Chapter 1604 Dual Sword Flow VS Dual Sword Flow

When it comes to Roujin, 99% of people think of the representative of Roujin, Tai Chi. Follow the way of nature, when soft is soft, when strong is strong, this is the main theme of Tai Chi.

Even Taijiquan, which is famous for its soft strength, has the term ‘gang’. What does this indicate? This shows that the glazing is soft, which is not acceptable.

The main function of Roujin is to defuse powerful attacks that cannot be resisted through a force that is far weaker than the enemy, so that the enemy can create flaws. Fighting the enemy late is the unchanging tenet of Soft Power.

This means that if you want to use the ‘soft’ moves, you have to give up first and choose second. The disadvantage of the latter move is that there is no initiative.

Of course, Rou Jin also has the effect of turning passive into active. But the enemy is not a fool, and it is impossible for you to simply succeed every time.

Xie Ming’s sword skills are not perfect, and they also have big flaws. The ‘fallen leaves’ move is extremely powerful in terms of defensive counterattacks, but its biggest shortcoming is that the preparations are extremely obvious.

Before using Fallen Leaves, Xie Ming’s muscles would be in an extremely relaxed state. In this state, his breath will

This is used to restrain the enemy’s indomitable tricks (such as the ignorant three-stage sudden attack of the victim Okinada), not to restrain the general attack.

And Kahn’s biggest advantage is that every punch he hits has the power of a unique move. He has no tricks, but every one of his punches is a trick, and it is still a controllable trick.

This also directly led to Xie Ming’s falling leaves, and it was impossible to achieve the same effect as before.

He felt it when he induced his punch, and Kahn had already received a lot of strength. With these forces, he could control his body and punched a second deadly fist.

At the same time, Isis also seemed to have discovered some points. He fully cooperated and shot countless feathers filled with dark magic, completely ignoring whether it would affect Kahn.

After all, that’s Kahn. Worrying about him is better than worrying about what the enemy wants to do.

Xie Ming’s sudden change of tactics must mean that he has a plan. Want to rely on this change trick to change this somewhat stalemate at this time. But since he showed such a big flaw, how could they not seize the opportunity?

Even if they know that this flaw is very likely to be bait, they must also be hooked.

But in fact, whether Isis and Kahn bite or not, it doesn’t have much impact on Xie Ming. As the developer of Ye Luo, can he not understand that after using this trick once, it will not have much effect on Kahn?

The reason why he used this trick again was just to improve the success rate of the next series of actions.

After all, Kahn is not Rotes, there are not so many hands and feet that can be used to attack. One fist was taken off by Xie Ming, and the other fist used his full strength. As a result, Kahn has no way to attack again for the time being.

For Xie Ming, this is enough.

There was a flash of light in his pupils, and Xie Ming’s body suddenly disappeared in front of Kahn and appeared behind Isis.


The feathers all over Isis were agitated at this moment. The crisis called death caused him to explode at an unprecedented speed at this moment. For a while, even Xie Ming’s eyes couldn’t keep up.

However, he did not escape the range of fluctuation perception. This also means that he can no longer escape.

“The Earthly Sword Art, Min.”Ye Luo summed up the soft limit of Xie Ming’s sword technique, while Ming summed up all Xie Ming’s understanding of sword drawing technique, which was the limit of speed. Moreover, at this speed, various vocabulary such as sharpness, devil-breaking, and god-killing must be added.

Both Ye Luo and Yao can be used with other weapons, Xie Ming, and as long as the quality of the weapon is high enough, there will not be a big difference in the power.

However, Xie Ming’s sword skill can only be used when Xie Ming is using the Demon Sword Nightmare.


At this moment, the entire demon world seemed to be plunged into darkness without any light. The swordsmanship that used the Vice Admiral sun in the FA world to cut through the darkness at this moment.

Under the gaze of the Demon Eye of Forbidden, Isis couldn’t even use the magic of self-preservation. He really couldn’t understand why this human being could still use spatial abilities in such chaotic spatial fluctuations.

