Chapter 1611 There is a feeling called waiting


Tell you clearly the answer, how to tell you. Xie Ming looked at Meya helplessly, and then turned his eyes for help to Minette beside him. As a result, Minette was also looking at him with a very serious expression.

Both of them exuded the aura of ‘Don’t even want to leave if you don’t speak well.’


Scratching his face, Xie Ming sighed in his heart.

Well, I was here to handle some things cleanly. Since Mea and Minette hope so, then let them do what they want.

“The main reason I asked Minette to transfer it to you is to avoid suspicion.”

Looking at Meya, Xie Ming said calmly: “Under special circumstances, I naturally have to use special methods to save a series of troubles. But now, the situation is different.”

“The threat has been lifted, and the Arad continent will enter a stage of peaceful development. Then, some abnormal relationships should also disappear.”

“My Majesty, you should know what I mean.”

“Unexpectedly, Mr. Xie Ming, you are actually the kind of person who sticks to the rules.”

“I’m not sticking to the rules.”

Xie Ming corrected the error: “I just abide by the rules that should be followed, nothing more.”

The more powerful you have, the more you must deny yourself. A powerful force can destroy others, as well as oneself. After possessing a powerful force, everyone will kneel and lick whoever wants to kill. People with a little bit of brain will not have such thoughts.

Xie Ming has always had a certain degree in how to use strength, and what sequelae and side effects will be after such use.

In order to convince the Dark Elf Kingdom and Belmar Principality as soon as possible, he showed his strength in front of Skadi and Meya, so that they can feel at ease and be willing to believe in themselves. But such a side effect is dependence.

But Xie Ming will leave, and how the world will develop next will all be decided by the people of Arad continent. But if this dependence still exists, Meya will never be able to stand on her own.

On Skadi’s side, Xie Ming was not too worried. After all, although in the words before, Skadi was madly burying Skadi’s cross, in fact, Skadi was quite reliable.

People are truly queens by their own means, and there is no need for others to worry about self-reliance.

But Meya is different here. Although the previous ones are also very disturbing, Meya has always been under the protection of others.

First Shapron, then him, then Shapron.

Under this protection, Meya has always lacked one thing: as the lord of a country, as the queen of the same majesty and imposing manner, as well as the control of his servants.

These are the signs that Meya is still immature as a queen.

Like the Thousand Soul Festival plan that Sharpron decided to implement during the crisis, if Mea had enough prestige, then Sharpron would not have that kind of rebellious behavior at all.

Although it feels a bit conclusive, it is actually true from time to time.

Whether the king is the country or the country is the king, several historical emperors in the FZ world had different opinions.

Gilgamesh and Alexander III (King of Conquerors) have the attitude that the country serves me, and what Altria has it is that I serve the country.But Xie Ming’s view is different from that of the three.

Because the three people’s ideas are really a bit too extreme.

As an emperor, it is natural to think about the development and strength of the country. From this point of view, the emperor is serving the entire country. However, the emperor is also the leader of the country.

When the leader makes a decision, the people below should think, not whether the decision is right or wrong, but to make the decision right.

From this point of view, the country is serving the emperor again.

Therefore, Xie Ming believes that the relationship between the emperor and the country should be a combination of two extreme concepts.

Adapting measures to current conditions, material conditions, event conditions, and local conditions have been China’s doctrine of the mean since ancient times. The more you understand it personally, the more you can understand how admirable the wisdom of these ancient sages is.

The topic returned to Maya again.

Mei Ya is a virtuous king, Xie Ming will not deny this. But the virtuous king is also a king. The virtuous king can listen to the opinions of others and admit his own mistakes, but the most important thing is that he has his own subjectivity and the belief in implementing his own views.

Since you have decided to believe, believe in the end. Since I decided to hold on to the pride of the dark elves, then hold on to this pride to the end.

If anyone wants to deny this path, he will be suppressed or even eliminated.

