Chapter 1379 The biggest contradiction (two in one)

The result of such persecution of the opposite will only make the relationship between the two parties worse and worse. But so what?

It is undeniable that Xie Ming’s initial idea was to find opportunities to sell his personal affection to the revolutionary army, so as to get a relationship with them. Next, use the speed of the Sage’s Singing to save more time for the next journey.

After all, the Sage’s Voice, a flying ship from the gods, can not only move quickly across the Arad continent, but can also travel to the heavens and the devil. For Xie Ming, this can really save a lot of time.

It is necessary to know that the energy problem of space movement is solved because of the existence of small colorless crystals. But for the cross-border movement, it’s really a little bit ridiculous. The heavens are okay, but the problem is the devil.

Kahn, Herder, and Casillas are all three guys, and Herder is the magician at the top of the pyramid. Xie Ming didn’t think that when he brought a few apostles back to the Demon Realm to make trouble for her, this guy would have not noticed it yet.

If he enters the Demon Realm by moving in space, if Herder interferes a little bit, then Xie Ming can really become a black driver. That woman can even travel through time and space, go back to the past, and interfere with Xie Ming’s spatial movement. Isn’t that enough?

Therefore, it is okay to use the space ability during the battle. At present, when Herder has not discovered the situation, it is still safe to use long-distance space movement.

But with the increase of the apostles around, the probability of them being discovered will also increase at a geometric speed. Therefore, Xie Ming has decided that when an apostle is added to his side, he will never use long-distance space movement.

Of course, “spatial movement” like Dimensional Exile, which only cares about driving and regardless of the process and results, does not matter.

But when he decided to completely annihilate the revolutionary army, the idea of ​​using the horn of the holy man had completely disappeared. There are many ways to travel to the heaven and the devil world, in addition to the holy voice.

He didn’t need to, he was hung poorly on the tree of the Revolutionary Army.

And to be honest, Xie Ming really doesn’t think there is any chance of relief for himself and the revolutionary army. As he said before, he and the revolutionary army were serious about killing each other before.

Perhaps the revolutionary army has already made up its mind to enter the password “2887” and Xie Minglai died together. Is it possible that the two sides can really abandon their previous suspicions and fight together? Even if there is a black singer on the side of the Revolutionary Army, it is impossible.

(PS: 2887 is a stalk of Gundam Seed, you can find Baidu if you are interested.)

Well, indeed, the two sides have not had any serious feuds strictly speaking. As a result, Xie Ming did not kill anyone in the Revolutionary Army, and the Revolutionary Army did not cause any harm to Xie Ming.

Rather, the revolutionary army suffered a great loss. As a spiritual symbol, Rut, the dragon man, broke the horn, Ludmila now looks like a kidney, wasting so many precious potions, and Reshalin also lost the weapon in hand.

The strength of the Three Great Wars has been greatly reduced, and the Sage’s Voice as a base has also become tattered, and I don’t know how much time and time it will take to repair it.

Under such losses, Xie Ming really didn’t feel that there was any room for relaxation between himself and the revolutionary army.

He can understand what Skadi thinks, the queen who is still very young, wants to solve this misunderstanding, and does not want to face such a powerful enemy as the empire, but also add more enemies.

Dealing with the empire requires the unity of many people. Therefore, she wants to unite as many people as possible. For a strong man like Xie Ming with such a terrifying strength, she naturally wanted to win over as much as possible.

At least, it is no longer hostile and becomes a cooperative relationship.

This is the main purpose of Queen Skadi’s personal visit this time.The simple exchange of interests and the cooperative relationship that does not talk about affection is also the most suitable relationship between Xie Ming believes that the two sides are now. The cynicism just now was not just to win the initiative and let the other party back down.

There is also the ingredient of a breath of malice in it. After all, Xie Ming’s mind is not big.

The evil anger has come out, the other party has given in, and all the goals have been achieved. Then, Xie Ming naturally didn’t have to stand to make the atmosphere more cold and embarrassing.

“Ms. Skadi invited me for the second time. If I repeatedly declined, it would seem a bit too cold.”

