Chapter 1636 Xumi Ling Palm Eros Devil Bodhisattva

Everyone has their own understanding and knowledge of the interpretation of the word love. But for Xie Ming, what the word love embodies is not as beautiful and sweet as the world imagined.

More often, love is a kind of responsibility, a kind of temperance, a kind of responsibility, a kind of consciousness, and a kind of harm.

It is not just to make the other person happy, but to love her (him) performance.

Indeed, if you want to keep the person you love smiling, this is something you can’t help but do, and sometimes you can’t control the feelings that are rushing out of your heart. As soon as a person is on the top, it is bound to be indifferent to anything.

But because of this, restraint is even more important.

I don’t know how many examples warn us that indulgence is depravity, and depravity is destruction.

Xie Ming’s shivering came from this. He smelled destruction from the words of his young Sakura.

The space fluctuated, Xie Ming escaped the arms of the girl, his expression became serious: “Little Sakura, what are you now…”

“Didn’t I say it, Xie Ming.”

The two young Sakura smiled and said: “I am Beast III now, in charge of the beast of’Eros’. Now I can already help you. Therefore, Xie Ming. You are already, and you don’t need to work hard anymore~ ”

“From now on, leave everything to me and be by my side forever.”

“…You are disturbing my spirit. You are seducing me and wanting me to fall.”

At this time, Xie Ming’s cold hair stood up all over his body. Even the terrifying finger of the King of Sprites did not give him such a sense of creepy, after all, it was just physical destruction.

But now, what little Sakura did to him was not to sabotage, but to seduce.

It was like the snake that tempted Eve to eat the fruit of wisdom in the Garden of Eden and made her fall. What little Sakura wants is to let Xie Ming’s spirit sink into this love, completely degenerate and never able to rise again.

“Is it bad to fall? Is it bad to be immersed in love?”

Little Sakura did not deny this, but showed a pitiful expression that is extremely easy to arouse the desire to protect: “Xie Ming, you don’t have to work so hard in the future, and you don’t have to fight life and death every day.”

“You will always be with me and the person you love. And I will help Xie Ming do everything for you.”

“My knight, don’t torture yourself anymore. You have worked hard enough, rest.”


The words were like waves, constantly impacting Xie Ming’s spiritual defense. After all, what little Sakura is saying now is indeed what Xie Ming has thought about many times.

Who is the real steel core? No matter who it is, there are times when you want to rest and relax.

But that is by no means now.


Holding his head, Xie Ming squeezed these two words from his throat: “No!”


Little Sakura approached again: “Is it enough? The long journey is over? Isn’t it, Xie Ming, don’t you want to be by our side? It doesn’t matter, even if you give up, no one will blame you. ”

“You have worked hard enough, you have worked hard enough. Don’t worry about anything, no matter what you become, I will always love you deeply.”

“Your troubles, your enemies, I will burn them all for you. So, come here. Hold me.”


It’s over, reason is gradually disappearing, mental defense is being eroded, and the body is gradually losing control. It seems instinct is screaming, accepting this love.


Do not…….

Accept….. It seems that…

no….The footsteps began to move forward, and the light in the pupils was slowly disappearing. He gradually fixed his gaze on the graceful body of the little Sakura, unable to deviate.

What a beautiful thing that is…what a beautiful girl that is…ah…why…I would refuse before…

That beautiful giant horn, that holy and loving smile, that reassuring blue flame…


Cyan flame! ?

At this moment, a sentence came to mind.

[How did Tosaka Shichen die? 】

[He was strangled to death by the hand of flame who did not know where it came from. 】

【…….Aha? are you kidding me? 】

【How can it be. The picture at that time can be said to be extremely weird. 】

[In front of me, the palm of the cyan flame grabbed Master’s neck and lifted him slowly into the air. But the master’s expression didn’t show any pain, but kept smiling. 】

[As if I was immersed in a dream that I couldn’t wake up, my neck was broken. 】

The palm composed of cyan flames, the cyan flames on Sakura’s body…

“Little Sakura, will you finally answer me a few questions?”

