Chapter 1621

“It’s coming.”

“Your Majesty said so, how can Zai and his disciples refuse?”

In the evening breeze, Elmero II took out the cigar from the Kabuto: “Your Majesty shouldn’t mind, let’s smoke one.”


Xie Ming, who was leaning on the guardrail, smiled: “Always let you calm down before you can continue talking.”

“Let me… calm down…”

In other words, what the emperor wants to say next is something that will cause him a great mental fluctuation…From Xie Ming’s words, Elmero II read this meaning.

Thinking of this, he felt his stomach start to shrink again.

“I’m so stupid, really…I only knew that he was a talkative emperor, but I had forgotten the most fundamental nature of these emperors.”

The essence of this group of guys is a group of lawless guys who are not bound by common sense in the world. It’s not that they don’t know the rules of the world, but when the rules restrict them and hinder their goals, they will break free without hesitation.

The only difference between the emperor in front of him is that he will not hurt good people. He will not hurt innocent people for his own purposes.

What? You asked what happened in the car just now?

Do you think there are any good people among a group of magicians? As for the magic eye collection train, it is even more of a synonym for robbers. As long as they want the magic eye, they will ignore the owner’s opinion and force it to be deprived.

Otherwise, why do you think they have the confidence to conduct the auction of Magic Eye. Enough strength, abundant supplies (magic eyes) reserves, a wide range of contacts and a deep background can make this train exist in the European continent for so long.

The Clock Tower has long been eyeing this demonic eye selling group, but it hasn’t taken any action for a long time. You said that they have no backing in the clock tower, that is completely impossible.

And the crown magician Aosaki Orange, who destroyed their auction, was appointed by the seal, and maybe they had their share of power behind it.

So Elmero II was really worried, the Magic Eye Collection Train would do something to Xie Ming from behind. But after thinking about it, he felt that he was still a bit unreasonable.

This one was the winner of the Holy Grail War, and even the oldest king Gilgamesh did not defeat him. Moreover, he is now the ontology, not the follower.

The servants limited the strength of the heroic spirits due to job placement reasons. The heroic spirit is the ultimate decisive weapon of the restraining force Alaya. That is absolutely beyond the reach of manpower, in an inhuman state.

There is indeed a magician in the clock tower who can break the wrist with the heroic spirit, and even defeat the weaker heroic spirit. However, letting them defeat Gilgamesh is definitely a fantasy.

The surrender of the principal and the acting manager of the Demon Eye’s collection train just now shows that they really don’t want to conflict with the birth in front of them.

Yu Qi is worried about this, so I might as well think about the problems he is facing now.

Shaking off the ashes of the cigar, Elmero II said calmly.

“Your Majesty, please speak.”


Xie Ming looked at Grey: “Strictly speaking, I have something to do with Grey.”

“I hope you can let me borrow your weapon and shine in the Rhongomyniad.””!!!”

Hearing this name, Grey subconsciously covered his right arm. Under the black cloak, there is a small Birdcage hanging in that position. What’s in Birdcage is her weapon, her seal dress: Yad.

But its interior is one of the weapons of King Arthur back then, the shadow of the anchor that maintains the world inside and outside, the holy spear: the spear that shines in the end.

Holding Altria’s weapon back then, the face under Kabuto’s hat was almost carved out of the same mold as Altria. Gray’s identity can be guessed even if Xie Ming doesn’t know the situation.

A body specially created and cultivated for the resurrection of King Arthur Altria.

It’s just that the holy spear at this time is in a sealed state.

Unlike other treasures, the holy spear has a very high personality and side effects. If the holy spear is used for a long time, it is easy to be infected by the air in the holy spear, making the holder deify.

And because it is in the modern age where the mystery is fading, if the holy spear is kept in its original appearance, it will only lose the mystery contained in it in vain.

For these two reasons, Grey’s ancestors sealed the holy spear and gave him the man-made personality of the Knight of the Round Table Guy. When faced with a crisis, Grey can lift this seal and display part of the power of the Holy Spear.

