Chapter 1627 Flower Magician

The thirteen constraints of the Holy Spear were imposed by the Knights of the Round Table in order to restrain the true power of the Holy Spear. Every restraint contains the idea of ​​restraint.

Merely, Merlin would not let the knights violate their promise and lift all constraints.

So that seemingly fierce light cannon is actually just a look. The light disappeared, and the handsome dream monster appeared again, intact. It’s just that the soft long silver hair, which was blown into a chicken coop by the holy spear’s wind.

But to be honest, all the knights of the round table can cooperate so tacitly. It is conceivable that in the hearts of the knights of the round table, what kind of image this Fufujing is.

Rin may be a little confused as to why this legendary Great Master Merlin was so bullied.

But for Xie Ming, who knew some of Merlin’s deeds, he felt that Altria was still a little lighter.

Whatever happened, he had to shave his head to get rid of this bad breath.

“Hahahahahaha, Liya, you almost scared me to death.”

With a lightly snapped finger, the messy hair became the same in an instant. Sitting on the edge of the tower, Merlin said with a smile: “It’s a pity that I am imprisoned in this tower and there is no way to come out and meet you.”

“But…Xie Ming, you and this human girl actually appeared here, it really surprised me. Do you know where is the inner side of the planet?”

“Originally, there was only one way for the creatures on the surface to reach here. But unexpectedly, you actually developed the second way. And… still bring another human with you.”

“Should I say you, are Yigao people bold?”

“It’s not considered bold.” Xie Ming smiled: “Where are there so many bold operations and decisions in this world? But most of the time, people only saw this person’s bold decisions, but didn’t. No matter how much you paid behind this decision.”

“At this point, I think you and Altria know it better.”

“Hahahaha, it is indeed like this.”

Looking at the two men who were similar and smiling, Rin couldn’t figure it out, but Altria frowned slightly.

The followers summoned by Xie Ming’s Book of Followers are completely different from those summoned by ordinary heroes.

The latter is a projection of the heroic spirits summoned by copying the abilities and thinking of the heroic spirits from the heroic seat. The heroes can know what happened to the projection. But this knowing is actually the same as reading a book, only knowing, not experiencing.

But the servants Xie Ming summoned were the heroes on the Heroic Seat who thought out to manipulate the body of the called servants. The time spent together and the things experienced will become the common experience of Xie Ming and the heroes.

This is why, Jeanna, who met at Oro Liang Singularity, will seek Xie Ming’s help through the contract of the Book of Followers in the FA world line.

Therefore, the heroes who signed the contract with Xie Ming’s Book of Followers in Oro Liang’s Singularity, when they were summoned again by Chaldea, all retain the memory of Oro Liang’s Singularity.

This made Vlad, Atalante, and Camilla who were also summoned, the Oro lunatic followers were very unbalanced.

Especially Vlad and Atalante, both of them have met Xie Ming twice, but they still haven’t signed an equality contract. Although the two of them don’t care about such trivial matters, they will be a little bit muttered in their hearts.

Does the man named Xie Ming have opinions on them in his heart?

This can be regarded as a big misunderstanding. The two encounters and separations with these two followers really didn’t have the atmosphere and opportunity to sign a contract.

In Oroliang, Vlad was killed by Siegfried and Kiyohime. Atalanta was defeated by Matthew alone with the support of Lixiang.

In Romania, Xie Ming, who was in an enemy camp, could not take that time to sign a contract with Vlad. After Tulifas defeated the demonized Atalante, Xie Ming was anxious to support Jeanna, Fiona and others, naturally it was impossible to spare that time.

This can only be said that the opportunity has not arrived.

It can be said that the Book of Followers is the starting point for the birth of this close relationship between Xie Ming and Xingyue World, and in the subsequent Tier 3 advanced missions, Xie Ming’s desperate battle is to make this relationship extremely close. .In the world, where is the truth that you can reap without paying?

Mei Lin’s question just now was actually raising his own doubts to Xie Ming. As one of the crowned Caster qualifications, he can be said to know the existence of this world best.

