Chapter 1635 Beast III

Xie Ming has always been a person who will do what he says. If he says to look for a job, he will inevitably go out to look for a job. But before that, he and Yui first exchanged a box of gold bars for Japanese yen and deposited all of them on different black cards.

Seeing Yui’s familiar appearance, I have already done it many times.

In other words, this may be the first thing that the surrogate will do when he comes to the new plane. After all, no matter which world it is in, it is hard to move without money.

What Yui said was not wrong, and Xie Ming really felt a bit of a ‘worldly immortal’ of ‘not eating fireworks’.

But this is no way. He has indeed passed the stage commonly known as ‘cultivating the mind in the mortal world’. After repeating it countless times and trying all the possible hells of reincarnation, he basically tasted the sufferings of the world.

So now that he is asked to pay attention to these ordinary people’s things, he really can’t afford it. Since it wastes the world on meaningless things, it is better to simulate a few battles in your head.

But he is a man who does what he says. Isn’t he just looking for a job? Can it be more difficult than playing the sprites and playing Kahn?

Besides, before he entered the main god space, he was studying abroad alone, and there were no foreign students who spent a penny at home. I am very familiar with finding a job!

The simplest thing is to put on a black dragon mask to resell arms, and you can earn several boxes of gold bars in a day. But doing so violated his principles.

Strength is not used to act wantonly.

Since you are looking for a job to make money, follow the rules. After having power, only knowing how to use power to do illegal things to make money, that can only show that the person’s ability is really bad.

He did not waste much time and successfully found a suitable job.

“Brother Xie Ming, Huan…Welcome back…”

“Oh, I’m back with Amber.”

“… Brother Xie Ming, this is… have you found a job?”

“That is, Ridang (money on the same day) piece counting (money according to the number of pieces). There is a lot of money, and there is no need to intrigue, and the simulation training and work will not be delayed in the brain. The manager directly gave me a deposit and asked me to continue tomorrow Come.”

Taking off the helmet from his head, Xie Ming raised his eyebrows triumphantly: “The wages I earn this day are half of Fujino’s wages, and I am not very tired.”


Looking down at the dusty and dry mud construction shoes under Xie Ming’s feet, Amber fell into deep silence.

“Okay, I was very dirty during this day, and I can’t clean it up directly. I just went to take a shower. Please prepare the dinner materials for Amber, please. I’ll be out in a while.”


The corners of his mouth twitched a few times, and Amber looked at the jade coming out of the living room, and covered his head with a headache.

“Sister, brother Xie Ming…”


Amber said helplessly: “Tonight, tell everyone about this.”

“I’m back~~”

At this moment, little Sakura returned home: “Sister Humber, did you hear that you went shopping today? It seems that a particularly strong worker has arrived in the city. In half a day, he finished his work for ten people. ”

“On the way home from school, the neighbors on the road are talking about this. The worker is 2 meters tall and his arms are thicker than the thighs of the fish seller…”

“Huh? Why do we have construction shoes at home?”


Amber and Jade raised their heads silently, just looking at little Sakura without speaking.

Seeing the unspeakable expressions of the two, Sakura also reacted.

“Yes… Xie Ming?”

This is a question that does not need to be answered, because before she asks this sentence, she has already figured out the cause and effect in her head.Yesterday he said that he would go out to work, and then a few days later, a monster worker who could hold ten people per person appeared, plus the dirty construction shoes at home. Is there anything else I need to ask?

The reason why I asked it was just because I was unacceptable in my heart.

Think about it. Yesterday, the people who talked about magic, the inner side of the planet, and the kingdom of shadows, such as Merlin, went to the construction site today.

Moreover, if I remember correctly, their elder brother seems to have been the emperor who ruled the world.

Then he went to the construction site like this…

Although they have no concept of occupational discrimination, the contrast is a bit too big.


With a towel on his head, Xie Ming walked out of the bathroom at the end of the corridor: “Oh? Little Sakura came back so early. Didn’t you participate in the club activities of the Kendo Department today?”

