Chapter 1628 Shadow Kingdom

“Fu! Fufu Fufu!? (You still eat if you know there is a problem, are you sick!?)”

“Hahahaha, that person didn’t have the idea of ​​killing me. Just punishing my cleverness a little bit. Otherwise, I can only ask Guy Siparuge to take me and run away.”

“Fu Fu Fu! Fu Fu Fu Fu Fu! (Don’t! Go and die by yourself!)”

“Don’t say such ruthless words.”

Wipe off the blood from the corners of his mouth, and smoothly wiped it on Fufu’s body. Withdrawing his hand before being bitten, Merlin’s body softened, lying on the ground without energy, and even rolling: “Ah, why did that good girl turn into such a terrifying monster in the first place.”

“Sure enough, the reason lies with the otherworld man.”

“But then again, why does she have to prevent Xie Ming from knowing about this? She did not hesitate to come here to threaten me at the risk of her exposure?”

“Fu Fu…Fu Fu Fu Fu Fu. (Perhaps, because she is not complete yet.)”

“Not…. Complete?”

Merlin sat up abruptly, his eyes penetrated countless spaces to see the girl at this time, and she shed a few drops of cold sweat: “That is to say, we just killed the disaster in the signs… the last chance?”


Fu Fu licked her hair and turned Byakugan at Merlin.

“Really… a bold bet.”

Even Merlin couldn’t help but marvel at the bold move of the girl just now. If some flaws were revealed just now for Xie Ming to discover, she would be besieged by herself, Altria and Xie Ming. ”

No kidding, with his assistance, Altria, holding the holy spear and holy sword, has the opportunity to solve her, let alone Xie Ming.

If Xie Ming expanded the field of volatility perception at that time, even Mei Lin’s illusion technique would not have been deceived. And she, who is hidden on the side, will inevitably be discovered.

However, she won the bet.

She knows Xie Ming very well and knows Xie Ming’s character, so she bet everything she has on her trust in Xie Ming. Then, the bet was won.

Perhaps for the girl, this is not a bet at all, but something that will inevitably happen.

But… Since she trusts Xie Ming so much, why does she still look like that?

“Ha… don’t understand. Sure enough, human emotions are really complicated.”

With that said, Merlin looked at the chocolate cube that he threw aside after taking a bite, and muttered, “Why don’t you have another bite?”

Fufu turned the Byakugan at Merlin like an idiot, and then began to comb his hair that had just been blown up. Being held in the arms of the same existence is definitely not something worth remembering.

That feeling, although pure, has been distorted and affected. However, this is enough to surprise it.

As a human being, he can actually control the core and animal nature with his own will. And the magnitude of the distortion is less than 20%. Just relying on this is enough to make it look different.

Even if…she is just incomplete now.

As for the question of why mere humans get animalism, in its view, it is not so fussy.

Animality, either does not appear. Or, it will only appear on the only qualified person in the world. Sometimes, just a little bit of opportunity is needed, and the beast will appear.And besides the beast himself, no one knew what that opportunity was.

“Now I want to contact Wang and the others, but they can’t be contacted anymore.”

Through clairvoyance, I saw the three of Xie Ming who had reached the outside of the world, and then looked at the girl who led another girl on the road of no return. Mei Lin’s head had already started to hurt.

Now… what should I do…

“Okay! It’s decided!”


“Guy Siparug, let’s go to the front side!”

“Fu Fu Fu Fu Fu!!!”

“Don’t resist so much, let’s go, join me before the brave returns to save the world, and pave the way for him!”


Pinching the neck of the little animal’s fate and ignoring its struggle, Merlin jumped off the twenty-story tower. With his own will, he broke the shackles he had held on him for thousands of years, and ran towards the outside of the world.


The kingdom of shadows, the kingdom of the dead, the shadows are all over the devil’s realm. Here, you cannot see the so-called sunlight, nor can you see life.

Except in the fortress made of stone, from time to time, the woman who came out to ‘play’ with two scarlet spears.

