Chapter 1634 Uranus Temple Family Finances

What is growth?

If you ask this question to the ‘Saint of Winter’, Justissa Ritzleich von Einzbern, she will definitely not be able to answer it.

How can a woman who is intellectually and spiritually never aging, has been frozen since she was born, and lives repeated days, how can she answer what she has not experienced?

Unlike the saints of Jeanna and Malda, the individual named Justissa is called a saint, not because of her tenderness, love, or purity. It was just because she disregarded herself in order to pursue her ideals and regarded herself as a living sacrifice.

After all, is this so-called pursuit of ideals one’s own ideals?

The current Justissa can clearly answer this question.


An ideal is a goal formed by condensing one’s own desire and one’s own pursuit. My so-called ideal: the relief of all mankind is just something bestowed by my creators.

When she was born, she saw the expressions on the faces of her creators. At the time, she didn’t understand how to call that expression. Even if he stayed in the castle for hundreds of years, he still didn’t get the answer.

But after stepping out of the castle and entering the society, she met Tosaka Nagato and Marquiri Sorgen, and she understood.

It is ‘frustration’, it is ‘unacceptable’, it is ‘joy’ but not ‘joy’.

If you get what you are looking for because of an accident, if you change to an ordinary person, you should feel that this is an unexpected joy and just accept it. However, the magician can’t.

They are not after unexpected refined products, but popular products that can be mass-produced. They cannot accept that the ending has nothing to do with their own efforts and skills. In that case, what is the hard work of waiting for others for hundreds of years?

The Saint of Winter witnessed the frustration, hard work, and despair of the magicians. Witnessing these, she obtained her first growth after birth.

Just like children admire their parents and want to be like their parents when they grow up. Justy Tissa also grew up because he was endowed with this ideal from others.

The final result is the birth of the Great Holy Grail and the Holy Grail War.

Justy Sana’s short-term growth came to an end.

Originally, after Angela Manuel entered the Holy Grail, her remnant soul would become a tonic for the’evil of this world’, and her body (the Great Holy Grail) would become the womb that nurtures the’evil of this world’.

But because of Xie Ming’s actions, the souls of the servants in the Fourth Holy Grail War as a tonic did not enter the Great Holy Grail through Alice Phil, but were deposited into the small Holy Grail (pseudo) he made using projection magic. .

Therefore, her remnant soul got the opportunity to meet Xie Ming. As a result, she achieved her second growth in hundreds of years.

But why did she choose Xie Ming?

Maybe… because of his denial of the Holy Grail at the time, it touched him. Or maybe it was that another soul willing to die, and let her see the light of human relief?

After a long journey with the youth, she fought and experienced the same with the youth. She thinks and observes in the space inside the knife. Finally, she came to a conclusion.

The magicians’ conclusion is correct. Human hands can create something that transcends people, but they cannot create something that redeems people.

Because there is no person or thing that can redeem others in this world.

The salvation of mankind is always his own salvation.

Others can provide people with opportunities for redemption and can guide them on the path of self-salvation. But in the end, the decision-making power rests on the person himself.

God will not save people who voluntarily die. The same is true for people.

In the end…the only one who can redeem yourself is yourself.

After realizing this, Justissa looked away from everything. For her, the Great Holy Grail, the Holy Grail War, the third law, and human relief have all become indifferent.Since then, she has only one wish left: to return to the world where she was born and convey the right thing to her compatriots.

This is the last thing she has done as the saint of winter, as Justissa Ritzleich von Einzbern.

After completion, she is no longer the saint of winter of the Einzbern family, but a friend of the youth, a comrade-in-arms of the youth, and a family of the youth.

Accompany him through this long journey, live with him, and die with him.

From being created to this day, the individual named Justissa has always been such a simple person.

It is precisely because she has seen a wider world that she does not want the Einzbern family to be confined to the wrong goal and make meaningless efforts.

Not to mention, it is a target that has been distorted by the washing of time.