After all, Grey is not the true owner of the Holy Spear, but only the temporary holder of the Holy Spear.

“no surprise.”

Regarding what Xie Ming said, Elmero II did not show much surprise. After all, if there is anything worthy of the caring in front of them in their master and apprentice, there is only the holy spear held by Grey.

“I don’t know, your Majesty, what do you want to do with this holy gun?”


Xie Ming looked at the two of them: “Shining in the Spear of the End, Lungoni Miyade, do you two know its true posture?”

“Holy Spear…real posture…” Gray took out the Birdcage and muttered while looking at the cube costume inside.

“You mean, anchor?”


After snapping his fingers, Xie Ming said faintly: “This should be the common sense of you magicians. This world can be divided into three layers. The outside, the surface and the inside.”

“The place where we humans live now belongs to the surface. This surface is like a piece of cloth wrapped on the planet, which can easily be blown away by various factors.”

“Therefore, in order to fix this piece of cloth outside the planet, it must have’nails’. The holy gun Lungoni Miard is the anchor that maintains the surface and the inside, the’nails’.”

“It penetrates the surface of the world and fixes it on the inner side of the planet. In other words, the holy spear is going to the inner side of the world, the light tower and passage of the inner sea of ​​the star. My purpose is to pass through the real holy Gun: The Tower of Light enters the inside of the world.”

“In order to fulfill the promise I promised.”

“…But ah, your majesty.”

Elmero II frowned: “I’ll be honest, if you want the holy gun to show its true posture, only its true owner can do it.”

“But Grey is not the master of the holy gun, only the user. And your majesty…”

“I am not Altria, it is naturally impossible to use the Holy Spear.” Xie Ming smiled: “But who said that the Holy Spear must show its true posture before it can enter the inside?”

“….I see.”


Seeing the thoughtful Elmero II, Xie Ming explained to Grey: “The holy gun is indeed sealed, and if it is not its true owner, it cannot be made to show the posture of an anchor.”

“But the inability to show it does not mean that the anchor does not exist. The so-called show is just to make the posture of the holy spear appear in the dimension where we are now.”

“However, I can use the holy spear in your hand to get the coordinates of the Tower of Light in another dimension, and then find it. With the help of the Tower of Light, I enter from the surface of the world to the inside of the world.”

“This is what I want you to do for me.”


As Gray sorted out the information in his head, he said intermittently: “What the Master and Mr. Xie Ming said…I only understood a little bit. However, Mr. Xie Ming didn’t want to take Yade, just Need to extract from Yad… the coordinates of the holy spear, right?”


Xie Ming looked at Gray seriously: “Of course, Gray, if you feel wrong, you can refuse me. There are many ways to enter the inner side of the planet, and this is just one of them.”


“The current user of the holy gun is you, Grey.” Elmero II breathed out a breath of smoke and said faintly: “So, how you choose is your responsibility.”

“……I see.”

After a moment of silence, Grey raised her head, with clear emerald green eyes like a mirror: “I believe you, Mr. Xie Ming.”

She has been following Elmero II for several months, and in these months, she has seen too many things that she hadn’t seen before.

Strip off the city and the twin towers, and go to the magic eye to collect trains. From the magician who went to extinction for his own selfish desires, to those who are willing to abandon all kind of love for the sake of love. She is undoubtedly growing fast.

Even if she is immature now, she deeply understands the truth in the magic world. That is the cruel law of nature, the weak eat the strong.

Therefore, she is willing to believe in Xie Ming.

Because in her eyes, Xie Ming is actually a very pure person. Use sticks for villains, and food and wine for good people.

He has a powerful force, and he will use his powerful force to accomplish his goals. But he will not aim his gun at innocent people.

Just like in the carriage, she and Elmero II did not feel any sense of oppression. Because they are the only two passengers who are not hostile to Xie Ming.