Reluctantly gathering his remaining reason, Xie Ming asked softly: “It was you who killed Tosaka Shichen?”

“Well, yes.”

Little Sakura didn’t hesitate, keeping that gentle and loving smile, and answered Xie Ming’s question.


“Because I love him, I love my father deeply.”

The palm of his hand gently caressed his side face, and the little Sakura’s tone was incredibly sweet: “I really love him very much and thank him. If he doesn’t send me to Jiatong’s house, to the wormhole, I How could you meet Xie Ming?”

“Similarly, I also love Grandpa Jian Tong dirty inkstone. Without his bugs, Xie Ming, how could you be summoned by me?”


Having said that, a tear appeared in the corner of little Sakura’s eyes: “But grandpa, you killed Xie Ming.”

“Obviously Grandpa loves me so much, but Xie Ming you killed him. For this… I was troubled for a long, long time. But then, I want to understand!” Little Sakura gave a bright smile after clapping her hands gently. .

“Xie Ming, you can’t kill my beloved grandfather, that is, this is your way of expressing love to him. After all, for different people, the form of love has to be changed.”

“So, I chose the way I love my dad. Doesn’t dad’s smile mean that he is very happy?”

“…Then, Aoi Tosaka and Alice Phil…”

“This is also my love for them.”

Little Sakura smiled and said: “Mom is too lonely alone. Compared to Uncle Yan Ye, Xie Ming is obviously more suitable for you. Of course, this is not to say that I don’t love Uncle Yan Ye, but Uncle Yan Ye does. Not suitable for such love.”

“Alice Phil and Eimiya Kirishu are the same. Even if they repeatedly fought against Xie Ming you, I still love them. But compared to Alice Phil, he obviously loves his ideals. Justice.”

“So, I gave him this love, and he doesn’t need Alice Phil’s love anymore. But in this case, aren’t Alice Phil and Ilia too pitiful?”

“I love them equally, so I give them the same love.”

“They have lost their husbands and fathers, so I will give them the perfect husband and father.”

“So… it’s me?”

“That’s right.” Little Sakura said of course: “Where in this world is there a better husband and father than Xie Ming? I am even more sure of this when I see Yui.”

“But why… Xie Ming, you didn’t do it? Obviously, it’s such a happy life. Obviously, it’s such a perfect ending.”


This is true, leaving him a bit speechless. Little Sakura’s remarks made his sense of dissipatedness come back a bit again.

It is too absurd.

“Little Sakura, you…love me, right?”


Little Sakura nodded and smiled and said, “No one in this world loves you more than me. To me, you are more important than anything.”

“Then…you never thought…want to monopolize me?”

“how come?”

As if hearing some incredible words, little Sakura opened her eyes wide and covered her mouth: “Exclusive is not good! Although I love Xie Ming the most, I also love everyone.”

“Since everyone and Xie Ming are the happiest ending, why not?”


Where, there is a problem.

Although what little Sakura said to herself was absurd, it was indeed what she said from the heart, the truth. However, there is something wrong with it.

No, I can’t think. There is no way to analyze the spirit eroded.

“Give me, focus!”

Subconsciously, Xie Ming started a thousand souls. After all, only when he was cultivating this, his spirit would be extremely concentrated.

Therefore, he turned the remaining mental power that had not been corroded into a hammer, and slammed it into the sea of ​​spirit fiercely.


The extremely loud voice reverberated in the spiritual world, because it was too hard, and even caused Xie Ming’s knees to soften and almost fell directly to his knees.

But the effect is very obvious.

The effect of this hammer not only made his head sober. He even hammered out countless wisps of pink smoke from the small particles of his spirit that had become solid.

Little Sakura’s face turned gloomy at this moment.

Once the Thousand Souls and Hundreds of Souls are running, they will never stop until they hit a hundred hammers. Therefore, more and more pink smoke floated from Xie Ming’s head, and his consciousness became more and more clear.

“Xie Ming, you…”

“When did it start?”

Xie Ming’s expression calmed down, but people familiar with him knew that it was because he really started to get angry.

“When did you start polluting my spiritual world?”