Although Serra still looked a little unacceptable, she could only be obediently taken home by Ilia after hearing Justissa herself say so.

“Xie Ming, that girl…”

“It’s the daughter of Alice Phil and Kirishu Eomiya.”

“no surprise…”

Although the faces of Justissa, Alice Phil and Ilia were all carved out of the same mold. But in terms of temperament, there is still a big difference.

Justissa’s temperament is inspired by the empty space, and Alice Phil is gentle but slightly off-line. And Ilia, there is a feeling that both angels and demons coexist in the body.

“Master Xie Ming.” Justissa said calmly, “Einzbern’s house still didn’t give up the Holy Grail War before I arrived.”

“On the other hand, Einzberen’s Kishirune assisted the Einzbern family to re-establish the Holy Grail War, and asked the Einzbern family to help adjust the bodies of Alice Phil and Ilyas Phil.”

“I see.”

Because of my own intervention, things have evolved like this.

Originally, the reason why Einzbern’s family did not allow Eimiya Kiritugu to see Ilia was because he finally used a spell to order Altria to attack the tainted Holy Grail. This is considered a betrayal by Einzbern.

But now Alice Phil is not dead, and both of them have been changed by Xie Ming. From the outside, the Holy Grail was destroyed by the followers of the Fourth Holy Grail War.

The skill is not as good as the others, even the carefully created little holy grail is not in handy, and Einzbern will naturally not hold Eimiya Keiji’s responsibility.

Einzbern has always been a special Buddhist family. In the FA world line, the Great Holy Grail was directly taken away by the Thousand Worlds Tree. Einzbern did not think about regaining anything, but decided to recreate a big Holy grail.

For this reason, they exchanged technology with the Thousand Realm Tree who had taken the Great Holy Grail, and asked the Thousand Realm Tree to help them manage outside.

So it turned out to be like this in the end, Xie Ming is not surprising at all.

The reason why Alice Phil and Kirishu Eimiya have not been at home for a long time is probably because they are running around for Einzbern.

However, Xie Ming was not interested in what the couple were doing at all. He really has done his best to these two, and if he interrupts again, he will wash them all the memory of the Fourth Holy Grail War.

I hope that man really had the best idea in his heart.

As if seeing the thoughts in Xie Ming’s heart, Justissa said calmly: “Master Xie Ming, regarding Eimiya Kirisu and Alice Phil, please don’t worry.”

“Einzbern will take care of these things for us.”

“That’s good.”

Xie Ming shrugged and stood up: “Hua and the others should almost be back. It’s time to prepare dinner.”


Hearing these two words, the dull hair on Altria’s head instantly stood up.

Since the last time Xie Ming’s appetizer was eaten at the Banquet of the Four Kings, she has been obsessed with it. Even knowing that Xie Ming and Lin were trained in the Kingdom of Shadows, she still couldn’t help but want to bring Xie Ming, the cook.

Today… can you finally eat that delicious food again today?

No, not just today. Tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, the day after tomorrow… As long as he stays in this world for one more day, she will be able to eat Xie Ming’s cooking for one more day!

Jade, who had sent the guests, walked in and looked at the dangling hair on Altria’s head. The sense of awe for that legendary character in my heart disappeared again.


Looking at the group of people at home, Jade sighed silently in her heart.

“At home, it’s really getting more and more lively.”

She also understood why Xie Ming asked the Fujicun team to come to such a large house. It’s not that big, it really can’t hold so many people.


“That… Brother Xie Ming.”

After the meal, Fujino took the initiative to find Xie Ming. He looked a little hesitant, and didn’t seem to know whether to tell Xie Ming about this.

“What’s wrong?”

Xie Ming asked, “Did something happen again?”

“Um… this one… is not a big deal, but it is… something that has to be considered.” After a few seconds of silence, Fujino finally made up his mind: “If this continues, I’m afraid the family will need it. No money.”

“…Isn’t it?”

“Brother Xie Ming…. The current funds in the family are provided by Humber and I.”

