Chapter 1401 Golden Giant Platani

Before they had traveled much distance, a shining huge red ore entered the sight of the four. As everyone approached, the full picture of the red ore creatures reflected in everyone’s pupils.

Towering, fierce, and majestic, these words can all be used to describe the feeling of the huge stone statue standing in front of the door.

The front end of the huge arm of the cylinder, the junction between the chest and waist, and the crown on the head are all inlaid with crimson rubies containing powerful magical waves. Together with the huge ore behind, they exude a dazzling red light.

The joints of the arms and above the waist, as if plated with gold, gleamed in the sunlight coming in from outside. The jewel pupil under the crown contains emotions that only intelligent life can appear.

Sui and domineering, ruthless and indifferent.

The stone giant was originally a magical lifeform created by magic, and has always been the attendant and guard of the magician. However, in the millennia that the Sky City was sealed, some magical life forms had already given birth to wisdom and evolved.

If the stone giants are separately listed as a race, then the golden giant Platani is undoubtedly the king of the stone giants clan.

After just one glance, Xie Ming knew that if he didn’t use a knife, he would at least hit this monster with ten punches, and he had to be in the same position to break the defense.

It should be said, is it really one of the bosses who had a deep impression of his childhood?

In the game, the Ashura character he controlled was extremely easy to overturn in this level. Because the golden giant Platani is a monster that is basically in the domineering state throughout the entire process. Some hard control skills do not work at all.

Only use the soft control of ghost printing beads to slow down its movements. Then take advantage of this opportunity, crazy throwing skills to cause damage. Otherwise, waiting for it to run, it would be difficult to hit the wave sword or something.

To get rid of Platani’s hegemonic body, all its hegemony bars must be consumed. The way of consumption is damage. The higher the damage, the more hegemony bars will be consumed.

Therefore, it is easy for the character to fail to pay attention and be hit directly on the ground by the arm like a stone pillar. If you are hit, you have to knock the blood bottle. Otherwise, if you get hit a few more times, just pay the resurrection coin directly.

The setting of the overlord body makes the golden giant Platani the most special among all the monsters in DNF.

After moving his shoulders, Xie Ming turned his head and looked at his three teammates. Fortunately, no one was frightened by Platani, and there was no panic. But yes, none of these three girls are fuel-efficient lamps.

Using Xie Ming’s gaze as a signal, Celia began to sing softly.

Blessings, speed, blessings, strength, and the breath of wind were blessed on everyone. Weapon blessings were also displayed by Xie Ming on himself and Nuoyu, but they were not attached to Obes.

Because this part of the holy spell state imposed by the male paladin will conflict with the state exerted by the female paladin herself. Weapon blessing is just one of them. This is why Xie Ming didn’t give Obes weapon blessing.

“Then follow the plan.”


The other three nodded, and the team instantly dispersed. Xie Ming took the lead, Nuo Yu walked around from the side, and Obes and Celia also moved a certain distance away. Obes rushed to the lime-grey stone giant, while Celia took care to keep the distance between himself and Nuoyu.


The four of Xie Ming saw the golden giant Platani, so Platani had no reason not to see them. If it can, it wants to preemptively and rush directly to destroy the frontline bases of these adventurers.

But unfortunately, when Bakar created it, his mission was to guard the door behind it. This also led to Platani not being able to leave the gate very far.

And its hatred value will also be prioritized on the desire to break through and destroy the adult’s life.

That high-level gunner dragged Platani in this way, allowing his other teammates to leave safely.

Last time, so many people were beaten back by myself and his subordinates, but this time, I only wanted to break through with four people?

As the king’s arrogance, Platani felt a trace of anger in his heart. The red rubies inlaid all over the body are more dazzling because of its emotional fluctuations.


Looking at the human being rushing towards him, the king of stone giants, let out an angry roar.

“Adventurer!!! Look at me Platani, let you go to Shinigami and regret it!!!”

The arms were raised high, and then they slammed into the ground frantically, driving the huge body like a chariot, roaring and crashing into Xie Ming. The huge vibration even caused small stones to fall from everywhere on this layer.

At the same time, it also alarmed the team of adventurers who were fighting in other parts of the Stone Giant Tower.

“Someone is going to challenge that monster!? Who is it?”

Then a special team suddenly appeared in their minds.

Xie Ming at this time, naturally, it is impossible to care about other things. The pitch-black eyes calmly stared at Platani who was rushing towards him, without any signs of dodge, and he still kept sprinting.

It seems that you want to be tough with this golden giant?

Just having such an idea, Platani’s inner anger became more intense. A mere human, actually wants to fight with oneself! ! !

“Crush you!!!”

“Although I have wisdom and intellect, I don’t have much self-control ability.”

Looking at the more swift golden monster, he faintly analyzed a sentence, while silently perceiving the distance between himself and Platani and the time of contact through the fluctuation domain.

Seven seconds, five seconds, three seconds, is now.

With his eyes narrowed slightly, Xie Ming burst out all his speed in an instant. At this time, Platani had just smashed his arms and raised them slightly. And Xie Ming’s body took advantage of this opportunity to turn into a blood shadow, and drilled under its armpit.


Unbelievable emotions were mixed in the thunderous sound. Platani hurriedly slammed his arms again as a brake. After ploughing two wide and long black marks on the solid ground, he slowly turned around with his arms.

And this action was accurately captured by Xie Ming’s fluctuation perception field.

“Strength, speed, and defense are very strong. However, flexibility is very low. At least turning around is its fatal flaw.”

The information on Platani, the golden giant, is being quickly completed. But it’s still a little bit short of its magical attack. But soon, it will be used.

Xie Ming was right. After turning around, he found that this human being did not look at himself, and rushed towards the gate it should have guarded without looking back. The anger of the golden giant Platani had reached Ultimate at this time.

“Despicable adventurer!! Don’t think about it, go through the gate!!!”

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