Chapter 1608-The Fourth Form of Earthly Sword Art

The Kabbalah Tree of Life Catalog, a mysterious catalog that has been hidden in Xie Ming since the end of the Rewrite world. In the DXD world, Xie Ming knew its purpose. After forming a life-and-death relationship with Otinus, Xie Ming can finally use this mysterious thing.

But to be precise, the user is Otinus.

To use the Kabbalah Tree of Life Catalog, the user must reach Tier 4. Only by reaching Tier 4 can you play the true role of the Kabbalah Tree of Life Catalogue.


But Xie Ming hasn’t reached Tier 4, so so far, he can only exert the power of the corners and corners of this catalog.

And Otinus, who formed a life link with Xie Ming, was a demon god who had reached the fourth rank. Although in other worlds, she couldn’t exert the ability to destroy the world and create the world with one thought like in the forbidden world, but the level of life was still stable there.

Therefore, Otinus, who is qualified to use the catalog, can rely on his relationship with Xie Ming to initially mobilize some of the small abilities of the catalog. These small abilities, even though they are only the peripheral branches developed from the main purpose of creation, can be considered quite powerful.

So when I heard Azeroth said that the function of the water of life was to fix the power of the ‘great will’, Otinus’ reaction was a little strange.

According to Celia, that ‘great will’ should be the god of creation on this plane. Then the power he holds, whether it is good or bad, should be the power of creation.

The reason why Herder wanted to kill all the apostles was nothing more than to use this power of creation that could recreate the world to reshape the demon world.

So… Can the Kabbalah Tree of Life Catalogue, whose rank in Xie Ming’s body is obviously higher than that of the creation god of a single plane, can interfere with the fixed effect of the water of life on the power of creation?

After all, Xiaoyuan still flows from the great source. First existence created thousands of planes, and only then will there be a creation god to create the inside of the planes.

Therefore, according to Otinus’s speculation, this creation god’s ‘great will’ should belong to a small part of the power split by the creation god who created thousands of planes.

And this small part of the power is divided into good and evil again, and evil is divided into 12 parts, only then there are apostles.

That being the case, it is not impossible to rely on the source of the Kabbalah Tree of Life Catalogue to influence the power Kahn now possesses, the end of the end. But to be on the safe side, Otinus still has to come to the material map of the water of life for analysis.

Although she doesn’t know the pharmacology of the various materials and what kind of chemical reaction will occur when they are combined with each other, she is also a demon god, and a demon god who combines technology and magic.

Just as she can quickly master the magic of Arad continent, although items of different planes have different properties, some things can still be compared by analogy.

Moreover, Otinus doesn’t need to be fully acquainted, she only needs to analyze one point.

Can the catalog of the Kabbalah Tree of Life really interfere with the fixation of the water of life?

The answer is yes.

If this is the case, then you can start to act.

Several flying apostles went to withstand Kahn’s key blow and bought Xie Ming the precious few seconds. Otinus went straight back to the mysterious space in Xie Ming’s body, and began to control the Kabbalah’s tree of life catalogue with all his strength.

Xie Ming swallowed the fairy beans and began to recover his strength and energy, ready for the next thunder strike.Miracles may exist, but people cannot expect miracles. What a person can do is to do everything he can to be prepared to deal with all situations.

This is the real, the law to victory.

The apostles’ betting on their lives won Xie Ming’s chance to recover, and won the opportunity for Otinus to project the catalog of the tree of life. In front of this great source, the small source in Kahn’s body began to riot wildly, trying to escape the shackles of the water of life.

But the function of the water of life is desperately restraining these forces. The fight between the two causes Kahn’s power to lose control.

This is also the purpose of Otinus.

What she needs is not to take power away from Kahn, but to make Kahn appear flaws and create opportunities.

But Kahn is not a fool. At the moment he felt the power riot in his body, he directly controlled the magical power to break the bondage of the water of life to these forces, and let these forces go where they wanted to go. Change from passive to active.

