Chapter 1387

Where did Michelle go? This is one of the unsolved mysteries of the Arad continent. But the people who followed the young man who had been enshrined as a “god” by the church believed so, and he had returned to God.

But in fact, this is not the case.

He was still on the Arad continent, in the place where Ozma was sealed, where the priests and the pretenders had a bloody battle, paying a painful price and winning, so that the land was stained black with blood.

Black earth.

Xie Ming, after all, had “experienced” that battle personally, so he understood the whole story. According to legend, Ozma was able to gain the power to destroy the world because he sold his soul to Shinigami.

But in fact, that Shinigami was disguised by Herder. And that power was not given to him by Herder, but owned by him himself. The power that can only be activated by death once.

Even in the tragedies of Ozma and Kazan, Helder controlled Alice to induce the Emperor to betray them.

Kazan’s family was killed, his muscles were cut off, and he was exiled to the end of the Stru Mountain Range. Ozma’s eyes were gouged out and abandoned to the eastern seas, and his lover Liz was also taken prisoner by the emperor as a concubine.

The two heroes who had successfully protected the Arad continent under the threat of the mad dragon Hess ended up in this way. Who should bear this hatred?

It should not be other innocent people on the Arad continent, but the culprit Herder and the emperor of the Perus Empire at that time.

Therefore, in Xie Ming’s plan, Michel, Kazan, and Ozma are also one of the forces that challenge Herder. But for the time being, Michelle is filled with hatred. Isshin Ozma, who wants to destroy mankind, and Kazan, who is erratic, can become partners?

Now, it is still unknown.

But in any case, if you want to enter the black land that Alice uses Herder’s power to seal into a different dimension, the priesthood church can’t avoid this level. But how could the priesthood church be willing to let Xie Ming enter there?

Unless, there is help.

Although the source of this help, Xie Ming already has brows. He doesn’t know if it will succeed. But if you don’t try it, things that would have been successful will become impossible.

It’s just a bad coincidence when he came. Because Remedy Bajlica, the great temple that has been kept open, the gates are actually closed at this time.

More than that, there is also a small group of Paladins guarding and guarding outside the Great Temple. Regarding this abnormal situation, the residents of Huttonmar passing by around the Great Sanctuary were not surprised at all.

It’s just that occasionally someone muttered to himself after seeing the situation in the Great Sanctuary. The general meaning of the words are almost the same.

“It’s time again…”

“At this time…. In other words, every month, or every year, the Great Sanctuary will be closed. Is it for meetings? Or for what?”

Xie Ming tapped the handle of the knife lightly, thought carefully, and finally decided to come back another day.

You don’t need to worry too much about the skills of the Paladin, you just need to learn it before you leave Huttonmar. Since the Great Sanctuary is not open today, then go to the Magician Association to find Shalan first.

After all, it’s time for the magic circle to be solved, and it’s not the same thing to drag it all the time.

Finally, I glanced at the stained glass pattern on the Great Church. The young man was holding the cross in his hand, kneeling on one knee, and holding the cross necklace in his other hand, as if praying to God. On the background of the pattern, there are scales and scattered white feathers.

“Michelle, Ozma…I hope everyone can have a good talk then…”

Otherwise, you can’t kill, and it’s not impossible to leave it alone. It’s very troublesome to deal with.

“Ohhhhhhh? This extraordinary little brother. I just seemed to have heard something very interesting from your mouth.”

The girl’s cheerful voice made Xie Ming’s pace to leave.

Because he is in the city, he did not open up the field of mental perception, or what can be called the field of volatility perception. Only when necessary, the radius of the perception field is slightly expanded.

For example, when I just wanted to collect information on why the Great Temple was closed.

The young girl who called herself was indeed within the range of perception just now. Moreover, the sacred energy in her body is quite good, and she is a very powerful paladin.

But such a person is not uncommon in Huttonmar, and it is also near the Remedy Cathedral. It is not surprising that such a powerful Paladin appears. Therefore, Xie Ming didn’t pay much attention to it, and said casually.

If it were not for collecting relevant information, Xie Ming would not listen to strangers talking to themselves. He himself also said after seeing Michelle. Even if you hear it, it’s no big deal.

After all, seeing the Great Sanctuary, it’s normal to think of Michel and Ozma. As for the second half of the sentence, it can also be understood as the expectation in the heart. If there is a chance, no matter who it is, will want to meet one of the five saints, Michelle, the founder of the priesthood, right?

Unexpectedly, just such a casual sentence will attract the attention of others.

“Just treat it as not calling yourself…”

He is very short on time and very busy, but he has no time to cause some trouble. In addition, there are so many people who have just stopped, who knows who the girl is calling.

Seeing Xie Ming stepping forward again, the girl with a cheerful smile instantly stunned and hurried to catch up.

“Hey, my brother~the brother in front~the brother Xuzu who wears a red coat with a sword around his waist~~I have said your characteristics so carefully. If you don’t stop, I can only think You did it on purpose!”


With a slight sigh in his heart, Xie Ming stopped. Turned around and looked at the girl who called him.

The long burgundy hair was divided into two sides and draped in front of the shoulders, and the earrings were hung with pale gold earrings of the logo of the priesthood, and they were draped in a white cloak with dark green borders. The clothes worn on the body are close-fitting and fashionable, revealing the lines of the figure perfectly.

Behind her, she carried a wooden cross that was about the size of her own. Judging from the ornaments on her body and the marks on her clothes, she should be a member of the priesthood church.

“That, this lady.”

Xie Ming blinked and asked softly, “Excuse me, what do you want me to do?”

“There is something, of course there is something.” The girl showed a cheerful and gentle smile: “I heard it just now. You said you want to have a good talk with Lord Michel and the demon Ozma. ”

“Uh…. That’s just what I said casually. If you offend your faith, Miss, I’m really sorry.”

“No, it’s okay. Master Michelle is not that kind of petty person. However, I don’t think you just said what you just said casually.”

The girl smiled and said, “Why do I feel like you know where Lord Michel is?”

Did you peek at the script like me?

Xie Ming twitched the corners of his mouth slightly in his heart, but his expression revealed a trace of doubt and incomprehension.

“That… this lady, how could I know where Lord Michel is? I’m just an ordinary adventurer.”

“Humph~ This is the case, then I will treat it like this first.”

The girl looked at Xie Ming, then smiled freely, and proactively stretched out her hand towards Xie Ming.

“Then, I want to get to know your friend, it should be fine.”

“My name is Obes Roschbach, what is your name?”

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