Chapter 1631 Time in the Kingdom of Shadows

The time thing is actually quite similar to the chest. If so, it must be able to squeeze out the scar. If not, the squeeze will be extremely flat, unless you draw a knife yourself.

Rin really had similar feelings in this month.

Living in a bunch of monsters is actually quite stressful. For example, she needs to clean up her personal hygiene, she needs to eat, and she needs to deal with domestic affairs. These are inevitable.

But in such an intense study and training life, these things seemed to her to be a waste of time. However, it won’t work if you don’t eat it.

Both study and physical exercise require nutritional supplements. What’s more, under this kind of high-pressure training, nutritional supplement has become a top priority.

Therefore, in this situation where she can’t wait to break one piece of time into two pieces, she really has the urge to become a dead man.

On the other side, Xie Ming was completely opposite to Lin.

After being abused by Skaha every day, he basically sat in place and began to wander around Kyushu. If someone who didn’t know came to see it, he thought he had fallen asleep sitting where he was.

But the fact is just the opposite. In a sense, Xie Ming is much more tired than Rin.

Although Rin was tired, everything was executed according to the plan Skaha had made for her. Skaha’s teachings, no matter which student she has taught, I am afraid they will tremble unanimously.

But in fact, these plans are all tailored by Skaha for them, and the trainers are forced to train towards that line.

That one, the line called mental breakdown.

As long as you persevere, you will definitely be able to accomplish the goal, or even exceed the expected goal. Can’t keep going, everyone knows the result.

Instead, it was Xie Ming’s side. In addition to daily spiritual training and exchanges, Xie Ming devoted all the remaining time to rehearsal and meditation simulation. The battle with Skaha every day will be re-simulated at least a thousand times afterwards.

I also said before that Xie Ming was ruthless to the enemy and even more ruthless to himself.

Originally, Skaha wanted to see how Xie Ming was, but when she saw the scene of Xie Ming practicing “A Thousand Souls” the next day, she knew that she didn’t need to worry too much here.

As Xie Ming himself said, mortals who want to change their destiny can only accumulate little by little, and then use these accumulations to wait for opportunities to come.

Compared to Rin and Xie Ming, Altria’s life can be said to be quite comfortable. The meat of Warcraft on the border can be regarded as let her taste it all over. The meat is very strong and the taste itself is very good.

If she didn’t know it was inappropriate, she would really like to call Xie Ming and Lin to eat together.

But whether there is any idea for Xie Ming to come over as a cook, only Altria herself knows.

When one concentrates on one thing, time flies quickly. But when experiencing extremely hard training, it is not appropriate to spend the days like years, it can be said that the seconds are like years.

Xie Ming had been used to it a long time ago, but Rin really could only comfort herself by having fun.

In the first half of the month, she felt that her metabolism was a waste of time. In the second half of a month, she had learned to rest as long as possible in that short period of time.

In terms of self-regulation, Rin is much better than Xie Ming who just started.

I am not afraid of losing face when I say it. When he was trained by Kratos, he would be beaten and cry literally every day by Kratos.

But there is no way, mental exercise is like this. The defenses were broken again and again, and the defense lines were rebuilt again and again.

In this way, a month passed.

Rin persisted successfully and exceeded expectations, successfully mastering 16 Luen’s usage. As a reward, Skaha sealed the other 8 pieces of Luen’s knowledge into Rin’s mind.As long as Rin successfully removes the seal (test questions), he will be able to learn the knowledge of the next Rune.

Xie Ming also successfully passed Skaha’s assessment. In an injury-for-injury way, Skaha’s shoulder was chopped. But as a price, his heart was almost penetrated by the magic spear.

The most important thing in the battle against Skaha, who is going all out, is to connect the trick and the ordinary slash, find the transition point between the trick and the trick, and win by surprise.

