Chapter 1383 Wind Fist

Xie Ming’s decision is undoubtedly quite correct. Don’t look at the waitress girls recruited by Socia who are polite, sweet and cute in the pub. But in fact, there are many famous people in the stomach.

After learning that Socia had never allowed a man to live in a dormitory with all women, many young girls were tempted to see what Xie Ming’s nature was.

However, Xie Ming’s wise plan directly frustrated their plan. Because after dinner, Xie Ming returned to his room under the leadership of Celia. After finishing the order, he locked the door directly and entered into meditation.

Just today, the Master lives in the ability to use mental power, which is the fluctuating power. He naturally needs to study well and get familiar with it.

So no matter what happened outside the door, any movement was automatically blocked by him. If something really happened, he would naturally notice it for the first time.

His behavior certainly made him lose a lot of opportunities to feast his eyes. But in the same way, he avoided a lot of big troubles. There is a knife on the head of the color word, this sentence Xie Ming has always been remembered in his heart.

Although this principle was taught to him by a GalGame he played before he entered the main god space. (It is very educational if you are interested in the land of meat and meat.)

Can’t afford to provoke him, can he still not be able to hide it? He didn’t think there was a small hole in the room he lived in to see the situation in other rooms. Of course, even if there were, he wouldn’t watch it.

If you want to trouble him, you have to unload the door of his room. Xie Ming thought with a sneer when he heard the invitation of the girls at the door.

This group of little girls in their twenties and thirties are still thinking about routines themselves?

Just kidding. Who do you think he is?

After tactfully refusing several times, the little girls naturally asked themselves to leave without interest, and invited Nuoyu and Celia, ready to inquire about Xie Ming’s personality from the two of them.

Therefore, Xie Ming finally spent his first night in Huttonmar safely.

In the early morning of the next day, after moving to the outskirts by space movement and conducting daily training, when Xie Ming returned to the dormitory again, he saw Cyrel wearing a simple nightdress with a silver hairpin curled up his hair. Ya.

“Xie Ming, welcome back.”


Xie Ming was stunned: “Why did you get up so early? Didn’t those little girls invite you to drink with Nuo Yu yesterday?”

“Um…but I don’t like drinking.”

Celia smiled: “Moreover, with the help of sister Nuoyu, those sisters were quickly drunk. So the party ended early and I had enough sleep.”

“Uh… this guy, it’s okay not to drink…”

“Sister Nuoyu’s drinking is really good.” Sai Liya covered her mouth and chuckled: “Xie Ming, don’t you always make a joke about that. Okay, I just came back from morning exercise, so I should be hungry. Breakfast. I’m ready, let’s eat together.”

“Well, it’s hard work.”

Together with Celia, from the kitchen in the tavern, the prepared breakfast was brought to the stone table in the backyard. The two sat opposite each other and started to eat breakfast.


After eating breakfast and saying goodbye to Seliya, Xie Ming walked towards the Fengquan Liudao Hall according to the map in his memory. This genre created by the young qigong master Feng Zhen, when it first appeared in Huttonmar, aroused the respect of qigong masters.

Until now, Fengquanliu has become the mainstream of Huttonmar qigong masters.

I also said before that Xuzu is a great nation of mindfulness, and basically everyone is the master of mindfulness. And there are countless qigong masters among Xuzu. Feng Zhen is a strong qigong master who has long been famous in Xuzu.

At a young age, he can be said to be invincible at the same age in Xuzu. But in order to prevent himself from living a comfortable life and developing inertia, he resolutely left the Xuzu and began to challenge the strong people everywhere.

However, the reality gave him a blow. He thought he was very strong, but he was subdued by one move in the empire.

The man who defeated him was the young Sanda powerhouse in the empire, Sarah Maya.

At that time, Feng Zhen insisted on a belief that the qigong masters based on Nian Qi were the strongest, and the imperial Sanda was not worth mentioning. Then, the invincible Nian Qishi was theoretically invincible, but it was directly broken by Sarah Maya’s fist.

Looking at the rough fist staying in front of him, the pride and pride in Feng Zhen’s heart, together with the Nian Qishi, were all broken. At that time, he understood a little bit.

Just being strong in mind is not really strong. For fighters, the most important things are always body and fighting skills.

Qigong masters don’t have the steel and iron bones like Sanda, but they have the big advantage of mindfulness to make up for. But what about fighting skills? This kind of thing that needs to be practiced day and night can only be improved by exercise.

Physical strength, muscles, and fighting skills, only with these three can a fighter be called a fighter. Qigong masters are built on the basis of fighters.

Sarah Maya made Fengzhen realize the importance of physical and technical skills, and made him completely awakened. Therefore, Fengquanliu was born.

Combining mindfulness with body and skills, and attacking quickly and smartly like the wind is the essence of Fengquan flow.

In order to let more fighters know the importance of physique and skill, and to prevent the younger generations from repeating their mistakes, Feng Zhen opened his own Fengquan Routine Gym in Huttonmar.

While opening the gym, he did not forget to hone himself. Going deep into the Gran Forest, improving yourself through the monsters. This is Feng Zhen, a well-deserved decent fighter.

His lead by example has made many fighters avoid many detours. Fengquan Liudao Hall has also grown stronger as a result.

Xie Ming’s thoughts are actually very similar to the original Fengzheng. His fighting skills came from the Spartan fighting skills taught by Kratos. Rage and ruthlessness are the subject of this fighting technique.

But also because of this, the development of Spartan fighting skills is limited. Violent and ruthless, focusing on the body. Although it’s not that you don’t pay attention to skills, but in terms of skills, it is indeed something that Spartan martial arts lacks.

Therefore, Xie Ming wanted to integrate the wind fist into his Spartan fighting skills, so that his fighting skills could be further improved. For this, what he needs is actual combat.

He needs to personally experience the gap between Spartan fighting skills and wind fist flow before he can understand how to make up and improve.

“So, please have a discussion with me, Mr. Feng Zhen.”

Looking at the young qigong master with the characteristics of a bald head and squinting eyes, Xie Ming said calmly.

“I understand, then come on.”

Feng Zhen said readily: “Hope, wind will guide you along the way.”

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