Chapter 137 Life and death speed, 100 violent combos

“Boom~” Shinigami with four eyes, holding a sickle surrounded by black mist, rang the unknown ancient bell. The deafening noise and the sound waves that seemed to blow people up reverberated through the corridor where the starry sky appeared on this wall. The wind pressure blew Xie Ming’s blood-red robe, whirring behind him.

Seeing this change, Yui was taken aback. He immediately tried to run out, but was stopped by Asuna.

“No, Yui. It’s dangerous there.” Asuna said gently while holding Yui.

Yui struggled and said to Asuna, “Mom, Dad is dangerous! I’m going to save him!”

“Yeah, I know.” Asuna touched Yui’s hair, her pupils were worried, and more trusting: “But you have to trust Dad. Because Dad, he is the hero of our mother, and it is also our SAO. The hope of all players in the game.” Looking behind Xie Ming, he said slowly.

Yui turned her head and looked at Xie Ming. Compared with the huge and terrifying BOSS, how thin and weak. But they all know how unyielding and firm the will in that body is, and what is rolling in that body is an extremely powerful force that can cut through the darkness.

“Dad! Can’t let that bell strike the third time!” Yui shouted hoarsely toward Xie Ming.

Xie Ming didn’t look back, but gave Yui a thumbs up backwards, indicating that he was wrapped around him. Then open the game menu and put away the shields and weapons. Then the hands that were originally wearing fingerless gloves, with a burst of blue light, switched to the hideous hand armor.

“Spartan’s Fury, burn it!” The world seemed to have turned black and white, following Xie Ming’s roar. The blood-colored robe seemed to be burning with flames, and Xie Ming at this time was the ghost and god born in the flame. The mysterious purple magic pupil was rendered by the raging flames, and both pupils seemed to ignite a reddish purple fire.

The earth was torn apart, leaving a huge pothole. The figure that was there was no longer seen, and turned into a meteor that ascended into the sky, and came to the middle of the BOSS’s four evil eyes. The four irregularly turned eyes suddenly focused, staring at Xie Ming, looking strange and terrifying.

“Go to hell!” The comet-like punch hit the skull fiercely, knocking down the BOSS from the air and splashing dust on the ground. Following the reaction force, Xie Ming turned over and stepped on the ceiling, stamped his feet fiercely, turning into a meteor and chasing the monster.

“Boom~” At this time, the big bell rang again, this was the second sound. According to Yui’s statement, it must not be allowed to ring a third time. Then there is only one solution, to beat the skull to death before the third sound.

“Boom!” With the explosion of the mountain and the ground cracking, the battle to change the terrain was going on in this starry sky corridor at this time. This is a slaughter, a slaughter initiated by the player against the monster.

“Eula Eula Eula Eula Eula Eula Eula Oula Eula Oula!!!” Both arms have turned into phantoms, and two pairs of arms have grown behind them. Xie Ming roared and beat the skeleton violently.

“…..Which side… is the monster…” This was Xinka who had been watching by the side, his eyes were full of horror. Although I have long heard of the prestige of the ghost of vengeance. But it’s never more shocking than witnessing it in person.

“Hurry up, hurry up! Every hit must be swift and strong, and the enemy you must hit with every hit cannot resist! Every hit must control your emotions and turn your anger into your own strength! it!!!”

The speed of both hands accelerated again, every boxing was like the impact of a meteorite, and every punch was as fast as a meteor.

“Boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom!!!” Human eyes can no longer see the speed of Xie Ming’s punching, and he can’t hear clearly how many muffled sounds have been made with his ears. The only thing that can be felt is the monstrous fierce flames and cracked rocks. And, anyone can feel the roar of incomparable power.

The hand armor had disappeared into blue fragments unknowingly, which also showed that Xie Ming was attacking the BOSS with his bare hands. The thick calluses on the knuckles of the fist skull couldn’t withstand such frequent attacks, cracking and oozing blood. But Xie Ming didn’t care. He had only enemies in his eyes, and only one thought in his mind, which exploded him!

The surrounding space is a bit unstable, and small fragments fell one after another, from which you can see the black surface and the flowing data stream. The BOSS originally had three blood cells. After only 5 seconds, only half of the last blood was left. And it is still sliding down at a speed visible to the naked eye.

There are 2 seconds left before the end of Spartan’s Fury.

But enough!

“Smash it!!” With these words, the last punch pierced through the skull of the BOSS, hitting the ground straight.

“Boom!!!” Even Asuna and others in the safe area felt the violent shaking, one can imagine how strong this punch is.

As the skull shattered, the huge body of the BOSS distorted, turning into blue fragments and dissipating. And the ancient bronze bell suspended in the air also dispersed with the wind. The splashed dust slowly fell to the ground, revealing the figure in it.

The red robe is still scarlet and gorgeous, and the figure is still standing upright. It’s just that the deep fatigue in the dark pupils cannot be covered. Looking at Yui and Asuna in the safe area, he grinned and gave them a thumbs up.


“Edmond!” The two women ran out, threw on Xie Ming’s body, and directly threw him to the ground.

“Take it lightly, I don’t have the strength to hug you now.” Xie Ming fell to the ground in large print, looking at his wife and daughter in his arms, and said with a wry smile.

“Really, I can only do it all day long!” Asuna grinned, biting her silver teeth and gently pinching Xie Ming’s face.

Yui rubbed Xie Ming’s chest, showing an angelic smile: “Dad is amazing!”

When Xie Ming heard these words, he couldn’t help but laughed, propped up and hugged Yui and smiled: “With Yui’s words, Dad has regained his strength!”

Asuna said worriedly, “It’s okay, do you want to take a break?”

Xie Ming kissed Asuna’s forehead and said, “It’s okay, your man is not that hypocritical.”

Xinka and Yuliyere also walked over and couldn’t help but smile at each other as they looked at the harmony of the family of three. Then Sinka opened his mouth and said, “I really appreciate His Excellency Edmond for helping me.”

Youliere also said: “Really… Thank you very much!” The two bowed to Xie Ming.

Xie Ming looked at the two and smiled: “Okay, let’s talk about it when you have something to do. You two will use the transfer crystal to go back first, and I will go back to the church to find you after I have a rest.”

“Well, according to Your Excellency Edmund’s words, let’s go back first.” Xinka nodded, then looked at Yuriye and used the transfer crystal to return to the town of origin.

“So…” Xie Ming turned his head to look at the dark place behind him, and said indifferently: “The clown who followed us all the way, you should come out too.”

“Edmond, what are you talking about?” Asuna asked strangely.

Xie Ming touched Asuna’s hair, “Asuna, you really want to upgrade your search skills.” Then he continued to shout, “Do you want me to invite you out? Klatil?”

“Kladier!” Asuna looked shocked and looked over there.

A figure wearing a standard blood cute knights slowly walked out, the characteristic facial features with prominent cheekbones, who else?

It was Klatil.

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