Chapter 1609

That was just an ordinary swing of the knife. Regardless of those who don’t understand swordsmanship or Grandmaster swordsmanship, it is estimated that the difference they can see is that the standard of swinging the sword is not standard.

But it was such an ordinary swing of the knife, but Kahn stopped all his actions.

“…I lost.”

Kahn raised his head slightly and looked at Xie Ming, who had directly exited the True Red Dragon Emperor state mode after swinging the knife, and the corners of his mouth slightly lifted. And his body began to slowly turn into fly ash from the feet.

Earthly Knife Jue Heng, this is a move that incorporates all Xie Ming’s understanding of knife skills. Naturally, all this understanding includes the insight he gained after the endless reincarnation, as well as the hint of inspiration given by the main god space.

The understanding of the infinite and the only realm.

Therefore, it seems that Xie Ming is just an ordinary cut. But in fact, is this cut the ‘only’ cut, or is it a cut that overlaps with the ‘infinite’?

Even Xie Ming did not fully understand. He just tried his best to swing the knife.

When he really understands it, maybe it’s time for him to touch the legendary supreme realm.

And the focus now is not the sword style that even the person involved doesn’t know, but Kahn.

Under the perception of the fluctuation domain, Xie Ming knew that the battle was completely over. Kahn’s life has been completely beheaded under the ‘constant’ move just now. Kahn now is just an empty shell, just a glimpse.

He could only look at himself so quietly, waiting for his body to turn into flying ashes.

Believe that Kahn himself also understands what the situation is now. However, his expression is still so calm.

From beginning to end, he didn’t say anything. I have always been immersed in work and fighting. What insidious plans, goals, ideas, it seems that they have nothing to do with him.

It seems that he has been implementing two words at all times: mysterious and powerful.

Even Xie Ming, who had been at war with him for a long time, didn’t know what he was thinking. During the entire battle, he only showed two obvious mood swings.

Once it was Herder’s death, which made him angry.

Another time, just now. After knowing his defeat, he seemed to smile.

The existence of mystery always arouses the curiosity of others. Even Xie Ming wanted to understand what this taciturn man was thinking about. His thinking, his opinion, his character…

As an old DNF player, how could you not be interested in the role of this ultimate Boss template?

Floating in front of Kahn through the dance of air, Xie Ming asked calmly, looking at the strongest apostle whose half of his body had disappeared.

“Kahn, you… why would you be willing to help Herder?”

That’s right, this is what Xie Ming wants to ask the most. Through what he felt in the life-and-death battle just now, Kahn didn’t look like a villain who helped the evil. But why is he willing to be Herder’s thug?

As for the possibility of him being deceived by Herder, Xie Ming thinks it is unlikely. This kind of man usually just doesn’t bother to care about it. Being lazy doesn’t mean that he doesn’t know anything.


There was a trace of nostalgia in the deep and hoarse voice. Kahn’s eyes were slightly loose, as if he was remembering something.Many apostles were brought to the Demon Realm by Herder one after another in the past thousand years, but he came to the Demon Realm not long after Tyra was destroyed and met the woman who changed his destiny.

Living in a world where power is supreme, Kahn has always found it very boring. Whether it is a monster or a giant, they only know about destruction and killing every day. In Kahn’s eyes, these guys are just tossing around meaninglessly.

What is meaningful?

Kahn didn’t know it himself.

But he knew that the so-called meaningful things were things that creatures on this planet would never be able to do. That’s right, including himself.

Until that day, a broken planet approached Greenblad at his feet. After seeing the broken planet, the monsters and giants became excited.

Because in their feelings, even though the planet is broken, there are still many weak beings. That planet still has the value of destruction. So they couldn’t wait to pass, and began to kill and destroy.

In the beginning, Kahn didn’t want to care about it. After all, the planet he was born on is like this, and his values ​​will naturally be close to life on this planet.

Until he felt something different.

Even if that broken planet has fallen to such a point, the life on it is still resisting stubbornly and desperately surviving. This touched Kahn’s heart a little.

Maybe… this is the meaningful thing he has been looking for?

With such thoughts in mind, Kahn set out to come to this broken world called the Demon Realm, and began to purge the brutal lives raging here. By the way, I was also observing whether there were existences or things that made him feel meaningful in this world.

However…Kahn was a little disappointed looking at those who came to worship as gods.

The reason why he was willing to take action was because he saw their unyielding and tenacious will. However, after I arrived, what I saw was not this, but the worship of these beings for their own power.

How is this different from Greenblad?

With the idea of ​​a trip for nothing, after dealing with the monster giant, he decided to return to his lair and stay there.

However, the person who changed his fate appeared in front of him. Just as he changed the destiny of Herder, the appearance of Herder also changed his destiny.

“Please stay.”

It was naturally not these three words that made him stop, but the aura that was somewhat similar to himself. It was not the thing called the water of life in the woman’s hands that made him willing to stay in the demon world, but the woman’s gaze.

What exists in those pupils is not the worship of one’s own power. It was more complicated, and made a little touching emotion appear in his heart.

At the time, he still didn’t understand what the names of the emotions in Herder’s eyes were. But now, he can say it.

It is unwilling, resentment, consciousness, powerlessness, madness…

Therefore, he took over the water of life and signed a contract with her. Because he had a hunch, looking at this woman should make him feel more meaningful things. In fact, it is true.

He witnessed all kinds of people, all kinds of enlightenment. Encountered an opponent who is equal to yourself, a swordsman who has not given up even if he suffers setbacks, a queen who can transform thousands of times, a life made up of viruses…

Finally, he ran into a powerful enemy who could defeat and kill himself.

Xie Ming’s judgment of Kahn is correct, he is not the kind of person who helps the evildoer. Because he is not interested in it at all. He just wants to find things that he thinks are meaningful.

