Chapter 1610 Clean up the mess

The original purpose of the world tree is to live and prosper with the world. First use your own abilities to repair the ruined or incomplete world, and wait until the repaired world to feed back the world tree and let it grow.

This ability has no effect on the whole world, but it can make them rejuvenate to the incomplete world.

Therefore, Xie Ming decided to let the World Tree separate its roots and enter the Demon Realm with him as the coordinates.

After all, the situation in the Devil Realm, in the final analysis, is that the origin of the world has been damaged, which has led to the destruction of the world. The World Tree is just an expert in this area.

As long as the World Tree takes root in the Demon Realm, the restoration will begin.

Although this will be a relatively long period of time, and may even be longer than the repair of the Rewrite world, at least this method is useful.

The world of Rewrite is just the exhaustion of the source, just fill the source again. But the problem of the Demon Realm is the same as the injury Xie Ming suffered at the beginning, it is the damage to the source.

But after all, the world is different from human beings. The origin of human life is destroyed, and it is basically impossible to repair it by humans. But the origin of the world is damaged, and as long as there is enough help, the origin can be restored.

-Kun is missing, even if the world is so broken, is there still life in the devil world?

This is the proof that the world is still alive and wants to continue to live.

Even if the world has completely died, the world tree consumes time to give birth to life again. The Demon Realm, but it hasn’t been so serious yet.

When the roots of the world tree are stabilized in the demon world, then the Rewrite world and the demon world can formally establish a channel, and the two worlds can use the bridge of the world tree to communicate and help each other.

There are Xiaoniao, Zhu Yin, and Honghong in the Rewrite world, so Xie Ming doesn’t need to worry. However, Xie Ming still needs to select a few talents to help him.

In the end, it is Azeroth and Ryshalyn who are willing to become the guardians of the Demon World Tree.

“Genesis, this is Tyra’s ship.” Azeroth smiled slightly: “And there is nothing better than the Tower of Despair for the guardian of the World Tree to live, isn’t it?”

“Without the Tower of Despair, how can I catch up with you.”

Reshalin said calmly: “Besides, there is nothing I need to care about on the Arad continent. Take the time to go back and see the queen and the cat.”

“Then…. I beg you.”

Seeing that the two had already decided, Xie Ming didn’t say much. After all, there is not much concern in the team, only these two people.

Celia wants to go back with the elves and rebuild the Grand Forest. After the incident more than ten years ago, the elves of the elven clan began to reflect and improve.

I believe that with Celia, the elves will be able to re-develop on the Arad continent and establish friendly relations with various countries.

For the rest, Obes and Michel will return to the priesthood church, Nou will return to the ancestor to help Askar, and Minette will also return to the Dark Elf Kingdom to help Queen Maya.

Everyone has their own destination. After the adventure is over, they naturally return to their homes to help their families, tribes, and countries, and we all work together to maintain this hard-to-reach peace.

Regarding these, we can only look at the efforts of the people in Arad Continent.

After all, the next era is bound to be a period of rapid development.

The barriers between the Devil Realm, Heaven Realm, and Arad Continent have been broken, and the three realms can communicate with each other at any time. After the roots of the tree are firmly established, a completely different culture and power system from another plane will also visit the Arad continent.Xie Ming really looked forward to what it would be like at that time.

The problems of the Demon World and the problems of the companions have been resolved, so the apostles are the only ones left in the end.

As Xie Ming expected, most of the apostles wanted to return to their planet. Shilock’s hometown of Jalopah, DiRigi’s Virus Star, Rotes’ sea world Solaris, Luke’s Hebron, Bakar’s Dragonland Tropot.

The more special ones are Ozma and Antun.

Even if it was because of Helder’s conspiracy, Ozma committed an unforgivable sin in the Arad continent. Everyone who executed him would only applaud. However, he cannot die.

For Ozma, it doesn’t matter to him whether he is dead now. The revenge has been reported, and he himself doesn’t know what to do next.

