Chapter 1620 Far East is My Territory

After the two masters and servants of Animus Fia left, Ruri Kanano smiled and looked at Xie Ming.

“Mr. Xie Ming, is the old acquaintance of His Excellency Elmero II?”

“That’s it.”

Xie Ming naturally couldn’t be as patient with this woman as he did with Oro and Marie, he just replied indifferently. The whole person is exuding the atmosphere of ‘refusing to communicate with you’.

The meaning of this attitude is actually very obvious. It is natural that it is impossible for him to have any emotions in the castle town of Riri Kanano because of this matter.

It’s just that the other party refuses to communicate with oneself so forcefully, it is impossible to have any effect.

But there was one thing, she couldn’t help but ask.

“Mr. Xie Ming’s attitude towards Oro and me is really different from that of me.” Ryori Kano smiled slightly: “What did I do that bored Mr. Xie Ming?”

“Because I prefer the kind of straightforward person to you.”

Xie Ming opened his eyes slightly to look at Ryori Kanano, and said calmly: “She will not casually use someone who has nothing to do with her. But you are not like that.”

That’s right, this is what Xie Ming hates the most.

The vast majority of people came to participate in the auction held by the Magic Eye Collection Train for the purpose of auctioning the Magic Eye. And Xie Ming has made it clear that he is not here to auction Demon Eye.

In other words, he and most of the passengers on the train will not have conflicts or contradictions.

So according to the character of the magician, keeping the distance between each other is the best and the most normal behavior at this time.

But what about Hirori Kano? Still working hard to collect Xie Ming’s information.

Why does she want to know Xie Ming’s information? The reason could never be the hell of love at first sight, she was just looking for the use value of Xie Ming.

I was thinking about where Xie Ming could be used by her. In order to be able to use Xie Ming, she needs to know about Xie Ming.

However, it is clear in my heart that it is a bit too shameful to point out like this. It is even possible that he will become enemies with the woman Ryori Kanano because of such trivial matters.

This is why Elmero II obviously hates her in his heart, but has to respond to her.

You can be unwilling to make friends with this snake Sasori’s heart-warming woman, and have a good relationship, but you must never offend her.

After all, he is the -kun master of the Elmero school. His strength and situation were not enough for him to make such a confident action.

But Xie Ming is different, his strength is enough to make him ignore these disgusting things. No matter what magic the magicians want to use against him, it is a matter of stares for him.

As for investigating him, investigating people around him?

The only people in Europe who knew him were Elmero II and Grey and Cowles, who just knew his identity. But even Elmero II, who knew him a little bit better, didn’t know who his master was in the Fourth Holy Grail War at that time.

So even if the Magic Association investigates Fuyuki City, they can only come into contact with the big landlord of Fuyuki City, Rin Tosaka, the head of the Tosaka family.

Even if Yanfeng Qili, who was guilty of pleasure disorder, became the second or fifth boy directly, CC and Otinus would be enough to extinguish all dangerous flames.

A daughter of Alaya, an Odin, what else can the magician of these clock towers reveal under the hands of the two women?

Even if Jewel Weng came in person, Xie Ming could leave him behind.

However, what Xie Ming said reduced the atmosphere between several people by tens of degrees Celsius. Elmero II lighted the cigar silently, Xie Ming still leaned on the pillar of the station, closed his eyes and rested.

Under Grey’s head, the gray Kabuto hat makes her look hard to see. Cowles looked at Xie Ming, and then at Ryori Kanano, who was smiling, and he couldn’t help but reflect.The decision that I have to follow with the cheek is right or wrong…

At this moment, Xie Ming opened his eyes again. After twisting his shoulders, he walked slowly towards the waiting position. The next moment, the fog became dense, and the sound of the siren spread to everyone’s ears from far to near.

The medieval locomotive spewing white mist broke through the smoke and slowly entered the station. The pitch-black car body is engraved with various gorgeous and mysterious lines. This kind of creation that does not conform to the times gives people a very weird and wonderful feeling.

