Chapter 1633 Einzbern

“Xie Ming, the little Sakura mentioned by Lin just now is…”

“Ah, by the way, I haven’t talked to you yet.” Xie Ming reacted and said with a smile: “Little Sakura was my master ten years ago. I was called by her to participate in the Holy Grail War. ”

“She is also Rin’s sister.”

“younger sister….”

Altria frowned slightly: “In other words, during the Holy Grail War ten years ago, Xie Ming was your master…”

“Only 6 years old.”


“That’s why I never exposed my master at the time.” Xie Ming smiled and said: “If Eimiya Kiritugu knew about this, it would really be over.”

“Eimiya Kirisu…”

At the mention of this name, Altria’s expression became a little complicated. Compared with that man, Alice Phil actually met the requirements of the master in her mind more.

Gentleness, kindness, and integrity.

It’s a pity that she is too obedient to her husband. In the end, the two betrayed themselves and used Lingshu to raise the holy sword against Xie Ming for their own purposes.

He has his own perseverance, and the other party has the other’s goals. There was originally a way of cooperating and trusting each other between the two. But in the end, the other party chose the road that went against her.

What really disappointed Altria was not that Eimiya Kirishu and the two finally used Lingshu to force an attack on Xie Ming. It was because she discovered that these two people never seemed to believe in herself.

Holy Grail War, Holy Grail War. All people appear to fight for the Holy Grail. Even if you don’t use Lingshu, as long as you talk to her well, she will already raise the weapon for them.

They are followers, they are their masters. The common purpose of the master and the follower is to obtain the Holy Grail. This point will not change because of anything or any personal affair.

But thinking about this now makes no sense anymore. Those things that felt unacceptable at the beginning, in her view, are not worth mentioning at all.

Humans are creatures that reflect on the past, live in the present, and move toward the future. In the past, the most important role was to serve as a lesson, not to act as a lock. Being constrained by the past, I can’t move towards the future.

Seeing Altria’s complex expression, Xie Ming did not continue this topic.

Although the Eimiya Kirishu family seemed to live not far from their home, the two seemed to be busy all over the world, and it would be difficult for Altria to have a chance to meet them again.

“There are several other people in the family, Amber, Jade, Karen, and Fujino. They are all children I brought back from all over the world. Because I knew about them through the reason of’that’, so I simply put them Bring them all back to live with little Sakura.”

“Otinus is the demon god of Otherworld. Listening to her name, you should know how strong her magic level and knowledge are. CC is the person who accompanied our brother to become the emperor of the world…”

Along the way, Xie Ming slowly introduced the people around him with Altria.

Because time is limited, Xie Ming only briefed Altria about the situation. But even so, it wasn’t until the two of them got to the front of the house that they could not finish the introduction.

After all, there is no long way, isn’t it?

“Brother Xie Ming, welcome back.”

The jade, sweeping some fallen leaves and dust in front of the door, stopped. After looking at Altria, he whispered to Xie Ming.

“I’m back, Jade.”

“Who is this……”

“Altria Pendragon.” Xie Ming raised his eyebrows: “It’s that one, King Arthur.”


Looking at the blond girl in her early 20s, Jade fell into a deep silence.That legendary King Arthur is a girl?


“I’m sorry, I was rude just now.”

“No, it doesn’t matter.”

Altria smiled: “Most people react like that when they know it.”

“Moreover, it was Xie Ming’s problem just now.”

Jade nodded silently and cast a dissatisfied look at Xie Ming. When someone introduces someone, they suddenly say something like ‘she’s King Arthur’.

This is also a subtle jade, if it is replaced with amber, I am afraid it will be called out directly.

“But… Jade, you don’t have the slightest doubt about Xie Ming’s words.”

Compared to Jade’s reaction, this point makes Altria more concerned: “It’s not the Holy Grail War. Normal people hear such an introduction. The first reaction is usually to think that the other party is joking.”

“It seems that you have a strong trust between each other.”


Jade calmly said: “After all, what we have to wait for is an older brother who doesn’t know when he will be back. After a few days after he came back, he took the girl out for a trip, and then took the new girl home. Without trust, I gave up long ago.”

“Emerald…. Emerald?”

“Yes, what’s the matter? Brother Xie Ming.”

“I was wrong, forgive me.”

“Well, forgive you.” A slight smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and Jade looked at Altria: “Since Miss Altria is the legendary King Arthur, that means…”

“Just call me Altria.”

Altria smiled and said: “Yes, I am the servant summoned by Xie Ming. In order to find a way to the outside of the planet, Xie Ming thought of seeking the help of Merlin who lives there.”

“But Avalon where Merlin lives is not so easy to find, so he summoned me.”


Although in a sense, Jade can be regarded as a person who has experienced the Holy Grail War. But as it is now, it is really a strange feeling to hear the legendary character mention the legendary character casually.

“Speaking of which, Jade, why are you the only one left in the house.”

“Is such that.”

Jade said: “Because I heard that Xie Ming’s brother came back with the guests, and the weather was hot, my sister wanted to buy some fruits back. Because she couldn’t mention that much by herself, Miss CC went with her. ”

“Ms. Otinus went out with Ms. Justissa and Yui, saying that they were taking them around in Fuyuki City, and they were familiar with each other.”


Shopping around or something is definitely an excuse. The real reason is probably what I just asked her. Just as Xie Ming believes in Otinus 100%, Otinus also believes in Xie Ming 100%.

So she understands that Xie Ming is by no means an aimless person. If he feels there is a problem, it must be that he really feels the problem. But I didn’t feel it at all.

For various reasons, she took Justissa and Yui out.