For women, this level is really just ‘play’. But for the undead, this ‘play’ is out-and-out torture. The dead are dead, so the undead will not stop.

In the Kingdom of Shadows, they will not die. It will only repeat the process of being broken up and then reunited to form.

Including that woman, the existence of the Kingdom of Shadows will not die.

Will die, only outsiders.

So every time an outsider comes, it is the beginning of a carnival for their undead. Unfortunately, this carnival has disappeared for a long time.

The reason still lies with that woman.

Because she was too strong, she was bounced to the outside of the world along with the country she dominated. But also, if she didn’t have this level of strength, how could she use her own power to guard this terrifying number of undead spirits?

Obviously rejected by the world, he has to guard the gate of death for the world. I really don’t understand, then what is thinking in the woman’s head.

Of course, because they are dead souls, of course they don’t understand what people think.

Women are human beings.

Even if she does not continue to age, even if she will not die, a woman still thinks from the bottom that she is a human being. Otherwise, she would not pursue death.

Because death is part of humanity.

Want to usher in the death of a human being, this has become her obsession.

So she taught wave after wave of legendary heroes and brave men, pinning their hopes on their ability to surpass themselves and kill themselves.

It’s a pity that they are all useless disciples.

Even the son of the sun with shining red pupils, a genius with unlimited potential, died in his own destiny in the end, did not surpass his own destiny and became a hero.

Having lost the brilliance of life, can he still gain the power of “She who can kill Shinigami spirit”?

Or, in the modern world where the mystery has faded, there will suddenly appear a hero beyond imagination who can come to the outside and come to the kingdom of shadows?

Women have expectations for both of these possibilities, but they have no hope.

But that day, the world unexpectedly showed her new possibilities.

Since this world does not exist, what about other worlds?

A little guy who actively contacted her through the root cause and saved the world when she was so weak gave her new hope. Moreover, that little guy seems to know himself very well.

However, does he really understand what it means to compete with himself?

“If one of the guns hits the realm of transformation, the killing of the gods is only between turning the palms”, this is the word to describe Skaha.

The culmination of spear skills, using these five words to describe Skaha is actually not too much.

Some people may have doubts about this, so here is a comparison between two people who are equally good at spearmanship.

Garner, Li Shuwen.

As an ‘Special A Level Servant’ who can compete with Gilgamesh’s ‘Ex Level Servants’, Garna’s strength is beyond doubt. His swordsmanship, riding skills, archery and spear skills are even more known as martial arts without a crown.

He was not recognized for various reasons, but this does not mean that he is weaker in terms of skills.

One-handed use of a huge spear, the spear is fast, the arm strength is amazing, the skill is Penultimate, the power can reach A grade, and Gilgamesh is called by Gilgamesh that it possesses the martial art of killing the gods.

Another Li Shuwen, if he is from the perspective of the follower’s ability, he cannot be compared with a top follower like Gilgamesh. But in terms of skills, he has exceeded too much.

Shinsō Li Shuwen, Shinsō has no two fights, and his spear skills to reach God’s Domain, these are enough to explain his achievements on this road.

In his youth, he was energetic and fierce as a tiger. When he reached old age, he regained his energy and learned that the essence of the word’wu’ is not in’killing’ and’fierce’, but in’stability’ and’invisible’, and he has reached the legendary harmony between man and nature. One’s circle.

Even if it is not the old age who has reached the peak of martial arts, but the young Li Shuwen, he has also been praised by Skaha for his spear skills (FGO Chapter 5).

In the Moon World, no one is clearly defined as the culmination of spearmanship. But from Xie Ming’s point of view, it is not an exaggeration to call Skaha like that.

Because, Skaha’s spear technique, like his sword technique, was also created by himself in the endless killing.

Anyone who confronted her, whether it was a human, a dead spirit, or a god, was slaughtered by Skaha. From the moment she picked up the gun, she started fighting. Until now, she still couldn’t suppress her desire to fight.