Therefore, he understood very well how abnormal Xie Ming, such a foreign object, could come into this world intact and act so carelessly.

And Xie Ming also answered Merlin’s question positively, which made him feel relieved.

As a visitor to Otherworld, he has done a lot for this dimension. Therefore, as long as he is not too outrageous in this world, he will not be caressed about. Among them, this one is not too out of the ordinary, including being able to take people to run around.

Otherwise, the first time he came to the inside, what was waiting for him would be the encirclement and suppression of the army of followers gathered by the restraining force.


A pink flower appeared at random, and Mei Lin smiled and said: “Just now you seemed to say, why did you come to me for something?”


Xie Ming said: “I want to know where is the connection point between the inner and outer sides? Rin and I need to pass through that connection point to go to the outer kingdom of shadows.”

“Uh…. What are you going to do there?”

Merlin’s movements of playing with flowers paused slightly: “Go to the one to discuss?”

“Almost.” Xie Ming shrugged: “Because I borrowed her power in other worlds, so in order to repay my favor, I promised to have a few games with her as a reward.”

“Moreover, I also need to learn from the stronger to improve my skills.”

“As for Rin, I want to take this opportunity to open my eyes.”

“Open your eyes… indeed, this is a rare opportunity for her…”

With that said, Merlin subconsciously opened his clairvoyance. Then, what he saw made the corners of his mouth twitch frantically. Looking at Xie Ming and Rin’s eyes, they also became like looking at a disaster star.

However, he specially used illusion to cover up his emotional changes, so even Xie Ming only noticed something wrong.

“What’s wrong?”

Xie Ming frowned: “Is it so difficult to get to the outside?”

“Naturally for ordinary people. But with you and my king, it’s not difficult for the three of you to go there.”

Merlin kept his cynical smile, and replied lightly: “Wait a moment, I will provide you with the coordinates.”

As the voice fell, Avalon’s sea of ​​flowers began to shake. A breeze with the fragrance of flowers and petals, after spinning around the three of them a few times, gathered into a sparkling crystal flower floating in front of Rin.

“This crystal flower has the coordinates of the connecting point, as long as you touch it with mental power. When encountering a fatal crisis, this flower can also generate an illusion to help the holder avoid the crisis.”

“Just treat it as a gift for my first meeting with this beautiful young lady.”

“Ah, it’s so romantic.” Rin took the flower unexpectedly: “Thank you Mr. Merlin, I will accept this kindness.”

“It’s just… can Mr. Merlin answer me a question?”

“Miss, please say.”

“Why does Mr. Merlin call Xie Ming the shame of a magician?”

“Because I am not good at magic.”


Seeing Merlin’s straightforward answer, Rin was a little confused: “The greatest magician in the legend of King Arthur, is not good at magic?”


Merlin smiled and said, “Because you see, magic needs to be chanted, right? Singing a little bit faster makes it easy to bite your tongue, right? I don’t want to bite the tongue that hurts.”

“And compared to magic, isn’t it more straightforward to beat the holy sword directly?”


“Rin.” Altoria said silently on the side: “This guy is my swordsmanship teacher. Even if I am now, I am not sure to beat him in swordsmanship.”

“Hahahahaha, my king, you praise me so much.”

“Do you think I’m praising you?”

Altria looked at Merlin with contempt: “Isn’t it, I still have to give you the title of’Avalon Swordmaster’?”


Looking at Merlin and Altria, Rin couldn’t help but squeeze his brows.

The legendary King Arthur is a female, and the great magician is such a frivolous man, and he is not good at magic and swordsmanship… The girl realized for the first time today, the crazy side of the world.

I also realized that these legendary characters are not perfect, they are also humans.

Only after this journey is over, I am afraid I will never have the opportunity to deal with these heroes. Thinking of this, Rin still feels regretful.

No, it’s better not to see it.

