Chapter 1605 Herder’s Last Trump Card

Nirvana Sword·Thousand Ghost Kill, if it were put into SAO’s sword skill system to describe it, it would be a high-level skill with eight consecutive heavy blows and two swords. Every cut in it has the weight of an immovable sword, the agility and speed of a gale sword, and the unstoppable aura of a remnant sword.

And Kirito’s Starburst Air Current Slash is a two-sword high-level sword skill with 16 combos. The main outstanding feature is that the attack frequency is extremely high, and each blow is as fast as a meteor passing by.

But that is the sword skill in the game after all. The sword skill familiar in these early games certainly gave Kirito and others the ability to fight across tiers, but at the level after awakening, I want to win by this point alone. The truth is a bit idiotic about dreams.

Besides, Kirito has now reached the second awakening. If it is solely based on the particularity of the player, it is absolutely impossible to reach this point.

Only a powerful swordsman who has used swordsmanship to Ultimate can climb to the top of the Excalibur and obtain the title of Sword God.

This is a mistake Xie Ming made before, equating the power level of the swordsmanship realm with the Arad continent. But it’s not the case. Whether it’s awakening or second awakening, each has its own conditions.

Just like the elementalist’s second enlightenment, it is able to enter the state of the ‘Holy Spirit’ and create the sixth element. The condition for the sword soul to enter the second awakening is to completely master his own swordsmanship, and to be able to use this swordsmanship to the limit.

Casillas has used his Ye Mingliu swordsmanship to the limit, even surpassing his limit. However, Kirito has used the two types of swordsmanship to the limit.

One is the improved SAO swordsmanship, and the other is the swordsmanship of the Arad continent, ghost swordsmanship.

And Asuna and Yuuki are the second awakening realms that have advanced through SAO sword skills and ghost sword skills.

This is not to say that the talents of the two women are not as good as Kirito, but that the matching rate between Shuangdaoyu and Kirito is too high. It was as if in the dark, an unknown existence had been pushing Kirito’s progress.

It is really not an exaggeration to describe Kirito who uses the second sword style like a fish in the water.

Therefore, what Kahn faced at this time was not just the Starburst Air Slash with 16 combos. There are also skills that can only be used after applying ghost swordsmanship to Ultimate.

Second Awakening Technique: Returning Ten Thousand Swords to the Sect!

The angular black sword air wings separated from Kirito’s back, and the eight sword lights were evenly wrapped on Kirito’s black and white swords. Afterwards, the black sword’s horizontal cut faced the long sword’s vertical cut.

“not enough!”

Kirito felt this the first time he was cut up. Casillas’ sword is too heavy and fierce. Even with the dual blessings of Returning Ten Thousand Swords to the Sect and Breaking Extreme Weapon Blade and Extreme, a single blow is still not enough.

If one strike is not enough, then two strikes!

Compared with the speed of swinging the sword and the frequency of attacks, who can surpass him! ?

Horizontal chop, rush horizontal chop, round chop, double-knife parallel chop, cross-down chop, cross-up chop… the black and white sword light sputtered frantically around.

The crisp collision sound between steel and steel is as beautiful as a clear spring splashing on the cobblestone. It is clear that such a fierce and violent battle has appeared such a beautiful sound.

However, no one felt that there was any violation.

The battle between swordsmen and swordsmen should have been like this.

“final hit!”

With a loud grinning laugh, Kahn severely cut off the last cut of his sword skill. At this moment, Kirito had an illusion. It was not the slash of the long sword that was approaching him, but the giant mountain that was pressing against him.

But what’s wrong with that! ?

As the black sword stabs forward, the four layers of pitch black sword aura enveloping the black sword sprays out, piercing Casillas’ blade before the black sword. With the four clear sounds, the four sword qis were shattered. Next, is the body of the black sword.

“Crack…”The point of the sword point was exactly where the sword Qi hit the blade, but in the next moment, the black sword’s body turned into countless fragments.