And unlike the Heroic Spirit, Skaha did not die. In other words, she can also become stronger by fighting the strong. Now she is already a horrible existence (FGO Interlude Story) that can even use an attack (GáeBolg) to counteract the blow-up.

Now she, looking at the entire Heroic Seat, there may still be heroes who can compete with her in spear skills. But as she continues to fight, sooner or later, she will truly reach the pinnacle of spear.

Only in that case, she would be farther and farther away from her wish.

The topic returns to the discussion.

Skaha has a clear understanding of his skills and strength. So she understands how difficult it is for herself to find an opponent who can compete.

The little guy from Otherworld said that when he reached the realm of the Great Master, he would come to him to learn from him.

But, when can he come? When will he reach the so-called Great Master Realm?

She didn’t suspect that the other party was lying to herself, truth and lies, she had already reached the point where she could see through it at a glance. What she worries about is that the little guy will die on the way forward.After all, from those few words alone, she knew that the young man who was far away in another world was the kind of personality that was extremely easy to die.

Such a character will make him encounter countless life and death crises. Can he overcome those crises?

But then, this worry was abandoned by her.

Because it didn’t make much sense, for her, what she needed to do was the same as usual. She only needs to continue to sit on the throne of the undead, looking forward to the arrival of the strong who can kill herself without hope.

However, just today, the door of the long silent Kingdom of Shadows was knocked. The thing used to knock on the door was the fierce sword spirit and strong fighting spirit that broke out. This means that some guests have come to this kingdom of the dead that is already outside the world.

Someone came here to challenge the undefeated gatekeeper, the strong queen.

The undead raised their heads unanimously and looked at the tower at the top.

“Are you here? It’s pretty fast.”

Feeling this somewhat familiar, but more mature and stable aura, the queen in purple tights showed a charming smile. In the reddish pupils, three figures in front of the dark gate were reflected.

Then, he snapped his fingers lightly.


The locked stone gate, accompanied by strong vibrations and countless dust, slowly opened towards both sides. Xie Ming and Altoria couldn’t help frowning because of the death air rushing toward their faces.

This kind of decay and death breath, as well as the environment in which the magic power of the body is absorbed all the time, even if it is an extremely bad venue for the follower.

“Rin, how do you feel?”

“It’s a bit uncomfortable… but thanks to Altria’s protection, it’s still not intolerable.”

Rin’s face was a little pale, and the feeling of being sucked away by the magic in his body was definitely not a comfortable thing for the magician. After all, for a magician, magic is vitality.

The Kingdom of Shadow, even for the legendary Ulster heroes, is a daunting place. Even with the protection of Altria’s spirit with the holy spear, this negative effect did not completely disappear.

And don’t forget, this foreign land hasn’t really shown its true appearance yet. The current three of Xie Ming are guests of the Kingdom of Shadows, not enemies.

Because of Skarhar’s approval, they were only affected by this insignificant point.

When the enemy strikes, or when Skaha goes all out in the face of his mortal enemy, this area that belongs to her will show her true fangs.

But this environment is actually a good thing for Rin.

Just like athletes go to the plateau for special training before the game, this environment in which they try to absorb the magic in the body all the time is actually very helpful to Rin.

Moreover, from the inner side full of the magic power of God, suddenly transformed into the kingdom of shadows that absorbs magic power. If Rin can adapt to the huge gap caused by the environment, she will definitely be able to go further on the magician road.

“Altria, I will trouble you to take care of Rin during this period of time in the Kingdom of Shadows.”

“Please don’t worry, leave it to me, Xie Ming.”


Xie Ming smiled and raised his head slightly. His eyes met the scarlet eyes on the tower, and the pupils of both sides gradually filled with anticipation and fighting spirit.

However, before fighting the queen, he seemed to need to pass some tests first.

Feeling the countless undead who rushed crazily from the depths of the shadow kingdom in the field of wave perception, a long knife slowly appeared in Xie Ming’s hand.

“Yes, there is no reason to skip the creeps and directly fight the boss.”

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