Chapter 1632

“Huh~~I’m finally back!”

Looking at the familiar city and the familiar streets, Lin stretched out a big lazy waist and shouted: “Fumu City, I’m back!!”

The result of this is that the surrounding pedestrians all looked at the three of them with ‘warm’ gazes.

“It’s too exaggerated.”

Xie Ming said dumbfounded: “It makes you feel like Yuzu is returning home.”

“Isn’t it?” Rin asked back: “It’s been two months before and after this trip. It’s the first time I’ve been out for such a long distance.”

“Unlike you, I’m used to it.”

“What does it mean to be accustomed to waves, can you speak?”

Hearing this, Xie Ming couldn’t help turning over Byakugan. Doesn’t he want to take a good rest and find a place to settle down? He also thought, but not yet.

The enemy of life and death is still there, the ambush has not yet been reported, and the difficulty of deciding life and death is coming… Before these problems are solved, how can he stop?

Entering into the main god space and becoming a substitute, he sees a broader world, comes to a broader sky, and obtains real and infinite possibilities.

But one of the costs of obtaining this infinite possibility is drifting. Before you really reach that level, you will always be a stranger alone in a foreign land, a traveler who ventures between various planes.

Compared to some other substitutes, he is already very lucky.

There are Yui, CC, Justissa, Otinus, four people who accompany him on this invisible journey, who live and die with him. There are also people who believe in him and watch him patiently at home waiting for him.

The journey will end one day. So in order to get a happy ending for everyone at the end, he can’t stop now.

“But… it always feels a little weird…”


“Well, some can’t tell.”

Xie Ming frowned, spread the wave perception domain, and carefully observed it in a circle: “Is it an illusion?”

“Altria, what do you think?”

“No…” Altria shook her head slightly: “I didn’t feel anything abnormal.”


After a long silence, Xie Ming connected Otinus through the link.

“What’s wrong?”

“I and Rin, and Altria have returned to Fuyuki City, Oetinus, please help me talk to Amber Jade.”

“I’m back.”

Otinus said faintly: “I know, don’t wander around anymore and come back quickly.”

“Right, Otinus.”

Xie Ming hesitated for a while, but still asked, “Do you think there is something wrong with Dongmu City?””What’s wrong?”

“Well, I can’t say it.” Xie Ming searched for adjectives in his mind: “Yes, I always feel that the current Winterwood City has a…unreality. It’s like, there is a film tightly attached to Everything I saw.”

“But my perception field can’t see where this feeling comes from, so I want to ask you if you feel anything abnormal.”

“…Why don’t you turn on the power of killing gods?”


“just kidding.”

There was a smile in Otinus’ voice: “Hurry back, don’t be suspicious.”

“I know, you have been guarding against the drastic changes that the world consciousness said. However, now that there is no clue, what you need to do is not to tighten your spirits like a frightened bird, but to calm your mind and deal with it. Preparation, isn’t it?”


Rubbing his eyebrows and retracting the sentient perception field, Xie Ming replied: “We will be home in about ten minutes.”


Hanging up the call with Otinus, Xie Ming’s doubts alleviated a lot. It seems that because of this reason, the strange feeling he felt before has disappeared.

“Could it be that I am really too suspicious?”

After all, the feeling of strangeness is really only a moment. It’s almost impossible for him to judge whether it is really there or is it his own illusion.

But it is undeniable that because of the root reminder, he has always been a little wary after he came into this world. That’s why he will go to the Magic Eye train non-stop and run to the Kingdom of Shadows.

I just want to deal with the abnormal changes in a complete state after doing the things at hand first.

Of course, there is also the idea of ​​finding clues to the abnormal changes in it.

The feeling of something wrong from Merlin, and the last words of Skahan that seemed to have a deep meaning, also meant that things were a little bit beyond the ordinary.

The so-called three things, plus the strange feeling he felt in Fuyuki City this time. In fact, Xie Ming had already affirmed in his heart that the so-called mutation had actually taken place. However, he still has no clue.