“It’s not over yet!!!”

Roaring in his heart, the four sword auras wrapped around the white sword also sprayed out. After following in the footsteps just now, the tip of the white sword also hit the blade of Casillas.

Counting the sword energy of returning ten thousand swords to the sect, Casillas’s last move re-slashed, taking a total of 10 stabs from Kirito.

Moreover, all of these 10 spurs were spotted at exactly the same location.


The long sword snapped at the sound, and the remaining blade did not hinder anything, leaving a huge scar on Kirito’s body from the left collarbone to the right waist. However, the cracked white sword in Kirito’s hand also penetrated Casillas’ chest.



Released his sword holding hands, Kirito fell to his knees on one knee, his face extremely pale. But in the next moment, he received the holy technique of healing from Michel, and his injuries were recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Casillas stepped back several steps, and then fell heavily to the ground.


A broken blood-stained knife, and a long knife that was also full of cracks, fell on either side of him from left to right. Kirito’s white sword is still stuck in his chest.

The breath on the body began to quickly dissipate.

“That’s it, that’s it…”

After several mouthfuls of blood spurted out, Casillas smiled: “Able to die in the hands of a strong man who also uses the double-knife flow…this life is worth it!”


Slightly turning his head, Casillas murmured as he looked at Herder who was still engaged in a fierce magical battle with Ortinus on the second battlefield.

“I know, you have never regarded me as a good friend, but I don’t mind. I only need to fight the strong to be satisfied. Other things are secondary to me.”

“But now after being satisfied, all the past things have come to mind.”

“You didn’t treat me as your good friend…I, how can you treat you as my close friend? We two are using each other.”

“Now… I’m satisfied. It’s… it’s your turn…”


“Casillas… unexpectedly lost…”

Closed his eyes slightly, Herder really didn’t know how to describe how he felt at this time.

I worked hard to lay out the plan for thousands of years, but it fell short.

The most reliable uncrowned emperor is now suppressed all the way.

The powerful reinforcements that were obtained through deliberate effort were beaten into eggs.

The brave player who was supposed to be the backbone of his side, became the last straw that overwhelmed the camel, which directly led to the death of Casillas.

“Exactly… what went wrong…”

Yeah, what went wrong? Why do you want to prevent me from restoring the Devildom?

Don’t you know that every time you see this broken world, you will recall the mighty splendor of your previous hometown, and the relatives, teachers, and friends who lived happily there… how cruel it is to her? ?

Yes, of course you don’t know. After all, your world still exists, still intact. Of course you don’t care, you only care about yourself.

That being the case, let you feel it too. This pain, this despair, this powerlessness.

Feel the pain, experience the pain, accept the pain, understand the pain.

After understanding these, we can understand each other.

So, let the Arad continent, let the earth, let the world feel this pain.

There was a faint red light in the eyes, and Herder showed a sickly smile.

“Destroy as much as you like, Kahn…this is my last contract with you.”

With that, she took a dagger from her arms and wiped her neck away. His eyes were loose, his body fell to the ground, and there was no breath.


Otinus frowned slightly, but after an instant, his face became extremely ugly.

Because three strange auras of incomparable evil, respectively, from Herder’s body, Casillas’s body and Isis’s egg, soared into the sky. The target is impressively Kahn, who is fighting Xie Ming in the sky.

“Xie Ming…”


In the Demon Realm, there are many descriptions of Kahn’s strength, but there are different opinions on how Kahn came to the Demon Realm and why he stayed in the Demon Realm.

But the most widely spread and most authentic is this legend.

When the Demon Realm hadn’t settled down yet, and it was still floating around in the universe, I once encountered a disaster that almost completely destroyed the Demon Realm. It was also because of that disaster that the Demon World became as riddled as it is now.

Power world, Greenblad, this is the name of the planet that the Demon World has come into contact with.

It was a savage world where all power was supreme, with countless giants and monsters of huge size. The contact between the Demon World and this planet brought these huge creatures to the Demon World.