You must know that he possesses a powerful body capable of exerting these powers in order to receive and use these powers intact. The enemy on the opposite side is obviously not strong enough.

Once these forces are accepted, it will only hurt him. At that time, that was his opportunity.

Kahn’s thinking is not wrong, but he miscalculated a little.

The Kabbalah Tree of Life Catalogue, is it the kind of cheap thing that can cause problems because of a few traces of power? Without joking, this little power enters the catalog, and you can’t even fight it.

Naturally, these forces did not affect Xie Ming.

Xie Ming didn’t care about the power of drilling into the catalog, because he knew the personality of Kabbalah’s tree of life catalog, and there was also the existence of Otinus. This trust allows him to walk at his own pace with confidence.

Traveling through time and space, a figure entwined with flames appeared in front of Kahn. But what came oncoming was Kahn’s full punch.

Kahn did lose the two powers of Casillas and Prey, but he still has the power of Herder in his body. Herder’s power does not include the power of great will to create the world, and some are just the power of artificial gods.

And Herder, Beyana, possesses the power of elements. Therefore, Kahn, who possesses elemental power, can easily feel Xie Ming’s shuttle position.

Xie Ming’s previous sense of danger also came from this.

Whether it is the power of speed of Isis, or the power of skill of Isis. Once Kahn took control of one of them, Xie Ming’s life would be at stake. Fortunately, that kind of power is not something the Master can get in just a few minutes.

In contrast, relying on Herder’s elemental power to perceive spatial fluctuations naturally has no technical content. It is not surprising that Kahn can live with the Master.

At such close range, it is impossible to dodge. However, Xie Ming didn’t need to dodge.

Now Kahn’s full punch is not the limit of his tolerance.

“The Earthly Sword Art, Ye Luo.”

The shock caused by the powerful force constantly impacted the internal organs in Xie Ming’s body. Less than the limit does not mean that it is within the safe range. The injuries that deserve to be suffered are still to be suffered. But this injury is worth it!

Kahn’s fist was indeed deflected to one side by him. Kahn really revealed the flaws.

“Earthly Sword Art, Yao!”

The mark of the six-pointed star, as the demon sword flashed by, was impressed impartially in the center of Kahn’s chest. The strong vibration that was enough to shatter a plane was completely applied to Kahn’s body through this six-pointed star.

Kahn’s body regressed wildly, and just this movement caused countless cracks in his body. And every time he reaches the position of the imprint that Xie Ming attached before, a small piece of flesh and blood will collapse in that part of him.

But even so, his body still didn’t completely collapse. Countless elements are centering on his body, gathering frantically, filling in the cracks that can be called a perfect body.

However, Kahn’s defense has been broken. No matter how fast the element filling and Kahn’s self-recovery are, it can’t be repaired in such a short time.

At this time, Xie Ming had already slowly pulled out the second sword besides Mingyan Sword from his waist.

The blade is completely black and thin as a cicada’s wing, and it looks as if it breaks at the touch of a touch. In fact, this knife was indeed broken with one touch.

Just like those weapons that Xie Ming used in the past, he would shatter into iron slag or powdered iron after he used his weapon.

Xie Ming’s evaluation is that this is a sword that exceeds the concept of weapons and equipment by normal people. Linus’ evaluation, this is a knife forged from the very beginning.

It can only make Xie Ming slap a knife. After swinging the knife, the knife will shatter. Regardless of whether this knife is an ordinary swing or using the strongest knife technique, this knife can only make Xie Ming swing a knife.

In other words, this is a Taito with a very high upper limit but a very low lower limit.

You can use it to kill gods, or you can use it to cut paper.

It is not so much like a weapon, as it is more like a one-off item.

However, the definition of props also includes universality. But this knife does not have any versatility. It is a personal version customized by Linus based on Xie Ming’s feel and skills.

Moreover, for the craftsmen, the weapons they forged are all going in the direction of perfection. How could it be like Linus, who was forged in the direction of incompleteness from the beginning.

