Chapter 1384 Spartan Fighting Skills VS Wind Fist (two in one)

Young people are naturally not afraid of challenges. Even at this time, he has become the founder of the self-reliance faction and the mentor of Huttonmar fighters, but his perception of himself has not been affected by the evaluation of the outside world.

He knew very well that he was still far away from the real strong. Even the wind fist flow created by oneself is far from enough.

Only after more battles, fighting with monsters, with the strong, and with the stronger, can he see clearly how to go in the future. The most important reason why he became the professional mentor of the fighters in Huttonmar is to prevent them from making detours.

And the other one is to repeatedly examine the wind and fist flow that I have created during the teaching process, what are the shortcomings, what are the shortcomings, and how to make up for it.

This is the way to learn new things by reviewing the past.

But if you want to continue to pioneer the next path of Fengquanliu, then you definitely need inspiration. Every day teaching is to strengthen one’s foundation. Go to the Grand Forest to fight the monsters to prevent your body from rusting.

Just like Xie Ming’s daily morning exercises, he accumulates in the usual bit by bit. In case the opportunity and inspiration do come, but I cannot seize it because of insufficient accumulation.

Fighting against the strong is undoubtedly an opportunity for inspiration. And the people who take the initiative to come to him to learn from him can be considered trustworthy.

First of all, Xie Ming has a letter of recommendation from Queen Skadi. Feng Zhen still respects that queen very much. The opening and development of Fengquan Liudao Hall is inseparable from her help.

Such a wise and kind lady is unlikely to misunderstand someone.

Secondly, it was Master Xie Mingsuo’s fighting technique that he didn’t know at all: Spartan fighting technique. Judging from the name, this should be a fighting technique created by a country called Sparta, and it is likely to be a military fighting technique.

But according to the history of the Arad continent known by Feng Zhen, there is no such a country as Sparta. So, only two possibilities remain.

One is that the country of Sparta was a country that existed earlier. The other is that this country comes from other worlds.

Since there are demon realms, celestial realms, and god realms, it is not surprising that there are other worlds. As for why Xie Ming learned this kind of fighting skills from another world, Feng Zhen didn’t plan to think about it.

He only needs to know one thing, he is about to see that there is only Xie Ming this exclusive fighting skill on the Arad continent. What kind of experience and perception will it bring to yourself? Thinking of this, his fighter soul, his martial arts soul began to get excited.


Fengquan Liudao Hall is divided into main hall and auxiliary hall. The main hall is a place where students learn, train, and compete. The auxiliary pavilion is where Fengzhen receives some guests, so it is generally not opened and no one comes over.

Naturally, the exchange between Xie Ming and Feng Zhen could not be held in the main hall. One is to avoid suspicion and prevent students’ gossip from spreading the matter. In this case, no matter what the result is, it will have some impact on both of them.

The other is to facilitate the use of hands and feet. The trainees trained in the main hall are basically professionals who have not yet changed jobs. The transferees are only a minority. Intermediate job transfers are even rarer.

Therefore, the materials in the main hall are not too strong. The auxiliary pavilion was specially constructed by Fengzheng in consideration of high-intensity combat, and theoretically can withstand the conflicts between the awakened strong.

For this discussion, Feng Zhen specially changed into a qigong master costume brought from Xuzu. And Xie Ming also took off his leather jacket and wore a black vest to facilitate his activities.

The Wanhua Demon Soldier Apofis, who had been wearing it around his waist, was also placed by the wall by him.

After all, this is a discussion between fighting skills, and using a knife is really shameless. Comparing with each other is no better than a life-and-death battle. It doesn’t matter if you fire a gun or a long spear. But if you come to this set, it’s really shameless.

“So, shall we start?”

Stretching his muscles and bones, Xie Ming shook his hand and looked at Feng Zhen calmly.

“Well, let’s get started.”

After pressing his leg, Feng Zhen jumped on the spot, his squinted eyes opened slightly, and the huge thought energy in his body began to flow in his body: “Fengquan flow, Fengzheng.”

“Spartan fighting skills, Xie Ming.”

“”Please enlighten me. “”The words fell, and the barefooted two instantly disappeared in place, appearing in the middle of the gymnasium.


The collision between the bones made a sound similar to the collision of steel. Xie Ming’s elbow and Feng Zhen’s knee slammed together.

It is worth noting that Feng Zhen’s body at this time is exuding a faint gleam, and it feels like a breeze.

Qigong master skills: breath of wind.

Qigong Master Skill: Thunder Knee.

If you compare the things on the human body to a hardness competition. From high to low hardness, they are teeth, skull, elbows, knees, and fists. In addition, Xie Ming specializes in using knives, so he always wears the characteristics of knives in attacks.

