Chapter 1372 The Secret Book of Waves: The Original Chapter

Withdrawing his gaze from the plaque, Xie Ming looked at G.S.D who stood up again. In order to show respect, Xie Ming did not use mental power to scan casually. However, he could still perceive the actions of the person in front of him.

“I didn’t expect that there would be a distinguished guest who came here specially to my old man’s little Hadō field.”

“Just kidding, sir.”

Xie Ming chuckled and said, “If the mountain is not high, there is a fairy. If the water is not deep, there is a dragon. Just relying on this eight-character plaque, the sir is enough to make me respect.”

“…It’s just the handwriting of my blind old man, it’s not worthy of your respect.”

G.S.D said with deep meaning, he is blind but not in heart. As a dark sky, perceiving fluctuations is the most basic thing. There are fluctuations in everything in the world. And different things have completely different fluctuations.

Even if it is two different stones from the same rock, even if they are exactly the same in shape and weight, the fluctuations are only similar, not the same.

Naturally, there is only one kind of energy in the human body.

But in the body of the young man in front of him, there are three completely different powerful fluctuations. But these three kinds of fluctuations, but in a certain connection, complement each other, not only can be superimposed, but also can be integrated.

And the long knife hung around his waist, although the energy contained, it exudes a terrifying aura that he has never felt before.

Demon soldier, evil soldier, living soldier, this feeling is like that long sword is a living being. However, this living body is still sleeping.

“More than a month ago, the hot wave that appeared over Huttonmar, was it you?”


Xie Ming didn’t think that he could hide G.S.D, a strong person who is good at perception. If anyone from Arad Continent can awaken from the Great Dark Sky to the Emperor of Heaven, G.S.D must be the one who ranks first.

“Because of something urgent, I had to use my strength to hurry. Presumably, it caused a lot of commotion in Huttonmar, right?”

“It’s more than Huttonmar…”

GSD smiled hoarsely: “I’m afraid that most of the Arad continent, I am afraid that I can feel it. The young people are really good now, the kind of momentum that reverses the world with their own thoughts, I am afraid that it will allow a lot of darkness to hide Things are ready to move.”

“Really, it’s an eventful season.”

“But it’s better than keeping them in the dark forever.” Xie Ming said calmly: “Detonating in advance will cause a lot of disasters. But waiting for them to detonate after they are ready will cause even greater disasters.”

“If it can be stopped in advance, it would be fine. But if there is no news, I would rather choose the former.”

“Hahahaha, yes… disasters must be accompanied by sacrifices, and we can only reduce sacrifices as much as possible to prevent disasters.”

G.S.D sat down cross-legged again and pointed in front of him: “Young man, I don’t know your name yet.”

“Xie Ming, Mr. G.S.D.”

“Xie Ming…. That’s how I call you. You can also directly call me G.S.D, or you can call me the old man directly.” G.S.D said casually.”Strength should not be a measure of whether a person is respected, behavior is. Therefore, Mr. G.S.D deserves my respect.”

“It won’t do any good to praise me as an old man like that.”

G.S.D smiled and shook his head: “So, Xie Ming, what is the purpose of your coming this time?”

“It’s a very simple thing. I want to learn some ghost swordsman’s sword skills from other professions with Mr. G.S.D, to learn by analogy and improve my sword skills.” Xie Ming paused: “And, the power of wave.”

G.S.D is indeed the professional instructor of Ghost Swordsman. His Ghost Swordsmanship level is so high that he may already be under a nausea. But in the final analysis, G.S.D is a great dark sky, and his main attack method is wave power.

This method of transforming ideas into powerful attacks is what G.S.D is good at.

What Xie Ming wants to learn from G.S.D most is the power of fluctuation.

Of course, this does not mean that Xie Ming has to abandon his eyes. The price is too great. But the prerequisite for learning the power of wave is not to abandon your eyes, but to feel your own thoughts, to feel everything in the world through your thoughts.

Is it familiar?

That’s right, Xie Ming’s mental power scan is the most rude way to feel everything with mind. The reason why Ashura has to abandon her eyes is to stimulate her own spirit, make it tighter and more concentrated, so as to feel the fluctuations of all things.