“Well, because I want to come back and learn more about swordsmanship with Xie Ming. Also, I have always wanted to cook you a meal and want you to taste my craft, so I came back early.”

“Little Sakura, do you want to show off your cooking skills? Yes.”

Xie Ming raised his eyebrows: “Then I will steam the rice first. Sakura, come here after you change your clothes. I’ll help you.”


Little Sakura smiled happily.


At dinner, the job Xie Ming found was inevitable, and the whole family knew about it. Xie Ming himself didn’t think it was a big deal, after all, he was just going back to his old business. It can make money without affecting your training.

But everyone except him was unanimously opposed to him continuing to do it.

Yui: “Dad, it’s not necessary, it’s really unnecessary.”

CC: “Puff ha ha ha ha, my emperor, which construction site are you going to tomorrow? I must bring my lunch to visit you ha ha ha ha…”

Otinus: “Really…As an understanding of the Devil God, you can’t do some high-grade work?”

Altria: “Master…I understand. In that case, I will go with you tomorrow. The master is working hard. As your servant, how can I stay at home with nothing to do? ?”

“In terms of strength, I won’t lose!”

Under the painstaking persuasion of everyone, Xie Ming finally gave up this long-lost old career.

When deciding to give up, for some reason, there was still a trace of pity and regret in his heart.

Perhaps, I regretted the fruitless life of studying abroad.

After all, when crossing over, he had just paid half of his salary for a holiday to the school. That is a lot of money.

As far as he was at the time.

And the black cards that store the money for selling gold bars are enough for everyone at home to be a lifetime waste. Even Fujino plans to quit his job in the near future and do what he wants to do.

Everyone decided to let Xie Ming use the money that Xie Ming had worked hard for for a long time.

“Uh, how to use this money…”

If you change to the one he was before, there will be a lot of room to spend. CPU, graphics card, motherboard, display, switch, PS4, games, VR, figure on steam…plus two feet are not counted.

But now, he really didn’t know how to use it for a while.

After thinking about it, Xie Ming looked at little Sakura: “Little Sakura, when is your school summer vacation?”


Little Sakura was taken aback for a moment, and then said: “Starting on July 15th and returning to school on August 31st.”

“July 15th, that’s too soon.”

After thinking about it, Xie Ming laughed.

“Well then, after Little Sakura’s holiday, let’s go to the small island to the south together.”

“This money is used as the cost of preparing for travel.”

This proposal was unanimously approved by everyone.


“……. If it is in the game, I should have an option in front of me now.”

Looking at the drunk girls in the wooden villa, there was no expression on Xie Ming’s face. Calm and indifferent.

He has to admit that this is a good time. It’s beautiful, just like the love adventure game he used to play.

Fujino, Amber, Jade, Karen, Rin, Tosaka Aoi, Alice Phil, Ilias Phil, Sierra, Ligelite, Altria, Sakura… During the trip to the island, almost all the women he had contact with participated in it.

The problem is, he is the only man.

On the third day after returning from work, Rin found him out and told him one thing.

Tosaka Aoi completely severed her relationship with Ma Tong Yanye during the time she was away. On July 1, Eimiya Kiritsugu and Alice Phil returned to Fuyuki City, and had serious talks with Xie Ming and Altria for a while.

Afterwards, Keiji Eomiya left Fuyuki City and let Alice Phil take care of Ilia.

It didn’t take long for Alice Phil to get a divorce at the scene of Kirishu Uemiya and her female assistant: Hisou Maiya.

The day before the trip, Yanfeng Qili found Xie Ming, and the two went to the Chinese restaurant to have a meal. After eating, Yanfeng Qili told him that because of the transfer, the church in Fuyuki City would give it to Karen.

He went back to the church headquarters to train the next generation of church representatives.

Immediately afterwards, Tosaka Aoi and Alice Phil approached him and said that they wanted to travel together, just to relax.

Then it was like this, everyone lying on the ground without any defense, even CC and Otinus, who had recovered his normal body shape, were among them.

