Chapter 1622

After leaving the magic eye collection train, Xie Ming did not immediately follow the breath of the holy spear to find the main body of the star anchor, but first returned to the city of Winterwood.

The time difference between Britain and Japan is eight hours. It was already two o’clock in the morning when he got out of the train, but it was only ten o’clock in the morning in Japan.

Fujino and Sakura have naturally got up and went to work and school. Karen also went to the church in Fuyuki City for training reasons. So there are only four people in the house: Amber, Jade, Otinus and CC.

After explaining the situation of the magic eye train with a few people, Xie Ming also went to the temple church.

Although Yanfeng Qili hasn’t caused any trouble in the past ten years, the absence of trouble does not mean that his essence has changed. This man is an unstable bomb that cannot be controlled at all.

Whenever he decides, he will explode.

I have been with the girls these days, so Xie Ming didn’t go to talk to him. But now he was going to the inner side of the planet. Although it won’t be too long, it is still very necessary to meet this man before leaving.

The Templar Church in Fuyuki City was officially established during the Third Holy Grail War.

At that time, the person sent by the church was Yanfeng Qili’s father, who was the young Yanfeng Rizheng. Because the little holy grail that controls the great holy grail was destroyed, the third holy grail war ended in failure like the previous two.

In order to ensure the victory of the next Holy Grail War, the Tosaka family and Yanmine Rizoma cooperated. The Tosaka family used their power and financial resources to establish their own church in the mountains southeast of Fuyuki City for Yanmine Riri.

This is the origin of Yanfeng Church in Fuyuki City.

Only in the Fourth Holy Grail War, Yan Fengli, who served as the supervisor of the two times, died. Naturally, the person in charge of Yanfeng Church became his son Yanfeng Qili. If Yanfeng Kirei died, the church would continue to pass it down to Karen.

Of course, the premise is if Karen has the will.

Ordinary Yanfeng Qili can be said to be quite leisurely, except for exercise, prayer and teaching every day, there is nothing else. However, he himself didn’t seem to think there was anything boring in such a life, instead he felt a little bit happy in it.

These things were heard by Xie Ming from Kalian. In terms of authenticity, Xie Ming does not doubt.

Because according to Yanfeng Qili he knew, he was such a man. From this point of view, Xie Ming and him are quite similar.

In the Fourth Holy Grail War, Xie Ming didn’t focus too much on Tosaka Shichen and Yanfeng Qili. Therefore, he doesn’t know what the truth is about the death of Yanfeng Kirei and Tosaka Shichen.

Even, he didn’t care about another man who was closely related to Tosaka and Ma Tong’s family, Ma Tong Yanye. Rin and Sakura did not mention Yan Ye with Xie Ming.

Perhaps they were trying to protect Yan Ye, or they thought it was unnecessary to let Xie Ming know about Yan Ye.

After all, Xie Ming’s shot at the beginning actually wiped out the entire Ma Tong family.

Including Makiri Tsuruno and Makiri Shinji who stayed in Makura’s house at that time.

If Xie Ming feels guilty about killing a child, it must be a little bit more or less. But if this kid is Shinji Makiri…well…that feeling of guilt is about to disappear.

It is undesirable to look at the child’s present as a result that has not yet occurred. Although Xie Ming understands this path, he puts it on the’Second Master’. His subjectivity will always suppress his objectivity.

Therefore, for a scumbag (Matong Tsuruno) and a scumbag (Shinji Matong) who has not yet grown up but has a tendency to scumbag, what Xie Ming can do is an insincere apology. Bar.

Sorry, I didn’t expect you to be there. But even if I think about it, I’m afraid I will still do it.

If the dead Makiri Tsuruno and Makura Shinji heard such an apology, they might come alive with anger.

The field of volatility perception expanded and positioned in front of Yanfeng Church. In the next moment, Xie Ming appeared outside the iron gate of the church. From the atrium, Yingying Yue could hear the girl’s shout.

Gently push the door open, and walk towards the interior of the building while visiting this rather magnificent church.

After a while, I saw Karen holding the black key constantly fighting with Yanfeng Qili.