“That’s really, great.”

The smile on Skadi’s face twitched, how could she not understand Xie Ming’s meaning?

I was seated because of your face, not because of the rise of Rasalin and Ludmila. As for the facts, everyone knows well. Xie Ming said this deliberately, just to disgust the two guys a little bit more.

After all, he is not big-minded and has a lot of grudges. The more annoying person is, the happier he is.

Sure enough, after hearing Xie Ming’s words, the corners of the eyes of both Leshalin and Ludmila jumped a few times at the same time. One person took a deep breath, and the other clenched his fists, using different ways to suppress the dark emotions that emerged in his heart.

In this regard, Nuo Yu, who eats melon, turned Byakugan. This man had a lot of grudges, and she had already experienced it along the way. Celia was dumbfounded.

“Xie Ming also has a child side…”

As for Socia, she was also a little dumbfounded. She has lived for more than 500 years. It can be said that she has been seen by all kinds of people. But someone who is generous and stingy like Xie Ming is really rare.

This can only be described by a thousand Hamlet in the eyes of a thousand people.

Sitting on the chair that Celia helped pull apart, and then adjusted the distance between the chair and the table, Xie Ming raised his eyes and looked at Scadi.

“I already know the purpose of Ms. Scadi’s trip. The entanglement between the Revolutionary Army and me is because the relationship between Seamus has been resolved. So Ms. Scadi, please don’t worry, I will continue to attack the Revolutionary Army.”

“As long as the revolutionary army is no longer a hindrance to me in the days to come, then I will not do anything against any revolutionary army. Of course, if it is…”

Having said that, Xie Ming stopped. But everyone understands what the sentence is attached to after “if yes”. I didn’t say it, simply because it was enough to get off the horse, and no matter how much it was, it would really hurt my skin.

“At this point, please rest assured Mr. Xie Ming.”

Skadi smiled and said calmly: “I can’t guarantee that things like this incident will be committed by the Revolutionary Army. But I’m sure that if anyone makes similar mistakes in the future, regardless of their status, After the Revolutionary Army will be severely punished, it will be expelled from the Revolutionary Army Vice Admiral.”

“It’s not me who made the suggestion, but Ludmila. This time Ludmila came to see Mr. Xie Ming, and no one asked her. It’s better to say that many people think she should take good care of her injuries.”

“But when he heard the news of Mr. Xie Ming, Ludmila decided to come over and settle this unprovoked dispute because of her.”

“Scardy, the next thing is up to me.”

Ludmila took a step forward and looked at Xie Ming coldly. It was not that she deliberately put on this face, it was because she rarely showed other looks.

“Xie Ming, the cause of this incident was me, and all the results were caused by my hasty actions. Therefore, I am willing to take my own responsibilities. But I still hope you don’t think that the revolutionary army is nothing wrong. Good organization.”

“Our goal from beginning to end is just to defeat the empire. But at some point, our actions are getting closer and closer to the style of the empire. If it weren’t for you, I’m afraid we would not be able to detect this.”

“I’m here this time, just want to say a few words to you.”

“Thank you, and sorry. If you want to make up, I will do my best to make it up. If you want my life, I can give it to you.”

“Miss Ludmila…”


Anyone who knows Ludmila knows how serious Ludmila Billow is. She never joked, took everything seriously, and did what she said.

If Xie Ming said at this time: “Okay, then you can judge yourself.”

I am afraid that she will pierce her throat with an arrow without hesitation, and will not allow anyone to help.

She was an outsider from the God Realm, and there was no reason to get involved in the affairs of Arad. It was only because her friend was in the Arad continent and in the revolutionary army that she intervened and became a wanted criminal for the 10 billion bounty.

With a cold face, she is talking about.

“I am not interested in your life, and your life and life have nothing to do with me.” Xie Ming said lightly: “I said, I didn’t want to be interfered with my plans and schedule by these chores.”

“However, there is one thing I really want to ask.”

From entering the room to now, Xie Ming looked at Ludmila straightly for the first time: “What do you mean, can I understand it this way? The revolutionary army has reached an agreement to no longer care about what happened five days ago, and to rectify it. ?”


