Chaotic Sword God Chapter 1385

If there is no magical ability to transform energy like Xie Ming, dual professions are very difficult for everyone. Like Xilan and Nuo Yu, although they have thought qi in their bodies, the amount of thought qi stored in them is not large.

The purpose is to prevent Nian Qi from interfering with the display of the main profession of Sword Soul. If you want to use the Soul Sword skill, naturally you have to consume the unique magic power of Soul Sword.

In addition, people’s energy is very limited, and the individual career has not come to an end. If you go to explore other careers, you will only get yourself into a greater predicament.

Therefore, generally speaking, those who have the ability to explore dual careers are those who have the current main career to enter the bottleneck and want to follow the analogy. Dual professions have also become synonymous with geniuses and strong men.

However, when people practice dual professions, one profession is usually supplemented by one profession and the other is the main profession. The focus is still on the main occupation and the auxiliary occupation, only two or three skills will be learned.

This not only solves the problem of energy conflict, but also does not distract one’s energy too much.

But there is a profession, but both sides can go hand in hand and there will be no energy conflicts. This profession is a fighter.

The four major divisions of fighters, Qigong masters specialize in Nian Qi, Street Fighter uses all means to win, Sanda pursues the limits of the physical body, and Judoists specialize in grasping techniques. These four job transfers, except for Street Fighter, qigong masters can coexist with the other two professions.

Because Sanda and Judoists both exercise their bodies and skills. Qigong masters practice mind qi to strengthen their attacks. Between the two, there is no problem of energy conflict.

The rest is the question of energy and talent. And the wind vibration, undoubtedly fully meets all the requirements.

He changed his job to become a qigong master when he was a teenager. Before he challenged Sarah, he had already mastered all the skills of a qigong master before awakening. However, due to conceptual reasons, the two fundamentals of physicality and fighting skills have been ignored.

Now, he has picked up the fundamentals of fighters again, and has successfully integrated the Sanda profession into the qigong master profession, how many times stronger than he did not know before.

It’s just that he hasn’t found a suitable opponent who can fight with all his strength, so that he doesn’t know how strong his current strength is.

And the appearance of Xie Ming, and the previous battle, made Feng Zhen sure that this is an opponent who can fully display his strength. So Feng Zhen’s mood at this time was unprecedented excitement and excitement.

These emotions have been completely transformed into warfare by him. The fighting spirit, the instinct of the fighter, drove him to win this competition.

Over the sky, Nian Beast: The tiger has been sealed off by shaking the ground. Lion Roar, this fast and effective small-scale control technique can briefly control the enemy. The blazing whirlwind legs also blocked Xie Ming’s final retreat.

In such a short period of time, it is impossible for the opponent to escape the range of his right leg swinging kick.

The outcome is determined!

“It’s hard to tell.”

The lion roar is indeed a very good control technique, through the sound wave strengthened by the mind, to briefly deter the enemy. In principle, it is a branch of mental skills.

However, it is not impossible to make a fuss about Xie Ming in terms of mental power, but it is not something that Fengzhen can do now.

His qigong master has not even reached awakening, so how can he control Xie Ming, who can compete with G.S.D in mental power? For Xie Ming, the lion roars at him like a strong wind blowing.

Strong winds can blow leaves, but how can they blow rocks?

What’s more, Xie Ming’s take-off was a prepared take-off. I wonder if anyone noticed a detail?

Ordinary take-offs usually involve raising the soles of the back feet and applying force together on the soles of the front feet and toes to perform a vertical or forward jump. But Xie Ming’s take-off method only used his toes.

If Feng Zhen noticed this detail, I am afraid he would not choose to break out at this time. But unfortunately, he did not find out.

In battle, details often determine success or failure.

The smooth linkage between the toes and the waist caused Xie Ming’s head to descend quickly, and a perfect forward somersault was displayed. With a small distance, it escaped the blazing whirlwind legs of the wind. The heel also drew a beautiful arc in mid-air, and hit the nose of the beast beast fierce tiger.

Spartan fighting skills, half-moon kick.



The roar like a log hitting an ancient bell, and the sorrow of a beast, resounded successively in the gymnasium. The Nian Beast Tiger, which had consumed a lot of energy and energy, was kicked away by this kick.

For this, Feng Zhen’s full burst of energy was completely resolved by Xie Ming.

But Xie Ming’s offensive was far from over. When the front somersault flipped to a certain extent, he changed his move again. The right foot did not come down with the left foot, but kept elevated.

But the left foot and body have returned to normal.


Feng Zhen’s squinted eyes were already fully opened, and the dark pupils had shrunk to the limit, and he forced his mind to recirculate his mind again, using the body protection technique at the bottom of the box.

Qigong master skills: read Qi mask.

“It’s useless.”

If it were Feng Zhen’s full-strength Nian Qishi, Xie Ming’s combination of moves might not be able to break, and he could only use high penetration and high damage moves such as collapse or torture.

But the Nian Qi mask in front of him, and even the Nian Qi in Feng Zhen’s body hadn’t been connected. In other words, this Nian Qi shield has a certain durability value just like the protective shield displayed by Xie Ming’s active skills.

The meditation is constant, and the meditation mask does not break. The premise of this sentence is that the Nian Qi mask must be supported by the Nian Qi in the qigong master’s body. The mind mask that uses only part of the mind to display is just an all-round shield.

And such a shield is not difficult for Xie Ming to break.


The whole right leg seemed to be a huge battle axe that crashed down at this time. In front of this battle axe, Feng Zhen’s Nian Qi hood was like butter hitting a hot knife. The heel of his right foot smashed the Nian Qi mask unimpeded, and smashed into the arms that Feng Zhen crossed in front of him.


The gymnasium shook a few times at this moment. A wave of air spread from where the right foot and the Fengzheng arms met.

Slowly retracting his right foot, Xie Ming calmly looked at Feng Zhen: “It’s over like this, how about?”


Feng Zhen laughed bitterly, and stood up straight tremblingly. The sleeves of his arms and the trousers of his legs had been completely exploded, and the tingling sensation spread all over his bones. He understands that this is the other side’s mercy.

Otherwise, with the strength of the blow just now, he could completely kick his arms off and severely injure his internal organs. Only at the moment of hitting, Xie Ming converted all the damage into equal vibrations.

They did not attack with points, but attack with faces. Disperse all the strength that was originally gathered. Therefore, the wind can be safe and sound, but the whole body is affected by shocks everywhere.

“Thank you, Mr. Xie Ming.”

“To each other, Feng Zhen teaches each other.” Xie Ming looked at his hands and feet, and then chuckled lightly: “Thanks to this discussion with Feng Zhen, I have also gained a lot.”

Spartan fighting skills, promoted to the master.

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