Now… he found it.

So many encounters, such a colorful world, such a powerful enemy… this is a landscape he would never see in his life on Greenblad.

As for why to help Herder? Do you need to ask?

“It’s a contract.”

He helps Herder guard the devil world, and Herder is responsible for taking him to see meaningful scenery.

Both of them have completed what they had agreed with each other. Perhaps this is the only thing Held has accomplished.

“…That’s it.”


Kahn’s gaze swept toward everyone one by one, and then he froze on the man in front of him who had defeated him.

“The Devil… There is nothing wrong with it.”

“I know.”


This bad-spoken man really didn’t seem to know how to express his thoughts, so in the end, he didn’t say anything, just stared at Xie Ming.

Kahn laughed as if seeing something on Xie Ming’s face.

In the end, he stood high in the sky, looking at the world he had guarded for thousands of years. Although dilapidated and dark, but at some point in time, the Demon Realm has already become his second hometown in his mind.

At this moment…should the feeling in my heart be called reluctance?

This is also a meaningful thing.

Seeing the annihilation of Kahn’s body in the true sense of fly ash, Xie Ming closed his eyes and put the demon sword into the sheath.

This long journey across two worlds finally ended at this moment.

Take out a bottle of good wine from the portable space, unscrew it, and let the wine spill out, Xie Ming said calmly.

“Respect, the king of the demon world.”


With the death of Helder and Kahn, the huge conspiracy surrounding the three worlds of Arad Continent, Demon Realm, and Earth is completely over. But after this conspiracy and war, there are still many tedious things waiting for Xie Ming to solve one by one.

The first is how to deal with players from the earth. Because of this conspiracy, they suffered all the hardships. Every player must have life in his hands.

If they were to keep the memory of this world and go back, I’m afraid it would bring a huge disturbance to the plane of Sword Art Online.

For other players, Xie Ming is naturally prepared to wash away their memories in Arad, leaving only some instincts that will not affect their basic life. For example, the perception of danger is relatively keen, and career-related things will be abnormally smooth, etc…

But the problem is that among these players, Shino, Asuna and others still exist. For other players, Xie Ming said that he would wash it, and if he had the ability, he would come to the door for advice.

However, these people around you can’t do this.

Let me talk about Sinon first, this girl is really unlucky. Xie Ming really didn’t think that this incident could actually pull her in. I didn’t expect that she could become her teammate and take risks with herself.From the beginning to the end, her sniping has always been so reassuring. And has been working silently, following the pace of everyone.

And Asuna and the others, I don’t know how many sad and painful memories they have encountered, but they have gritted their teeth and walked until now. These experiences and experiences are painful, but they also make them grow like never before.

In the end, Xie Ming gave up thinking and put the decision-making power in the hands of Asuna and the others. After explaining the pros and cons, they let them make their own decisions.

Naturally, the answers given by everyone are reserved. Regardless of pain or joy, this is a precious treasure for everyone. Xie Ming certainly respects everyone’s choice.

But as the price of keeping memory, Xie Ming needs them to be tight-lipped.

The matter of the Arad continent, the existence of other worlds, the earth has not yet come into contact with these things. With advanced VR technology, perhaps one day the Sword Art Online plane can really open up a channel with other worlds.

But for now, let’s slow down.

In addition to the players, there is also the issue of Kayaba Akihiko. It can be said that this incident happened because of this guy. How to deal with Kayaba Akihiko is really a big problem.

But seeing Kaaba Akihiko’s weak appearance and his help to himself and Shino, Xie Ming really couldn’t say anything.

Fortunately, this guy seems to have already figured out how to deal with it.

After this incident, Kayaba Akihiko also realized that Otherworld is really not as beautiful as imagined. One carelessness will really bring disaster to the entire planet.

Perhaps this is a bit strange for him, a contemporary adult, but he really doesn’t want to put the entire earth in danger. Therefore, he decided to become the Earth’s line of defense to prevent similar things from happening again.

Xie Ming was also relieved to see that he finally got the AC count in his heart. Although Kayaba Akihiko always overwhelms his head, he can still be trusted.

Therefore, Xie Ming left him to figure it out, and he didn’t care about it.

As for the time difference between the Arad continent and the earth, with the magic array of Kyōka Suigetsu, it can be completely adjusted, so there is no need to worry too much about this.

The earth’s matter is resolved, and it’s the Arad continent’s turn.

To be precise, it should be the Demon Realm and the Apostle’s side.

On the Arad continent, Skadi, Maya, and Eliza will take care of everything in the heavens and the Arad continent, so he can just say hello when he sends Reshalin and the others back.

The key is the devil world and the apostle.

After Kahn’s death, the two breaths in his body were also absorbed by Kabbalah. But Kabbalah’s tree of life catalogue only absorbed the power of creation. Regarding ‘impurities’ such as the power of the gods, it will not absorb it.

These powers are now being collected by Ortinus. At that time, Xie Ming was going to hand over the power to the Lionhead family, so the death of Kahn and others would not affect the Arad continent.

Next, it is the Devildom.

As long as the Demon World continues to be in such a state of desolation and chaos, then one Herder will die, and there will be a second and third “Herder” appearing.

To solve this problem, the Demon World’s repair is necessary. But the question is how to repair this broken world.

Regarding this point, Herder was stumped, but Xie Ming was not stumped. He was the substitute who solved this problem in the first world.

Now, Xie Ming was standing in the center of the Demon Realm Square with everyone, looking up at the dark night sky. And Xie Ming’s body is constantly transmitting invisible fluctuations.

Then, what appeared in the eyes of everyone was the huge tree roots that had passed through the obstacles of the plane.

This is from the Rewrite world, the root of the World Tree.

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