The magic eye collecting train is here.


This abandoned station outside London seems to be the last station where Magic Eye collects the passengers on the train. Before Xie Ming walked in, there were already many passengers in the carriage.

A man with a white polite beard in a white dress, a black priest with white hair, a Lolita girl with long pink hair, etc…

Of course, Xie Ming, who was the first to enter the car, caught the attention of the magicians. But after only a few glances, he looked away.

Because they saw it, Xie Ming didn’t want to deal with them. The ordinary breath of Xie Ming also made them lose the idea of ​​dealing with Xie Ming.

For a magician, whether the other party is a magician can really be seen at a glance.

Take Elmero II as an example. His cigar is a magic attire, with various types such as defense, enchantment, spiritual stabilization, and catalyzing magic circuits. His long buttock hair is also used to reserve magic power.

And, the magic eye on the bridge of the nose kills.

And Xie Ming?

There is no magic wave on his body, no magic attire on his body, and no basic magic eye on his face. It looks like a stunned blue who is not prepared for anything.

However, this was exactly what Xie Ming wanted, he was really not interested in getting involved with the magician.

But it seemed that Lolita girl was interested in Xie Ming. It’s just that among the passengers this time, there are obviously people who are more interested in her.

After casually found a seat where his feet fell, Xie Ming leaned back on the seat and closed his eyes again.

After him, Elmero II and others also boarded the train.

Xie Ming didn’t hear the words of Elmero Classroom Mistress Volunteer Yvette, Elmero II fencing, 3p, and other remarks. And Xie Ming didn’t bother to treat him again for his stomachache.

After a while, Oro Gammari, her servant Trisha, and other magicians waiting in the abandoned station also sat in their seats one after another.

The car door closed slowly, and as the siren sounded again, two figures came over from the car in front.

Skinny men in work clothes, and leather women with short blond hair. It is worth noting that the eyes of a woman in leather clothes are tied by a red belt. That’s a magic attire used to seal something.

In other words, this woman’s eyes must be sealed, extremely dangerous magic eyes.

“Under the palm of the car, Rodin.”

“I am Lei Andre, and I am honored to be the host of the auction for you this time.”

The man and the woman introduced themselves separately, and then the man who claimed to be the palm of the car started the introduction.

“This train will return to London after a week around the country of fog (UK) in four days and three nights. During this period, you can enjoy the magic eye displayed at will and wait for the auction on the third day.”

“The captured magic eye can be transplanted to you immediately by this train, or you can keep it by yourself. Customers who want to sell the magic eye, please go to the train’s work area before the evening of the third day. Of course, you can also directly send you Rodin Tell the requirements.”

“Now, I will lead you to the guest room.”

“Before that, I want to ask.”

Everyone looked at Xie Ming who stood up, and there were various emotions in his eyes. Ignoring the eyes of these people, Xie Ming looked at Rodin and Leandou calmly.

“Where is the chief person in charge of the train?”

“…This guest.”

Rodina looked at Xie Ming quietly with a lifeless gaze: “The person in charge of this car, the acting manager will show up before the auction begins.”


Xie Ming raised his eyebrows and his smile became a little dangerous.

“But, I want to see her now. I don’t know, can you meet my request?”

“…I’m sorry, this guest.”

The palm of the car remained calm: “The appearance of the acting manager is not for me to be the Master. We can’t communicate with the acting manager either, just follow orders.”

“Also, please don’t have any dangerous thoughts.”

“If the train is hit by an irresistible attack, the acting manager must give priority to his own life.”

“Tsk, that’s really a pity.”

Countless fragments gathered from various parts of the carriage into Xie Ming’s hands and turned into a walking stick. Seeing this, all the magicians present instantly turned into cats with exploded hairs.

Because they didn’t feel any threat just now?

That is to say, if this man had this idea, all of them would be simply cut off their heads! ?