Penetrating, sharp.

Therefore, Feng Zhen felt his knee was directly penetrated by a knife in this collision. With his patience, Kakuzu eyes twitched because of the pain.

But this does not mean that Xie Ming is better than Fengzhen.

The elbows are indeed harder than the knees, but in terms of strength, the arms are definitely not better than the thighs. Unless your arms are thicker than others’ thighs. But obviously, neither Xie Ming nor Feng Zhen are muscular players.

In addition, Feng Zhen still uses the martial artist’s knee impact, adding another point to the already dominant strength. The powerful force directly knocked Xie Ming’s arm away.

Even because of the light attribute of the qigong master, the part of his right hand from the elbow to the fingers temporarily lost consciousness.

For a time, Xie Ming opened the door wide. And Fengzhen, naturally it is impossible to miss this opportunity.

The knee hitting the leg fell to the ground with the force, the legs switched quickly, the soles of the feet were raised high, and they kicked Xie Ming’s chin quickly.

Fighter skills: kick in the sky.

If you were hit by this move, it would not be impossible for Xie Ming to be kicked stunned by his current physical fitness. After all, the chin is one of the most vulnerable parts. Moreover, kicking in the sky is a floating skill for fighters.

Once hit, the body must fly in the air for a period of time. This process can directly determine the outcome.

It is naturally impossible for the war to end in this way. Although Xie Ming’s Spartan martial art has always been between the half-master and the grandmaster, it has been unable to break through, but the characteristics of Spartan martial art determine that it can completely compete with other grandmasters.

The characteristic is: ruthless!

Regardless of the kick that was about to hit his chin, Xie Ming’s soles also kicked towards Feng Zhen’s abdomen. This is also one of the weaknesses of the human body.

Spartan Fighting Technique: Tomb Step!

Of course, this name was modified by Xie Ming, but it was actually a kick before a fierce blow. But Kratos used this simple trick to kick a Minotaur directly.

And the reason why Xie Ming chose this name is also his intention. Tomb step means to step on you into the tomb with one foot.

“Really cruel!”

Feng Zhen secretly said in his heart, this simple move forward kick, the power is no longer as powerful as that when he was fighting against Sarah, Sarah broke his own qi mask. No, even worse than that trick.

Because, this trick is completely aimed at the same end. Sure enough, this Spartan fighting technique is the military fighting technique of the country called Sparta! Only military fighting skills can simplify things like this, and use tricks to stop the enemy and kill them.

It is obviously not cost-effective to die together. What Feng Zhen wants is to communicate with each other technically, not to decide the outcome quickly.

Nian Qi swarmed out of the body in an instant. A phantom kept kicking in the sky and appeared in Feng Zhen’s original position. The wind vibrated, so he retreated some distance.

Qigong master skills: Thunder Clone.

This is a simplified version of Qigong Master Phantom Blast, and it is also a specialized skill that Feng Zhen has improved himself. Reduced the Thunder and Lightning Nian Qi clone that should have appeared around him to only appear in front of him.

As for the self, it can use the repulsive force that appears between the clone and the body to make small displacements in short distances.

Compared with Phantom Explosion, Fengzhen’s Thunder clone consumes less thought energy, and the split clone has high damage and can also allow itself to move short distances. This kind of skill can even be described in the words “little magical skill”.

Originally thought that Xie Ming would try to think of other ways after seeing him use his clone. And with this time, he can continue to add status to himself, preventing the next battle from recurring such a situation of death.

However, the facts are quite the opposite.


Thunder Clone was actually kicked directly by Xie Ming. With some black marks on the soles of his feet, he slammed into Feng Zhen’s abdomen fiercely. Although because of the distance pulled back,

The damage will definitely be reduced a lot.

But if you get such a kick in the abdomen, it will definitely not feel good.

The powerful qualities of being a fighter made Feng Zhen’s body a natural defensive posture.

Bend over, tuck in his abdomen, cross his arms in front of him, and at the same time gently jump his feet backwards. The next moment, Xie Ming’s right foot was printed on the center of the crossed arms.


There was another muffled sound, even if a few defensive actions were taken in time, it would not be uncomfortable to take the blow in person. Feng Zhen couldn’t help sighing for the correctness of his choice just now.

If he really used the sky kick and Xie Ming’s injury for injury, he didn’t know how Fengzhen Xie Ming was, but being kicked in the abdomen by the sole of his foot, he must have temporarily lost his fighting ability.