Therefore, Xie Ming thought about asking if Otinus found anything.

But Otinus’ answer was no.

What does this represent?

“Even the Demon God… Didn’t you notice the occurrence of the mutation?”

It’s not that he doesn’t believe in Otinus, this demon god has helped him a lot. However, there is a flaw that she can’t make up for in any way.

Otinus came from the forbidden world, the top of magic. However, under the different plane rules, the magic in different planes will inevitably have different changes.

If you want to understand, Master, you have to learn again, just like in the Arad continent.

But the magic of the Moon World, or magic, is really too strange.

Just pick one point, everything here comes from its roots. Magicians want to use magic, but also from the root cause. However, there is a limit to the ‘power’ in the root cause.

There is only one power in total. When used for one person and for two people, the strength of the power displayed is naturally completely different.

Knowing magic, the more people who can use magic, the weaker the strength of magic.

Let’s talk about another point, which is the principle of magic.

Although there are many schools of magic, the principle of these schools of magic is basically derived from one point: the life force in the body is converted into the same magic power as the outside world, and then this magic power is used to initiate the “rules prescribed by the world” to interfere. nature.

In order to connect the world to use magic, magicians have unique nerve-like organs like magic circuits in their bodies.

The magic power in the forbidden world also transforms vitality into magic power, but the difference is that this ‘change’ is not a ‘transformation’ but a ‘refining’.

In other words, the magic power in demon forbidden is actually a higher level and higher concentration of vitality that can do other things.

With this refined ‘vitality’, magicians use various means to change and interfere with the laws of nature. Moreover, every time you use magic, your fate will change more or less.

To use a game analogy, every time you use magic in the Forbidden World, you actually make a different choice. Fantasy killer is your archive before choosing.

Magic is eliminated by fantasy killers, which is equivalent to reading files.

And Xie Ming’s Demon Eye of Forbidden, in two words, is to delete files.

The two effects are similar, but in fact they are completely different.

The reading of the fantasy killer establishes the activation of magic as an existing situation. For example, the fireball launched is eliminated by the fantasy killer, but the trajectory of the fireball launch and the heat emitted by the fireball will still exist in the air.

However, if this fireball is eliminated by the Demon Eye of Forbidden, then the world will become a situation where ‘this fireball never existed’. The world has not been changed in any way, only the fact that the magic power in the opponent’s body is consumed by the use of magic.

To get back to the point, the magic in the forbidden world is to change the world. But the magic in the moon world is to interfere with nature’according to the rules of the world’.

The former is to do whatever you want. In the latter, you have to follow the rules.

This fundamental difference is naturally not so important to a less powerful magician. But for the demon god Otinus, it was actually a very uncomfortable thing.

Just like a person who likes to sleep in luo, you have to let him put on clothes to sleep. As a result, he couldn’t sleep anyhow.

What’s more, Otinus is now maintaining a minimum energy consumption in order to prevent Xie Ming’s energy waste. Her devil’s personality, life level, and vision are still there, but when it comes to power… the kitten can slap her with just one paw.

Perhaps it is precisely because of this that Otinus did not notice the occurrence of the abnormal situation.

But even so, what kind of existence is it like to be able to make small movements under her eyelid disciples without being noticed, and to hide him so cruelly?

Let yourself maintain a state of relaxation, but Xie Ming’s heart has slowly sinked.

The unknown is always the most terrible thing. Besides, the existence that doesn’t know whether it is an enemy or a friend is still preparing a plan behind the scenes. But there is no way to touch the other party, a clue.

No…Nor can I say that I can’t touch the clues of the other party, but there are too many possibilities.

The water in the Moon World is too deep, so deep that he can guess several possibilities at random, and he has the urge to ‘let’s run away’.

Now his situation can really be said to be completely opposite to the situation on the Arad continent. In other words, his current situation is very similar to Herder, who was facing him at the time.

This is, will you eventually become you?

Please also forgive him for being insensitive.