Now that I have said everything, there is nothing to hesitate. Fujino raised his head to look at Xie Ming, and said simply: “My salary is not that much, but there is no problem maintaining the expenses of the family.”

“And Kohaku has a qualification certificate as a pharmacist, and she is famous in the hospital in Fuyuki City. We are going to save her salary and use it for the little Sakura to go to college.”

“Brother Xie Ming, you live in with Miss CC and Miss Otinus. Although the food cost is a little bit more, it is still within the acceptable range. But now, there are two more mouths at home. Especially Miss Altria, according to Her way of eating…”

“I’m afraid that in a month, the family can only eat pickled radishes.”


The corners of Xie Ming’s mouth twitched a few times, and he slowly supported his forehead.

The so-called ignorant knows that rice, oil, and salt are expensive. When was the last time Xie Ming worried about financial problems? It seems to be…. When the foodie of Indix lived in the family, he mumbled a few words.

But since reaching an agreement with Aleister, he never seemed to worry about similar problems in the following journey.

After all, he doesn’t need to eat or drink when he is alone. When he is with others, he is either not short of money or directly draws on the materials.

The exchange points of the main god space were all handed over to the little butler Yui to plan. So far, it seems that Yui has not raised the issue of not enough exchange points with him.

So subconsciously, he ignored this question.

Don’t talk about him, the group of people around him, I’m afraid they haven’t thought about this problem.

“Wait, I think of a way.”

With that, Xie Ming connected Yui who was communicating with the girls in the living room.

“What’s wrong? Dad.””Yui Yi…”

As soon as he said these three words, Xie Ming realized why Fujino hesitated so much just now. This is really hard to speak.

“Kyui, have you ever exchanged gold bars in the main god space?”

“of course.”

Yui naturally said: “As the hard currency of almost all planes, of course, you have to change a few boxes of gold bars with you. Otherwise, you will still be like the dark bullet world at that time, let CC mother get the materials on the spot.”


“Dad, don’t you…”


“I knew it.” Yui couldn’t help covering her face in her heart: “I forgot to speak of it, Dad, you are the kind of person who doesn’t eat fireworks.”

“Tomorrow, you and I will go out, and let’s go around Japan.”

“Hahahahaha, Yui is really helpful.”


Yui groaned that the connection was broken, Xie Ming scratched his face and said to Fujino with a wry smile: “I’m sorry, Fujino. I really haven’t worried about money for a while.”

“Don’t worry, I will solve this matter tomorrow, including the next financial problems of the family.”

“That’s great.”

Fujino also breathed a sigh of relief: “If Brother Xie Ming can’t help you, then I can only let your brother, Miss CC, and Miss Altria go out to work together.”

“After all, the kendo hall at home is of no use to be kept there. Brother Xie Ming, you and Miss Altria open a kendo class to teach students, and you can also get a lot of gains.”


Xie Ming could only smile wryly.

But to be honest, he was quite expecting it in his heart. If Altria and CC are thrown out to find a job, what kind of work can they find back?

Altria should be able to win a lot of prize money when he went to participate in the Big Appetizer competition. As for CC…

By the way, it seems that this witch can’t be bothered. After all, she almost speaks the languages ​​of Grandmaster all over the world. She took orders as a copywriter, and she was very popular in the 2004 era.

Wait…. It seems that the most useless thing seems to be yourself?

“……true and false?”

“Be confident, remove the false and add a’of’. This is the truth.”

I don’t know when, Otinus flew to Xie Ming’s shoulder: “In this home, you are really the most useless.”

“I don’t need you to understand my inner thoughts at this time!”

“What are you talking about, my understanding.”

The demon girl said jokingly: “Do you understand that you have to divide it from time to time?”

“In the past few years, you have completely become an idiot who is more detached from modern society than I am.”

“Master Otinus? Please… please be merciful.”

Xie Ming covered his face, and said helplessly: “I…I will find a job tomorrow.”

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