Chapter 1388 Beauty Is The Most Holy


Xie Ming is no stranger to this surname. In the Dark Jihad hundreds of years ago, and Michelle against the pretenders, among the heroes called the “Five Saints” by later generations, there was a Paladin named Milan Roshbach.

Because of his excellent healing methods, the team he led was even called the “immortal group” by other fighters.

In other words, the cheerful and gentle girl in front of you is a descendant of Milan Rochebach? In this way, her status in the priesthood church should be quite high.

The thoughts in his heart flowed in every way, but the movements on his hands did not stop. Reaching out and gently holding Obes’s finger, Xie Ming showed a polite smile.

“It is an honor for me to know Miss Obes.”

“Hmm, I am also very happy to know you~”

Obes nodded, took the initiative to hold the palm of Xie Ming’s about to retract, and smiled: “But, brother, you haven’t said your name yet, don’t you want to tell me?”

“In that case, I would be too rude.”

Xie Ming gave a bitter smile, and gently shook Obes’s hand away: “My name is Xie Ming, Miss Obes, please call me as you please.”

“Then, I’m not welcome, Brother Ming.”

When Xie Ming took the initiative to break away from his hand, Obesi didn’t care, just shrugged, and then asked with interest.

“From what you just looked like, you seem to want to enter Remidia’s Great Sanctuary, Brother Ming. Could it be, is there something?”

“Well, it’s not a big deal.”

Xie Ming said calmly: “I just want to find Miss Golantis and learn from her some recovery skills about the Paladin.”

“Want to learn Paladin’s recovery skills?” Obes blinked cutely, “But, if you want to use holy arts, you have to possess holy power, don’t you have holy power, Brother Ming?”

“It’s almost the same thing.”

This point, Xie Ming had secretly received confirmation from the Paladins in the caravan on the way to Huttonmar. The sacred power of their Master does not come from God, but from themselves.

What is the origin of sacred power, I am afraid that only Michelle knows. But the holy power of the current Paladins comes from their own hearts. Want to purify chaos and evil with its own light, this is the Paladin.

The stronger the heart, the stronger the holy power of the paladin.

Energy conversion is an out-and-out magical skill, but some special energies are still unable to play a role. Otherwise, in the DXD world, Xie Ming would definitely analyze the infinite power of Orpheus and the destructive magic of Thazeks.

“That’s it…”

He held his chin with his hand, tilted his head and thought, Obes’ eyes lit up, and he tapped his palm lightly: “Yes.”

“Brother Ming, go in with me.”


“I said, Brother Ming, just go in with me.”

Obes once again reached out to grab Xie Ming’s wrist, but Xie Ming avoided him in time.

“That, Miss Obes.”

The corner of Xie Ming’s mouth twitched: “You are a graceful woman anyway, you can’t grab a man’s hand so casually.”

“Besides, the reason why the Great Sanctuary is not allowed to be visited by outsiders today, I think you know better than me. Just take me in, even if you are a descendant of Roschbach, I am afraid that there will be a lot of trouble.”

“Hmm~ Am I beautiful?”

“…Miss Obes, don’t you think your focus is a bit wrong? Wait, why has your Holy Power suddenly improved so much!?”

Xie Ming was really surprised, what was going on with the little girl in front of him. I just said casually, the sacred power in this little girl’s body increased by nearly half in an instant! What kind of bug is this?


Obesi brushed off his long burgundy hair, and said happily: “Because beauty is the sacredness! People like Xiaoge Ming think I am beautiful, so it shows that my sacredness has improved a lot. In this case, isn’t it a matter of course for the divine power to increase?”


Areyoukiddingme? (What are you kidding?)

This is how the divine power is counted? Then the ultimate narcissistic girl (Priscilla) from the dragon kingdom Lugnika came here, wouldn’t it be possible to have a second sleep?

Obviously it is impossible. But in this case, in other words, the little girl in front of her is a special person who will affect her own strength because of her beauty?

Another godsend son?

Thinking of this, Xie Ming sighed in his heart. It has only been less than two months since he has been here, and he has already met so many godsend sons. The one who had entered the realm of awakening before the age of twenty was one, and the one in front of him was another.

“The truth that only applies to Miss Obes, Miss Obes is better not to regard it as a common rule.”

“Hey, how did Brother Ming say exactly the same thing as Grandpa.”

Obeys pursed his lips in dissatisfaction, but immediately put the matter behind: “As for things that will cause me trouble, don’t worry, Brother Ming. After all, at this moment, everyone’s reports should be all It has ended.”

“So the occasion is not so formal. There will only be a few of us. And grandpa is not the kind of stingy person, he will definitely not mind naming you, brother.”

With that, Obesi reached out again to pull Xie Ming’s wrist.

“Miss Obes, I just said, don’t just grab a man’s hand…”

“But Brother Ming is a friend.”

“I only met friends in less than ten minutes.” Xie Ming added.

“It’s okay, I believe my instinct, Ming Xiao will definitely not be a bad person.”

“That’s not a reason for you to grab a man’s hand casually.”


Obes puffed up his face and looked at Xie Ming a little displeased: “Brother Ming, are you so unwilling to contact me?”

“It’s not unwilling, but… forget it.”

Xie Ming sighed helplessly, he really had nothing to do with such pure kindness and intimacy. I really couldn’t understand why the girl in front of her was so close to herself.

But since it’s all like this, let’s take a trip. Anyway, sooner or later, I have to contact the priesthood church and change the plan a bit. It’s not a big deal.

“I understand, I will follow you in. Is this all right?”

“Yeah! Let’s go then~”

Obes, who was still upset just now, showed a happy smile in an instant. With a sweet smile at Xie Ming, he walked towards the gate of the Great Sanctuary. Xie Ming shook his head and unhurriedly followed.

Up to this moment, he hadn’t realized who he was going to meet in the past.

As a descendant of Roshbach, one of the “five saints”, Obes’ position in the church must be decisive. So, what will his grandfather’s status be in the priesthood church?

The answer is: the archbishop.

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