Chapter 1626 Star Inner Sea

From the surface to the inner side, and then from the inner side to find the link point of the line that connects to the root cause, this is a slightly long journey.

Fortunately, the time on the inside of the world is different from the time on the surface. It is more appropriate to describe the time between the inner sea of ​​the stars and the surface of the world with two timelines running side by side.

The inside is flowing, and the outside is also flowing, only the flow rate is different.

But what is different from the surface world is that the mystery here is quite high. This also led to Xie Ming being able to perform relatively exaggerated operations here.

For example: time shuttle.

After setting the coordinates for the target time point, even if the distance to the Kingdom of Shadows will take too long, Xie Ming can take Rin against the long river of time to find the coordinates and return.

Of course, there may be slight deviations in the set coordinates. But the overall deviation is estimated to be 15-30 days. This deviation is still within the acceptable range of the two of them.

And Xie Ming’s protection of Lin is actually the Holy Grail.

That’s right, even Xie Ming almost forgot, there is still a holy grail in his portable space.

Regarding this matter, please listen to his sophistry…oh no, explain.

Because of Jeanna’s request for help, she entered the FA world line and won the great holy grail. But after coming out of that world, Xie Ming couldn’t wait to go to the Tower of Swordsmanship to find Chief Secretary Okita for’retribution of a knife’ because of the creation of the earthly sword technique.

After defeating Okita Souji, he immediately entered the OverLord plane and fought blood and learned the city plane with the sprites in the passage…. The successive events made him almost forgot about the Great Holy Grail. .

If Sakura doesn’t mention whether he can follow and let him start to think of a way, I’m afraid this thing will have to go on for a while.

Of course, the reason for forgetting is also his reason.

The holy grail is an omnipotent wishing machine, as long as the magic power stored in it is enough, almost anything can be done. However, this function is limited to the Moon World.

In other worlds, the Holy Grail has only two uses.

One: Provide the magic of the moon world.

Two: the materialization of the soul.

The former is extremely tasteless to most people, and it can even be said to be useless. The difference in energy system directly determines that the Holy Grail cannot provide energy to the vast majority of surrogates.

Although Xie Ming possesses the practical skill of energy conversion, he can convert the magic of the Holy Grail into energy for his own use. But… can’t he eat two fairy beans with this skill? Instantly replenish physical strength and energy without expending energy to use energy conversion.

And…I have seen crushing stones hit the boss, but I haven’t seen anyone directly crushing the Holy Grail to hit the boss. If such a person really exists on a certain plane, then Xie Ming can only speak up about the boss.

As for the second use, the soul materialization of the third Fa Tian Cup, Xie Ming is impossible to use.

The reason, he had already said when he was confronting Amakusa Shiro Tokisada.

Because the Great Holy Grail was really useless on other planes, it wouldn’t be so strange for Xie Ming to forget it. But after returning to the Moon World, the Great Holy Grail has become a omnipotent wishing machine, so it can be used for many purposes.

The reason why Rin was able to move as freely as Xie Ming in the Inner Sea of ​​the Stars was because Xie Ming used the Great Holy Grail to make her a magic costume similar to a ‘spacesuit’.

This magic attire can filter the extremely high concentration of God’s magic power into modern magic power that modern magicians can withstand, and it also has the function of strengthening physical fitness and strengthening magic effects.

So Rin can show off a little bit inside the world.

As low as the dragon tooth soldier, as high as the biped pterosaur, under the blessing of this dress, Rin can kill one-on-one.

During the journey to find the coordinates, the two also encountered many fantasy creatures called fantasy species.

Unicorns, dragons, elves, elemental elves, stone giants… have encountered many on this road. Some were curious and kind to the two of them, and some wanted to taste it because they hadn’t opened meat for a long time.

It’s just that they don’t know where the connection point with the root is, and they don’t know how to go from the inside to the outside.