And what is that cane? Magic dress?

The material is unknown, the driving theory is unknown, the efficacy is unknown, everything is unknown…

Who the hell is this man! ?

Xie Ming was immediately met with hostility from all the magicians present. Especially Oro and Marie, his eyes are about to burst into flames.

When she wanted to come, she felt that Xie Ming had deceived her.

But Xie Ming did not come to buy Demon Eye, just came to ask the person in charge of Demon Eye to collect the train to ask for an answer.

If the answers given are not satisfactory, he doesn’t mind making this train completely history.

From this perspective, he is indeed in contradiction with all magicians.

But you want him to stay here obediently for three days and four nights? Sorry, even if the real manager comes over, it’s not worth Xie Ming’s waste of time. Wouldn’t it be okay for him to spend more time with Sakura and the others?

Moreover, the train has been attacked by an irresistible force, and the acting manager will not appear. So….

“If I say that if your acting manager does not show up again, I will destroy all the magic eyes in your train?”

Xie Ming grinned and said the threatening words. As the words appeared, there was a murderous red mist that gradually filled the passenger compartment.

For powerful enemies, whether it is the broken rod or the red mist attached to the wave of killing intent, it seems a little pediatric. These things can still have a pretty good effect on suppressing trash fish.

In fact, with the exception of Grey and Elmero II, who were deliberately avoided by him, all the other magicians were suppressed by the light red mist, and they were unable to use any magic at all.

The magic recorded by the magic engraving in the body is not without effect. It’s just that the effects of these magics are not mentioned at all for Red Mist.

At this moment, a fragrant wind blew across the carriage.

“This is… the scent of roses…”

Grey murmured.

Yes, with the fragrance of roses, it was a woman in white with golden curly hair. Dozens of roses are dotted all over, and a gorgeous rose crown is also worn on the head.

Her appearance freed the customers of the train from the suppression of Xie Ming’s red mist. In other words, Xie Ming did not deliberately prevent this woman from dispelling the mist of her murderous intent.

After all, his goal has been achieved.

“”The acting manager. “”

Rodin and Lei Andre bent down together and saluted the woman.

Nodding slightly, the woman looked at Xie Ming.

“You, what do you seek me for?”

“Just ask you for an answer, or ask you to give me a satisfactory answer.”

Xie Ming smiled, and then a spirit wave rushed into the woman’s mind unceremoniously with coercion.

[The Far East is my place. If you dare to stretch your paw there again, you will be at your own risk. 】


After a moment of silence, the same mental wave passed over. It’s just that compared to Xie Ming’s unreasonable domineering mental power, this mental power is much weaker.

[In the name of Luo Li’an, I swear that Luo Li’an will not enter the Far East in the future. 】

“That’s it.”

After getting a satisfactory reply, the red mist floating in the carriage disappeared completely. Xie Ming stood up and walked towards Elmero II and Grey.

“Then, let’s do the second thing.”

“Your Majesty…you…”

“Webber, you take your disciple to the back of the car to find me.”

Leaving this sentence, Xie Ming walked towards the rear of the car. Elmero II and Grey were left looking at each other, not knowing what they were going to do.



Seeing his disciple’s state of being without a master, Elmero II rubbed his eyebrows. He knew that this sudden occurrence had completely confused Grey.

Not to mention Grey, even he didn’t understand why the emperor would suddenly do such unscrupulous things. With his character…. With his character…

“By the way, he is violent-Kun is here…”

Under normal conditions, he is indeed a good talker. But after some things are involved, no matter who it is, don’t want to stand in front of him. To block is to die.

This is the violent-kun approach.

“In short, let’s go first.”


Watching the departure of Elmero II and Grey, the carriage was completely messed up after a moment of silence. The blonde woman had already disappeared again, leaving only the palm of the car and the auction host to maintain order.

And some people looked at the back of the two people leaving with blinking eyes. I don’t know, what I was thinking about, what I was thinking about.

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