A more important reason is that Xie Ming looks at her at this time.

In the beginning, when King Elmero II saw her for the first time, she screamed because of her exactly the same face as King Arthur. However, Xie Ming did not.

From Xie Ming’s eyes, Grey read this meaning.

The girl in front of him was not a copy of King Arthur, nor was it a disciple of King Elmero II, but Gray. She is a unique girl named Grey, who lives in this world.

No wonder the other party is clearly the one who conquered the king, but the master is still willing to talk to him. This is not because of the opponent’s strength, but the master does not hate this young man.

Therefore, she is also willing to believe in this pure and simple person.

“Yad, please.”

“Yes, yes, what a little girl.”

The small cube that Gray took out from the cage began to whine and complain: “Can’t you cherish me more!? Even though the holy spear in my body is really precious, I am also a very precious dress! ”

“That’s why I said that the immature little girl is simply…”Taking Yard from Grey, who was showing a helpless smile, Xie Ming narrowed his eyes slightly to cover up the dazzling light flowing in his pupils at this time. But just the lingering prestige of the exudation has already made the two of them creepy.

The long-winded Yard also closed his mouth and pretended to be dead.

The seal of the holy spear was, anyway, from the hand of the witch Morgan in the Arthurian era. For Xie Ming, it is not difficult to penetrate these seals with the field of perception. But in the same way, you also need to be a little serious.

Even if he has mastered a more sophisticated method of volatility sensing, it is still far behind the skill of Witch Morgan. Moreover, as Yade said, it is also a very delicate and precious treasure as a seal dress.

One of the three major magic associations, one of the seven weapons of the Atlas Academy: a copy of LogosReAct.

The so-called LogosReAct is an extremely sophisticated re-enactment device. It can generate a limited observation space according to the input conditions, conduct hypothetical experiments, and realize simulations at the same level as reality.

As a copy of Yade, it is naturally impossible to have the same powerful computing power as the original. Its function is restricted and fixed by Morgan. In other words, Yard is a super magic computer specially used to replay Lungone Miyade.

Normally, Gray used the calculation ability of this re-enactment device to reveal part of the abilities of the Holy Spear through various weapons.

Therefore, if Xie Ming wants to get the coordinates of the deepest holy spear, he must carefully bypass these sophisticated magic array composition.

“I saw it.”

The wave perception domain successfully captured the sealed white holy gun, and recorded this breath. However, in the eyes of both Elmero II and Grey, it was only a moment of white light that Yade bloomed.

“All right.”

Returning Yade to Grey, Xie Ming opened his eyes: “I have captured the breath of the holy spear. Now I only need to follow this breath to find the body. Um… as a reward for your assistance… .”

Thinking of what he saw when he expanded the field of volatility perception, Xie Ming thought for a while and patted on the shoulders of Grey and Elmero II respectively.

A warm current flooded into the body along the parts Xie Ming had photographed, and then he was hidden.

“This is the healing magic of Otherworld that I sealed inside the body. When your life is threatened, the magic will automatically take effect and start healing the wounds of your body.”

Xie Ming smiled: “My purpose has been achieved, so I leave here. If it is destined, we should be able to see you again.”

“Then, bye.”

Waved to the master and apprentice, Xie Ming’s body disappeared as the space fluctuated.


“What a…pure person.”

“Pure…?” Hearing the disciple’s evaluation, Elmero II thought for a while, and the corners of his face twitched a few times: “Indeed. Purity, perhaps one of the necessary factors for the king Bar.”

“Well, we should go back to sleep. You should be tired too.”


Gray seemed to be relieved, and his whole body softened: “There are too many things that happened tonight…”

“It’s not time to relax.”

Elmero II calmly reminded: “If you want to relax, at least go back to the guest room and relax again.”

“Yes, Master.”

Following the man, the two girls re-entered the carriage. They collected the stories on the train in Magic Eye, and it has only just begun.

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