Chapter 153

“…I’m sorry, Edmund-kun.” Lifa folded her hands and smiled bitterly.

“It’s okay, I also forgot to ask you how you landed, it’s not Lifa’s fault.” Xie Ming rubbed his face and said.

Just now Xie Ming successfully attracted the attention of everyone in the city. The sound of the crash that shocked the world and the sound of falling to the ground sounded painful, not to mention the personal experience of Xie Ming. Although the pain sensation in the game is basically negligible, the psychological shadow it brings is not generally large.

Of course, in terms of Xie Ming’s psychological quality, this is nothing at all.

“Then, let me get back to you.” Lifa said looking at Xie Ming, whose blood volume had fallen by a quarter. Then I closed my eyes, and circles of spells appeared around my body. Whenever Lifa uttered a syllable, the spell that matched the pronunciation would automatically flash in front of her.

This is a very simple basic reply magic, with only a short four-syllable pronunciation. After Lifa spoke the spell, a white light appeared on her hand, and then tens of millions of white light spots appeared beside Xie Ming, and the dropped blood bar slowly recovered intact.

“This is the magic system of this game…” Xie Ming exclaimed.

“Just the basic healing magic, the advanced healing magic can only be used by the water elves. But the basic healing magic must be Master’s, you should also remember it better.” Lifa smiled slightly and suggested.

In ALO, the elves of each race have their specialties. For example, Lifa’s wind elves are good at flying speed and hearing, and the use of healing magic is better than other races except water elves. The strengths of Xie Ming’s dark elves are dark vision and dark flight.

According to the setting of this game, all races need light to fly. If there is no light, then the flight time and speed will be greatly reduced. Therefore, the dark elf’s strength, dark flight, is that it can fly longer and faster than other races in the dark, which is why Xie Ming can catch up with the speed of the wind elf Lifa.

The two were walking down the street, ready to go to the hotel. Xie Ming observed on the road that the wind elves’ cities are mainly green, and the architectural style is closer to people’s imagined elves’ dwellings. It is full of greenery and full of vitality. This is Xie Ming’s evaluation of this city.

“Lifa!! It’s great that you don’t have the facts~!” A green mushroom head ran in the distance. After seeing Lifa, Lifa responded, “Ah, Regan, you are here.”

“Ha~ha~, it’s Lifa.” Regan took a few breaths on his knees, said happily, and then saw Xie Ming next to Lifa.

“Ah! Dark Elf?!” Reaching out and holding the Short Sword pinned behind his back, he said alertly: “Why is the Dark Elf here!?”

“It’s okay, it’s Edmund-kun who saved me.” Lifa waved her hand, and then introduced to Xie Ming: “This person is Reagan and my friend.”

Xie Ming looked at the green mushroom head, with a million words in his heart that he wanted to spit, but he still held back and chuckled softly: “Hello, my name is Edmond.”

“Hello, I am Reagan.” Regan replied subconsciously, and then immediately reacted: “No! Lifa, is it possible that this person is a spy!?”

“Spy?” Xie Ming looked at Lifa suspiciously, “Is it possible that some people play this game as a spy war game?”

“Ah, this is a long story. Let’s talk to you when we get to the tavern.” Lifa gave a wry smile, and then explained to Regan, “Don’t worry Regan, this person is not a spy.”

“Lifa, do you want to go to the tavern with him? But we have already booked the tavern that we’ve been going to.” Regan said embarrassedly.

“Sorry, Reagan. I have already agreed with him, next time.” Lifa thought for a while, but refused Regan’s invitation, and then took Xie Ming and left.

“Lifa….” Regan was like an abandoned puppy, pitifully staying in place and looking at Lifa and Xie Ming.

“…Boy, if you want to chase a girl, please change your hair color first.” Xie Ming looked at Regen behind him, and said in his heart.

“Dad, you can’t say that to others behind your back.”

“I see, my little housekeeper.”


“Cheers!” The two gently touched the glass and took a sip of the grape juice in the glass.

“Then, let me formally thank you again for your help.” Lifa smiled.

“You’re welcome.” Xie Ming smiled, and then said sternly: “I have seen that kind of fighting between races along the way, and I have heard people worry about me as a spy. Is it the atmosphere in this game? Isn’t that bad?”

“Well, how should I put it…. All of this is related to the ultimate mission of the World Tree.” Lifa dimmed when she talked about it, and then forced a smile.

“Can you tell me in detail, after all, I have to rush to the World Tree in the shortest time.” Xie Ming said with a serious face.

“Okay.” Lifa sorted his thoughts and began to introduce.

Each race can only fly for a maximum of 10 minutes and cannot fly continuously. However, the first race to reach the top of the world tree, the city in the sky, is summoned by the fairy king Oberon, all members will be transformed into a race called the light fairy. This race does not have any flight restrictions and can fly at will. .

But the only way to reach the upper end of the world tree is through the large dome at the root, where there is an entrance to the upper city. However, the NPC guardian army guarding the dome is very powerful. It has been a year since ALO started serving, but this task is still unsolvable.

Players racked their brains and concluded two possibilities. One is that they missed some critical missions, and the other is that a single race cannot be solved. Players are investigating the first possibility one by one, but the second possibility is completely impossible to complete.

“Because only the race that is summoned first can be transformed into a light elf.” Xie Ming said slowly.

“Yes.” Lifa smiled bitterly, “As long as you have experienced the fun of flying, no one can give up. So all races are enhancing their own race strength, then it will inevitably lead to battle. We wind elves and the nearby fire. The relationship between the elves is the worst, so fighting is the most frequent.”

“I understand.” Hearing Lifa’s explanation, Xie Ming’s memory became clearer. Now all the memories and details about ALO have been recalled.

“Thank you, Lifa, for telling me so much.” Xie Ming got up to thank you, and then prepared to leave.

Lifa looked at Xie Ming, and suddenly asked, “Are you going to explore the World Tree?”

Xie Ming was stunned and smiled: “Of course, someone is still waiting for me on it.”

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