Chapter 1623 Cyan Hand

I believe that many people on the moon know one of the “special products” of Fuyuki City, the extremely spicy Mapo Tofu. Because this is the only dish that can destroy all the heroes summoned by Fuyuki City.

Even in a certain world line, Yanfeng Kirei successfully completed the feat of one wearing seven with the extremely spicy ramen developed based on extremely spicy mapo tofu. I’m afraid that even the giant guardian who came, would be defeated.

The only one who defeated that bowl of extremely spicy ramen seemed to be Ilia.

It is precisely because of the extremely spicy Mapo tofu in this store that Qili Yanfeng successfully won the title of “Father Mapo”.

This is why Xie Ming will agree to Yanfeng Qili’s invitation. After all, forget it if you don’t think of it. Now that he has this opportunity, he still wants to try it.

As for whether this store will reach the spiciness he cannot bear, Xie Ming is somewhat confident.

Because this is a Chinese restaurant.

A restaurant, it can go for spiciness. However, if you forget the most basic flavors of the dishes in pursuit of spiciness, you are putting the cart before the horse.

They are not doing extreme challenges, but tasting food. The deliciousness of a dish must be a combination of multiple aspects. Other flavors can be matched with spiciness, but it must not be only spiciness.

What’s more, this is still a Sichuan restaurant.

Food is in China, and flavor is in Sichuan. These eight characters are not casual.

From his point of view, the reason why the so-called extremely spicy mapo tofu is so frightening is purely because the Japanese eat too lightly, and most Japanese are not good at spicy food.

For the time being, the extremely spicy ramen developed by Yonbong Kirei in that world line, the extremely spicy mapo tofu here is definitely not that way.

In fact, it is true.

Boiled pork slices and extremely spicy Mapo tofu served with two bowls of rice, Xie Ming didn’t even leave a drop of sweat. The spiciness is relatively strong, but it is much worse than the spicy knife-edge chili made by millet.

“Huh…Thank you for the hospitality.” Wiping his mouth with a tissue, Xie Ming looked at the store manager: “It’s very Sichuan-like.”

“that’s great.”

On the other side, Yanfeng Qili also finished her plate of Mapo tofu, took out a few paper towels and wiped the sweat on her forehead: “It seems that it is correct to bring Mr. Xie Ming here.”

“Unexpectedly, I can find it by accident, and the spicy food is the same.”

After taking out their wallets from the black and purple vestments and making the payment, under the faint “Welcome next time” voice from the store manager, the two walked out of the restaurant and walked back to the church.

“Then, now that the meal is also eaten, you should answer my question.”

“Yeah, yes.”

Yanfeng Qili smiled: “I will answer honestly.”

“Your Majesty, I don’t know how Archer…the father of King Gilgamesh, Rin and Sakura, died in the Fourth Holy Grail War, right?”

“Didn’t you kill it?”

“Hahahahaha…” Yanfeng Qili laughed: “Your Majesty, you are really direct.”

“Indeed, I did plan that at the time. I wanted to see what the master’s face would look like when I was stabbed to death by my most trusted disciple. Even now, this is a great regret for me.”

“But it’s a pity that I didn’t kill the master.”


This really surprised Xie Ming: “How did Tosaka Shichen die?”

“I was strangled to death by the hand of flame who didn’t know where it came from.””…….Aha?”

Xie Ming stopped and looked at Yanfeng Qili with inexplicable eyes: “Are you kidding me?”

“How can it be.”

Yanfeng Qili shrugged helplessly: “The picture at that time can be said to be extremely weird.”

“In front of me, the palm of the cyan flame grabbed Master’s neck and lifted him slowly into the air. But Master’s expression didn’t show any pain, but was immersed in a smile.”

“It was as if I was immersed in a dream that I couldn’t wake up, my neck was broken.”

“I don’t know why, that cyan palm didn’t hit me. But if it hits me, I’m afraid I will die there too.”

“The palm of the cyan flame…”

Xie Ming frowned deeply, he didn’t suspect that Yanfeng Qili would lie to him in such a place. Although he doesn’t care much about his life, he doesn’t need to lie about this kind of thing.

