Chapter 152

“Damn it!!” The faces under the helmets of the other two fire elves were flushed with anger, raising their spears and rushing over.

“…It’s a real dish.” Xie Ming murmured, walked over slowly, and waved the sword twice again.

The two of them had been split in half and turned into flames without reacting.

Xie Ming raised his head and looked at the horns helmet in the air: “What’s the matter, won’t you fight over?”

The horns helmet shook his head, and said with a wry smile: “Forget it, I’m still a little self-aware, can you just let me go?”

“Hmm~ To be honest, I can still drop you at this altitude, but I still ask the person involved.” Xie Ming turned to look at Lifa and asked.

“Girl over there, do you have any ideas?”

Lifa shook his head, staring at the horns helmet and said, “I’ll forget it, but I must beat you next time.”

“I don’t want to PK with you.” The Horned Helmet gave a wry smile, and walked away.

Lifa let out a sigh of relief as the red flames around him dissipated, and then looked at Xie Ming, “So, what should I do? Should I thank you, run away, or…” Raising the long knife in his hand, “Fighting with you?”

“Uh, let’s forget it.” Xie Ming retracted Taidao from his waist and said with a smile: “If it is not necessary, I still won’t fight a girl. Also, girl, you look so beautiful, I can’t bear to do it either.”

“Ha~!” Lifa blushed and shouted to Xie Ming, “Are you a fool?”

“Dad! You are molesting others again, I will tell mom when that happens!” Yui flew out of Yi Kabuto dissatisfied when she heard Xie Ming’s words, staring at Xie Ming angrily.

“I just wanted to ask.” Lifa walked over slowly, looking at Yui on Xie Ming’s shoulder curiously: “Is this a personal elf?”

“Well, Yui is my daughter.” Xie Ming poked Yui’s face lightly with his finger, and said.

“Strange guy.” Lifa put away the long knife in his hand, and turned his eyes to Xie Ming: “Then again, why do dark elves wander around this place.”

“…If I said I was lost, would you believe it?” Xie Ming’s face became stiff and said slowly.

When Lifa heard this reason, ‘pouch’ laughed.

Xie Ming saw that he had succeeded in calming down the atmosphere, and he also relaxed. After all, it’s hard to find a kind guide, but you can’t just let it go.

After laughing enough, Lifa gently wiped the corners of her eyes with her fingers, and introduced herself: “My name is Lifa, first of all thank you. Thank you for saving me.”

“…Isn’t it.” Hearing the name, Xie Ming stiffened, and quickly filtered the plot about Sword Art Online in his head, and then looked at Lifa’s outfit.

“It’s Kirito’s younger sister!?” shouted in his heart.

Lifa, whose real name is Kiriya Souha, is Kirito’s cousin, and she has always admired her brother Kiriya Kazuto in her heart. But unfortunately, Kirito is not a sister-in-law. Kirito’s parents died since childhood, so Kirito was adopted as a son by his mother’s sister. But Kirito is a genius. At the age of 6, he assembled the collected computer waste into a computer. At the age of 10, he found out his life experience from the Internet, and gradually moved away from his sister and adoptive parents, and became addicted to online games.

Suguha is a hard-working girl. The grandfather of the two is a master of kendo, who has been training them since they were young. But when Kirito knew about his life experience, he gave up on Kendo. When he found out, his grandfather was very angry. He picked up the bamboo sword and tried to smoke Kirito. But being stopped by Suguha, Suguha said, “I will try my best!”

As a result, he wielded a bamboo sword for 8 years, and entered the top 8 in the national competition only in the junior high school period, and was directly selected as a kendo master to participate in the national competition in his freshman year. Tongya Suguha is such a hardworking girl.

“What’s the matter?” Lifa tilted her head and asked suspiciously.

“Ah, um. Hello, my name is Edmond, and this is Yui.” Upon hearing Xie Ming’s introduction, Yui flew in the air and bowed slightly.

“Edmond…-kun, what are you going to do next, if you can, then… how about a drink in return?” Lifa asked.

When Xie Ming was struggling with how he met Kirito’s sister, he was shocked when he heard this, and then broke the jar and said, “Okay, I just came to this game, and I just need a guide.”

“Oh, that’s right. Don’t look at me like this, I’m actually an old player too.” Lifa said, patting her chest.

Xie Ming smiled slightly, “That’s really reliable.”

“Then, although it’s a little far away, there is a neutral village in the north, so let’s fly there first.” Lifa proposed.

“Ah? But isn’t this place a little closer to the Suiru weather vane?”

When Lifa heard this, she looked at Xie Ming helplessly: “You really don’t know anything, Suiru is the territory of the Wind Elf.”

“???” Xie Ming’s head was full of black question marks.

“In the city, you can’t attack the wind elves, but the wind elves can attack you instead.”

Xie Ming smiled: “I’m not a dangerous person, so how can I attack me without any reason? Besides, you still have Lifa, right?”

Lifa spread her hands, “I don’t care if you say that, but you can’t guarantee the safety of your life.” Then a fairy wings appeared behind him, “Then let’s go.”

“OK, then let’s go.” Black wings also appeared behind Xie Ming, slowly taking off.

“Are you really a novice? The Master learned the skill of flying at will so soon.” Lifa flew into the air and asked suspiciously.

“Isn’t it very simple? Just now I wanted to try the fastest low-altitude flight. Can I avoid obstacles, but I lost control only by avoiding the first few branches.” Xie Ming mentioned the embarrassment just now, involuntarily. Covered his face.

But Lifa became even more speechless after hearing this, “You actually want to fly at low altitude at the fastest speed, how much do you believe in your reflex nerves.”

“Yeah, it really takes a lot of practice to become a Master.” Xie Ming nodded with deep feeling.

“Dad is really an idiot.” Yui sat on Xie Ming’s shoulders, vomiting.

“But since this has saved a lot of things, come with me.” Lifa flew in one direction after shaking the cyan wings behind him, and Xie Ming chased after her.

Both sides used the fastest speed at the same time, Xie Ming thought silently in his heart: “This speed is about 50 meters per second. I just flew at full strength in the forest faster than this, but I can’t fully control that speed now. Sure enough, I still need to take it step by step.”

“You’re pretty good.” Lifa flew to Xie Ming’s side, “I’m the only one who can stand this speed.”

Xie Ming smiled and did not speak. Gradually, a building appeared in front of him. The whole body is emerald green, with tall cone-shaped buildings on the four corners of the city, and an elliptical building in the middle. There are many bridges between the five buildings.

“There is the Suylu weather vane, isn’t it beautiful.” Lifa said proudly, looking at the building in front of her.

“Well, it’s very beautiful…” Xie Ming suddenly remembered something, a cold sweat appeared on his face: “Although I will take off, I will not land…”

“……” A few drops of cold sweat appeared on Lifa’s face.

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