Kazan, on the contrary, was somewhat interested in continuing to spread the Kazan plague. After seeing a higher level of power, he has a new goal. He wanted to see what kind of scenery the path of blood and energy would look like next.

So he will continue to spread the Kazan plague, possessing humans to give birth to ghost hands, waiting for that person to appear.

In this regard, Xie Ming does not intend to make any comments. After all, from a comprehensive point of view, the existence of ghost hands has pros and cons. It is undeniable that ghosts have brought disasters to many people, but they also brought unprecedented opportunities to many people.

How to treat the ghost hand and Kazan should be decided by the people of Arad mainland, and Xie Ming simply let him go.

As for how to deal with Ozma, Xie Ming, after discussing with Obeys and Michel, decided to let him hide his identity and perform meritorious service with the elves.

Originally, Ozma’s magic was learned from the elves. So, it is not a bad thing for the elves to guard him and let him carry his sins and spend the rest of his life to maintain peace in Arad.

By the way, the pretender virus has been fully recovered by Ozma. Therefore, the lifelong goal of the priesthood, an unremaining pretender, has been accomplished.

Regarding the Avengers, after repeated consideration, they decided to stay still. After all, the Arad continent is still a very dangerous world even without the threats of the apostles and pretenders.

Powerful goblin monsters, gods hidden behind the scenes, as well as various ghosts and monsters, these are the targets of the priests.

Therefore, it is better to keep things related to the power system as they are.

And the big tortoise Antun, to be honest, was quite troublesome. After all, its planet has been destroyed due to exhaustion of energy, and it has been an existence that has lost its hometown.

Putting it in the Demon World like this will add chaos to the reconstruction of the Demon World. Let it watch and guard the World Tree. Xie Ming was afraid that when he woke up from hunger another day, he opened his mouth and ate the World Tree directly.

You can’t kill, and you don’t know where to put it. It’s really a hot potato.

However, after Otinus analyzed the Antuen race in detail, Xie Ming finally decided to leave it in the Demon Realm.

The problem with the Demon Realm is not just the incompleteness of the world’s origin, but also the incompleteness of the world itself.

The battle between Carlosso and Twelve Biana. But it really blew up most of Tyra. The origin can be supplemented by the World Tree, but what about the lack of land?

That…. It depends on Antuen.

As an apostle with an infinite body, Antoun…or the race named Odin, may itself be a special race to fill the continent.

The body after death turns into the earth, allowing life to inhabit.

So when Antuen reaches adulthood, his body may really be able to fill up the deficiencies in the Demon Realm.

Of course, this premise is to give it enough energy to allow it to survive. But the problem is that the extreme lack of energy in the Demon Realm can’t give Antuen the energy to grow.

In the end, Xie Ming asked about the situation of the Bon World Tree and Luke’s opinion, and finally got a solution.

It is certainly not enough to rely on the World Tree to provide it. In that case, what about the heavens and the Arad continent?

Silent City was originally the method Luke used to restore his strength. Through the original role of Silent City, it can collect energy and supply it to Antuen for food without affecting the heavens and the Arad continent.

In this way, it was barely enough for Antuen to survive in the Demon Realm.

Antun has no opinion on this, after all, it also understands what its own situation is, and it is already good if people are willing to let it stay here.

As for the use of force? Then he really thinks he has enough life.

The bodies of Casillas and Herder had just been buried, and Kahn was directly erected with a monument, no bones left.

With this lesson learned, those who still want to use force are either stunned who have never seen this war, or simply stupid.

From beginning to end, Anthun’s purpose was clear: to live.

As long as this is met, it doesn’t matter whether other things are or not.

At this point, the apostles have all arranged. Even, in order to prevent things that might happen, Xie Ming and Otinus once again cooperated, sucking the power of creation from them into the catalog.

As long as the power of the twelve gods was not recovered by the ‘great will’, then there would be no major shifts in the Arad continent or the Demon Realm. Xie Ming had already asked Mehmet about this.

