Chapter 1378


These two words have made the meaning of Xie Ming very clear. Xie Ming let them go, not because he was soft-hearted, but because Seamus was kind to him. This kindness was enough to let him let go of those who he had regarded as enemies.

And now that the kindness has been used up, if the revolutionary army really shot him again, then Xie Ming would definitely kill them all without hesitation.

Especially once he screamed, saying that she would hurt her companion next to him.

If at this moment she wants to speak quickly again, Xie Ming can guarantee that she will never leave the Moonlight Hotel today.


Hearing Xie Ming’s questioning, Socia and Skadi had no reaction. One was more knowledgeable, and the other was the queen of Chengfu Shen. But the other two are not so complacent.

Ludmila’s indifferent expression became even colder, while Ryshalyn opened her mouth to say something, and finally gave up speechlessly.

As for Celia and Nuoyu, it is hard to say anything.

If Xie Ming’s target was changed to Socia, then Celia would definitely do her best to reconcile the two. However, although Socia is a revolutionary army, it has nothing to do with this matter.

As for Resalin and Ludmila, the two people who once wanted to kill Xie Ming, wouldn’t it be too sad if Celia spoke for them? Kelia also knew that everything was a misunderstanding.

She was kind by nature, and she didn’t want to see two girls who were not bad in nature and died because of a misunderstanding. Therefore, she can only measure the degree of it by herself, and grasp the scale of her own words.

Position, she must stand on Xie Ming’s side. How to stand in Xie Ming’s position and help Xie Ming speak while reconciling this conflict is something she needs to consider when she speaks.

As for Nuo Yu, she said that this melon is really fragrant.

She didn’t care about her business, of course she had to stand by and eat melons. Of course, she is also a companion who is adventurous with Xie Ming and Celia now, and she must stand on Xie Ming’s side.

If there is a big contradiction, it is natural to draw a sword or speak. But now, let’s eat melon and watch the show. At the same time, I can also take this opportunity to see a little bit of Xie Ming’s details.

“Mr. Xie Ming, I think the word’enemy’ is a bit too much.” Skadi chuckled lightly, and stretched out his hand to sign for the seat next to Celia, opposite to him.

“If you have something, let’s sit down and talk about it. After all, everyone is sitting, but Mr. Xie Ming, you are standing alone. Something is not suitable, isn’t it?”

“I’m really sorry, Ms. Scadi.”

Of course, Xie Ming didn’t mean to be obedient. Now, in a sense, it is negotiating. Negotiations require initiative. What’s more, it’s a situation where the other party is at a loss and he has the advantage.

Just sit down so obediently, the initiative will be transferred to Scadi’s side.

“I don’t have the habit of sitting down for dinner with the enemy and talking and laughing. As for whether the word “enemy” is too much, I believe the two people over there know better than me.”

Xie Ming smiled coldly: “When the swords are facing each other, I think about the person who put the other side to death. If you don’t use the word enemy to define it, I really don’t know what word to use. Please also Ms. Scadi, forgive me for learning. Sparse.”


Skadi’s head started to hurt a bit, but he understood in his heart that the reason why the other party can still talk to him like this now has given enough face.

In this world, after all, the strong are respected. As a strong man who can individually turn up and down the horn of the holy man, he is willing to talk to two enemies in this way, and it is very difficult for him to talk to himself, the enemy’s lobbyist.

It is not that Xie Ming is so superficial that he has no city mansion, but that he uses his own way to rule his body.

Because the original revolutionary army, the original Ludmila and Rudd also really treated him that way. After listening to what happened, how could Skadi fail to judge this.

Want to say Xie Ming is stingy? Skadi couldn’t say it.

Put yourself in the situation and think about it. One is the enemy who threatens you to kill you and your friend, and the other is the enemy who wants to blow your head without saying a word. The enemy’s organization is still an organization that wants to use force to overwhelm others.

The process of directly missing the trivial matter, what about sublimation?

What would you do if it was you?

They were restrained and stingy if they didn’t slap them to death.

Skadi can guarantee that if any of the four of her, Risalyn, Ludmila, and Socia dared to say “stingly”, he would definitely not be kind tonight. Although it is not easy to do it, there is definitely no room for relaxation in the future.

Who can guarantee that the Sage’s Ming will not provoke Xie Ming in the next time? What should I do then? Annihilation of the Revolutionary Army? Because of a misunderstanding?

If it really becomes like that, Scadi feels that he might be suffering from heart disease. What kind of disease? Angina hurts.

As for placing hopes on Celia and Nuoyu? Queen Scadi thought about it too. After all, the two are Xie Ming’s adventure partners, and their position in Xie Ming’s heart is definitely more important than them.

But the premise of this is that one of the two is the kind of talented person who has no head or city government. But in the period before Xie Ming’s arrival, Skadi had already understood that neither of them was the kind of fool.

Celia is smart and gentle, and Nuo Yu is a famous royal swordsman for Xuzu. How can they not know the differences between relatives and stances?

There is no other way but to speak again to find a way to open the deadlock.

At least, let the young strong man in front of him sit down. Only by sitting down does it prove that the other party has the willingness to negotiate. If you don’t even want to sit, it means that the other party is not willing to negotiate a settlement at all.

It was precisely in order to avoid such a situation that he ran out specially.

However, what the other party said is very clear, and he is not used to eating at the same table with the enemy. And the enemies here must be Reshalin and Ludmila. If you want Xie Ming to sit down, the only way is…

In an instant, Queen Skadi had difficulty speaking. After all, although he and these two people are subordinates, the subordinate relationship is not compulsory, not to mention that Ludmila has paid too much for the revolutionary army.

Just as Celia and Nuoyu didn’t want to chill Xie Ming’s heart, Scadi also didn’t want to chill Ludmila’s heart.

However, it was not only Scadi who heard what Xie Ming said. None of the people here are Tie Hanhan, not to mention that Ludmila and Ryshalyn were mentally prepared before they came over.

All adults have to pay for their actions. And this is just a slight damage to his face, it is nothing at all.

The two looked at each other and stood up at the same time, standing on the left and right sides behind Skadi, acting as her bodyguards.

“Risalyn… Ludmila…”

Skadi sighed in his heart, then looked at Xie Ming and said softly.

“Now, can Mr. Xie Ming be seated?”

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