance and melancholy in the seductive fox eyes.

As the last elf of Arad continent, she probably only knows the sufferings she has experienced along the way. She has been listening to the stories of adventurers, but no one listens to her stories and pain.

She likes to listen to the stories of adventurers, and feel the reason for their ups and downs. Perhaps, she is looking for the same kind and seeking resonance.

However, her melancholy today was not because of sentimentality, but because she had learned something that bothered and sighed. The Revolutionary Army suffered heavy losses in its attack on the Perus Chamber of Commerce five days ago.

The members didn’t have too many casualties, or the backbone was almost hit by a devastating blow, but it was still fine. But the top power was hit hard.

The leader of the dragon, Root, broke the horn, and his internal organs were also severely damaged. And after suffering this kind of injury, he also forcibly fought. After returning to the stronghold, even if the Paladins cooperated with the alchemy potion treatment, they could not move at will for half a year.

This is also thanks to the strong body of his dragon clan.

Ludmila also temporarily lost the ability to fight because of overdraft, and needs to rest for about a month.

In the end, Ryshalyn was in the best situation among the three, but because she lost the weapon she had in hand, her combat power was greatly reduced. It can be said that the revolutionary army is now facing an unprecedented crisis.

The reason for everything happened was a misunderstanding. Had it not been for the cat demon who had helped Rasalyn, I am afraid the revolutionary army would have existed in name only.

Fortunately in the misfortune, the revolutionary army did not lose the holy voice. Although the cost of repairs might hollow out the revolutionary army’s old ground, it is better than losing.

Why would Socia know this? The reason is of course that she is also a member of the revolutionary army. Has been hiding his identity, staying in Huttonmar to find suitable members for the revolutionary army.

The reason why adventurers are allowed to fight in the tavern, and are willing to appreciate the duels of the strong, and willing to meet those powerful warriors, is to find the strong who also want to resist the empire.

At the beginning, under the leadership of Borken, Ryshalyn came to the back door of the Moonlight Tavern.

As for Socia’s reason for joining the Revolutionary Army, it was naturally an enmity with the empire. As the last elf, Socia has been searching for the reason why his fellow clan disappeared. On the way to search, what was encountered was an attack by the empire.

It can be said that 80% of her hard work was caused by the empire.

Both she and Root are long-lived species and can stand the wait. As long as you slowly accumulate your strength and accumulate little to make more, one day you will be able to defeat the empire. However, this war can really be described in one sentence.

After several decades of hard work, I returned to the pre-liberation overnight.

How can this make her not upset, how not to worry, how not to have a headache?


With a light sigh, Socia took a sip of the red wine in the glass again, thinking about who the young strong man named Xie Ming was. Why has she been in Huttonmar for so many years, yet she has never heard of his information.

At this moment, the door of the tavern was gently pushed open, and a soft and clear cry awakened Socia from her thoughts.

“Sister Socia, long time no see~”

“This voice…Selia!?”

Socia was stunned for a moment, and looked up at the counter. The silver ponytail, the clear red pupil, and the gentle smile are indeed Celia.

“Why, no, how did you come to Huttonmar?”

“Yes, my friends came here, Sister Socia.” Sai Liya gave up half of her position and introduced with a smile: “This is Sister Nuoyu, this is Xie Ming.”

“Xie Ming…”

The pupils shrank slightly, and the pale blue pupils looked at the black-haired young man with a polite smile in front of him. For a time, she once again felt the wonder of fate.

Unexpectedly, the person who was still thinking about it would appear in front of him with Seliya.

This is really…..

The thoughts flowing in the heart did not make Socia any strange. She stretched out her white and slender arms and said with a light smile.

“Hello, Mr. Xie Ming, I am the owner of Moonlight Tavern, Socia Elmin. You can call me Socia.”

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