Chapter 1630 Special Training

The Gáe Bolg, which penetrates the dead flying spear (Gáe Bolg), is one of Kuran’s hounds and one of the treasures of Kuchulin, the son of light. Although it is the same name as Gáe Bolg, the usage and effect are completely different.

The latter is a “causal reversal” of the order of things. First, there was the effect of ‘piercing the other’s heart’, and then there was a reason for Kuchurin to stab his spear.

The former is a range bombing of treasures of humans into treasures of the military through changes in usage.

But in fact, to be precise, the former is the original usage. The latter’s “causal reversal” is actually a result of self-processing by Cu Chulainn, which belongs to his own trump card nirvana. The mana consumption is low and it is extremely easy to use.

Therefore, when Skaha succeeded in offsetting Kuchurin’s Piercing Deaththorn Spear with his attack, Kuchurin would appear so helpless.

Xie Ming can use attacks to counteract the ‘causal reversal’ technique. In Xie Ming’s memory, only one person can match her. And that one, it is estimated that he is waiting boringly for the challenger at the top of the tower of swordsmanship.

Now the reason why he was able to fight Skaha into such an inseparable battle, it is naturally impossible that his sword skills and Skaha’s spear skills are no longer equal. It was simply because Skaha was testing him.

As he revealed more and more things, Skaha’s difficulty in testing him gradually increased.

Xie Ming knew from the beginning that he had a winning rate of less than one percent in the competition with the Queen of the Kingdom of Shadows. But even so, he wanted to try to seize the slightest opportunity.

The four moves of the Earthly Sword Art are his only hope of victory.

I just didn’t expect to be forced by the opponent so quickly.

“The Earthly Sword Art, Yao.”

For a while, the six-pointed star’s sword-light array blocked the long spear that had already seen hundreds of lights and shadows. The long spear bombing array composed of magic power shattered along with the space, and the red light emitted by the light particles was reflected by the space debris, creating a dreamlike scene.

It’s a pity that none of the people present has the mood to appreciate it now. The two watching the battle also involuntarily held their breath because of this murderous battle.

Through her instinct to predict the future, Altria barely sensed the technical content of the match between Skaha and Xie Ming.

As for Rin, there is an emoticon pack that is suitable to describe her now.

I can’t understand, but I was shocked.jpg

Of course, this beautiful dreamlike scenery didn’t make the two in the battle hesitate. Skaha made a casual move, and the spear she had just thrown on the ground instantly returned to her hand.

With the gun on the ground, Skaha’s body bounced towards Xie Ming as if he had no weight. After touching the ground with both feet, the scarlet spear turned into galloping lightning again.

“Punch the Spear of Deaththorn (GáeBolg)!”

“Earthly Sword Art, Min!”

Although I was slightly surprised, the broken carvings on the gun body did not affect the release of the treasure. But this change is still expected.

As for why Skaha was able to use Kuchurin’s treasure, it didn’t need to explain anything at all.

Cuchurin was taught by Skaha, and his magic spear and combat uniform were all given by Skaha. Can Skaha not know his ability?

Xie Ming had already made preparations before the battle against Skaha.

The spear that penetrates the death Xiang is a range of magic bombing, so Yao, who has both offensive and defensive capabilities, is very suitable for dealing with it. And the Spear Piercing Death Thorns with the effect of ‘causal reversal’ is not without a way to deal with it.

Defense and dodge, it is absolutely impossible to avoid this trick. There are only five methods of confrontation.

1. Destroy the magic spear before the opponent performs this trick.

2. Physical fitness is hard enough. Possesses the ability to come back from the dead (Hercules), can move even if the heart is pierced (Spartacus), etc.

3. The ‘causal reversal’ that pierces the Spear of Deaththorn is essentially a curse. That being the case, as long as you make a magic barrier that can resist this curse, you can also defend it.

For example, Gilgamesh’s extremely high-level gold full body armor, or Achilles’ shield. Of course, if Medea’s Talisman for Breaking the Precepts of All Things can pierce the magic trail of the magic spear, it will also work.4. Possess the strong fortune with the ability to change destiny, or achieve the intuition of predicting the future. (Oga Fujimura, Altria).