Shapron’s Thousand Souls Festival plan revealed the shortcomings of Meya, which was swaying from side to side. Sometimes to the left, sometimes to the right, it’s almost like a drunk person walking around and vacillating.

And to investigate the source of this shortcoming, then the responsibility rests with Sharpron and Xie Ming.

Meya, who didn’t know anything before, could only clenching her teeth and insisting on her ideals, her will and attitude were very firm. However, since Xie Ming extended a helping hand and learned of Shapron’s behavior, this determination began to waver.

When no one can rely on, people will become strong and self-reliant. But when someone can rely on, the person becomes weak again.

Therefore, the current Xie Ming is to make Meya, who has studied and grown up, become the queen of dark elf who has no one to rely on and is determined to be independent.

The best way to do this is to extend the relationship between him and Meya.

“Your Majesty Maya.”

Xie Ming said calmly: “I am from Otherworld, not from the Dark Elf Kingdom. I am a passerby after all.”

“Dark Elf Kingdom, Arad Continent, you need yourselves to find the way forward.”

“…Mr. Xie Ming, what is the relationship between me and Mr. Xie Ming?” After a little silence, Meiya asked softly: “Mr. Xie Ming, what do you think of me?”

“Friends, nothing more.”

In the tone, there is no room left.


Meya didn’t believe it, the other party didn’t understand the meaning in her words. The fact that a woman can ask such a question is enough to explain a lot of things. On this basis, Xie Ming still responded like this.

This is not an answer.

Meya’s expression was a little more sad, but she had already understood it.

Why did Xie Ming always call her “My Majesty Meya”, but to Scadi and Alizee by her first name.

Skadi is already a married woman, and Ailijie is still young, so Xie Ming doesn’t need to care too much about the distance between them.

But to her, Xie Ming seemed to be keeping a distance from the beginning.

Now… just pick this matter to the bright side.

Before holding this scepter, Meya had already understood that what she was about to hold was not the highest power, nor freedom. What she holds is loneliness, responsibility, and the hope of the entire kingdom.

After holding the scepter, she will not gain more, but will lose a lot. The weight she carried has not allowed her to enjoy the happiness of ordinary people.

Xie Ming understands the feelings of the person sitting in that position and what kind of burdens he bears. It is because of understanding that he has to say so.

This is not only for himself, but also for Maya.

However, he still didn’t know what kind of character Maya was.

Each of the three female emperors he knew in Arad has its own unique personality.

Because he was born in a family of merchants and ran business with his father very early on, Skadi developed a vigorous, vigorous, hard-working style.

Ai Lijie is still young, but he is very talented and very talented in diplomacy.

Meya didn’t have the decisive power of Skadi, nor did he have the same talent as Eliza. But the best thing about her is that the more setbacks she encounters, the more calm and brave she becomes.

Of course, before Xie Ming’s arrival, Shapron had been controlling the Elder’s Home from behind, trying to prevent these dizzy old people from doing anything wrong. But on the bright side, Shapron didn’t bring any help to Mea.

Rather, in order to keep himself hidden and not be suspected, Shapron is the one who adds the most to Mea.

However, the strength and suppression of the Presbyterian House did not make Meya have any thoughts of giving up, but made her faith stronger.

The more frustrated, the more courageous, and never give up. This is the biggest shining point of the dark elf queen, and it is also the reason why Shapron believes that she can bring a bright future to the dark elf.

What Xie Ming is doing now will only make Meya work harder to solve this problem.

“I understand Mr. Xie Ming’s thoughts.” Reducing the depression on her face, Mei Ya raised her head slightly and smiled: “Mr. Xie Ming is a very powerful person. It is impossible to stay in the Dark Elf Kingdom, Arad Continent. .”

“The place where you are is a farther and broader world. I believe that not only me, but also other people by your side will understand.”

“But, Mr. Xie Ming. There is a kind of feeling called waiting. There is a kind of parting for a better reunion next time.”

