Chapter 1386 The Second Goal

At the beginning, Xie Ming’s swordsmanship was promoted from a half-master to a grandmaster. It was because of the eagle-eyed Milo who helped him, and his own accumulation was sufficient, and his training was quite exhausting, so he could be promoted smoothly.

I originally thought that with experience in swordsmanship, his Spartan martial art was promoted to the master, it shouldn’t be long. As a result, this idea has become Flag. Until now, he successfully advanced.

The so-called one rebirth and two rebirths, this martial arts promotion made Xie Ming understand what the key factors were for promotion to the master.

Grandmaster means that you are able to use this technology skillfully and freely, and your proficiency has reached a considerable level. But the grandmaster, but wants to go up one level on this basis.

That is, you need to create on this basis and integrate your understanding and philosophy of this technology into it.

In the battle just now, Xie Ming tried to integrate some of his understanding of swordsmanship into the Spartan fighting technique, and then the bottleneck leading to the master was broken.

Now Xie Ming’s Spartan fighting technique is no longer a simple six-character in the display of the skills of the main god space. Instead, a suffix was added.

Spartan Fighting Technique·Blade (Grandmaster): Shows violence to Ultimate, any part of the body can be instantly turned into a sharp weapon. When using the fighting technique, the attack speed is increased by 150%, the penetration power is +20, and the damage is increased by 200%.

At the same time, the rewards of the main god space when they were promoted to the master were also awarded, which was a familiar choice from three of the five.

1.40 data points.

2. One hundred thousand exchange points.

3. Quan Jin·Devil Breaking (Passive): Quan Jin will be accompanied by the special attribute of the surrogate sword energy: Breaking Devil.

4. Reinforced iron bones (passive): When attacked, the damage is reduced by 10%.

5. Sharp fist and blade foot (passive): When performing fighting skills, you will enjoy a 20% bonus to the sharpness of knife weapons.

There is no doubt that Xie Ming chose the last three items.

From the rewards given by the main god space, it can be seen that Yu Qi said that Xie Ming’s Spartan fighting technique was a breakthrough in fighting technology.

This is also inevitable, after all, Xie Ming’s path has been positioned for swordsmanship. Everything else is an aid to the sword technique. So surely, there will be traces of swordsmanship.

The two passive skills of boxing strength, demon breaking and sharp fist and foot are the best proof.


At the invitation of Feng Zhen, the two visited Fengquan Liudao Hall and the students who were studying together, and exchanged their own experiences by the way. Xie Ming put a lot of water in this discussion. But Fengzhen also kept his hands.

You know, the fundamental skill of a qigong master, Nian Beast·Dragon and Tiger Roar, has not been displayed by Feng Zhen. This is to allow the Nian Beast Dragon Tiger to be attached to the body, strengthening the strength of the body, and at the same time, it has a very powerful bonus to the Nian Qi system skills.

The thin bodies of qigong masters can open mountains and crack the ground. The big reason is the skill of Nian Beast Dragon and Tiger Roar.

Xie Ming could not believe that Feng Zhen did not specialize in this basic skill. The reason why it is not used is definitely because the damage is too high and the destructiveness is too strong, and it is not suitable for use in the discussion.

In addition, Xie Ming’s fighting skills are only auxiliary, and the truly powerful one is swordsmanship. For Fengzhen, there is nothing to be proud of using his full strength and defeating the assisted technology of others.

Winning is nothing to be proud of, and losing is even more embarrassing. What would you choose instead of you?

Under the leadership of Feng Zhen, Xie Ming visited the internal facilities of Fengquan Liudao Gymnasium, and took a look at the learning state and atmosphere of the students. After lunch together, he left the gymnasium with two brand-new books. .

The two books are naturally the chanting cheats for training and using various skills of qigong masters, as well as the fighting cheats for Sanda. Of course, all skills before awakening. The skills after awakening are really too precious.

Feng Zhen hasn’t been so stupid and generous, let alone he hasn’t awakened yet.

Xie Ming naturally understands the principle of being too greedy to swallow the elephant, not to mention that he didn’t plan to go far on the way of thinking. He wanted Master’s qi skills, only a few.

The breath of the wind, the Nian Qishi, the Nian Beast·Dragon and Tiger Roar, and the phantom burst.

As for the fighting skills of Sanda, many things are interoperable with Spartan fighting skills, but there are some gaps in the details. So Master Xie Ming is not too difficult to get up.

But after all, it is necessary to analyze these details first, integrate them into combat skills, and then practice them. This week, Xie Ming gave himself time to learn and remember.

For the rest of the practice, take it slowly after arriving in the Sky City.

In the afternoon, Xie Ming consciously went to the Ghost Swordsmanship Hall in the back street to disturb G.S.D. The meditative thinking last night caused him a lot of doubts about fluctuations, so he just waited to ask.


Remidia Bajlica, this is not a person’s name, but the name of the cathedral in Huttonmar, the headquarters of the priesthood. This is a building that looks sacred.

It was also Xie Ming, the target building for the next day.

The origin of one of the professions of priesthood comes from the tenth apostle, Michel.

At that time, the “Curse of Blood” cast by the Eleventh Apostle Ozma turned the Arad continent into a sea of ​​blood.

The effect of the curse of blood is very simple. It turns humans into demons who pretend to be humans. These people are also called pretenders. They are cruel and vicious, crazy and cruel, and they completely lose trust between people.

Wives kill husbands, children kill parents, but this alone is not enough to plunge the entire Arad continent into a sea of ​​blood.

The most terrifying thing about this curse is its contagiousness. As long as the person who becomes a pretender attacks other people, the person who is attacked will also become a pretender.

In this way, there is no trust between people at all. Because the friends you met an hour ago may have become pretenders when you see them now. When people lack trust and hostility to each other, they are not far away from destruction.

Of course, this curse is not effective for everyone. As long as human beings have a strong heart, they can avoid the infection of the curse of blood. But, how can so many people with strong hearts exist?

At this moment of crisis, the savior appeared. A blue-eyed, brown-haired boy named Michel began to walk on the continent of Arad.

He was inspired by the gods and could easily distinguish the pretenders in the crowd, and with the blue fist, these pretenders were easily eliminated. And, began to gather people from the entire continent who were also inspired, and called them wizards.

In order to resist and eliminate the pretenders, the wizards began to receive rigorous training under the guidance of Michel. Using fast and fierce fists and giant soldiers, they fired the curse of blood and the first shot of the counterattack against the pretenders.

From a mage to a priest.

In the end, Ozma was sealed, but the pretenders were still scattered all over the continent of Arad. In order to prevent the second disaster, Michel came to Belmar, which was still under construction at the time, and established a base camp for priests and a base for training priests.

Cathedral: Remidia Bajalica.

After Remidia Bajlica was established and everything was settled, Michel, who was still a teenager, disappeared from people’s sight.

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