The Demon Realm, which had just experienced a disaster… There is no resistance to it, and it can only let these creatures wreak havoc. Countless demons have become the bait for giants and monsters.

Herder, who had just announced to the entire Demon Realm that he would lead the Demon Realm and the Demon Clan people to prosper again, could only watch all this happen.

Destiny seems to be pulling her into the abyss called despair with all his strength.

But at this moment, his strong hands shredded the abyss.

The tall figure exudes a dazzling light, illuminating the devil world filled with blood and despair like a god. No matter how ferocious a monster, or how huge a giant, there is no way to change his expression.

Calm and reassuring, it can be said that Kahn was really Held’s savior, the savior of the devil.

After cleaning up the monsters and giants, he seemed to have thrown out the garbage, ready to go home.

At this moment, Herder appeared in front of him, trying to retain him with the water of life.

What exactly is the water of life, Herder at the time was still unclear. However, for some reason, her instinct strongly urged her to take this thing Master in her own hands.So she was thinking, would this powerful man with a subtle similarity to her breath be the same as her?

She was right.

Kahn accepted the water of life, signed a contract with her, and became the patron saint of the devil world.

But after obtaining the original Tyra’s information, Held finally understood what the water of life was used for. That is… the key to artificial god creation.

There are two necessary conditions for artificial creation of gods. One is the water of life. The other is the special aura of apostles like her and Kahn.

The water of life has the effect of attracting and fixing these special breaths.

So before the war, Held asked Kahn to drink the water of life.

Her original idea was to kill Xie Ming’s apostle as much as possible, and to strengthen Kahn with the special aura of the enemy’s apostle. But unexpectedly, it was herself who would strengthen Kahn in the end.

The death of Casillas and Herder caused the apostle breath in their bodies to automatically diffuse out and be absorbed by Kahn. And the breath of Isis, who was in a state of suspended animation, was also absorbed by this powerful attraction.

Combined with Kahn’s own breath, there are a total of four apostle breaths in Kahn’s body.

In other words… Kahn now has the breath of four gods.

Carlosso, the creator god of Arad continent, separated his own evil power. And this evil power was captured by the scientists of Terra Star and divided into twelve parts, creating Beyana with the wisdom of the sage and the power of the god of war.

Terra Star prospered because of science, but it was destroyed because of Beyana created by science. After the destruction of the twelve Beyana, the power in their bodies once again floated in the universe, looking for a carrier.

This carrier is the twelve apostles. Yes, the twelve apostles except Celia.

If the power of the complete creation god Carlosso is described by 1, then the twelve apostles who possess the aura of Carlosso’s evil power should have 124 shares of the power of creation gods.

The original Beyana is indeed the case. But that, after all, was made by Terra Star, which had gathered all the technologies, and it was a perfect body that was completely in line with Carlosso’s evil power.

Such a perfect body is difficult to reappear.

However, such a physical body did appear again. And this time, the body is more perfect and better than Beiana’s.

The name of this body is Kahn.

At this moment, after absorbing the power of Herder, Isis and Casillas, Kahn’s strength has skyrocketed wildly. Kahn now has 16 powers of creation god.

Carlos, the creation god of the Arad continent, undoubtedly has the strength of Tier 5. And how strong is Kahn, who has 16 powers?

I am afraid that only Xie Ming, who is now confronting Kahn, and Otinus, who has a very close relationship with Xie Ming, and has reached that level, can feel it.


“This woman really remained crazy until the end.” Involuntarily squeezing the demon knife, Xie Ming grinned slightly: “Cthulhu Outer God, I killed a bunch of them.”

“But the true creation god, I really haven’t killed it…”

“You say yes, Kahn.”

The answer to Xie Ming was not words, but a punch that shook the entire Demon Realm.


With this punch, the earth shattered. With this punch, the air screamed. With this punch, the space collapsed.

The world is silent.

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