The answer is simple, because the current Master Xie Ming is no longer a space ability, but a space-time ability. The qualitative change of abilities minimized the influence of these messy influences on his ability to use.

Space-time ability is one of Xie Ming’s biggest turning points. It now appears that this is indeed the case.

Even if Isis, who broke out to exceed the limit speed because of his survival instinct, could not completely escape the offensive of’Min’.

The pitch-black body hovered and fell weakly, without any blood spilling. Because before it was spilled, it had been burned out by the god-killing flames contained in “Min”.

As the altitude continued to drop, Isis’s body began to change continuously, and finally turned into a black and white dome, falling like a meteorite, causing a huge once again on the devil’s land that was already full of sores. Crater.

For the demons living in the demon world, this is actually not a big deal. After all, they have lived for so many years, what have they not seen? What really shocked them, or rather horrified, was that the apostle was defeated.

The second apostle, Isis Prey, who could contend with the supreme demon emperor, was actually defeated by a human!

It can be said that there is nothing wrong with using the four words of military chaos to describe the current demon army. All the people who were dealing with the demon army suddenly reduced considerable pressure.

After all, even if there are two apostles Antun and Di Ruiji to help out, the army that gathers the entire Demon Realm is not a joke. Rather, it is the fourth battlefield that is most prone to problems.

One blow knocked Isis down, and Xie Ming’s figure disappeared once again. In the next moment, Kahn’s punch from the shattered space blasted where he was just now. Seeing that the punch was fruitless, Kahn didn’t hesitate, and began to blast his fists frantically around him.

In an instant, all the space around him turned into tiny pieces. This made Xie Ming had to stretch a distance before showing up again.

Although Xie Ming’s spatial ability has become a space-time ability, he can no longer be affected by spatial confusion. Even the fragmentation of space to a certain extent will not affect the use of his abilities.

But obviously, this kind of Kahn caused is not a simple space fragmentation. All the surrounding space was scumbed by him. In such a situation, even the Intermediate Space-Time Master would not be of much use.

However, for Xie Ming, it is quite cost-effective to use the card of Time and Space Master to destroy an extremely tricky enemy.

If Isis didn’t come to deal with him with Kahn, but went to sneak attack on Resalyn, Ortinus, or Asuna and others in the third battlefield, his speed would really be a steal.

Now, the first battlefield is left with Xie Ming and Kahn heads-up. However, Kahn has already been imprinted with countless engravings waiting to be detonated. In Xie Ming’s hands, he obtained a sharp magic blade that could easily break Kahn’s body.

It is already clear who the winner will be.

But at this moment, Xie Ming madly opened the distance between himself and Kahn. Deep dignity appeared in the iridescent eyes with aquamarine as the background.

Because he felt that the aura on Kahn’s body began to burst toward a higher level.

“what happened…..”


Push the time forward a little bit before Isis is hit by Xie Ming, and focus on the third battlefield that has been neglected.

No one would deny the strength of Casillas. Especially in these thousand years, he signed a contract with Summoner Guy Di, and was willing to send projections to fight other worlds for the Summoners, and his strength was rapidly increasing.

The projections summoned by the summoners are only one percent or even one thousandth of his strength. And he relied on this strength to fight against powerful enemies in various worlds, gaining combat experience from it, and patiently digesting it.

When the preparations are complete, he intends to challenge the undefeated king of the demon world, the Fateful Kahn, to prove himself.

So from the beginning, Xie Ming never placed hope on the apostles’ joint efforts to defeat Casillas. Because of their strength, there is no longer a level.

Shilock, Rotes, Luke, Bakar, Michel, Ozma, the fighting methods of these apostles have stayed on the derivation of their own abilities. Even if Gorefiend Kazan is added, the ending will not change much.

Kazan is certainly the main body of the blood demon, but this does not mean that his strength has exceeded the realm of two senses. His fighting method still stayed at the level of manipulating blood and energy fighting.

But the real second awakening, the realm of the emperor’s blood killing the sky, is to integrate his own will into the blood qi. But Kazan was far from this step.