“Pollution? Xie Ming, you use too much words.” Little Sakura said with a smile: “This is not pollution, this is love, it’s my love for you.”


“Xie Ming, you are now rejecting my love. But it doesn’t matter, even if you reject me, I still love you.”

The pink smoke began to crazily penetrate into Xie Ming’s spiritual world, but as the hammer that hits became larger and larger, with each beating, more pink smoke was shaken away and expelled.

By the time of three hundred hammers, all the pink smoke had been dispelled completely. So while stopping the hammering, Xie Ming directly opened the Fury of Spartan.

The pitch-black flame becomes a wall, completely enveloping the spiritual world. As long as there is a wisp of powder mist that dares to touch, the flame of God Killing will burn the powder mist together with its source.

“I see.”

His head was completely clear, and Xie Ming finally wanted to understand when he was contaminated.

When I first returned to Fuyuki City, I scanned the large range of fluctuation perception.

The abnormality he felt at the beginning was a sign that he was still awake. After letting out the spirit to perceive, the pollution will follow the spirit that comes out, slowly, slowly eroding one’s own cognition.

Otherwise, as early as when Rin told himself that Tosaka Aoi and Ma Tong Yanya broke off the relationship, he would have noticed the problem.As long as the two have no worries, it would be strange not to be together.

After that, Alice Phil was divorced because Kirisu Eomiya cheated on her assistant Maiya, which is even more strange. Completely, it’s not the character of that stupid woman!

It was even more outrageous for these two people to travel with themselves, and he accepted it without any doubt?

And CC, Ortinus, Yui, don’t have any questions?

Before I knew it, everyone’s spirits were actually contaminated by the little Sakura.

“Why do you do this, little Sakura?”

Yes, this is the only point that Xie Ming puzzles. What is it that made little Sakura a beast?

“In order for Xie Ming to rest well.”

“Let me rest? So it will pollute my spiritual world and make me fall?”


Little Sakura smiled and said, “Because if you don’t do this, Xie Ming, you still have to continue the self-masochistic exercise, or you want to leave, or you want to continue the adventure of life and death, right?”

“I know, Xie Ming, you have a powerful enemy. So you must hurry up every minute and every second to become stronger. But with me, you don’t have this need.”

“Leave everything to me. I will protect you. All your enemies, all your troubles, will be burned by me.”

“In the past, you became my knight. Now, the ugly duckling will become the goddess who protects the knight.”

“…Divine nature, and Buddha nature.”

The feedback from Spartan’s Fury made Xie Ming’s expression extremely serious. Can Buddha-nature, such an extremely exclusive thing, coexist with divine nature?

No, it’s not Buddha nature.

“It’s the enemy of Buddha.”

“As expected to be my knight.”

With a magical smile on his face, Sakura’s scarlet eyes became as deep as the universe: “Didn’t I say that? I am the goddess who protects you, and I am the bodhisattva who protects you.”

“Let me introduce myself again.”

“I am Maura, I am a Bodhisattva, and I am an enemy of Buddha.”

“I am this world, this world is me. I am the entire universe, and the entire universe is me.”

“I am one and infinite.”

“I love everything, because everything is my incarnation. So I love my incarnation, because my incarnation is what I use.”

“Xumi Ling palm Eros Tianma Luo Bodhisattva is my title.”

“But you are the only one who is different?”

Speaking of this, little Sakura showed great love: “The avatars are avatars after all. I love them, but they are only part of me. But Xie Ming, only you are different.”

“Because I love you more than the world, more than the universe, more than the incarnation.”

“So, accept my love and immerse yourself. Let us never separate, melt into each other, and love each other.”

“Let us, truly unite.”

The Bodhisattva opened his hands, what a loving, gentle, and loving smile. Even the barrier formed by the Flame of Killing God was shaking.

Xie Ming slowly raised his head. The pupil shrank to the size of a pin awn.

What did he see?

He saw the sky lit by cyan flames, and the universe burned by cyan flames. And every flame is her.

It should be said that they are all Him.

Sumi Spirit Palm Eros Tenma Bodhisattva, Uranus Temple Sakura.

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