Everyone… seems to be inviting him.

And in his heart, there was an evil fire that had never appeared before. It seemed as if countless hands were pulling him, and rushing towards the wine pond meat forest.

“What a joke, even in a love adventure game, it takes more than a few weeks to clear the level before this scene can appear. Moreover, I am not the protagonist. There are too many loopholes, right.”

“So, don’t you like it?”

A gentle and seductive voice rang softly in his ears. There is a fatal sweetness in the breath.

“If I say I don’t like it, it must be fake.”

Both eyes became blood red like beasts, but Xie Ming’s voice still remained calm.

“If you like it, why are you still standing here?”

“It’s not a kid anymore. If you like it, just reach out and take it.” Xie Ming said calmly: “Also, hasn’t Fujino taught you? Talk to people, stand in front of others, and look at each other. say.”


“…I’m such an unfeeling man.”

The breath slowly left Xie Ming’s ears, and the beautiful girl with silver hair and red pupils let go of her hand around Xie Ming’s neck and walked slowly to Xie Ming.

“So, is this all right? My beloved man (me).”

“Wear your clothes well!” Xie Ming frowned, “Who taught you to wear this kind of clothes?”


Fingers pressed against her cheeks slightly, Sakura thought for a few seconds, then smiled slightly: “Isn’t it nice to wear it like this?”

“This is not the clothes that I should wear to show me.””No. This dress will only be worn by you.” Sakura bent down slightly: “Are you really hard-hearted? Are you unmoved?”

“We are not playing Journey to the West. I am not a monk, and you are not the king of the daughter country.”

“Don’t deny it, I look good in clothes~ Ha ha, this is really a happy answer.”

At this moment, Xie Ming really had an urge to hold his forehead. Co-authored, is he always talking with the same duck? Also, why does Sakura become like this? What is that evil breath in her body?

“It’s a beast.”


“It seems that there are things you don’t know about Xie Ming.”

Little Sakura chuckled and said, “In this world, there are seven disasters that can destroy mankind. Each disaster represents a kind of’human evil’.”

“And I… is the symbol of [Eros], BeastⅢ.”


The seven human evils, beasts, these things Xie Ming knows. After all, he was also the master of Chaldea before entering the main god space, allowing the Demon King to enter the labyrinth that he could never escape and defeat him.

Relying on the unique clairvoyance of the Chinese player, he has some knowledge of some of the bosses that will appear next.

Among them, there is BeastⅢ.

But he remembered that Beast Ⅲ should be a monster named Demon Bodhisattva transformed from a woman named Shishengyuan Kiara. Little Sakura has become BeastⅢ, what super unfolding is it.

“Little Sakura….. There shouldn’t be anything wrong with you, am I?”

“How can it be?”

“Then… where did I offend you?”


“Are you angry with me?”

“No, I will always have only one feeling for Xie Ming.”


“But Xie Ming, you are not like this to me, are you?”

“That’s for sure.”

Xie Ming said helplessly: “You are my sister. I only have affection for you. If I had that kind of thought to you when I was 6 years old, I would have wiped my neck by myself.”

“Well, I understand.”

Little Sakura walked in and pressed her finger to Xie Ming lightly. Xie Ming was about to retreat, but felt a softness in his back.

I don’t know when, the little Sakura, who was exactly the same as the little Sakura in front of him, actually embraced him and didn’t let him back.

The finger finally stuck to Xie Ming’s lips.

“That’s why I want to change your concept, my love.” Little Sakura said softly: “I have grown up, and I am no longer the kid who can only watch you fight and need your protection. ”

“You are the white horse knight who rescued me from the darkness, but I am an ugly duckling.”

“To be equipped with a white horse rider, it is not enough for the ugly duckling to become a swan. She needs to become an angel, she needs to become a goddess.”

“So, look, I did it~”

“My exclusive follower, my knight, my love, my berserker.”

“Xie Ming~”

This sweet voice seemed to melt all human bones.

But Xie Ming shuddered all over his body instead.

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