Rather, it is precisely because he is the source of the Berserker profession that he is a fan of the authorities and cannot see through this. Can only accumulate continuously, strengthening one’s own vitality. For him, there won’t be a problem that he cannot control because his blood is too strong.

How can a group of people who have not reached the second awakening of strength join hands to fight a war demon whose strength has steadily exceeded the second awakening, and who is considered the best among them, how can they win?

If there was no rule that the apostles could not kill each other, Shilock and others would have been killed by Casillas long ago.

But after the Flash Adventure Group joined the battlefield, the battle situation began to change.

The reason is simple, even if the war demon is the best in the second awakening, but under the siege of the three realms who have also reached the second awakening and have the presence of teammates who cooperate with each other, he has to converge and earnestly.

In particular, among the three strong two senses, there is another person who can use double swords proficiently like him.


The black and white long swords constantly collide with the two Field Swords. The surrounding 100 meters where Kirito and Casillas are fighting has become a purgatory of swords and swords.

Casillas’ smile became more ferocious and fervent, and Kirito’s eyes became sharper. Compared with Casillas’ sturdy body over two meters tall, Kirito’s figure in his early 170s looks extremely thin.

However, above the momentum, Kirito did not lose to Casillas by half. Because, for the two of them, this battle was already a showdown in sword skills.

For Kirito, this black and white double sword is the heart of a confidante. The skill of using these two swords is a summary and proof of his past.

From SAO, to ALO, and then to the current Arad continent, he integrated everything he has into it, finally created his own sword skills, and finally entered the realm of second awakening.

For Casillas, this pair of swords is also of great significance.

With a humble background, he defeated his master with this pair of knives, killed his master, and proved that he was the most powerful person. Even if this pair of knives were frustrated in front of Kahn. But this setback also made this pair of knives even stronger!

Both of them had reasons for not giving way, so in the end of this battle, either Kirito’s double swords were broken, or Casillas’s double swords were broken.

In addition to these two endings, there will be no third.Ye Mingliu·Fixed Sword!

Invasion of the magic sword!

The heavy slash that resembled Fudo Mingwang wielding a weapon collided with the force slash that had condensed the energy of the whole body.

Ye Mingliu·Hurrying Wind Sword!

The speed of sound!

With a gust of wind, he drew his sword and slashed, but he greeted a sonic boom bursting out of the sword.

Ye Mingliu·Can Heart Sword!

Cut horizontally and squarely!

The rush of speed and strength combined with a dagger, but only slashed above the afterimage of the black swordsman.

In the beginning, Asuna and Yuuki were able to help Kirito fight together. But as time passed, the battle between Kirito and Casillas became more and more violent.

Obviously this is an extremely important battle, but their faces still have excited smiles.

From that moment on, the two women stopped the offensive tacitly and quietly retreated to the side. Because they know very well that at this time the battle between the two people is no longer something other people can participate in.

Casually participating in it will only destroy the confrontation between the two of them, and they will only be hit by an uncontrollable joint attack between the two.

However, although he couldn’t join the battle, there was no problem in blessing Kirito. It is precisely because of the priests and magicians such as Michel and Ozma who are constantly blessing Kirito that he has been able to fight to this day.

Otherwise, how could Kirito be equal to Casillas in strength?

If it is possible, the two of them may maintain this fiery battle until a bloody mana is exhausted and they die. But the terrifying knife light that burst out in the air seemed to have taken away all the bright light from the Demon Realm, so that the two of them were awake.



Looking at Kirito, who was steaming up and down, Casillas grinned: “Although I didn’t fight the human named Xie Ming, it is a real pity. However, I can live up to this life if I can meet you. ”

“Why… Do you want to admit defeat?”

“How is it possible. It’s just that I think it’s time to decide the outcome.”

“It’s a coincidence, I think so too.”

The two smiled at each other, and then a strong killing intent erupted from the pupils of both sides. Mobilizing every energy in the whole body, preparing to focus it on the next move.

The roar of the second apostle’s dome falling became the signal of the beginning.

Must-kill Sword·Thousand Ghosts Kill!

Starburst…. Air Slash! !

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