Chapter 1399

“Hello, is that they?”

“You idiot, Lord Obes, can you still admit your mistakes!? It must be them!”

“Damn it!!! What the hell is that man! He can actually let three big beauties join his team, and among them there is Lord Obeys!!!”


“Yeahhhhhhhhhhhh, I should sigh, fortunately there is no such kind of people who don’t have long eyes to pick things up?”

Xie Ming complained in his heart, and then threw these gossips aside. After all, today, they are going to do something big.

Challenge the gatekeeper of the Stone Giant Tower, the golden giant Platani.

Seven days have passed since they came to the Sky City for training. During these seven days, the four of them would come to the Sky City every day to hunt monsters such as the Golem and the Puppet Master.

As the tacit understanding and cooperation between the four continue to improve, the intensity of the battle is gradually increasing. Fortunately, Xie Ming was strengthened in a planned way, so the members did not suffer too much injury during the training.

Of course, it is inevitable that someone who is accidentally stabbed and scratched by the ground or shaken off by a stone man is inevitable.

The one who stumbled the most was naturally Seliya, followed by Nuoyu. After all, compared with Obes and Xie Ming, the combat experience of these two people is still a little too little.

Celia hasn’t fought much at all, while Nuoyu has been following Xilan and has never experienced this kind of team fighting.

To be honest, Xie Ming hasn’t fought as a team either. He has been in the main god space for so long, and he basically only came here. Few people can keep up with him.

Xie Ming also knew his shortcomings in this regard, so he wanted to make up for it on the Arad continent. Fortunately, because the perception of mental power has been transformed into an invisible perception of fluctuations, he can detect the movements of his teammates in advance and cooperate.

Haven’t seen a pig run, haven’t you eaten pork?

The best performance in the entire team is naturally Obesi, who has the most experience in team combat. Regardless of whether it is support, supplementary or auxiliary, basically there is no way to pick out any thorns. Because of her as the team’s lubricant, these gears of different sizes can bite into each other and rotate.

Of course, Obesi showed his surprise more than once. Because she found that the people in the team are really rare geniuses. Because Xie Ming and Nuo Yu have enough combat experience, they can adjust quickly.

But Celia, who had never fought before, could actually keep up with the pace of the three of them so quickly, it was simply unimaginable.

In the training of dodge pace, now Selia can quickly dodge the puppeteer’s ground stab attack based on the flow of magic in the air, and does not hinder her from observing the battlefield and applying blessing magic to her teammates.

Being able to do this in seven days, even Obesi had to sigh a “monster”.

Some people are indeed the kind who can turn pressure into motivation. Don’t look at Celia’s gentle and kind temperament, but she is truly soft on the outside and hard on the inside.

The rapid growth of the team naturally attracted the attention of quite a few people. Xie Ming and the others are not the only ones who are adventurous in the Tower of Stone Giant. This adventure team with three beauties has been quite eye-catching since its appearance.

In addition, in the later period, this adventure team began to appear in the monster concentration area to fight. The cooperation between each other and the outstanding performance of each member directly attracted quite a lot of fans.

Well, it has nothing to do with Xie Ming in this respect. After all, if you talk about appearance, he is the kind that lowers the average of the team. All beauties with a score of 95 or more, and a youth with a score of 80 or more, the gap is naturally very obvious.

What’s more, Obesi is a big celebrity. There are not a few adventurers who know her. Many teams even hunted around Xie Ming and his team in order to be able to catch Obes’ treatment.

But Obesi is not so stupid. If she sees someone who is seriously injured, she will naturally give her all her help. But you only suffered minor injuries, and all came over cheeky and asked for treatment.

Then she will be able to persuade you first, if you continue to shamelessly entangled, then the giant cross in her hand will make your injury more important.

Compassion and kindness are not the basis for the despicable and shameless people to take advantage of the small advantage.

Moreover, between the adventurer team and the adventurer team, there are inherently unwritten hidden rules. When a squad is fighting, there must be no other squads around.

If you meet by chance, you must also leave decisively. Unless the opposing team takes the initiative to speak for help, they must not be onlookers. Otherwise, it can be judged as hostile, and no one will say anything even if it is killed.

So those teams that deliberately hunted around were beaten one by one by Xie Ming, and left with a swollen nose and a swollen face. At this point, their team was finally able to train steadily.

If the previous training is just doing questions, then today to challenge the golden giant Platani is a test of their training these days.

But before facing the defending Boss, they must first pass the obstacles before.


Blessings and speed.

Paladin skills, the teachings of God.

As the transparent blue bird and the sacred light entered the body, Xie Ming’s speed instantly increased by a large amount, and in the blink of an eye he came to the stone giant who became a wall blocking the way.

And behind him, there was a transparent red bird closely. As he stopped, he got into his body.


Feeling the explosive power in his body, Xie Ming stomped his right foot on the ground fiercely.

War trampled.


The powerful vibrations and air waves caused these stone giants, weighing at least tens of tons, to leave the ground. In the next moment, the palms containing powerful force patted the air in front of them.

Fallen palm.


With a roar like a cannon popping out of a cavity, a ring of sound waves spread out centered on Xie Ming’s hand armor. And these stone giants who used their bodies to form the walls were also washed away. Taking advantage of this opportunity, the four quickly passed through.

What appeared in front of him was a stone giant twice as big as an ordinary stone giant, one with a crimson meteor hammer in one hand, and several stone giants floating in the air with countless spikes underneath.

The hammer stone giant, the floating stone giant.

And near the hammer stone giant, there are four strange dwarf lives kneeling on the floating stones. Two of them are blue, the rest is lime gray and the other is steel.



The same blue bird and light penetrated into the purple-clothed girl. Although the speed was incomparable to Xie Ming, Nuo Yu also flashed out like a bow from the string. The target is the two blue dwarf lives.


The four dwarf beings let out a low growl and waved their palms vigorously. Five or six ground thorns stab Nuo Yu from different angles. And the floating stone giant floating in the air didn’t know when it came to Celia and Obeth’s heads.

The heavy body rubbed against the air, and smashed down fiercely with a scream that pierced through the air. But when it fell on the ground, there was no movement. The air wave blows on the hem of the two girls.

The stone giant behind him also got up at this moment. The huge arm like a gorilla hammered the ground one at a time, “running” towards this place extremely slowly. At this time, the girls had followed Xie Ming and continued to rush forward.

Nuo Yu, who was at the forefront, had also come to the face of the dwarf life.

Hanmang ejected from the scabbard in her hand.

Soul sword skills: draw a sword and chop.

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