As for the powers of Kahn, Isis and Casillas, Xie Ming followed Mehmet’s advice and integrated them into the world tree.

In this way, the affinity between the world tree and the demon world will increase, which can help the two to form a symbiotic relationship faster.

After dealing with all kinds of trivial matters, it was finally time for parting.


Dark Elf Kingdom, Dark City.

Minette and Xie Ming walked side by side on the sun-drenched street. Looking at Minette who was enjoying with his squinted eyes, Xie Ming couldn’t help but chuckle.

“Really, it’s hard to see your relaxed expression.”


Minette opened his eyes: “In your eyes, what do I usually look like?”

“Yes…” Xie Ming muttered for a few seconds, then said softly: “The impression of the first meeting should be a cold, decisive and stubborn dark elf girl. But before that, I heard Celia say it. Your performance in the car.”

“So in the impression, there should be another cold heart.”

“Later, during the journey to Huttonmar, and after coming out of the Dark City, I slowly understood you. You just don’t want to talk nonsense, it’s not cold. Besides, your identity can’t be helped. Allows you to maintain your personal relationships.”

“The real you is an upright, kind-hearted, attractive girl who loves her country and race. Also a very trustworthy companion.”

“…You are so embarrassed to say these words so bluntly.”

I don’t know if it’s the sunshine, Minette’s face seemed to be ruddy: “My first impression of you is not so good.””At the beginning, I only thought that you were a powerful neuropathy.”


Xie Ming blinked: “Why?”

“Isn’t it?” Minette smiled a little: “How can anyone be willing to inject poison into his body in order to win the trust of a stranger. What you did at the time, but it really touched me.”

Speaking of this, Minette gave Xie Ming a fierce look.

“I thought you were willing to use your life in exchange for my trust. As a result, it wasn’t like that at all.”


Xie Ming was also a little embarrassed to mention this matter. He did not expect that Minette’s inner drama was so rich.

“never mind.”

Shaking his head angrily, Minette went on to say: “The real reason that made me decide to entrust this body to you is your performance under Alice’s conspiracy.”

“At that time, I knew it in my heart. You are a man worth entrusting. So I am willing to bet on you with this skill, this sword, this skill, and the future of the Dark Elf Kingdom.”

“I believe that Queen Maya and Elder Shapron at the time also thought so. And you, did not disappoint us all.”

“Now that we dark elves can walk in the sun and feel this cool breeze, it’s really all your credit.”

Unconsciously, he has already reached the gate of Dark City. But he didn’t just go out like that, but after greeted the city guards, he walked onto the walls of Dark City.

There, a girl with long light green hair in a white dress was looking at the vast world.

“Your Majesty Maya.”

“For today… just call my name, Minette.” Meya smiled slightly and looked at Xie Ming: “Mr. Xie Ming, I thought you really just left without saying goodbye.”

“If I really do this, I’m afraid that the daggers of countless silver moons will really be waiting for me next time I come back, right?”

Xie Ming shrugged helplessly: “However, I don’t know what to say. I basically tell you what I should explain.”

“So, why should Minette pass me this ring?”

“Because I don’t need it anymore.” Xie Ming smiled: “I am from another world. It would be a waste to leave this ring with me.”

“Mr. Xie Ming, are you acting stupid?”

Meya chuckled, but she couldn’t feel any smile in her tone: “From what I know about Mr. Xie Ming, you don’t seem to be someone who can’t hear the point.”

“Why do you want Minette to’hand over’ this ring to me?”

On the two words ‘transferred’, Meya specially emphasized her tone. Eyes that were as beautiful as rubies stared at Xie Ming at this moment.

“Is there something, do you need to make Mr. Xie Ming avoid you? Or, Mr. Xie Ming, what are you afraid of?”

“Why, let Minette pass it on to me?”

“Please also Mr. Xie Ming not to change the subject and tell me the answer clearly.”

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