Servants are the ultimate decisive magic used by the restraining force to save the primates, and are used to defeat the catastrophe that hinders the primates and endangers the primates. Now that the Holy Grail War has disappeared, if the followers can still be seen in this world…

Thinking about it, I feel terrible.

On the other side, Xie Ming was thinking about the strangeness he had just felt from Mei Lin. The feeling of strangeness was almost fleeting, and Xie Ming couldn’t tell whether it was his own illusion or it was true.

From the feel, he is biased towards the latter. However, Merlin was neither a fun man nor a riddler. If he really saw that kind of disaster, he should have said it.

Didn’t say it, maybe because he didn’t think it was necessary? or…..


Xie Ming calmly stared at the silver-haired man in front of him: “Are you hiding anything from me?”

“Huh?” Merlin showed an unexpected look: “Keep it from you? Why do you say that?”

“What did you not observe through clairvoyance just now?”

“I didn’t use clairvoyance.”

Merlin said dumbfoundedly: “Xie Ming, although I understand that I don’t have much credit, at least you have to give me some basic trust.”

“Xie Ming.”

Altria frowned at the side: “Although Merlin looks like this suspicious scammer, he is still worthy of trust in big things.”

“Really….. I’m sorry, but I just felt a little strange about you, so I was a little confused.””Hahahaha, just say it if you have any doubts, this is a good thing.”

Merlin laughed: “As we save for a long time, doubt will turn into suspicion, and suspicion will turn into distrust. I am afraid that no one understands this better than me and Liya.”

“Okay, you have got the coordinates, you can start again. Remember, go early and return early~”


After a few seconds of silence, Xie Ming looked at Altria and Rin: “Let’s go. With the coordinates, I can directly move there.”

“Bye~~ Come and play again when you have time~ Brother Merlin, I am still very lonely here by myself~”

Smiling and watching the three people disappear, the smile on Meilin’s face changed to helplessness and sigh after feeling that the few people had really left. Turning around slowly with the staff in his hand, although the voice is still so light and fluttering, but it loses the indignity inside.

“Alright, alright, they are all gone, can you stop using that creepy murderous intent to sneak at me?”

“Ha ha ha ha ha…..”

A light laugh suddenly appeared above the sea of ​​flowers, and a group of cyan flames appeared behind Mei Lin. The figure that came out of it gently picked up Fufu, who was covered in frizzy hair.


“Don’t reject me like that, beast of disaster.”

The voice is extremely gentle, and the gesture of touching Fufu is extremely gentle. But even so, there is no way to bring any sense of security to the dream monster and beast present.

“I don’t have any hostility towards you two. It’s better to say, I love you.”

“Love such a cute little creature, and love you who helped Xie Ming.”


“Hahahahaha, that’s really an honor.” Merlin scratched his face: “It’s a pity that I am a dream demon and don’t understand human love. Therefore, I can’t respond to you.”

“No, it doesn’t matter.”

The silver-haired girl smiled slightly: “I love myself, and I love everyone. So, I don’t need your love. Because the love I give to myself is enough.”

“…Is it really enough?”

Merlin smiled and said, “But why do I think something is missing?”

“Sure enough, Mr. Mengmo, you don’t understand love~” the girl said softly, “Where can there be perfect love? Perfect, it is not love. Love is sweet, incomplete, and bitter.”

“Did you know? The first chocolate gift at Valentine was Princess Maria Salsa of Spain. When she was engaged to Louis XIV, she used chocolate as an engagement gift.”

“So, please eat. Although, I haven’t arrived at Valentine yet. This is not natal chocolate, but friendship chocolate. But the taste of chocolate is the same as the taste of love~”

“It is precisely because of the bitterness before that makes the sweetness afterwards look so delicious.”

Gently placing Fu Fu on the ground, the girl’s figure disappeared into the cyan flame again.

“Remember to taste the taste of love. This is a reward for you.”


After unpacking, Merlin gently bit off a corner of the chocolate cube. A few seconds after swallowing, a mouthful of blood came out.

“Hahahahaha cough cough cough… Is this the bitter taste?”

“Really, it feels so painful…”

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