Min and Yao, these two tricks have already been seen, and naturally there is no way to achieve the word ‘odd’. And Heng’s trick, the front shake is too long. Unless Skarha has a 1-2 second freeze time, he will definitely not be able to use it.

There is no way. Originally, Heng’s move was defined as the ultimate ultimate killer, and it was the move born by Xie Ming’s incorporation of the incomprehensible feelings of ‘only’ and ‘infinite’.

Therefore, his breaking point lies in Ye Luo’s move.

Finding the transition point between Ye Luo and Ming and Yao’s two tricks was the direction Xie Ming had worked hard for in the first half of the month.

Why is it the first half of the month, because after thinking about it for half a month, he found that he couldn’t do it at all. In other words, it cannot be done in this month.

Originally, the four moves of the earthly swordsmanship were created by him to deal with different situations. Creative ideas are all different, how can it be possible to simply change and change?

This is what he needs to find the answer next, not a problem that he wants to solve within this month.

But the strategy centered on Ye Luo has not gone wrong, and the general direction is still right. It is more practical and less difficult to make the sword skill that is not a trick to establish contact with Ye Luo.

But think about it carefully. After excluding the trick, he can really count the famous moves with one hand.

Instantaneous draw and cut is the most commonly used. Another relatively commonly used one is to imitate the spur created by the nameless three-stage spur, the treasure of Souji Okita.

This stab was just a simple imitation at first, but after Allard summarized the ghost sword over there, it became his own thing successfully.

Moreover, the reason why Ye Luo was developed was to resist Miss Okita’s thrust. The relationship between the two moves is quite deep. It can be said that the starting point is the same, but the path is opposite.

This starting point may be the key to the conversion of the two moves.

In the second half of a month, Xie Ming verified this and finally succeeded.

Ye Luo deflected Skaha’s stab, and then the defensive moves instantly turned into an offensive. After discovering that Skaha was very likely to escape, it turned into a rapid slash. Finally, success left her a memorial.

Although the partial guidance was successful, it only deflected the Gáe Bolg Alternative (Gáe Bolg Alternative) by a small distance.

The magic spear successfully penetrated the body between his heart and collarbone, and the magic and impact on the weapon successfully caused him to enter a state of serious injury.

But in any case, this result was better than when he started the Chilonghuang state and fleeed with the three of them. Being seriously injured, Skaha can be healed with the original Luen. Escape, that is really the end of old age.

After all, what Skaha hates most is people without courage.

When the injury was almost good, Altria also rode a horse into the city fortress. This trip to the Kingdom of Shadows can already be regarded as over.


Watching the three figures of Xie Ming disappear into the Kingdom of Shadows, Skaha said lightly.

“Do you think that if you sneak in, I won’t know? A foreign substance.”

“Just now, your murderous aura was almost suppressed.”


The cyan flame suddenly appeared behind Skaha, and the silver-haired girl who had appeared in Merlin walked out with a smile. The only difference is that extremely hideous giant horns have appeared on both sides of the girl’s head.

The horns of the giant horns spread backwards like a vine-like black and blue strip.

“Please forgive me, Ms. Skaha. After all, watching your loved one get hit hard is something that is unbearable for anyone.”

“Love? Beloved?”

Skaha raised his eyebrows and turned to look at the girl: “Beast, is your love still limited to one person?”

“How can you use the word restriction?”

The girl chuckled lightly: “It should be said that he is my love. The other loves are just the bits and pieces scattered by the love in him.”


At this time, Skaha was a little surprised: “In this world, there is actually such love?”

“Yeah, my existence is not proof of this? Because he exists in this world, so I love this world. Because he exists in this universe, so I love this universe.”

“Because you let his strength grow, so I love you too. Even if you hurt him, I will love you too.”

“Um…to show love with killing intent…This is not incomprehensible. I have always, and I really want my disciples to kill me. But this doesn’t mean that I don’t love those idiots. ”

“It’s great for you to understand.”

The girl clapped her hands lightly, as if she was relieved.

