Chapter 1606 Sad Doll

“The Earthly Sword Art, Ye Luo.”

Like Fengye falling from a branch, Xie Ming’s body floated and landed in the distance. A line of blood was left at the corner of his mouth.

He couldn’t take the punch just now anyway. The combination of speed and strength, interference with space, and lock-up of Qi machine left him with nowhere to retreat and nowhere to escape. Therefore, he could only use Ye Luo to receive the fist that he couldn’t handle.

As a result, it is natural to be injured.

When developing Ye Luo’s trick at that time, Xie Ming had thought about two situations. One is that you can follow, and the other is that you can’t take it down. Therefore, from the beginning, Ye Luo was divided into two methods: active and passive.

Taking the initiative is the most basic unloading of strength to make the enemy appear flaws. Passiveness is to use the enemy’s power to put oneself aside.

After working hard to this point, for Xie Ming, in most cases, it is impossible to have an enemy whose power gap is so large that he can’t take it down.

So far, the enemy who can reach this point is only the King of Sprites in his memory. But…that’s the real fifth-order.

Xie Ming, who was only second-tier at the time, naturally couldn’t realize how powerful the Sprite King was. Although he is not the same as he was at the time, he was almost stabbed to death with a finger, but he was limited to this.

He didn’t understand how terrifying the so-called Tier 5 was until the true Red Dragon Emperor state was developed by him.

He didn’t get frustrated because of this, after all, it didn’t work. It’s a big taboo to be too high. The first thing he needs to do is to advance to the fourth level.

Tier 4 is the real watershed. We haven’t even entered Tier 4, so what about Tier 5?

Tier 5 is a goal, it is the goal that he needs to step on step by step and finally reach it. It is not too far from Xie Ming, but it is by no means very close. He also always felt that his fifth-order enemy was only the God King Sprite.

But he really did not expect that he would encounter his second Tier 5 enemy in the Arad continent.

No…not the fifth order.

“Should it be said to be a pseudo-fifth order…”

Wiping off the blood from the corners of his mouth, Xie Ming thought silently in his heart: “The strength has indeed reached the level of the fifth rank. But the realm is still at the original level.”

Even if it is a small pistol, you need to know how to shoot and how to use insurance to shoot. The power of the fifth order naturally needs the realm of the fifth order to be able to fully display it.

The realm here does not refer to things like the realm of swordsmanship, but the understanding and use of power.

After absorbing the breath of the three of Herder, Isis and Casillas, Kahn has indeed gained 16 power of the creation god. However, Kahn did not have the knowledge to exert these 16 powers.

In other words, Kahn has not yet fully adapted to this powerful force. So he can only use this power according to his original method of use.

If he was given a day or two, I believe Kahn would be able to completely control this power. But unfortunately, it is still fighting. Xie Ming, it is impossible to give him this opportunity.

Although the opponent’s strength has far surpassed his own, Xie Ming also has a chance to win. And this chance of victory is quite big.The first point, as mentioned above, Kahn has not fully mastered this power. Otherwise, even if Xie Ming used Ye Luo with the punch just now, it would be impossible for him to suffer only minor injuries like he is now.

The second point, since the war with Kahn, has been accumulating the imprint of God-killing. Once these marks are detonated, they can completely bridge the gap caused by power.

But the premise is that Xie Ming can use Yao to hit the current Kahn.

The third point, the state of the true Red Dragon Emperor and the special attack of the demon sword and nightmare. The power possessed by the apostles is part of the power of the creator god Carlosso. Therefore, there is nothing wrong with judging them as gods.

With this special attack bonus, you don’t need to worry about turning into a pedicure with all your strength.

The fourth point is the existence of other apostles.

The apostles cannot harm each other (but they can commit suicide). The principle is that the apostles are all part of Carlosso’s evil side. Fighting between the apostles is like fighting each other with one’s left and right hands.

How can a normal person use his left hand to chop off his right hand that has no problems? Isn’t that sick?

Therefore, the apostles, can rely on this rule to give Xie Ming a chance.

The fifth point is that Yu Qi said it was Xie Ming’s chance to win, rather than Xie Ming’s doubt.

Regardless of all legends, what was actually proved was Carlosso’s evil power, which was divided into twelve by the scientists of Terra Star, thus creating twelve artificial gods Beyana.

In other words, Carlosso’s strength from beginning to end was only twelve. So, where did the Thirteen Apostles come from?

Who is the extra apostle? Why does it exist?

There must be a lot of tricks in it. If Xie Ming had time to think about it, it would be possible to deduce the truth based on legends and history. It is a pity that since Xie Ming came to the Arad continent, the most lacking is time.

Fortunately, some of the people present were smarter than him, and some could read history directly.

What he needs to do now is to delay as much as possible, and wait until the following partners have collected all the conditions leading to victory.

“…..Go hard.”

With a helpless sigh, Xie Ming took the initiative to rush towards Kahn.


The deaths of Herder and Casillas represent the end of the second and third battlefields. There is no need to worry about the fourth battlefield, so the people on the second and third battlefields naturally gathered together, thinking about ways to help Xie Ming.

Otinus also told everyone about the problems Xie Ming was encountering now. Hearing Xie Ming’s difficulties, Silok immediately wanted to change his wings and fly up to help, but was stopped by Otinus.

“Although it’s a bit difficult, Xie Ming can still hold it.”

Otinus said calmly: “What we need to do now is to figure out a solution to his plight.”

“Selia, can you read Tyra’s historical records from the Demon Realm?”

“No…” Sai Liya shook her head slightly: “The history of Tyra is too broken, I can only read some scattered fragments from it. But these scattered fragments are not useful. ”

“However, I can read the historical records of the Demon World. Similarly, I can also read Herder’s past records through her body.”