“Then I’m very curious.”

Xie Ming laughed: “That dragon man’s hatred, you just forget it?”


“He was cut off by me with a horn, and that horn is still in my space bag. You revolutionary army, no, you, you really don’t have the idea of ​​avenging that dragonman.”

“According to the cooperation between the two of you during the battle, the relationship between you and the dragon man should be quite good? The hatred of the horns, really forget it?”

Yes, this is the biggest contradiction between Xie Ming and the revolutionary army. Everything else can be filled with money and resources. But Root’s horn was broken, but it was really broken, and it couldn’t be connected.

The dragon’s horns contain magic power equivalent to the dragon’s vitality and are closely related to life. In the original empire, the reason why so many dragon-slaying warriors were sent to slaughter the dragons was largely because of the dragon’s horns.

The biggest reason why Root was injured so badly this time, his physical injury was only a fur, the biggest reason was that Xie Ming had a horn cut off. The two horns are equal to Ruth’s life.

Now one of them has been cut off, which is equivalent to Root’s life being cut in half by Xie Ming.Had it not been for the Apocalypse of the Revolutionary Army to cooperate with the Paladins, and the precious healing potions, I am afraid that Lut would not even think about fighting in the future. Even after full treatment, his combat power after recovery will be reduced to Ultimate.

It’s very possible that he doesn’t even have the ability to feel ordinary. If you want to recover, you don’t know when it will be done.

So much hatred, just forget it? Speaking out, I’m afraid they don’t even believe them.

Therefore, if the two sides want to cooperate, Root’s feud must be resolved. Otherwise, Xie Ming would not believe them at all. And the revolutionary army will also be brooding about it, and it doesn’t necessarily matter when they will stabbed in the back.

Among the entire revolutionary army, the person who is most qualified to resolve this contradiction must be the party concerned, Root. But now Root was seriously injured in the bed and couldn’t get up at all. Therefore, the second one qualified to solve is naturally to Ludmila.

For one thing, this contradiction arose because of her. Secondly, she and Root are old acquaintances and friends. The Voice of the Holy One was lent to the Revolutionary Army for the sake of Ruth’s face.

When it comes to Root’s broken corner, she is definitely the saddest and most angry person.


The fists were tightly clenched, and the nails were embedded in the flesh of the palms, but Ludmila still tried to keep herself calm. Regret, self-blame, anger, hatred, killing intent, these feelings are not needed at this time.

What she needs now is to be calm. And, don’t be too persistent.

“I don’t deny what you said.”

Ludmila raised his head and said as cold as the winter wind: “I have many times these days, and I want to come to you for revenge desperately. Even if I die in your hands, I don’t want to look at my friend’s painful look. .”

“But Root, stopped me. That cheeky guy, even if his face is blue, speaks in a joking tone.”

“He said that if one of his own horns were used to change everyone in the Revolutionary Army, it would be really worth it. Compared to everyone’s death, the results now are very good.”

“Route’s broken corner was the knife you swung, and it was the cause of my invocation. This responsibility must be borne by me. I must, let him recover.”

“The existing dragons in the Arad Continent are now only the ice dragon Skarsa of the Ten Thousand Years Snow Mountain. So, I am going to find it and let it say a way to restore the dragon’s horns.”

“If I die in Skarsa’s hands, then just let it go. If I don’t die, but I don’t get the result. Then, I will come back to look for you and die in your hands. That’s the end. my responsibility.”

“Are you satisfied with this answer?”

“Satisfied, of course satisfied.”

Xie Ming laughed, he valued the people around him most. If a friend of the dragon clan next to him was cut off for his own reasons, his strength would be greatly damaged and his body would be severely injured. I am afraid, he will also behave similarly to Rudmila.

He has been desperately getting stronger all the way, just to prevent this from happening. And now, Ludmila also had this mood. In a sense, the two of them look alike.

They are all people who are willing to recklessly do for their friends and value friendship.

“Since you want to heal Root’s horns, do you want to temporarily join my adventure team?”

Xie Ming stood up and said to Ludmila like this.

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