“But your love is not like this, right.”


Skaha looked at the girl indifferently: “Your love is the love that makes people fall. You are to make people fall, and you use love as a means. Use love to make people fall, make people fall, and finally let others think of themselves Become one.”

“Your love, in the end, just loves you alone.”

“This is your bestiality, I should be right, the third beast of Eros (BeastⅢ).”

“Ha ha ha ha ha, you deserve to be the queen with the wisdom of the demon realm.”

The silver bell-like laughter sounded and spread throughout the kingdom of shadows. At this moment, the bodies of all the undead in Shadowland were dyed with a hint of pink.

But when the pink was about to infect the whole body, the gunshot expelled the pink from the body of the undead.

“Are you going to do it with me here?”

“Ah, sorry.”

With a slight bow, the girl sincerely apologized: “Teacher, please forgive me, I didn’t do this intentionally.”


Yes, Skaha understood that she did not mean that. She just laughed just now. But just after a few laughs, she was almost the only one left in this country of shadows.

Stretching out his palms that are as white as fat jade, he makes a slight move. The pink color expelled by the gunshot turned into countless ribbons, gathered and penetrated into the girl’s body.

“However, there is a little master you said wrong.”

“For me, the entire universe is inferior to him (me) alone. In my eyes, there is only him (me).””……..I see.”

After a pause, there was a slight smile in Skaha’s voice: “It seems that I underestimated your craziness. Can love make people so crazy?”

“This is really an incomprehensible thing.”

“Don’t worry, I don’t plan to shoot. I am already a person outside the world, a person who has graduated from the world. Your existence is a test for my disciples. My shot is depriving them of their opportunity. , Their growth.”

“Even if, now is the best time to kill you.”

“If they can’t overcome this test, it’s not a good thing to let them sink.”

“Thank you, Master.”


Having understood the young girl’s animal nature, Skaha naturally would not be surprised at her calling herself a master. However, she still has a problem.

“It’s just that the third beast, can you really sink Xie Ming? You should know that he is a mortal, but he has already exceeded the mortal, even beyond the scope of the follower.”

“Although he has walked less than half of his path, it is equal to or even beyond your path.”

“Can you really do it?”

“Ha ha ha ha…”

Deliberately suppressing her unconsciously radiating power, the girl covered her mouth and chuckled, “China has an idiom called “Nothing to say with words.”

“So, please sit in this special seat, and wait and see~”

“Then, I will wait and see.”

Slowly walked to the throne and sat down, putting the magic spear in his hand aside, Skaha smiled calmly: “Many things will become boring after knowing the ‘fruit’.”

“But every time, I still have a little expectation in my heart. Will anyone be able to change the ‘fruit’ I see.”

“Xie Ming said so during the first competition. The accumulation of mortals will become a force to change their destiny when they encounter opportunities.”

“So, I look forward to him turning this sentence into reality.”

“…There is only one destiny, and only one result.”

The girl smiled unmovedly: “I (he) and him (me) will eventually become one.”

With that said, the girl’s figure disappeared into the cyan flame. Skaha was supporting his chin, tapping the armrest of the throne lightly with his fingers, and his bright red eyes became extremely deep.

As she herself said, and as the girl expects, she will become an observer.

Observing the upcoming drama in the city named Fuyuki City that has been transformed into a grand stage by the girl.

As for whether to play as one of the actors, it is still unknown. Although she promised that the girl wouldn’t make a move, she might not be able to help it if she was excited by watching a movie.

If you can’t bear it…well, just find a reason to shoot. The bottom line is not to deprive the disciples of the opportunity to grow. In other words, she must not give charity in need of help.

However, we can’t give charcoal in the snow, didn’t say we can’t add icing on the cake, isn’t it? Maybe the flower added will be the last straw to overwhelm the camel.

But the prerequisite for everything lies in those two people.

“You have to overcome this test, my two disciples.”

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