Before I knew it, a month passed.For the inner fantasy species longevity species, a month’s time is equal to a few minutes of human time. Xie Ming didn’t care, but Lin seemed to be a little uneasy.

“I said, how much time has passed since we came here?”

“More than a month, what’s wrong?”

“Is there really a channel leading to the outside of the world on the inside?” Lin dragged his chin, looking at the boiling broth in the iron pan in front of him: “It feels like we are looking everywhere without a direction.”

“more or less.”

Xie Ming shrugged: “After all, I’m here for the first time on the inside, and I’m also in a situation of smearing my eyes.”

“… Then do you think, when will we find that passage?”


After thinking about it, Xie Ming said uncertainly: “How many Ten Thousand Years?”


The chopsticks that were about to pick up the meat from the broth stopped, and Rin slowly raised his head, only one expression showed in his eyes.

are you kidding me?

“No, it’s not a few thousand Ten Thousand Years.” Xie Ming rejected the answer he had previously drawn: “It should be more than a dozen Ten Thousand Years.”

“At our current speed.”

Before Rin was about to go mad, he added this sentence.

“At our current speed… so too…” Rin lowered his head: “Is it possible to walk there.”

“If you want to hurry up, I can fly with you. In this way, it can shorten the distance a lot.”

“How much shorter?”

“Ten Thousand Years will become months.”

“Then why didn’t you do this early…” Rin said weakly.

“Looking at the fresh excitement when you first came in, I have to take you around.” Xie Ming smiled and said, “Moreover, I also want to see the world here.”

“Women’s mouth.”

Rin conceded: “But at least you have to know where the place is.”

“Do not worry.”

Xie Ming gave Rin the broth, and said: “We are not all wandering around this month. We have already obtained a very important piece of information.”

“What information?”

“The fantasy species in the inner world don’t know how to go to the outer side. At least, these guys who are casually swaying outside certainly don’t know.”

“But it’s absolutely impossible, all fantasy species don’t know. So, next I’m going to meet someone who knows this somewhere.”


Taking the bowl from Xie Ming, Lin asked.

“In the ideal town, Avalon, a real voyeur in the inner sea of ​​the stars.” Xie Ming raised his eyebrows: “The shame of a magician, Merlin Ambluo Xius.”

“However, before that, I need to summon a hero first.”

Having said that, Xie Ming took out the Book of Followers from the portable space, with a smirk on his face.



Above the tower in the sea of ​​flowers, the white-haired man lying lazily on the floor sneezed, followed by a shiver. A carp sat up and rubbed his nose.

“It’s weird, can Dream Demon catch a cold too?”

“Fu Fu Fu Fu! Fu Fu! (It must be your retribution coming soon!)”

“Hahahahaha, my retribution. Guy Siparuge, you still believe in the theory of humans.” Hearing the words of the cute creature next to him, the man laughed.

“There is destiny in this world, but the identity of you and me determines that we will not appear in destiny.”

“If there is a destiny that can repay us, then I really want to see and see.”

“Oh, isn’t it?”

At this time, a mature female voice resounded above the sea of ​​flowers accompanied by the sound of horses. A big hole appeared in this space that was originally isolated from the inside of the world.


Looking blankly at the blond woman who descended from the sky, riding a handsome white horse and holding a white spear, her expression became a little strange.

“Ah… Altria?”

“Why, don’t you know me?” Altria asked coldly: “Do you need me to remember it for you?”

“No, no, no, no, no, that’s the holy spear, isn’t it? Altria, I know, shouldn’t be holding the holy sword… and the two humans behind you.. ..”

“Meeting for the first time, Merlin.”

Taking Rin into the Avalon from the hole that was about to be repaired, Xie Ming smiled: “My name is Xie Ming, and this one is Rin Tosaka next to him.”

“I can’see’ the girl next to you. But you…”

Merlin blinked: “I remember, aren’t you a visitor to Otherworld? The Holy Grail was solved by you. How can you still appear in this world?”

