Chapter 1371 G.S.D

“Hello, Miss Socia, this is Xie Ming.”

Gently squeezed the catkin-like fingers of the beautiful woman in front of her, then consciously let go, Xie Ming smiled politely. The eyes did not flutter everywhere, but calmly stared at her nose.

This made Socia’s impression of the young man in front of him a lot better. Although I don’t know what his nature is, at least in terms of etiquette and self-control, there is no problem.

Having run the tavern for so many years, she is really tired of the various desires in the eyes of men. She also understands how seductive her looks and dress are for men.

The deep V red dress and long skirt made Miaoman’s figure appear vivid and vivid, and the plumpness on the chest did not know how many men’s eyes were attracted intentionally or unintentionally.

Doesn’t Socia know that she is taking advantage of other men by dressing like this? of course I know. She understands very well that few men can resist the desire brought by this temptation.

But this is her kind of assessment. People can have desires, but they cannot be without self-control. Without self-control, Socia will never let him enter the revolutionary army.

Of course, Socia only wears this way when she has ensured her safety. If she goes outside to take risks, she must be more tightly covered than anyone else.

In fact, when she learned from Celia that the young man in front of her was Xie Ming, who had defeated the top combat power of the revolutionary army by herself, she had already planned to go back to the house and change her clothes and be more vigilant.

Fortunately, Xie Ming’s performance was not as unbearable as those men. This made Socia a little relieved.

“But I’ll look for a chance to go back to the house and change clothes later.”

Thinking about it in her heart, Socia shifted her gaze to Nuo Yu who was next to her, and smiled again and stretched out her hand: “Hello, Miss Nuo Yu.”

“Hello, Miss Socia.”

In the case of women, there is not so much understanding and consideration that needs to be paid attention to. The two shook hands, smiling, and after a few business exchanges, they released their hands.

Seeing that Nuoyu and Socia had finished their greetings, Xie Ming took the lead and said.

“Then Celia, I’ll go to the backstreet to find G.S.D. Wait till night, I can come here to find you again, right?”


Celia said softly: “Xie Ming, don’t worry, I will have nothing to do with Sister Socia. When you come back tonight, you can have warm meals right away.”

“I look forward to it.”

Xie Ming smiled, and then looked at Socia: “Then my gentleman will not disturb the conversations of the ladies in the boudoir, and consciously exits first. Please forgive me for my impoliteness, Miss Socia.”

“how come?”

Socia covered her mouth and chuckled, “I also want to thank Mr. Ming for taking care of Celia. In the evening, let’s have a good chat together.”

“my honor.”


Although it’s only the second time to come to Huttonmar, Xie Ming is quite familiar with how to get to the old city. Go wherever it is deserted or go where it is rundown, and you will naturally arrive in the old city.

And the last time he came, he also started with the map of Huttonmar from Kanina. So finding the ghost sword dojo of G.S.D is not difficult.

After all, G.S.D is a famous ghost swordsman in the entire Huttonmar, no, in the entire Arad continent. How powerful this blind old man is, is still an unsolved mystery.

As a player whose main character in DNF was the Emperor of Heaven before crossing, Xie Ming was so familiar with Ashura as a profession that he could no longer be familiar with it.

Even his most commonly used sword skill now: the sword-qi attack of drawing a sword in the instantaneous air, was developed by thinking of the skill of Xieguang Slash.

The reason why Xie Ming has a deep memory of G.S.D and tracing the reason should be in a task in the game. That task requires the player and G.S.D to break through the levels in the Sky City together.

At that time, Xie Ming was only a fifth-grade student, and his role was not Ashura, but Soul of Sword. The reason was that the weapon of lightsaber was too cool and attracted him too much.

But when G.S.D and his character cleared the Sky City together, he was completely attracted by Ashura’s skills.

The map that dimmed in an instant, like a super saiyan burst into the surrounding aura, the thorn wheel produced when it was picked up, the spikes that pulled the monster closer came out from the ground, and stretched out from behind. Moving light wings, spears spurting out.

And in the end, the countless eyes that filled the screen seemed to break the whole picture to the end. When Xie Ming saw this bald old man with rags tied his eyes and holding a scimitar-like dagger, his eyes were completely different.

It is not uncommon for players to choose the same profession as that NPC because they love an NPC. That was the case with Xie Ming at that time. Resolutely recreated a ghost swordsman role, and chose Ashura when he changed his job.

The upgrade at that time was not as simple as the level 90 version. Therefore, when Ashura was awakened into a dark sky through all the hardships, when the awakening technique was turned on, and the dark eyes were fluctuating, Xie Ming’s mood of worship is still unforgettable.

Even with the development of the times, more and more cool, 3D action masterpieces appear, the DNF game has become cooler and colder due to various operations, and more and more people are retreating. But its status in 2D games is still hard to shake.

The players who are still staying in the Arad continent still persisted. I’m afraid, it was because of the touch that this game brought to me.

Unconsciously, Xie Ming stopped in his thoughts. He raised his head, looked at the somewhat dilapidated dojo in front of him, and gently shook Apophis at his waist. Then he raised his foot and stepped onto the wooden stairs.

“Crunch, crunch.”

Stepping on the decaying stairs does not feel good. But Xie Ming didn’t care about this. He calmly and slowly walked up the stairs, pushed open the wooden door hidden in the dojo, and looked into the somewhat dim room.

There was only one person inside, a familiar but unfamiliar old man. Some shabby red cloth strips covered the eyes with an “X” shape, and some blackened white cloaks revealed the elbows and big arms of the crimson ghost hand.

Above, faintly gleaming pale gold runes. The whole ghost hand was full of scars that could not be recovered.

With a strange weapon behind him, the old man sat cross-legged deep in the dojo. On the wall in front of him, eight sonorous and powerful characters exuded an incomparable momentum and Haki.

Cut the body with the knife, and the soul with the heart!

Xie Ming, who was already in the realm of a great master, naturally understood the meaning of these eight characters. In his current realm, he can indeed achieve the level of “heart cutting soul”.

But seeing these eight characters again gave him a different perception. This is the old man’s perception of these eight characters. Such a precious plaque is so generously hung on the dojo, allowing anyone to watch and feel it.

Even from the background information of the game, Xie Ming has already understood what kind of person the old man is. But seeing it with my own eyes, and seeing it from the data, is completely different.

This made him, can’t help but sigh, can’t help but admire and say in his heart again.

G.S.D is definitely the most admirable professional mentor and ghost swordsman in the entire Arad continent!

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