Chapter 1603 The Law of Victory Has Been Determined

Among those present, the only one who could understand what had just happened, except for a few people involved, was probably Held alone. But because of understanding, her breath has become so confused due to emotional fluctuations.

Her control of the players is to use the medium of Kayaba Akihiko to let the players pass through, and to print the control magic on the players’ souls to interfere and control the players’ spirits.

This is why she is able to create main tasks and monitor players’ actions.

However, under the interference of the planet-level magic: Kyōka Suigetsu, the spirit that the players originally wanted to escape has actually been intercepted by Kyōka Suigetsu. Only a very small part of the spirit really came to the Arad continent.

The rest is actually supplemented by the magic effect of Kyōka Suigetsu. Therefore, Herder’s control magic is printed on the pseudo-spiritual body of the players created by the magic effect of Kyōka Suigetsu.

To describe it in a metaphor, the players are the owners of the computer, the computer is a pseudo-spiritual body produced by Kyōka Suigetsu, Ortinus is the programmer responsible for the installation, and Herder is the hacker who attacked the computer.

The computers operated by the players were hacked, and of course they could not resist. When a hacker encounters a very powerful programmer who is responsible for installing the machine, he naturally depends on the level of water.

And now it seems that Herder’s level is obviously not as high as Oetinus’ level.

“I’ve heard your name from Xie Ming a long time ago, and now I can finally meet you in person like this, Herder.”

Gently pulling the witch hat on his head, Otinus’s green eyes calmly stared at the woman who had the mole: “I was looking forward to you, whether I can see through the magic circle I set up. After all, you Anyway, he is also a guy who dared to lay out plans across the plane.”

“But now, it seems that I am a little high on you.”

“You… are Mr. Xie Ming’s friend?”

“I am the understander of this man. I come from a world different from the earth and the continent of Arad.” Otinus said lightly: “You can call me Odinus (Odin).”


Herder, who is already familiar with the earth’s culture, is naturally impossible not to know what the homophony of the name Otinus is. Moreover, she can also arrange such a huge and complicated magic circle that she can’t even detect…..

There is no need to say more about what these all represent.

“So, what about the other one?”

Trying to keep calm, Herder smiled slightly: “Won’t the other lady introduce herself?”

“I’m just the master’s knife, please don’t care too much.”

Justissa, naturally, it is impossible for Eutinus to be as interested in Helder. Rather, until now, even Xie Ming hadn’t figured out what Justissa was interested in.

Since she woke up, she did what she told her to do.

Of course, if she is upset, she will express her emotions in her own way. For example, the time when she pretended to be a wicked person and persecuted Sinon.

“By the way, it’s impossible to let them do this.”

With that said, Otinus snapped his fingers lightly. In the next moment, in the hollow eyes of Asuna and others, a trace of color finally appeared. Herder’s control magic was completely relieved with this sound.

“here it is…..”

“We should be in Central Park…”

“That is…..”


Seeing the person who was thinking about her, she stood not far away, and Asuna could no longer suppress the emotions in her heart and shouted loudly.

“Edmond…””He is Mr. Edmond?”

“The one facing Mr. Edmond…Miss Herder!?”

“Yo, everyone, it’s been a long time since I saw you.”

The back of the demon knife tapped his shoulder lightly, and Xie Ming said with a light smile: “I understand that you have a lot of things you want to ask now. But now, it’s not time to explain the situation with you.”

“Herder, Kahn, and Isis, these three apostles are up to us to deal with. Could you please help Bakar and the others to fight Casillas?”

“Bakar!? He has not been taken by us…”

“Edmond, you want to fight Miss Held!? Why!?”

One question after another, keeps popping out of the players’ mouths. They really don’t know what the situation is now? Why did Xie Ming, who came to this world in advance, fight against Herder, who helped them a lot in the Demon Realm?

“Everyone, now is not the time to talk about this.”

Only Asuna slowly drew out the thin sword from her waist that had been recast many times, and looked at everyone: “Please trust me, trust Ming.”

“…….I see.”

Kirito seemed to have reacted, and pulled out the black and white swords from behind: “Edmond, give us a revenge for the players who came to this world!”


“elder brother?”

“Everyone, I believe Mr. Edmond!”

Silica also drew a pair of daggers from behind: “Mr. Edmond will not harm us!”

“Ah~~~!!!” Liz scratched her hair frantically: “Why do one or two like to be riddlers so much! After the battle, we must definitely give us an explanation!”

“Everyone, let’s go!”


Seeing Asuna and the others who rushed to the distant battlefield in a certain formation despite the chaos, Xie Ming couldn’t help but shook his head with a smile: “These guys.”

Although along the way, they have experienced many life and death, and surpassed countless death battles. But some fundamental things have not changed because of this.

This is what makes Xie Ming most happy.

“Well, let you wait a long time, Kahn, Isis.”

“It’s just a matter of courtesy.” Isis said calmly: “Now, let’s start.”


Xie Ming grinned, and his figure suddenly disappeared from everyone’s sight. In the next moment, the figures of Kahn and Isis disappeared without a trace with a gust of wind.

Their battlefield is in the universe.

Herder did not leave with Kahn and Isis, but stayed where they were. Also staying in place are Otinus and Justissa.

“Two, don’t you go and help Mr. Xie Ming?”

“It’s not necessary.”

Otinus looked at Herder faintly: “My task is to watch you. Justissa’s role is to protect these teammates of Xie Ming.”

“For a woman like you, you can’t be careless.”

“Miss Otinus speaks…too much.”

As soon as the voice fell, a well-prepared explosive bomb of the sixth element instantly attacked Celia and the others behind Otinus. But immediately, he was blocked by a sixth element barrier.

The roar of explosions and crazy firelight were all blocked from the barrier.