Only by falling into the darkness will it be easier to feel the hidden and ever-changing fluctuations, and then can you grasp the fluctuations you want.

So the so-called fluctuation is actually a relatively crude method of mental training. The power of wave is an extremely good attack method using mental power.

This is what Xie Ming really wants to learn. You know, so far, his use of mental power has been explored by himself. The reason why his mental power scan has not been discovered so far is not because of the superb methods he used.

It is purely because his mental power is high in quality and intensity, while the opponent’s mental power is lower than him.

In the main god space, there are many methods of using mental power, but they all need to be trained before they can be used. Using the skill scroll directly can quickly become a combat power, but he can’t control it well.

Just like the skill scroll that he purchased at the beginning, hell kill, how much work Xie Ming took to completely turn it into his own thing. What’s more, his current fighting style has taken shape, and all methods are basically centered around the core of swordsmanship.

He didn’t think about all the sword skills, and where did he spare time to study other things.

So the best way is to find a sword technique that can use mental power. This can not only absorb knife skills, but also effectively use mental power.

After Yui searched the skill library, one of the most suitable ones was the Ashura branch of ghost swordsmanship used by Ashura in the Arad continent.

At this time, facing such a strong man in the power of fluctuations as G.S.D, Xie Ming did not want to give up this opportunity no matter what.

“I want to learn how to use wave power…”

G.S.D raised his head slightly, and the invisible wave spread to Xie Ming, but was blocked by a faint spiritual wall. It’s not that Xie Ming is wary of G.S.D, but that G.S.D is testing him.

“The power of mind (mental power), you can already use it.” G.S.D said calmly: “Then, I will increase the intensity.”


Xie Ming nodded and said.


A powerful invisible air wave mixed with killing intent, burst out from G.S.D. A weird and wonderful engraving appeared on his head.

Ashura skills: wave marking.

Ashura Skill: Killing Intent Fluctuation.

At this moment, Xie Ming clearly felt how exquisite G.S.D’s skills in using mental power were. If the wall of his mental power is likened to a thick rock with extremely high density, then G.S.D’s wave of killing intent is like a wave of knives.

Every time the waves hit, the murderous knives in it will make countless holes in the rocks. As soon as one wave of waves receded, another wave rushed in immediately, and the force became stronger and stronger, and the knife inside became sharper and sharper.

Just as Xie Ming was surprised at G.S.D’s skills, G.S.D was also surprised at Xie Ming’s thick and amazing quality of mental power.

The skill is very poor, just the accumulation of quantity. However, the qualitative excellence directly makes up for the flaws in skills. Whenever one’s own killing intent fluctuates after cutting a layer, that huge amount immediately fills in the cut stuff.

If it continues, G.S.D will definitely win. After all, he used 1 point of mental power, but Xie Ming had to use 10 points to make up. No matter how high the quality of Xie Ming’s mental power is, he can’t withstand such a consumption.

“It’s just a waste of time…”

Just as G.S.D wanted to withdraw the wave markings of his killing intent wave, the situation changed again.

Because Xie Ming’s mental power is no longer just a simple wall, but a high-density long knife. A long knife that can cut through the waves and cut through all obstacles.

Wherever the spirit goes, everything is cut!

The waves of killing intent fluctuated in front of the blade of the spirit sword, as soft as a piece of tofu. With just a light wave, the waves broke into two halves, allowing Xie Ming to pass unscathed.

Since it was a test, Xie Ming naturally wanted G.S.D to see his abilities. The mental power barrier in front is simply the use of mental power. And the long sword of mental power is the method of using mental power to assist the sword technique.

After seeing Xie Ming’s soul knife, G.S.D nodded lightly, and withdrew the killing intent wave and wave mark. Similarly, the spiritual sword that Xie Ming condensed also dissipated.

“In terms of swordsmanship, perhaps only the legendary sword saint Soderos and the genius swordsman, the divine sword Liang Yue, can make you gain anything.”

“The only thing I can teach you is the power of wave. And wave is to plunge oneself into darkness, blend with darkness, and understand the nature of darkness.”