But… the cyan palm… In his memory, the Moon World does not have an enemy with this characteristic…

“So, what about Jian Tong Yanye?”

“Matong Yanye? Ah…the last lone seedling of the Jiantong family.” Yanfeng Kiri’s voice didn’t have the slightest interest: “It seems to be the editor of the publishing house. Now he is working hard to pursue Tosaka Aoi. .”

“Your Majesty, you killed Jian Tong’s house easily, but liberated him. That man seems to be humming while walking now.”

“Oh, that’s not bad.”

Shrugging, Xie Ming continued: “Okay, let’s get back to the topic. What is your real purpose for teaching Rin and Karen?”

“It’s very simple, it’s observation.”


“Your Majesty… I don’t believe your Majesty you didn’t find any terminals.” Yanfeng Qili laughed: “Your family can be said to have gathered a group of very interesting existences.”

“This is just my hunch, but I believe in my hunch.”

“It only takes a small opportunity, and the peace that has been maintained for ten years will be broken instantly. And this opportunity lies in your Majesty…you.”


“And my purpose is on this.”

Yanfeng Qili smiled and said: “I am waiting for the opportunity to appear, I am waiting for the eruption. I want to observe all of this at the closest distance. That’s why I will teach Karen, and The Uranus monastery family has contact.”

“After all, if such a lively thing happens, wouldn’t it be too wasteful if you don’t sit in the best viewing seat?”

“What an evil way.”

“Hahahaha, I think so too.” Yanfeng Qili stopped: “Then, what your majesty wants to know is already known, do you plan to go to the church to see the afternoon exercise?”

“By the way, talking about this exercise.”

Xie Ming said, “Black keys, shouldn’t they be used like that?”

“Of course not, but for Karen, this is a more suitable way for her.”

Speaking of this, Yanfeng Qili’s face has a rare expression of real helplessness.

“I originally thought that she was nothing like her mother except for her appearance. But from the beginning of the exercise, I discovered something new.”

“She doesn’t have the ability to fight.”

“A substitute’s fighting method, Bajiquan, and strengthening magic are the fighting skills of my Master. I have not reserved it, but she always can’t learn it.”

“Karen doesn’t have the talent for magic, and Bajiquan hasn’t been able to step through the internal strength. So now, I can only train her by changing the training method of the substitute to a training method that suits her.”

“But… it seems to be physical. She has strong mental power and is talented in baptismal singing. Therefore, I applied to the church for a holy relic and focused on strengthening her in this regard.”

“Speaking of which, that holy relic should be here today. When she goes back in the evening, Your Majesty should be able to see it.”


“It really is this one.”

Looking at the bright red cloth wrapped around Karen’s arms, Xie Ming shook his head helplessly. Unexpectedly, even if Karen did not become a surrogate, he still got a special dress made from holy relics as raw materials.

“The sacred cloth of Magdalene, this is its name.”

Touching this special dress, Karen’s expression was slightly complicated. From this special dress, she felt some kind of fate.

Magdalene, whose real name is Mary. It’s just because the mother of the Son is also called Maria, so she is usually called her hometown: Maria Magdalene, or Magdalene.

She is a woman with a very special position in the Bible. She is doing the cheapest job, but she has the noblest action.

Saved by the Son, Jesus, and never abandon the Son. After the Son was nailed to the cross, she washed the feet of the Son with her tears and wiped it dry with her black hair that pays attention to maintenance.

When the Son was suffering on the cross, she wept and prayed and drank water for him. After the death of the Son, he personally cleaned the body of the Son with grease.

Therefore, she was the first person to witness Jesus’ death and resurrection. Her behavior and testimony made her listed as a saint. The sacred cloth in Karen’s hand was made from the sacred cloth that wrapped Magdalene’s corpse.

Its function is mainly used to capture, block, restrain, and because it comes from Magdalene, the effect is particularly obvious when used by men.

Even a follower of the level of Hercules can restrain him for quite some time.

But when it is attacked from outside, no matter how weak the attack is, Magdalene’s sacred cloth will instantly lose its effect. Even so, its powerful effect cannot be denied.

If you contact Karen’s original destiny, this special dress and Karen can really be said to be connected by fate.

