Chapter 1400

Nuo Yu’s use of drawing a knife to cut is undoubtedly the best choice at this time.

Because these dwarf beings called puppeteers, apart from the long-range attack method of ground stab, they only have personal swipes and petrified attacks.

But these attacks, although the attack distance is very short, but very fast. For professionals in close combat, it is not a small threat.

In addition, beside them, there is a huge hammer stone giant with thorns all over, and they will be hurt just by rubbing them. In this case, it is undoubtedly a very unwise decision to use a sword to perform a direct slash.

However, as a shortstop in the team, it is her task to quickly solve these crispy puppet masters and transform the stone giant into the soul of the stone giant. So, what is the soul sword skill that is most suitable for this situation?

There is only one answer, cut with a knife.


The ancient sword in the dual state of weapon blessing and extreme weapon blade left a track in the air that emits a little bit of light. Even if these dwarf lives control the floating slate to withdraw in time, it will not help.

Nuo Yu, the position to cast the sword and slash, can be said to be perfect. Back half a step, the slash will be too shallow due to the back of the puppeteer. If you move forward half a step, you will be hurt by encountering the hammer stone giant.

The only pity is that the scope of this draw only includes a blue puppet master, that is, the manipulator of the stone giant. The other is a steel puppeteer.

However, under the triple bonuses of weapon blessing, extreme weapon blade, and blessing·speed, even a steel puppet master with a steel skin cannot resist the specialized skill of drawing swords and slashing.

A deep sword mark was left on the body of the hammer stone giant, and the two puppet masters were directly cut in midsection, and their lives disappeared.

“Boom boom boom boom!!!”

With the death of a stone giant manipulator, four explosions sounded one after another. The three bronze stone giants rushing from behind, and the floating stone giant flying in the sky shattered and turned into a transparent floating stone giant soul.

“I didn’t win the prize…”

Feeling the sound of breaking through the air above his head, Nuo Yu murmured, and took a step back without any haste, and a light golden halo appeared on his body.

Swordsman skills: back jump.

Qigong master skills: read Qi mask.

The hammer stone giant’s fierce hammer, which was all spikes, was almost close to the bridge of Nuo Yu’s nose and hit the ground fiercely. The powerful air wave should have blown everything around. But because Nuo Yu used the Nian Qi mask in time, he was not affected in any way.

If the other stone giant manipulator did not hide behind the hammer stone giant, then Nuo Yu would not use the back jump but the specialized back jump cut at this time. In this case, she has the confidence to take it straight away.

It is a pity that the surviving Golem controller saw the death of his companion, and the speed of hiding can be said to have reached its racial limit. In the face of the heavy hammer stone giant, even a specialized back jump cut, I am afraid that it will not be able to penetrate.

However, it does not matter.

Because the other person has turned into an afterimage and walked around.



The hands in the dark gauntlets grabbed the heads of the remaining two dwarf lives. The blue veins under the skin bulge, and the heads of the two monsters have been reduced from the three-dimensional to the two-dimensional.

And because the last manipulator died, the bodies of all the remaining stone giants burst into pieces instantly, and their souls got rid of the shackles of the stone bodies and floated out.

After the stone giant becomes the soul of the stone giant, the powerful defense power brought by the body will disappear. But in the same way, their speed will increase. And because of the characteristics of the soul, it is also in a domineering state all the time.

At the same time, the attack method will also change.

Looking at the shoulders behind him, the souls of the stone giants rushing towards him and Selia, Obesi, who holds the giant soldiers in his hand, smiled slightly and put the cross in front of him.

In the next moment, the mark exuding holy light like a seraph turned into a huge shield slowly advancing, steadily blocking the impact of the souls of the five stone giants.

Paladin skills: Ember Shield of the Holy Light.

The souls of the stone giants, no matter what kind of attack or impact, can not be shaken, they can only be obediently pushed back by the light shield.

At this time, Nuo Yu and Xie Ming, who had already settled the souls of the other stone giants, had also arrived.

With Celia’s blessing, speed, blessing, strength, and Xie Ming’s weapon blessing, he solved it with a few punches and ended the battle.

After tidying up the spoils dropped by the monsters, everyone entered the resting stage tacitly. In order to save energy and conquer the golden giant Platani, everyone did not use high-consumption skills.

Seliya should consume the most, after all, she has seized every opportunity to give her teammates a boost. However, under Xie Ming’s reminder, she also only used the two blessing skills, power and speed, which consume the least amount of money.

After all, what she needs to practice now is to catch the gap and judge the battlefield. Assistance is not just to seize every opportunity, but to seize the right opportunity. But how to grasp it requires a lot of practice.

Seize more opportunities and observe after blessing your teammates to see how much your blessing status has played on your teammates. This is Seliya’s current issue.

The more times, you will naturally understand the timing of the blessing state.

At the very least, it is a good choice to bless Xie Ming and strengthen Xie Ming’s palm falling.

“Well, ahead is where the Golden Giant is. Here, let’s review the situation on that battlefield.”

After seeing that he had attracted the attention of the three of them, Xie Ming continued.

“First of all, the number of monsters will definitely not be less than this time. Maybe there will be upgraded monsters. But even if the ordinary stone giants are upgraded, it is nothing to us. At that time, Nuoyu will kill the manipulator. , It can be easily solved.”

“It is worth noting that there are two points. One point is naturally our goal, the golden giant Platani. This guy is three or four times the size of the usual stone giant. Not only is he extremely powerful, but his speed is not affected by his huge body. ”

“According to the intelligence of the frontline base, Platani will also release a large number of ground stab magic. Compared with the puppeteers’ ground stabs, it releases more ground stabs, larger shapes, and more damage.”

“Whoever among us is hit will be seriously injured. Therefore, we must pay attention. The rest is its violent running impact. When it raises its arms, we must pay extra attention.”

“The second point is that the only elite monster among the stone giants, Stoneblade Razzle. Its sonic attacks and the whirling stoneblade darts thrown must be vigilant. Also, because it is a self-disciplined stone giant, kill it. The dead manipulator has no effect on it.”

“Any questions?”

Seeing the three of them shaking their heads, Xie Ming continued.

“Then, it is the battle plan. Under the threat of Platani, if no one attracts its hatred to contain it, it will be very dangerous for everyone. Therefore, I will take the lead in attracting its hatred to open the battlefield.”

“At this time, Obes can turn on all the states and bless you, Celia and Nuoyu. Nuoyu solves all puppeteer enemies at the fastest speed, and Celia is responsible for assisting.”

“Obes, your pressure will be greater. Before Nuoyu kills the manipulator, you must not only dodge the attack of the ordinary stone giant, but also delay the stone blade Razzle. Until Nuoyu takes the puppet-type enemy After all the souls of the stone giant have been resolved, you can set fire to extinguish the stone blade Razzil.”

“This is the syllabus of operations. If there are changes, it depends on your ability to respond to changes. If there is no problem…”

Xie Ming smiled when the three of them shook their heads again.

“OK, then, let’s start our team assessment this time!”

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