“About the artificial twelve gods of Tyra, and where did Helder learn that the death of the apostle can bring about the rebirth of the demon world… I feel that after seeing these, my abilities have brought us Answer.”

“Then let’s hurry up.”

Asuna raised her head with some worry, feeling the terrifying fluctuations above her head: “No, let Ming wait too long.”

“Miss Asuna…”

Putting away the complicated emotions in her heart, Celia nodded gently. Then she walked towards Herder’s body. In the clear eyes, countless streams of light began to flash at this moment.

After about a minute or so, the streamer slowly disappeared, and the wonderful breath of Selia also disappeared.

The body shook a few times, and with the help of Asuna, he stabilized his steps. After softly thanking her, Celia looked at the crowd with some fatigue.

“The basis that Herder relied on is the legend of Terra Star called “Genesis of Terra”. Among them, it describes the birth, development and demise of Terra Star.”

“According to the records in “Tara Genesis”, the world and the gods were created by a great will, and the trajectory of the world also moves forward in accordance with the law of this great will.”

“The gods are both the whole (the great will) and the infinite (the gods), both the infinite and the whole, and their will and power are everywhere and omnipresent. However, the gods felt lonely and bored because of this.”

“Everything is done in accordance with the rules of the great will, which means that everything is repetitive, cyclical, and boring.”

“No one worships them, no one loves them, no one praises them. In this way, no matter how powerful and powerful they are, what is the use?”

“In order to obtain glory and love, the gods decided to recreate the world belonging to the gods. However, it is not easy to say that it is necessary to create the world and life. Among the gods, there must be a sacrifice of God.”

“The twelve gods stood out last.”

“There are those who fearless death, those who have flames, those who float in the air, those who have blood-stained steel blades, those who can transform into any form, those who are resurrected from death, and those who can hold thousands of weapons at the same time. , Some have evil blood, some have infinitely long bodies, some are silent and play in the dirt, some can see through the truth, some know the secret…”

Looking across the apostles, Celia said softly: “The two-faced gods told them that their sacrifices are valuable. Their deaths will create a new world. Destruction is creation.”

“Sacrifice is glorious, but we cannot make each other go to ruin. Only a sharp blade that has been pierced can pierce our heart and return our soul to a great will.”

Bakar murmured: “It turns out…that’s what happened…”


Celia nodded slightly: “Life began to appear in the universe, from the abyssal demons, giant monsters, our Arad continent, and the highly technologically prosperous Terra.”

“But Tyra… is too prosperous…”

From the Genesis, Azeroth teleported to the crowd, and then Celia’s words continued: “They captured the power of the twelve gods and created a body that can store this power, the twelve Beyana.””However, the scientists of Tyra never expected that the artificial gods they created had only a shining appearance. The essence of their internals was chaos and darkness.”

“Because the great will discarded its evil side into the depths of the universe before the creation of the world. The twelve gods who sacrificed to create the New World were affected by the evil of this great will when their power wandered in the universe. Infiltrated by power.”

Holding her head, Celia’s expression looked a little bit painful: “That’s why the Beyana’s nature will become evil.”

“…Beyana led their followers and launched a war. The entire Terra Star was hit by a devastating blow.”

Hearing Celia’s explanation, Azeroth’s voice was a bit sad. She really did not expect that she would learn the truth about the destruction of Terra Star at this time: “In order to prevent the twelve Beyana, the scientists decided to create their own gods.”

“Controlling the god named Elemental, the thirteenth Beyana.”

“However, when this thirteenth Beyana was halfway through its creation, Terra Star died. He died in a terrifying battle that shattered the entire Terra Star.”

“The great will has appeared…” Sai Liya explained: “The great will has felt its evil side. He understands that if he does not stop it, the entire universe may be plunged into chaos and darkness.”

“So he appeared and started a planetary destruction battle with the twelve Beyana. Because of this battle, Terra Star was destroyed.”

“The great will fell into a deep sleep, but the evil thoughts of the evil side of the great will are also divided into more fragmented residues by the great will, and thrown everywhere in the universe. That is why we apostles are not affected by the power and become evil.”

“And in the broken Tyra, the unfinished thirteenth Beyana slowly wakes up. In her mind, there are false memories, whether it is her relatives or her friends, all are false. .”

Azera looked sadly at Herder’s corpse: “These are all false memories that scientists instilled in her in order to control the thirteenth Beyana.”

“Initially, in addition to the ability to control the elements, she should have other Beyana’s martial arts and wisdom. But because she hasn’t completed it, all she has is false memories, Terra’s knowledge, a strong affinity for the elements, and …..”

“A strong obsession to protect Terra at all costs…”

Speaking of which, who the thirteenth Beyana is, there is no need to say clearly.

Everyone, looking at Herder’s corpse, began to change slightly. Asuna suddenly remembered that when she was chatting with Xie Ming, Xie Ming once told her such a Chinese saying.

“The hateful person must have something sad.”

How appropriate is it to use this common saying to describe Herder now.

The memories she has are fake, the feelings she has are fake, and she hasn’t even experienced the real affection, friendship, and love. In order to redeem the false things, she even gave up the reality around her.

Some people have loved her before, and some people have really regarded her as a friend who can make heart-to-heart… But all of this has been used or abandoned by her personally.

For…that false memory…

Knowing all this, everyone recalled Herder’s despicable behavior and crazy behavior, but they couldn’t raise a trace of anger in their hearts.

Yes, it’s just a deep sorrow.

Until she died, she didn’t get rid of the puppet thread on her body…..Alice was her doll, and she….Isn’t she a doll of Terra undead…..

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