At this point, I am afraid that Karen herself will understand it.

“Karen, I heard Yanfeng Qili said, your mental power is quite strong?”

“Well, he said so.”

“That’s it.”

Xie Ming thought for a while, and took out the pitch-black cane from the portable space: “So, are you trying to manipulate this?”

“This is?”

“This is a mental power weapon.” Looking at Karen who took the broken rod from his hand, Xie Ming explained softly: “As long as the mental power is enough, you can freely manipulate it for defense, attack, combination, etc. Kind of effect.”

“If you can manipulate it, then it can be combined with the Magdalene sacred cloth in your hand to greatly enhance your combat ability. Even, it may not lose to Fujino.”


At this moment, the pale golden pupils seemed to burst into light, and the broken staff held by Karen began to tremble slightly. Afterwards, the tremor became greater and greater, and the pitch-black cane slowly left his palm and floated out of thin air.


Karen’s body swayed, the link between his mental power and the broken rod was interrupted, and the rod fell to the ground.

“What kind of monster weapon is this…”

Even if it takes only a few seconds for the connection between mental power and the broken battle, the functions of the broken rod have all been reflected in Kallen’s mind. That terrifying function scared her mentally unstable and broke the link.Well, after all, it is a Tier 3 top weapon, or the transitional weapon Xie Ming used when he was injured. Its quality is naturally stronger than most weapons.

In fact, there is no problem in including the Broken Rod in the C-rank counter-army and counter-human treasure.

“Why are you surprised?”

Xie Ming smiled and said, “Don’t forget, there is still Avalon in your body.”

If compared with Avalon, he couldn’t even compare with the pure flames of the sky. As for whether Demon Blade Nightmare could break Avalon’s defenses, Xie Ming didn’t know much in his heart.

If the Chilonghuang state is turned on, if Heng is used, it should still be able to break open.

“This weapon actually can’t keep up with me, but the conditions of use are a bit harsh, so I haven’t shot it. But now that you can control it, you can keep it.”

“It just so happens that the broken rod also has the effect of training mental power, and it should be quite suitable for you now.”

“…Is it possible?”

“What can’t be.” Xie Ming asked strangely: “Make the best use of everything.”

“Ah yes.”

Hearing Xie Ming’s answer, Karen, whose pupils were a little fluctuating, suddenly turned into a dead fish eye, and left the living room with a sentence of ‘I’m going to take a bath’.

“Little girl, little ghost is big.”

Shaking his head helplessly, Xie Ming walked to the kitchen: “Hua, can you please help me.”


Amber smiled bitterly and looked at Jade at each other, and followed.


“To sum up, I am going to go to the Kingdom of Shadows.”

After the meal, Xie Ming probably explained to the girls about the Demon Eye’s collection of trains and the question of owing Skaha’s favor in Otherworld. However, going to the Kingdom of Shadows still silenced the women.

The man in front of him would really say something that broke through common sense when he opened his mouth.

The Kingdom of Shadows is one of the fairyland in Guy’s mythology. It is a nether country that accepts the dead and souls. It is also a training ground where countless Guy’s heroes have been cultivated.

As the queen and guardian of the Kingdom of Shadows and the lord of the alien and demon world, Skarha has the skills to enter the realm of the gods and the ancient Rune magic, and is the strongest person who has killed countless undead, humans and gods.

Even the famous heroes in Guy Erte’s myth can’t help trembling every time they mention the name of their master, Skaha.

This god-level godslayer has such a prestige.

But in the modern world that mystery is fading, whether it is the Kingdom of Shadows or Skaha, they have been ranked outside the world. And now, Xie Ming actually said to go there?

“I said, are you sure?”

Rin couldn’t help but asked: “The Kingdom of Shadows is outside the world according to the record! Do you know what it is that also belongs to the outside world?”

“The root cause.”

“…The root cause?”

After repeating Xie Ming’s indifferent tone, the corners of his lips couldn’t help but twitch: “You, you should know the meaning of the root cause.”

“What you are talking about is going to the Kingdom of Shadows. The real difficulty is not much easier than going to the root cause!”

“And after you go, can you come back!?”

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