Both were dressed in black tights, holding a black key in each hand. Girls are like dancing butterflies, and men are like giant trees. No matter how the butterfly fanned its wings, it could not shake a branch of the giant tree.The difference in strength is obvious.

The surrogate of the Templar Church uses the black keys by holding three black keys with both left and right hands. The real usage of the black key is for throwing, not for close combat. Just knowing these points can tell that Yanfeng Qili is playing with Karen at this time.

“Oh, the rare guests are here.”

Xie Ming did not deliberately hide his breath and footsteps. Naturally, Yanfeng Qili had already noticed the arrival of the guests. With two swings at random, he easily smashed the black key in Karen’s hand.

“Take a break, after all, the guests are here.”


Sweat stuck the silver thread on her face, Karen turned her head to look at Xie Ming who was leaning on the pillar, and threw away the black key hilt in her hand: “I’ll clean it up.”


Seeing Karen walking towards the bathroom, Yanfeng Qili showed a playful smile. Afterwards, he turned his head to look at Xie Ming.

“To be honest, I didn’t expect you to appear again, Your Majesty.”

“Surprised you?”

“Anyone will be surprised if this is done.” Yanfeng Qili spread her hands: “Who would have thought that the heroic spirits who won in the Fourth Holy Grail War would actually embody the world in flesh?”

“It would be wrong to think of me as a hero.”

Xie Ming smiled: “Before he would appear in the form of a follower, but it was just a heroic body created by manipulating the restraining force.”

“A traveler between different worlds?”

“I even told you this.” Xie Ming said with some surprise: “It seems that the relationship between your father and daughter is pretty good.”

“This is the second thing that surprised me.”

Yanfeng Qili slowly walked in front of Xie Ming: “Your Majesty, I will go to that small country to bring Karen to Winterwood City, and I actually gave her such precious things.”

“You mean Avalon?”

“Yes.” Yanfeng Qili narrowed her eyes: “This makes me very puzzled.”

“Your Majesty, the total time you spent in this world is less than ten days. These ten days shouldn’t be enough for Karen to establish a trusting relationship with you.”


Xie Ming thought about it carefully: “It is not correct to use trust to describe the relationship between me and Karen, or other people.”

“Huh? Your Majesty, please elaborate.”

“You are so interested in this.” Raising an eyebrow, Xie Ming said lightly: “In my opinion, the relationship between us should belong to my unilateral kindness.”

“It was me who wanted to make them a family. But they were willing to accept the choice I gave.”

“In my eyes they are special, so I want to liberate them from their original destiny. However, the choice is ultimately in their hands.”

“In other words, my choice is only them. But they chose me among many choices.”

“It’s that simple.”

“So, your Majesty doesn’t think that he and them have a relationship of trust?”


Xie Ming smiled and said: “The relationship between family members is not limited to the degree of trust.”

“I see.”

Yanfeng Qili showed a weird smile: “Choose from each other… Your Majesty’s description is really interesting.”

“Well, you have asked me so many questions. Next, it’s time for me to ask you.”

“If I can answer.”

“What are you making?” Xie Ming said bluntly: “As far as I know, you are not such a peaceful person.”

“What… abacus…”

This question really asked Yanfeng Qili. He frowned, thought for a long time, and finally said slowly: “Sorry, I didn’t understand your question, Your Majesty.”

“Really? Then I’ll be more clear.”

Xie Ming looked at Yanfeng Qili calmly: “You teach Karen and Rin, contact Fujino and Xiao Sakura, what is the real purpose.”

“You must have a purpose. Otherwise, based on your character, you would never do such a’good’ move.”

“A’good’ move?”

Yanfeng Qili laughed: “Unexpectedly, your Majesty would have such a subjective view. No…or it is because you are your Majesty and the emperor that you have strong subjective thoughts.”

“Why don’t people who are not’good’ do not do’good’ things? Even death row prisoners who have committed the most sinful crimes may save the lives of others because of a benevolent move. Because of this, human beings are so interesting. Isn’t it?”

“I’m not talking about this.”

Xie Ming said indifferently: “You also said that the death row prisoner will save the lives of others because of a benevolent move. The reason is that he suddenly has the idea of’benevolence’ in his heart, so he did so.”