His arms trembled slightly, and Feng Zhen slightly raised his head to look at Xie Ming who was gently jumping in place. This is not a small jump of a boxer, but the essence is because the foot was numbed by the explosion of the Thunder clone.

“The temptation is over, it’s time to get serious.”

Nian Qi surged into the blood vessels of both arms, quickly recovering state. Feng Zhen took a breath and opened his eyes suddenly.


An extremely powerful mind burst out of his body. At the same time, a light blue sphere with a trace of thunder and lightning began to spin around Feng Zhen’s body.

Qigong Master Skills: Surrounded by Mind Qi.

Qigong Master Skills: Nian Qi Surrounding·Imperial.

Although only three strokes were discussed, Feng Zhen was not surprised at Xie Ming at all. Able to keep up with the speed of the self who has activated the breath of the wind, the brutal fighting style, the thorough and decisive execution, and the physical strength that is not lost to Sanda.

But if it’s only like this, it can’t beat him!

Everyone has his own wind. This is what Fengzhen often said when he taught the students. Everyone’s wind fist flow is a different wind fist flow. But it is undeniable that the move of the breath of the wind is the core of the wind fist flow.

But how to match, you must rely on yourself to fumble. What Feng Zhen can give is only advice and experience guidance.

So, what is Fengzhen’s wind fist?

It’s a combination of Sanda and Qigong master!

Fighter skills: Shunpo.

Fighter skills: blast chase.

The two rapid advance skills, with the addition of the breath of the wind, completely turned Feng Zhen into a gust of wind. There was a very dangerous gust of wind. With just blinking two or three times, he had already arrived in front of Xie Ming.

In addition to the surrounding rosary beads, there was an extra layer of dark red shimmer on his body.Sanda skills: Domination body armor, increase physical defense power, improve physical strength, and enter the dominance state. But its own movement speed will be reduced, and if the attack or skill is hit by the enemy’s broken move. Then the domineering body will fail and the body will fall to the ground.

Fighter skills: the next kick.

A quick and fierce side kick hit Xie Ming’s calf directly. But as Xie Ming stepped forward, the next kick was undoubtedly a skill.

However, after Feng Zhen’s next kick was halfway out, he naturally closed it and switched directly to another move.

Turning his body around his waist, his elbow pierced Xie Ming’s neck fiercely.

Sanda passive skills: soften the muscles, you can forcibly interrupt the current skills and immediately cast other skills in the Sanda series, so that the skills and skills form a continuous skill.

Sanda skills: blast combo.

At this time, Xie Ming was undoubtedly caught in a dangerous situation. Retreat, there is a threat of rosary beads. If you advance, you will be hit by wind and storm-like combos. With the overlord body armor on his body, he is not afraid of close combat at all.

And Xie Ming’s choice is undoubtedly to advance. Because in Spartan fighting skills, there is no such word in the dictionary of the Spartans.

An elbow to turn around? Then hit his shoulder joint.

Spartan fighting technique: collapse attack.

“Inch punch!? No, similar skills?”

Feeling the powerful attack with incomparable power, Feng Zhen’s eyes faltered. After all, the Sanda skill of Cunquan had a profound impact on him.

Can’t be hit.

This thought came to mind, and the elbow stroke was quickly interrupted. The waist is the axis, the left foot is the support, squat down, and the right leg is turned into a long whip.

Fighter skills: whirlwind legs.

Anyone will change if they change their tricks. Compared with the fighting skills of Arad Continent, the biggest advantage of Spartan fighting technique is that it can be retracted and released freely. Because in war, mistakes mean death.

Spartans can die with their enemies, but they must not die because of mistakes.

The fist he had just hit was quickly retracted, his toes tapped the ground, and Xie Ming’s body rose into the air.


Although it has been said many times before, important things are always emphasized again and again. For humans who cannot fly, if there is no absolute certainty, the jump will only become a living target.

Even with absolute certainty, taking off will also become an opportunity for the enemy to explode.

And Feng Zhen’s purpose of using the lowest attack of the whirlwind leg was precisely to make Xie Ming take off.

The thought energy surged, and the light blue rosary beads that revolved around the body suddenly began to change in shape. It quickly lifted into the air, expanded, and finally turned into a blue mad tiger surrounded by thunder and lightning.

Qigong Master Skills: Nian Beast · Tiger Shake the Earth!


There was a deafening lion roar from his throat, causing Xie Ming’s body to shake slightly.

Qigong Master Skill: Lion Roar.

And finally…

On the sole of the right foot that used the whirlwind leg, a ball of flame suddenly appeared. Feng Zhen’s body also rotated into the air. Will sweep the legs into a spinning kick.

Sanda Skill: Blazing Tornado Legs!

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