Even if it develops in the direction of incompleteness or in the direction of one-time use, the lower limit of your weapon will also be higher.

I have to say that Linus is really bold.

If this knife was swung casually, his years of hard work and so many precious materials would be all in vain. I believe Linus was definitely relieved when he handed this knife to Xie Ming.

Perhaps, I still have the thought of “I can finally sleep peacefully” in my heart.

But apart from the shortcoming of’durability’, this knife really has no shortcomings. In terms of sharpness, among the weapons Xie Ming saw, it was only weaker than Demon Sword Nightmare. In terms of volatility conductivity, G.S.D’s main weapon is incomparable.

Not only that, all the energy systems of the master of Xie Ming’s Arad continent, magical power, blood qi boost, thought qi boost, and holy light can be more than doubled by this knife.

This kind of versatility should have come in handy for the huge Terra Stone.

After all, the concept of durability has been abandoned. How can it be done without going to Ultimate in other aspects?

Originally, Xie Ming thought that he could cherish this knife and use it on more powerful enemies. But now, it doesn’t work anymore.

Xie Ming didn’t have the confidence to knock down Kahn with a single blow if he used Demon Blade Nightmare to perform that trick. The imprint that Yaohe had printed before merely reduced Kahn’s defensive power to the lowest level.Under Kahn’s magical power that is huge enough to use terror, even if he is now in an unprecedented low defense state, he must be given enough attention.

Things should be used where they should be used.

Because of his stinginess, the battle that should have been victorious was reversed by the enemy, and Xie Ming didn’t want such a bloody thing to happen to him.

Moreover, this knife was originally a weapon used on Kahn in the plan.

Calculating gains and losses in this life-and-death-related battle is too stupid to be stupid.

The dark long knife was gently raised to his side, and Xie Ming closed his eyes slightly. All the breath on the body turned into nothingness at this moment.

In his plan, Earthly Sword Art has a total of five unique tricks. In the world of FA, he integrated his skills to create three styles: represents the sharpness and speed of the sword, the defensive counterattack Yeluo, and the defensive defensive Yao.

In the fourth style, what Xie Ming wants to pursue is the destructive power and damage of Ultimate.

It does not have to be the sharpest or the fastest, but the destructive power must be high.

When fighting the four god-tier generals of the sprites outside the OverLord world, the fourth formula was only half created. It is still at the stage where there is a composition but no filling.

He didn’t react until he came to the Arad continent, met G.S.D, and obtained the Secret Book of Waves and the Original Chapter from G.S.D.

Why must we pursue pure destructive power? The speed is enough, the strength is enough, and the sharpness is enough. When these things are combined, isn’t it the strongest destructive power?

Therefore, this fourth style of knife skills does not have any outstanding points. Compared with Min, Yao, and Ye Luo, this fourth style is extremely mediocre.

Just like Xie Ming’s original attribute addition, the all-round bucket style addition. Even the action that was used was not a special action, it was just an ordinary swing of a knife that was so ordinary that it could no longer be ordinary.

It was also his daily daily training from the day he entered the main god space and continued to the present day.

However, the absence of any special points means that there are no weaknesses. Mediocre, from another perspective, is the strongest.

This is Xie Ming’s wave of awakening technique, it is a sword style that embodies all Xie Ming’s understanding of swordsmanship over the years, and can be said to be the general outline of the earthly swordsmanship.

He is not a genius, he is just an ordinary person with better luck and a little talent. He can go to this day, although there is a factor of luck in it, but it is more dependent on his sweat.

“Kahn, this is my full strength.”

Just like daily training, Xie Ming calmly chopped down the long knife.

“The Fourth Form of Earthly Sword Art.”


This is the name he gave for this weapon that can only be used once, and it is also the name he gave for this swordsmanship, and it is also his summary of his swordsmanship career.

Mediocre, but persevering.

Continue until eternity.

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