But on the bright side, he is not without any gains. First of all, it can be basically concluded that the unknown existence is directed at him, but there is no way to judge whether the other party has good intentions or malicious intentions.

The second point is that the opponent has already made a move, and it is in the city of Winterwood. So as long as you observe patiently in this city, you will definitely be able to find the opponent’s feet and find out the other’s flaws.

Of course, there are also more direct methods. As Otinus said, as long as he activates the fury of Sparta and burns his surroundings, he will definitely be able to burn out the unknown existence.

This is also of course possible. If the owner of Doudi walks with a 3, you will be directly bombed. Then, the other party will definitely be a little unscrupulous.

There are also methods that do not use Spartan’s fury to force the opponent out.

In his portable space, there is still a large holy grail that has not been used much, and the prop obtained after dealing with the outer god: the call of the outer god.If you make a wish with the Great Holy Grail, you can definitely make the other person show up. Summoning a foreign god, the characteristics of the foreign god will definitely make the opponent’s hiding appear flaws. But these two are also the same as the hole cards of the bomb.

If the existence manifested and he had to fight him, Xie Ming would definitely use the Holy Grail without hesitation. But now that the other party hasn’t shown hostility yet, using this kind of props is really a suspicion of finding trouble for oneself.

Maybe someone just passed by?

just kidding.

Xie Ming was still unwilling to show his hostility first without confirming whether the opponent was an enemy or a friend. If possible, he still wants to talk as peacefully as possible.

“Kill, kill, and kill” first when you encounter something, and then “kill, kill, and kill” if you are unhappy, just looking at the fate of your brainless, selfish villain, please refer to Ma Tong Shinji.

“Let’s pay more attention first…”

After thinking about it for a while, Xie Ming finally came up with this not a solution. Right now, there is really no better way than this.

“Then, I’ll go home and clean up.”

At a fork in the road, Rin said to Xie Ming and Altria: “According to what you said, we have been away for a month. There is no contact for a month. I think my mother should be worried about me too.”

“So tonight, I won’t go to your house for dinner. Help me and Sakura and the others.”

“I know, I know.”

Xie Ming waved his hand: “You are a daughter, so I hope that your mother will find yourself a stepdad sooner.”

“Because Uncle Yan Ye is indeed very suitable for her mother.” Lin said of course: “Moreover, as a mother, it is difficult to find a more suitable candidate than Uncle Yan Ye.”

“That’s true.”

Her husband is a magician, her daughter is also a magician, and there is a magic workshop at home. The target of such a woman’s remarriage is indeed not suitable for an ordinary person.

Besides, Jian Tong Yanye’s character is really nothing to say, just an out-and-out honest and kind person.

“When you get home, call to report your safety. You should always be able to use the phone, right?”

“…When…of course.”

Turning his head slightly, Rin said confidently: “It’s just a phone call, can it be harder to learn than Luen?”

For you, it should be true.

Xie Ming didn’t say this sentence directly. But his eyes had already revealed this meaning. Because he had seen it with his own eyes, Rin called his mother but ended up calling an ‘amazing’ scene abroad.

“Wow, you!” He stomped his feet and left angrily: “It really can’t work, I’ll use Luen to tell you that it’s OK!”

“Well, just use Luen directly.”


“I’m gone.” Xie Ming smiled and waved his hand, and walked in the other direction before Lin didn’t go crazy: “See you tomorrow.”


Resisting the thought of shooting Gandr at the back, he muttered, “This guy seems to be more and more casual to me.”

Having said that, she still likes this state in her heart. After all, it’s also the relationship between senior brothers and sisters, and they have traveled together for so long. If they are too strange to each other, they seem strange.

It’s a pity that the other party is not the kind of person who looks at everything. This made her plan of ‘revenge’ more and more impossible to realize.

“Forget it, his personality is just right for Sakura. I don’t know how his mother is doing with Uncle Yan Ye… I have disappeared for a month. As long as Uncle Yan Ye is a man, he should I’ve already won it.”

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