She is responsible for checking magical problems, Justissa uses psychological control to check for abnormalities in Fuyuki City, and Yui is responsible for the detection of hostility.

Fuyuki City, no matter what, is their base camp. Even if the ‘existence that caused drastic changes’ in the source’s mouth is not hostile, it’s impossible to act recklessly in their base camp.

However, they should return without success this time.

In the Moon World, the means used by a truly powerful existence are generally directly related to the word ‘concept’. Ordinary means of perception are certainly useless.

Even if Otinus could return to the state of its heyday, she would not be able to pull out that existence in this way. Instead, they use the method of “destroying the world” to force the opponent out.

The fact is just as Xie Ming speculated. The three of them who came back before Sakura’s school and Fujino got off work found nothing.

Not only that, the three also brought back two guests.




Looking at the young people who were sitting in front of him and staring at him, Xie Ming’s mouth twitched a few times, and he looked at Yustesa who was aside: “That, Yustesa. They…”

“Master Xie Ming, I have already explained to them.”

Justissa calmly said, “But in their hearts, it seems that some of them don’t accept my statement.”

“How can you accept it!”

Serra, who tied her long silver hair into a ponytail, was a little bit unable to control her voice: “The ancestor of the Einzbern family, Jujujuju… actually became your knife!? ”

“Serra, Serra! The voice is too loud! Pay attention to etiquette!”

“Ah…cough…. I’m sorry, it’s rude…”

Seeing the people around him, Serra coughed slightly, with a little ruddy on his face: “When we first met, my name is Serra von Einzbern.”

“It’s not the first time we met with Big Brother, Serra.”

The girl on the side looked at Xie Ming with a sweet smile.

“However, this should be an official introduction. Hello, big brother, my name is Ilias Phil von Einzbern. Our identity is…”

“Einzbern’s house, there is no need to say more about this, everyone present knows it.”

“Really… It turns out that this is all related parties~ That’s great, so it’s a lot easier to say.”

Ilia smiled and said: “Big brother, Serra and I have heard the general situation from the ancestor Justissa. You won the Fourth Holy Grail War and saved the ancestor as the heart of the furnace from the Holy Grail. Come out and raise her remnant soul in the knife.”

“From your point of view, big brother, from the point of view of a normal person, there is nothing wrong with doing this. Because you won the Holy Grail War, it is your right to deal with the Holy Grail.”

“But…Big brother, using other people’s ancestors as weapons until now, I think…this is a bit…”

“Difficult to accept!”

Serra added these four words viciously.


To be honest, Xie Ming has not considered that much. She had also asked Justissa this question at the beginning, but Justissa’s answer has always been the same.

“Master Xie Ming, I am your knife.”

Plus in many things, Justissa helped him a lot. So gradually, Xie Ming got used to it.

However, Xie Ming reacted after being mentioned by Sierra and Ilia.

“Looks like… something is really wrong…”

This is the same thing as when you use the ancestor’s coffin board as a weapon and hit the enemy’s head during a fight. This is known to the descendants of others, so they can’t beat you to death?

No, he seems to be worse.

Thinking of this, Xie Ming somewhat understood why Serra and Ilia came to the door directly like this.

Um? Wait…it seems to be a little bit biased.”This little girl, something not to be underestimated…”

Although there are reasons why he is not very wary, the little girl is still a little capable of biasing his thinking so easily.

Sure enough, the innocence is cut open, and they are all natural black.

But it’s about Yustesa, he couldn’t just say ‘yes,’ and let them take Yustesa away.

“I can call you Ilia directly, can I?”


Eliya smiled slightly: “Is there anything big brother wants to say?”

“Yeah.” Xie Ming said calmly, “As you said, maybe from your perspective, I use Juste Sar as a weapon. But in fact, it’s not the case.”

“I have never regarded Justissa as a weapon. She is not a weapon, but a human being.”


“Yes, Justissa is a human. She is my comrade-in-arms who can safely hand over my back to her in battle, is my friend who can help me when I encounter difficulties, and is the family who has been silently supporting our family.”

“The mouth is no proof!” Serra said angrily: “Who knows what the facts are like!?”

“If you don’t believe me, you can ask Justissa.”

“My ancestor has become your knife, and what she wants to say is not to let you…”

“Serra! Don’t talk anymore.”

“But, Illya!”

“What you just said is over, Sierra.” Illiya said softly, “Calm down first.”

“……Feel sorry.”

“I’m really sorry, big brother. But please understand, Serra doesn’t have any bad thoughts. She is just being serious, and she can’t tolerate the condition of the ancestors of Juste Sar.”


Xie Ming smiled: “If it’s me, it’s definitely not acceptable.”

“However, please forgive me for the situation on my side. Justissa is absolutely indispensable to me. She is my friend and my family.”


Illia looked at Justissa, almost the same, but with immature and mature faces looking at each other. Both can feel the inexplicable connection between each other.

“Ancestor Justissa, are you really not coming back to Einzbern?”

“I belong to Master Xie Ming…” After a moment of silence, Justissa said softly, “Family.”

“Also, I have dismantled Einzbern.”

“…First…. Your ancestor, what are you talking about?”

“Einzbern, I have been disbanded.”

Justissa repeated it and said calmly: “The current Patriarch of the Einzbern family, Jubstad Kuhaid von Einzbern, has been shut down. The production of artificial humans has stopped.”

“The Einzbern who pursued the third law has completely disappeared. The current Einzbern is just an ordinary family of magicians.”

At this point, Justissa smiled. That is the smile of the elders, what she has always wanted to say to these younger generations after she has grown up after seeing so many planes with Xie Ming.

“So, please rest assured to pursue your ideals and your own future.”

“This is my only wish and blessing for you as an ancestor.”

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