Chapter 138 You, Have You Ever Experienced Despair?

“Pap, pap, pap, pap.” Kladier clapped as he walked out of the shadows. With a cruel and evil smile on his face, he looked at the three people in front of him. No, to be precise, he was staring at Xie Ming.

“It is indeed your Excellency Edmond, who defeated that monster alone, but you must be exhausted now.”

Xie Ming looked at Klatil coldly and mocked: “Even if I run out of strength, it takes only two seconds to kill a character like you. Besides, even if I don’t make a move, you think Asuna will watch. Are you fierce?”

Asuna’s eyes were also very serious, and she said coldly: “Kradier, I order you to return to the headquarters of the Blood Cute Knights now. I will truthfully report to the leader of your series of actions.”

“Hahahahahaha~!!!” Kradier burst into laughter when he heard this, “Master Asuna, do you think you are still the former deputy commander? You have retired from the Blood Cute Knights, in my eyes You are nothing here anymore. No, that’s not right. After all, Asuna-sama, I still covet your beauty.” That evil gaze made Asuna see her feet from the head.

Asuna was terrified by this sight, and hid behind Xie Ming, her eyes grew colder. When Xie Ming heard this, his eyes had returned to calmness, and when he looked at Kradier, he was already looking at a dead person.

“So, is this your message before you die?”

Cladier looked at Xie Ming jokingly: “Master Edmond, Master Edmond! How did you destroy our smiling coffin? Haven’t you smelled the fragrance in the air? ”

At this moment, Asuna felt soft and slowly sat on the ground, unable to move. Looking at the top of his own blood cell, he was in a paralyzed negative state. Yui hugged Asuna and looked at Klatil with a sad expression.

“Are you talking about the paralytic toxins you released in the air?” Xie Ming said calmly.

“That’s right!” Kladier opened his arms and was very proud: “This is the toxin-making skill that I have spent a lot of energy learning in Smiling Coffin. Now you are nothing but waste for me to kill!”

“Oh ~ awesome.” At this time, Xie Ming’s voice suddenly appeared behind Klatil.

“Ah!!!” Kradier was scared and jumped up on the spot, sat on the ground, crawled back on all fours, and looked at Xie Ming in fear: “You! How could you still be able to move? !?”

Xie Ming looked at Klatil, like a clown: “Why do you think I know you are behind me and still not solve your hidden danger? What do you think I use to eliminate the smiling coffin? Do you think you want Who was it that killed?”

“Don’t come here! Monster! Don’t come here!!!”

Xie Ming gently drew the Avengers from his waist and walked towards Klatil step by step, “To tell you the truth, I can ignore most of the toxins, including this inferior paralytic poison. The reason why you leave it alone, It’s my kindness, and I want to give you a chance. I didn’t expect you to not cherish your life.”

“Monster! Monster!! You monster!!!”

“Do you know what is the most terrifying thing in this world? It is after giving you a glimmer of hope, and then severely squeezing you into a deeper despair. Have you ever experienced despair?”

Seeing the snot, tears, mouth, and sweat all mixed together, Klatil was already speechless, Xie Ming felt a little bored, lightly waved the knife, and then put it in the scabbard. Turn around and walk towards Asuna and Yui.

“You… Murderer!”

Kradier behind him said this with all his strength, then his head and neck slowly tilted, his blood volume was emptied, and then his whole body turned into blue fragments and disappeared.

“You don’t need to tell me that I know.” Without looking back, Xie Ming walked over to pick up the paralyzed Asuna and walked into the safe area. Yui obediently followed behind.

Slowly leaning on the cuboid stone tablet, Asuna lay on her lap. Xie Ming looked at the silent Yui and said, “Yui, I think you have a lot to say to your parents.”

“Yuiyi, do you remember everything? What happened so far…” Asuna asked worriedly while looking at Yui.

“Yeah.” Yui nodded lightly, then looked at Xie Ming and Asuna complicatedly: “Mr. Edmond, Miss Asuna.”

“… Yui.” Asuna was surprised, and then wanted to say something, but was stopped by Xie Ming.

“Now let’s finish listening to Yui’s words.” Xie Ming tapped Asuna’s head lightly, and then said to Yui: “Yui, come and sit here.”

Yui slowly shook her head, looked at Xie Ming who looked at her tenderly, bit her lip, and then said: “In the world of SwordArtOnline, it is controlled by a huge system. The name of this system is ‘Cardinal’.”

“This system is designed without manual maintenance. You can adjust the balance of SAO by your own judgment. The appearance rate of monsters and NPC AI, props and currency are all operated by the program group controlled by Caridinal. . Even the players’…psychotherapy is…”

“Mentalhealthcounseling program (mental health counseling program) trial number one, codenamed Yui. This is me…” Yui raised her head and smiled bitterly.

“…” Asuna was silent, her expression unacceptable. “Program…. So is Yui an AI?”

Yui lowered her head, not daring to look at the faces of the two of them, and continued: “In order not to cause discomfort to the players, I was given the ability to imitate emotions… all are fake, all are, Including these tears.” Yui lowered her head, tears kept running down her face. “I’m sorry, Miss Asuna.”

“Yui…” Asuna stretched out her hand, trying to touch Yui, but her body couldn’t move. “So, how did you lose your memory? Does this happen to AI?”

“On the day the server was officially opened two years ago. For some reason, Cardinal banned all contact between me and the players. In desperation, I could only monitor the mental state of the players all the time.” Yui looked sad. , “The state…. It can be said to be terrible.”

“Terror, despair, anger, people are dominated by these negative emotions, and sometimes crazy people appear. I should have rushed to the players right away… But I was forbidden from contacting humans, and I gradually stored it. It crashed because of a program error…”

“Until one day, I detected an individual different from all players.” Yui raised his head and looked at Xie Ming, “That’s Mr. Edmond.”

“Mr. Edmond is like the glimmer of light in the dark, which brings hope to all players. After knowing the name Edmond Dantes, I also downloaded the book “Count of Monte Cristo” I read it. I also understood the meaning of Mr. Edmond’s name.”

“Even if it is a killing player, the mood will be negatively affected after killing. But Mr. Edmond is different. He has always maintained himself and has always brought a lot of hope to the players. Affected by him, there are Many players have cheered up and are no longer dominated by negative emotions.”

“But Mr. Edmond’s heart has also been restless, as if there is no sense of belonging. But Miss Asuna, you appear. When you two are together, that very dazzling feeling appears. Joy, peace, not only Only so…”

“Because of this, I want to get as close to you as possible, so I have been wandering in that area. Until Mr. Edmond found me…” “It’s okay, trust me.” A trace of anger appeared in Xie Ming’s heart. Do you still want to entangle Asuna? Kayaba Akihiko!

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