Chapter 1380-Reaching a Consensus

“Join temporarily, in your adventure team?”

The proposal Xie Ming made to Ludmila surprised everyone, and even wondered if he had heard something wrong. After all, the difference between before and after is too great.

“Are you joking?”

“not at all.”

Shrugging, Xie Ming said with a smile: “I just said one, which is more suitable for your proposal.”

“You said that if you want to heal the horns of the dragon named Lute, you must first ask the dragons that still exist in this world. So, you have to go to the Ten Thousand Years Snow Mountain to see the ice dragon Skasa.”

“It just so happens that Skarsa is also in my plan. And another dragon is also in my plan. So you want to ask them how to recover their dragon’s horns. Following me is a better choice.”

“Also, a dragon… You mean, evil dragon Spitz?” Ludmila stared at Xie Ming firmly: “You are also related to the dark elf? You are looking for these two evils. What does the dragon do!?”

“Just like you, I just want to ask something. Of course, after asking the question, I will directly kill the people.”

Xie Ming said faintly: “You are undoubtedly a dead end to find Skasa by yourself. If you follow me, anyway, there is still a chance to survive. Even if I really sell you, the difference is not too big for you. .”

“And if I really want to take your life, or want to do something else, I don’t need to spend so much effort. Your vigilance and vigilance have no meaning at all.”

“Of course, you can choose to refuse. After all, I’m just a proposal. It’s just that the answers you just made made me appreciate and satisfied, so I am willing to give you a chance to make up for the regrets and regrets in your heart.”

“How to choose is up to you, I don’t force it.”

Seeing Ludmila who fell into silence, Xie Ming did not speak again. Choose hatred, or choose to let go of hatred for friends. This can be regarded as a trial given to her by Xie Ming.

It takes thunder to persuade people to let go of grievances, but some things are more important than hatred and grievances. At least, if Xie Ming were placed on Ludmila’s position at this time, he would definitely choose to let go of his hatred.

Hatred is not comparable to friends. Just as he let go of his anger in repaying Seamus’s kindness, and also gave up such an extremely precious material as “The Bull’s Head Commander’s Horn”.

Because for him, kindness is more important.

He believed that if Ludmila really valued her friends, she would make the right choice. Therefore, Xie Ming didn’t specifically point out the matter, but just explained the situation clearly and let her choose.

“Then, it’s you.”

Turning his gaze to Resalin, Xie Ming frowned and said, “What are you here for? I have already given you the lesson of your madness. Seamus’s kindness to me has been cleared after this incident. .”

“I should have nothing to do with you anymore.”

“…Simo asked me to say thank you for him.” Reshalin looked at Xie Ming’s disgusting appearance, her eyes twitched: “If there is a chance, welcome to Granville again. The Forest is a guest.”

“Well, I received it. Anything else?”

“…Also, you have forgotten something with me.”

Silently took out the sharp horn from the space bag, and threw it to Xie Ming casually. Lei Shalin said lightly: “This is what Seamus promised to give you. We won’t sigh for the commission.”

Grabbing the horns, Xie Ming played with it in his hands. He had already mastered the wave, and when he reached this horn again, he suddenly felt a different feeling.

Before, although he could also feel the fluctuations, it was very subtle and required a lot of mental energy to manipulate. But after holding this horn, the fluctuations became obvious instantly.

Not only is the operation of fluctuations easier, the intensity of fluctuations that can be manipulated has also been greatly increased. Simply put, it can be omitted as two words, saving effort.

“If that’s the case, then I will accept the payment.”

Putting the horns into his own space bag, Xie Ming looked at Reshalin again: “Anything else?”

“…….and also.”

After gritting her teeth, Lesalin took a deep breath, then bent down towards Xie Ming, and said loudly, “I’m sorry, I’m sorry! I will correct this problem in the future!”


What’s going on, this elementary school student’s sense of apologizing to the teacher for doing something wrong…

Almost, he blurted out the sentence “Go back and write a 1,000-word review book and read it aloud to the class.”

“Ah, uh… I get it.”

The corners of his mouth twitched, keeping his calm, Xie Ming said indifferently: “If you know your mistakes, you can correct them…Bah, you have learned a lesson, you just need to know where the problem is.”

“It’s good to correct it if you know it is wrong? What do you mean?”

“It’s nothing, it’s just a slip of the tongue.”

Faced with the puzzled look cast by Rasalin, Xie Ming replied nonchalantly, and then turned to Scadi, who was obviously relieved, to change the topic, or return the topic to the main topic.

“The current result, Ms. Scadi should be acceptable.”

“Well, I really appreciate Mr. Ming’s forgiveness.”

Skadi chuckled lightly: “In this way, a stone in my heart can be considered to have fallen to the ground. I don’t know, what plans does Mr. Xie Ming have next?”

“Stay in Huttonmar for the time being and learn something.”

Xie Ming replied: “After all, I have spent all my thoughts on swordsmanship before, so I don’t know much about other professions. So I want to take this adventure and travel around the Arad continent to do something. Something that must be done.”

“There is still some time before the next thing to do. So I want to take advantage of this free time to learn the knowledge and skills of other professions. And Huttonmar, who is full of strong people, is undoubtedly the best for me to learn. The place.”

“That’s it…”

Skadi pondered for a few seconds and said with a smile: “Then, if it is convenient, Mr. Xie Ming can tell me, what kind of professional knowledge and skills do you want to learn?”

“Perhaps I can help a little bit.”

“The fighting of Sanda and Judoists, the treatment of paladins, the mindfulness of qigong masters, and the study of space by magicians.”

Xie Ming said unceremoniously: “If it is possible, can Ms. Scadi recommend me an authoritative tutor in the relevant field?”


Also…I’m really not welcome at all.

The corners of Skadi’s mouth twitched a few more times, perhaps because it was a private occasion, or perhaps the youth in front of him was too…strange. Skadi felt that his speechlessness this evening could be more important than last week.

However, this kind of equal and casual communication is not too annoying. It can be seen that the other party really didn’t care about his own queen’s identity. In addition, his original intention was to sell his personal affection to this young strong man.

He was willing to accept it, it couldn’t be better.

“I understand. I will write a few letters of recommendation to Mr. Xie Ming. However, if the other party is willing to teach, there is nothing I can do. After all, Mr. Xie Ming also knows that there is a gap that cannot be bridged between professions. of.”

“Well, that’s enough. If there is any trouble that needs to be solved, Ms. Scadi can also tell me.”

“Then I won’t be polite to you, Mr. Xie Ming?”

“If it is within the scope of my ability, I will not refuse.”

The two stood up looking at each other and shook hands gently. Regardless of the process, both parties achieved their goals in this negotiation. For two people, this is enough.

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