The expressions of the two parties did not change as a result.

“Because, I’m basically telling the truth. The truth is always the most hurtful.” Otinus beckoned slightly, and the natural elements in the air gathered into a golden sacred spear.

“The magic in the air…. It’s a little too abundant.”

He sighed slightly in his heart, and the spear in his hand lightly touched the void, Otinus said calmly.

“Well, we can start the battle between us and the magician.”


If you say Kahn, it is the power of Ultimate. Then Isis is the speed of Ultimate. The combination of Ultimate’s speed and Ultimate’s power is really not too much of a problem with the description of invincible.

If all this speed and strength appeared on one person, then Xie Ming really had nothing to do.

The strength and speed are crushed, so you can only fight for your life and sell your flaws to give up a blow.

But now, it’s not for that purpose.

The reason is simple, because there are two people who have power and speed. And these two people had never cooperated before. Among them, there is a lot of room for operation.

Even if the combination of force and speed is unprecedentedly perfect, it can even be said that the two people are one Isshin, Xie Ming can deal with it.

The superposition of force and speed and the coordination of force and speed are two completely different concepts. If the power of Ultimate is matched with the speed of Ultimate, it is not an exaggeration to increase the damage that can be hit by a hundredfold.

But just cooperation, for Xie Ming, it just lost many opportunities to fight back.

In fact, it is just as he judged.

Between Kahn and Isis, there is only a basic cooperation based on combat literacy. Kahn, who possesses the most powerful strength and body among the apostles, is responsible for entanglement of Xie Ming frontally, while Isis attacks Xie Ming’s flaws and vital points on the side.

However, how can a great swordsmanship master have so many flaws and key points to attack people who are lower than him?

Kahn and Isis fight together, the only change that Xie Ming should have greeted on Kahn is that he will greet Isis instead. But the problem is that Isis is not as strong as Kahn.

In the face of this blade light that even Kahn can hurt, all Isis can do is dodge, or counterattack to offset it. But in this way, he couldn’t attack Xie Ming.

The rhythm of the battle is still in the hands of Xie Ming.

But the main reason for this was that most of Isis’s skills were broken by Xie Ming.

By that pair of eyes that exudes a faint rainbow light.

The reason why Isis is able to possess the strength that is equal to that of Kahn, in addition to guaranteeing the speed at which he is not hit, is more importantly that he possesses powerful magic that controls the two attributes of light and darkness.

However, these magics were just about to be displayed, and Xie Ming’s light glance, they were all destroyed. In the end, the only attacks Isis could perform were the feathers that instilled strength in addition to melee combat.

Originally, the card of Forbidden Eye was a super surprise that Xie Ming left Helder. In the end, I didn’t expect this surprise, but Isis actually took it down.

To whom this restraining magic power was reserved, even if no one said it, Isis would naturally understand.

What would happen if… Herder did not stay below, but instead went up to fight with them?Herder, whose power is all in magic, if suddenly loses the power of magic, I am afraid that he will perform the highest cordless bungee jumping record ever recorded by thousands of planes.

And Kahn and Isis, would they let her do the free fall?

Obviously not, they will inevitably pull one out to rescue Herder. What will Xie Ming do at that time.

Previous events have proved that Kahn could not hold back Xie Ming’s actions. Isis admitted that he couldn’t hold the human in front of him. At that time, waiting for them is bound to be the thunder blow that can directly determine the outcome.

“This is really ironic…”

But isn’t it, I didn’t expect that their victory or defeat would be saved by Herder’s despicable actions.

This human being from other worlds hides too deeply. Deep enough, it makes people shudder.

But even so, they can’t just admit defeat. There is still a chance of victory.

Casillas on the third battlefield is their chance of victory.

As the third most powerful war ghost among the apostles, no one thought that Casillas would be defeated by the rabble of Bakkar. Even if you add that group of players who also come from other worlds, the same is true.

As long as Casillas wins, then the scales of victory will lean towards this side.

If Xie Ming knew what Isis was thinking, he would definitely smile and shook his head. The dark side of the second apostle made a mistake that most people would make.

He underestimated the players.

Kirito and the others, but the steel blade chosen by Herder to kill the apostle. Otherwise, how could Held not come up to fight, and instead wanted to control the seriously injured Resalyn, Celia and others below?

It is precisely because she fully understands how terrible these players have grown now.

Casillas is about to lose.

Xie Ming also understands this, but he does not intend to be the same as Isis, planning to drag it to the third battlefield after the end of the battle to influence the first and second battlefields here.

The reason is very simple.

Since Herder played the player’s card, he has understood that the opponent has no hole cards. This is all the combat power that Herder can get.

But what about him?

He still had several bombs left in his hand and didn’t hit them.

Now the opponent has only the last two cards in his hand, and his hand is the bomb combination. Don’t double this time, when will it double?

And don’t forget, Xie Ming at this time is not Xie Ming at that time.

When he was singled out with Kahn at that time, he was holding the Dark Flame Sword in his hand, and his body was a spiritual projection that was pulled to the continent of Arad.

But now, his body is his own flesh body, a flesh body with the equipment bonus of the main divine space. What he held in his hand was not the Dark Flame Knife, but the countless God Killing Equipment of the Slaughter God, the Demon Blade Nightmare.

In front of Demon Blade Nightmare’s blade, Kahn’s body, which was claimed to be indestructible, was not of much use anymore. Kahn now used all his magic power to strengthen his body internally and barely resisted the demon sword’s slash.

His double fists have already left countless marks that can be detonated.

Kahn was barely resisting, and Isis wanted to delay as long as possible. But Xie Ming has not yet exerted his full power.

“The law of victory has been determined.”

“The Earthly Sword Art, Fallen Leaves.”

The supple extreme of Xie Ming’s sword technique was used again.

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