5. Open the distance. The gun that pierces the deadthorn has a range limit. As long as the limited range is exceeded, the magic gun can only return without success.

The first method is exactly what Xie Ming has done. They all put a layer of skin on the body of the magic gun, but they didn’t succeed in stopping it.

The second type, he can’t do it. The third type, the full body armor in the state of the Red Dragon Emperor is estimated to be feasible, but this is a skill competition, that is cheating.

As for the fourth…Xie Ming never talks about luck. Of course, he can also bet on whether the root cause will take care of him. With a high probability, the formula will help him. However, that is also cheating.

The fifth one, you can run, but Skaha won’t follow. Unlike Kuchurin’s pullback, who stood in place to release the treasure and chanted for a short time, Skaha didn’t need any singing at all to release these two treasures.

Moreover, Skaha released the piercing death thorn spear, but held the barrel of the spear all the way.

She actually sent the gun into your heart, and then threw the gun together with you, which is extremely cruel.

Looking back and forth, Xie Ming’s response method is only the fourth.

Grandmaster-level intuition combined with the field of volatility perception is enough to allow him to escape this perpetual killing blow. Therefore, he used the fastest and sharpest Min to attack on offense and kill with injury.

Skaha dared to stab, Xie Ming dared to take it. It’s just that the price Skaha has to pay is to take over Xie Ming’s all-out cut.

“Good judgment.”

He made a faint comment, with a smile in his voice. The magic spear, which was still in the release state of the treasure, spun up under the control of the palm of the hand. A red light wheel hit the pitch black knife line that had condensed to Ultimate.


The light wheel was frantically killing the knife line, and it was actually deadlocked there for a while. However, the color of the knife line really fades at a speed visible to the naked eye. However, this technique really made Xie Ming silly.

“Can you still play with treasures like this?”

This, really can only be described as ‘play’. Only those who have thoroughly learned the treasures can use such tricks. Retract freely, and change freely.

The skills shown by Skaha are equivalent to Xie Ming’s method of casting Yao, using Yao to connect half of the six-pointed star and directly transforming it into a defensive leaf drop.

Xie Ming still has a long way to go from this realm.

Moreover, I am afraid that this is not the full strength of Skaha.

“But it’s not a reason to admit defeat.”

Taking a deep breath, Xie Ming closed his eyes slightly, and the exuding breath shrank into his body. The demon sword held high, and stepped forward with his left foot.

Said it was a discussion, in fact, it has now become Skaha’s guiding battle against him. Therefore, what he has to do now is to show what he has and bet on everything he has.

“The earthly swordsmanship, Heng.”

However, before the demon knife was cut down, the tip of the spear had already touched Xie Ming’s throat. The long and flowing purple hair made him smell bursts of fragrance.

This is the so-called rose with thorns.

“Gáe Bolg Alternative (Gáe Bolg Alternative).”

Skaha said lightly: “The victory or defeat is already divided.”

“Yes.” Putting down the demon knife, Xie Ming sighed: “Want to go down.”

“Ha ha ha ha.” Taking back the Zhu spear, Skaha showed a slight smile: “You, have exceeded my expectations.”

“You classify yourself as a mortal, but it’s not.”

“No one in this world is a’mortal’ in the true sense. Every human being has his own talent. And your talent, or one of your talents, is to be able to effectively use all the combat experience you have experienced. ”

“It’s a pity, this is a contest that must be divided into wins and losses. Otherwise, I really want to see the knife you are going to cut.”

Having said that, Skaha paused, showing a thoughtful smile.

“No, there is still a chance to see it.”


“Don’t care, it’s my business.” Skaha smiled and looked at Rin and Altria who came here: “The growing up King Arthur, and the human magician.”

“Girl, are you interested in training for a while in the Kingdom of Shadows?”


Rin asked somewhat unexpectedly.

“Well, you are very valuable for training (training).”

Skaha touched his chin with his thumb and looked up and down: “The magic circuit is of high quality, and the willpower is not bad. The rest depends on whether you have this intention.”

“Thank you very much, Your Majesty Skaha, if you can…”

“You don’t need to call me Your Majesty. Since you have this idea, just call me Master.”