“I have a backstage.”


Hearing Xie Ming’s righteous answer, for a moment Mei Lin didn’t know how he should react. Taking a closer look, he found the contract between Altria and Xie Ming, and the corners of his mouth twitched a few times.

“This… Altria, you summoned it?”



“Because we are asking you.” Xie Ming said with a smile: “If you want to ask others, naturally you should find someone you know to help you. It’s just that… it seems that after the Fourth Holy Grail War ended, after her Some stories happened to him.”

“Something happened… story?”

Merlin blinked and thought about it carefully, and found that he did not observe this paragraph in his memory. Having said that, was he observing at that time?

Oh, right.

At that time, it seemed that after seeing Altria was about to return the holy sword, he didn’t continue to look at it. Because Altria was redeemed because of this man, he began to relax and fish in troubled waters and update the blog of “Magic Girl Meri”.

“Xie Ming, let me do it.”

Altria, wearing a silver armor, dismounted, concealed the holy spear, and said faintly: “Because of the communication with the Hero King, the Conquer King, and Xie Ming, I learned a lot of things that I hadn’t learned before.”

“On the way to the lake where the elves of the lake is, I wanted to understand something. Therefore, instead of returning the holy sword immediately, I took the holy sword to suppress the injuries and concealed my identity with the power of the holy spear. Continue to travel on the land of Carmelo after its extinction for five years.””In the past five years, I have seen a lot and understood a lot. At the same time, I also understood the biggest mistake I made at the time.”

At this point, Altria’s gaze towards Merlin became a bit piercing.

“My biggest mistake, in modern terms, is that I am too used to you people!”


“A wrong step is a wrong step. After trying to understand this, I returned the holy sword and holy spear, because the contract with the restraint became the heroic spirit. Perhaps it was because of my travels in the next five years. I got The qualifications of Saber and Lancer’s dual job referrals have been granted.”

“In terms of restraint, this should be called a double call.”

No, I don’t think it was the reason for your five-year travel.

The corners of Xie Ming’s mouth twitched, and he couldn’t help sighing. Style, you really prepared another big surprise for me. When he saw the change of Altria’s page, he was also shocked.

Mei Lin also glanced at Xie Ming with a strange look. Obviously, he also understood the changes in Altria, who was the biggest reason.

But for him, Altria accepts fate to get rid of this matter, is more important than anything. Therefore, no matter what changes occur to Altria, he will gladly accept it.


“My king, it’s clear that we haven’t seen it for a long time, why do you stare at me fiercely with the look of pigs…this, too, hurts my heart.”

With that said, Merlin gently wiped away the tears from the corners of his eyes, and covered his chest with both hands, with a sad expression. But the next second, he was elated again.

“I see, you must be hiding your shyness! Well, it must be so! Come on, Liya, throw into the arms of Big Brother Merlin as you did when you were a child~”





Unlike Altria and Xie Ming, whose mouths twitched a little, they were stunned by Mei Lin’s performance. The cute little animal beside Mei Lin was about to vomit.

Obviously, besides Rin, everyone in the room understands this guy’s virtues very well.

This is even more true for Altria, who has completely matured in mind. Now recalling that almost 80% of the troubles that happened during the journey with him and Sir Guy were caused by him because he did not think it was too big. of.

The more I thought about it, the more angry Altria got. Projected the holy spear and chanted softly.

“Holy spear, pull the anchor. Thirteen restraints are liberated, and the round table resolution begins!”

“Target, Merlin.”


After a few seconds of silence, thirteen voices actually sounded at the same time.


And for some reason, all the sounds are so gritted teeth.


Ignoring the dumbfounded Merlin, Altria slowly raised her spear and said calmly.

“It blooms at the end, it can tear the sky and connect the earth! The anchor of the storm!”

“Shining in the Rhongomyniad!!!”


The white-haired figure disappeared into the radiance.

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