“When a person does something, it comes from an intentional or unintentional thought in his heart. What I am asking now is the reason why you acted, the reason why you did it.”

“The’good’ things done out of the’evil’ heart are only current good things for the person involved. Because in the end, these’good’s will become the last straw to destroy his will. ”

“So, what you do with the starting point of’evil’ will inevitably end in’evil’. This is the truth in the world. Of course, there are exceptions. For example…”

He glanced at Yanfeng Qili’s neck and head, already at the heart.

“The evil person who did the’good’ thing out of the’evil’ heart died for some reason. Then the person involved will never know the cause, and the’good’ thing will become the real good thing from now on. The evil person will also change. Become a good person.”

“If necessary, I will become that ‘for some reason’. And I decide whether I will become the key…”

“It’s my answer.”

Yanfeng Qili chuckled a few times and said as if jokingly: “I thought that your Majesty would spare my life for the sake of my help for so many years.”

“Let you change from a fundamentally evil person to a good person in everyone’s mind. From this point of view, isn’t the sentiment already returned?”

“That’s really… it makes me uncomfortable to die.”

As if thinking of that picture, Yanfeng Qili trembles: “In order to keep things from turning into that way, it seems that today I can only honestly explain to you, Your Majesty.”

“But before that… shall we not go for a meal?”

The voice fell, and the church began to ring the bell symbolizing twelve o’clock.

“It’s rare to have such a distinguished guest. As the host of the church, I really don’t have a good hospitality. Please also your Majesty, let me do what I can do as a host.”

“What? Are you going to cook?””That would be too rude to your majesty. I think that my culinary skills are not enough to entertain guests.”

Yanfeng Qili smiled and said: “Listening to your Majesty’s name, it should be from Otherworld’s China. It just so happens that there is a Chinese restaurant in Fuyuki City that I particularly like. Taking this opportunity, I would like to invite you to taste this one. Is the restaurant’s cuisine authentic?”

“Karen, how about you go together?”

“do not want.”

Karen twitched the corners of her mouth, who had been there for a while, and said decisively, “Xie Ming, I’ll go back and help you tell everyone that you won’t go back for dinner at noon.”

After speaking, he quickly left Yanfeng Church.


Yanfeng Qili shook her head and looked at Xie Ming: “What do you think of your majesty?”

“Let’s go.”

Thinking of something, Xie Ming raised some interest: “By the way, what’s the name of that restaurant?”

“Hongzhou Banquet Hall·Taishan.”



“Manager, here’s a mapo tofu, it’s very spicy.”

Naturally sitting in the usual place, Yanfeng Qili handed the menu on the desktop to Xie Ming: “Mr. Xie Ming, what would you like to order?”


Looking at the familiar and somewhat unfamiliar Chinese characters on the menu, Xie Ming smiled: “Here are some boiled pork slices, a very spicy mapo tofu, and two bowls of rice.”

“… Chinese?”


“It’s really strange.” The limping man served tea for Xie Ming and Yanfeng Qili, and the shop manager said lightly: “I didn’t expect to meet Chinese people in such a remote place.”

“Is here to travel?”

“No, I came here to see my family.”


After a moment of silence, the shop manager said faintly: “You can also see that this is a Sichuan restaurant. For most Japanese who do not eat spicy food, the spiciness here can be called hell.”

“But my dishes, even Hunanese, can’t hold up.”

“That’s not spicy but numb.”

Xie Ming said with a smile: “Sichuan cuisine is not top-notch if it is spicy. But if it is a combination of hemp, fragrant and spicy, Sichuan is ranked at the top of China without any objection.”

“The one next to me said that he wanted me to investigate whether this restaurant is authentic. That’s why I ordered boiled pork slices, one of the representative dishes of spicy and spicy, and Mapo tofu, one of the representative dishes of spicy and spicy. ”

“Hmph, quite knowledgeable. Just hope, don’t just talk about it.”

Although he said that, the corners of the shop manager’s mouth rose slightly.

This, perhaps only a Chinese person would understand, the sense of intimacy in my heart when I met a Chinese in a foreign country.

Because everyone is Chinese. Even if you live in a different world, the national sentiment that was born from that land will not disappear because of this.

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