Waving his hand casually, Skaha looked at Altria: “As for King Arthur, during this time, go find those monsters living on the border to practice hand skills. Now that you have become a hero, your skills should be a lot rusty.”


“You can decide for yourself.”

“I see.”

Nodding slightly, Altria replied seriously: “Then, I would like to thank Skaha for your kindness.”

“Small things, it’s time to clean up those monsters on the edge. Strictly speaking, I asked you to help me with chores.”


No longer paying attention to Altria’s stunned expression, Skaha finally turned his attention to Xie Ming.

“As for you, Xie Ming. You fight with me every day. You can stay in the Kingdom of Shadows for a month. Within this month, your goal is to hit me with a knife.”

“And my next discussion with you, I will not go to the semi-directed battle like today, but go all out.”

“Rin, so are you. In this month, in addition to physical training, you must live half of the Master, which is 12 Luen.”

“If the goal is not achieved…”

Skaha paused, there was no trace of emotion in his bright red pupils: “I will kill you in the Kingdom of Shadows.”



Xie Ming smiled: “Then the next month, please take care of you, Master Skaha.”


After taking a deep breath, he lifted his black ponytail and showed a confident smile: “Isn’t it just 12 Runes? Don’t look down on me too much.”

“Oh, keep this momentum. Then, your training will begin now.”

“Huh? Wait a minute… Is this something…”Ignoring the fearful panic, Skaha randomly drew out a Luen and flew to Altria’s hands: “This Luen can take you to the border. After that, my disciples will entertain you naturally.”

“Xie Ming, you can go to my castle and figure it out for yourself. You are Fanyu who has been polished by fighting, and the path you follow is different from mine. Therefore, I can’t teach you anything.”

“Think for yourself, sum it up by yourself, and show it to me the next day.”

“that’s all.”

After speaking, Skaha picked up the dignified back collar and walked in the other direction.

“Wait! Master! Somehow, let me prepare first!”

“How can there be so many things in the world that you can prepare yourself for again. When you encounter an accident, use your knowledge, talent, will and courage to deal with it!”

“Even if you suddenly say that, Master…”

Altria and Xie Ming watched them go away, and glanced at each other. One shrugged and the other smiled.

“Then, see you in a month.”

“Well, see you in a month, master. No…Xie Ming.”

Turning on her horse, and following Luen’s guidance, Altria also galloped away. Listening to the hooves of horses going away, Xie Ming took the weapon from his waist and looked up at the highest point of the fortress.

In his heart, he contacted Otinus who was far away in Fuyuki City.

“Otinus, I have reached the Kingdom of Shadows on my side. How is your side?”


Otinus, who was soaking in the teacup, said lightly: “Karen’s progress rate is not bad, Fujino is also slowly improving. No one else has encountered anything.”

“Justissa and Yui have also returned. I heard that you went to the Kingdom of Shadows, so I didn’t bother you. Recently, Sakura suggested that the whole family go to Shizuoka Prefecture for a trip to the hot springs. Everyone agreed NS.”

“Shizuoka Prefecture… where is the school?”

“Of course Fujino went to ask for leave. “Since my sister is so self-willed, I want to be self-willed again.” These are the original words of little Sakura.”

“Okay.” Xie Ming smiled bitterly: “Wait for me to contact Yui, please help me and Rin with Yui, and tell everyone that they are safe.”


With his hands on the edge, he jumped onto the towel beside him, while Otinus wiped his body. Kaidō: “How about you?”

“No surprise, I lost.”

“Of course. So, how long are you going to train there?”

“Skaha said it was a month, so combined with the fluctuations in the time coordinate I left, we will be back in about a week.”

“Got it, train well, I will talk to others.”


After cutting off the heart-to-heart communication with Otinus, and then connecting Yui to communicate with each other about what happened to each other, Xie Ming relieved his heart. Because whether it’s the root cause, or Merlin and Skaha, their reaction is really strange.

Xie Ming is not afraid of powerful enemies, he is afraid of family accidents.

But with Otinus, the demon god, and Yui, the know-it-all, there shouldn’t be anything wrong with coming to the house.

Now, he can concentrate on special training.

Otherwise, a month later, I’m afraid he really wants to activate the Red Dragon Emperor state and escape with Rin and Altria.

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