Chapter 1382 Speculation about the past

The Sky City is a huge castle that existed in the Arad continent a long time ago, connected to other void worlds. In the Arad continent at that time, humans and elves coexisted, and the dazzling Arad continent civilization did not know how many alien life envied.

The Sky City is one of the achievements of civilization at that time.

But because of a dragon, everything has been changed. Because of the discovery of Helder’s conspiracy, the blasting dragon king Bakar resolutely led the dragon clan to launch the “Dragon War”.

The blood dyed the ground of the Demon Realm black, but because of the difference in the top combat power, Bakar was defeated. With the Silent City created by the maker Luke, he escaped from the Demon Realm and escaped to the heaven that had not been discovered by the Demon Clan.

At that time, the Celestial Clan was still a magical civilization, using magic different from that of the Demon World. However, in front of Herder, magic is the most useless thing.

In order to prevent Herder’s sensational plan from succeeding, Bakar led his magic forces to rule the entire heaven and prohibit the heavens from spreading magic knowledge. And magic is not only owned by the heavens.

The Arad continent also has the existence of magic, and the culturally bright continent has entered the eyes of the evil woman Herder.

The road from the Demon Realm to the Heaven Realm has been blocked by him. But if the Arad continent is used as a transit point, Herder’s claws can still reach into the heavens. The Sky City has undoubtedly become an obstacle in Bakar’s plan.

Therefore, he used magic to create troops and completely blocked the castle that communicated the two worlds. In this way, people in the heavens are forced to create, develop, and master other powers that are different from magic.

The elves also seemed to feel the dangerous aura (predicted by a certain silver-haired girl), so they united the power of the whole clan and used the magic circle to hide the city in the sky.

However, it is not only the apostles who are at risk, but also humans.

The elves can be said to be the most perfect race in Arad. They love peace, want to make the world more beautiful, and treat every race with kindness. They teach magic and knowledge to humans who hope to become stronger, and hope that together with humans, the continent of Arad will become beautiful.

However, humans are not perfect. With gaining power, another thing was born from the human heart: greed.

Human beings greedily covet the beauty of the elves, the power of the elves, and the treasures of the elves. Humans began to organize, created a country, and secretly attacked the place where the elves lived, the elves forest.

This country is the predecessor of the Delos Empire, the Perus Empire.

Countless elves died because of human greed, and vast forests were also burned by humans. Before the development of science and technology, the Arad continent is facing extremely dangerous environmental problems, desertification.

At this moment, the problem of Kazan and Ozma appeared, and the empire was plunged into civil strife. The great magician Mar transferred the people who were looking forward to peace in the middle of their hearts to the desert, and built a great magic circle to turn the desert into fertile green land and forests, protecting the Arad continent.

The elves who survived the persecution of the Perus Empire gathered in the forest to live in seclusion. The forest is now the Grand Forest.

But the fire in the Grand Forest destroyed everything again. The elves voluntarily sacrificed the whole family, repaired the big magic circle left by Mar, and guarded the continent. But the race that existed since ancient times also perished.

Only the last elf, Socia Elmin, was left. And, Celia Krumin who became human for some reason.

But although the magic circle was repaired, the elves all disappeared. Therefore, the sky city hidden by the elves also appeared in people’s sight again.

Therefore, the reason Socia joined the revolutionary army is not without the idea of ​​revenge.

These are all the antecedents and consequences that Xie Ming has inferred after combining all his memories of the game. However, there are many oddities. The first is the appearance of oneself, it is impossible not to bring any influence.

If there is a chance, then he will never let the elves be so annihilated. Unless, I let the elves “annihilate” them.

“Cheated history, deceived destiny, deceived Herder and the empire…”

The fire in the Grand Forest and the extinction of the Elves were undoubtedly the result of the cooperation between Herder and the Empire. In Helder’s plan, the elves must be extinct.

So, the strength hasn’t been accumulated yet, and there is no way to confront Herder and other apostles’ Xie Ming, but the elves can only disappear in the Arad continent. In order to conform to the “history” that people know now.

If Xie Ming and Celia, who was still an apostle at the time, worked together, it would not be difficult to get this result. And in this way, why the fire in the Grand Forest would be advanced, and why Celia would be willing to follow her out to take risks, there was an answer.

Of course, the facts may be completely different from what Xie Ming thinks now. The reason why he came to such a conclusion is only his most likely speculation based on the current intelligence.

Without personal experience, no one knows what happened at that time. Therefore, the current Xie Ming is only making some plans, so as not to be in a hurry and not knowing what to do at that time.

However, if the facts are really the same as he speculated, then I am afraid that the person he is most sorry for is Socia who is now eating at the same table with him.

Because as far as Socia is concerned, she has known for so many years that she is the only lonely member of the Elves. And what caused this result was Xie Ming’s plan.

Thinking of this, Xie Ming instantly felt that the food in his mouth was not fragrant.

“Sigh…. Let’s take one step at a time. If that’s the case, then you can only apologize.”


Queen Scadi is very reliable in doing things. When the three of Xie Ming finished eating, washing, and preparing to rest, the three letters of recommendation had arrived at the dormitory in the backyard of Moonlight Pub.

Speaking of this dormitory, Xie Ming felt very embarrassed. Because he is the only man in the backyard dormitory. The rest are all girls.

After all, Moonlight Tavern does not recruit male escorts, and most of the waiters are brought to the tavern by Socia because of the turmoil in the back street and the old city.

They have all kinds of pasts, but because of Socia, they live a normal life like they are now. The small building that was originally only occupied by Socia was gradually expanded to the dormitory building that is now beginning to take shape.

In order to avoid suspicion, Xie Ming offered to go out and find a hotel to stay. As a result, it was rejected by Celia and Nuo Yu.

“Xie Ming, we are partners and friends who are adventurous together. It is inevitable that we will live together in the wild in the future. At that time, Xie Ming, you have to avoid suspicion like you do now?”

“That’s it, is it possible, what bad thoughts do you have in your mind?”

“…You two don’t mind, but Miss Socia and the other waitresses might mind.”

“Ah, we have no problem.”

Socia chuckled slightly: “Before you come back, I have already told everyone about this, and everyone said that there is no problem, but you are very welcome to come~”

“…Never mind.”

The corners of his mouth twitched, and Xie Ming sighed: “Then, please put away some of your clothes. Also, tell me the time when I am used to and inconvenient places for men to enter. I will try my best to pay attention.”

Anyway, I went out in the morning and came back in the evening. Even if you come back, try to stay in your own room and not go out. Therefore, there should be no lucky pervert incident.

No, it should be said, I hope I never show up.

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