“Only by truly abandoning the eyes and the light, can we understand what is dark. Can we understand what is blind and not blind, and eyes but not eyes. What is wave is the heart, and the heart is the eye. The sky is dark, and I will never close. The pupil of fluctuations.”

“But after all, you have already walked out of your own way. The way of fluctuation cannot replace your path, and you can’t abandon your eyes. And what you really want to learn is probably not the power of fluctuation, but effective The method of using one’s mental power.”

G.S.D lightly touched his beard: “Well, the power of wave is not only darkness. It’s just that we who have abandoned the light, the most easily penetrated essence is darkness.”

“Since you have successfully stepped into the threshold of learning volatility under the condition of sound six senses, then you are qualified to learn the power of volatility. I also want to see what the nature of volatility you can penetrate. Apart from darkness, does volatility have other path of.”

With that said, G.S.D took out a book from the space bag, put it on the ground and gently pushed it in front of Xie Ming. Some shabby book covers have nine characters written on them.

The Secret Book of Waves · The Original Chapter.

“The most troublesome aspect of Ashura’s inheritance is blindness. Every Ashura who is new to the wave of waves, although he can feel the power of waves, can’t read books. So he can only come through his mentor and his own insights. Groping forward.”

“And groping in the dark is the most critical process in Ashura’s growth. This book is of no use to me, so I will leave it to you. If there is anything I don’t understand when I go back, or if I want to practice my hands, old man, me. The little Hadō field is always welcome.””It’s just that you have to relax a little bit.”


Xie Ming didn’t pick up the secret book immediately, but leaned over slightly and said softly: “G.S.D mentor, if you need any help in the future, please feel free to give me orders. I will do my best.”

“Tutor…? Hahahaha, then, just show it to me, what kind of fluctuations will you see?”

After G.S.D smiled and waved his hand, after turning around, he lowered his head and fell into silence. Obviously, I continue to feel the fluctuations.

Upon seeing this, Xie Ming said no more. He knew that the old man in front of Byakugan didn’t like polite words, and since he said it, he would definitely do it. The way to repay him is to let him see the possibility and diversity of fluctuations.

To help him in this way, he can reach a higher level.


“The original chapter…”

Xie Ming had never heard of this secret book on fluctuations. He knows the Secret Book of Waves, which records the ways to perceive various waves and the methods to incorporate those waves into attacks.

The chapter of the earth, the chapter of ice, the chapter of flame, the chapter of darkness, the chapter of thunder and lightning. These are the secret books of fluctuations in Xie Ming’s memory. These volatility secret books can be seen from their names, and they correspond to the volatility of something.

But what is the original chapter? The initial fluctuation? What is the initial fluctuation?

“Just look at it and you’ll find out.”

Emptying the mixed thoughts in his mind and returning to Shisui’s state of mind, Xie Ming calmly opened the book in front of him. Afterwards, his body shook slightly.

This…. This is really, too precious. G.S.D, actually gave this book to himself…

He raised his head suddenly, trying to say something. But looking at G.S.D’s calm face, he swallowed the words that came to his throat again. Since it is the gift of the elders, then I accept it.

Then at some point in the future, Yongquan will report it.

A few minutes later, G.S.D raised his head slightly, feeling that the youth in front of him had already devoted himself to the book, and smiled slightly.

Being so young and possessing such strength, thinking about the undercurrent surging in the Arad continent now, G.S.D naturally understands that the world is no longer peaceful. And the young man in front of him may be the one who should have been robbed.

Otherwise, even if G.S.D would teach for free, even if G.S.D was more rewarding Xie Ming, he would not take out the original chapters that had been lost in the Volatility Secret Book.

Everything in the world fluctuates. The Volatility Secret Book is to help Ashuras better understand the fluctuations. The same is true for the original chapter. What it helps people realize is indeed the initial fluctuations.

But what was the initial fluctuation?

This can vary from person to person.

“In your world, the initial volatility, what is the best volatility for you?”

If Xie Ming opened his eyes at this time, he might be able to see that gorgeous waves of waves looming behind G.S.D.

Blood red, the wings of waves.

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