“Moreover, the life span of our dark elves is very long.”

Stretching out her hand to Xie Ming, Meiya said softly, “I’ll take this ring for Mr. Xie Ming first. When Mr. Xie Ming comes back, I will take it from me, how about that?”

“Mr. Xie Ming should also be looking forward to what the future Arad continent will look like.”

“……..Why bother.”

Xie Ming smiled bitterly and shook his head, and gently held the front end of Meya’s palm: “I will come back and have a look if I have time.”

“I promise that the Arad continent at that time will never disappoint Mr. Xie Ming.”

Seeing Xie Ming’s response, the corners of Meiya’s mouth slightly aroused. Said calmly, but firmly.

——————————In the next few days, Xie Ming spent all his time on the rest of his companions.

Together with the Paladins such as Obes, we will help and guide the people who have been displaced by the war.

Together with Nuo Yu, participated in the False Ancestor Azure Dragon Conference that was interrupted due to the war. The two met the three major Juggernauts in the arena respectively, and finally successfully met in the finals.

After another discussion with Reshalin, the two went into the depths of the Grand Forest and met Seymour the cat demon.

Finally, it was to rebuild the elven village with Celia.

No one can have too much free time on this wasteful continent of Arad.

The empire is busy with post-war compensation and internal rectification, the principality is carrying out the reconstruction of the northern region and the relief of refugees with the help of various forces, and the dark elf principality is also busy getting its citizens out of the ground.

Xie Ming’s team had experienced a dispersion, so no one showed any sadness. After all, compared to the last time, this time is nothing at all.

Minette and Celia, elves and dark elves respectively, have extremely long life spans. So waiting is not a big deal for them.

As a human, Nuoyu intends to look around after finishing the work on hand. There are still too many places in the Arad Continent that she hasn’t been to, and she hasn’t visited the heavenly realm, let alone the demon realm.

Drinking and composing poetry and embarking on a journey alone are what Nuoyu is going to do in the next hundred years. After all, she has reached a high level of awakening, and it is not a problem to maintain her state for hundreds of years.

As for Obes, she is no longer a person in the strict sense, but an angel. Her lifespan is likely to be longer than Minette and Celia.

Now there are no pretenders on the Arad continent, and the ultimate goal of the priests has been completed. What she should do next, and how the priests and the church of the priests should develop next, are questions that she needs to think about.

But looking at her appearance, it seems that she has some clues.

After all, don’t these two worlds still have so much room for development? And the Demon Realm is when it needs help again.

Therefore, there is a high probability that Obeys will lead the priests to establish a church of priests in the demon world to help the people of the demon people who have suffered so much.

After bidding farewell to his companions, Xie Ming took the apostles and embarked on a real journey home. In this starry sky, looking for the hometown of the apostles. To be honest, this is really difficult.

If you don’t find the right way…

Don’t forget, Xie Ming already has the qualification and ability to travel through time and space in Arad. Therefore, he doesn’t need the stupidity of finding a needle in a haystack in this endless universe.

He only needs to travel to the past and put a mark on that place when the planet of the apostles approaches the demon world.

Then go back to the present and look for it according to where the mark is.

The millennium is extremely long for living things. But for planets, it’s actually only a while. So in fact, the planets of the apostles are not too far away from the Arad continent (in terms of cosmic distance).

The farthest star is nothing more than a few days of full flight after the True Red Dragon Emperor state is turned on. On this journey, Xie Ming also encountered a lot of surprises.

Cruel predator in the void: Void Demon.

For weak planets, these guys are pests capable of destroying the world. But for Xie Ming, these guys are a treasure trove of untold encounters.

The stronger and more weird the Void Demon, the stronger the epic equipment it carries.

Xie Ming missed the battle with a Void Demon with extremely strange abilities. You could have obtained all the equipment on this demon, but in the end only one was grabbed.

The name of the equipment is: Breath of Enrichment.

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