Chapter 1637 May, Reliable, Crown Runner, Lin

Xie Ming thought that he was already a very familiar person.

Because I have already seen the giant finger that came across countless planes, enough to crush a planet easily. Therefore, he felt that no matter what kind of enemy he saw in the future, he should be able to remain calm.

After all, he had seen the tip of the iceberg that symbolized the top of all planes, and he had passed it. Other enemies who are weaker than the King of Sprites, how strong can they be?

But now, he admits that his tone is a bit loud, and his words are a bit too full.

Xingyue’s water was too deep, he really couldn’t grasp it.

Little Sakura’s transformation into Beast III is too strong, right? Everything is her clone? Do clones fill the entire universe?

What? Is he going to enjoy the treatment of Monkey Sun again, and experience what it feels like to be in the palm of the Buddha country? No, the enemy of the Buddha, Mo Luo, should be called the Devil Country in the Palm.

“What happened to Fujino CC and the others?”

“They are very happy.”

The little Sakura, who has shown her magical power, smiled and said, “They are immersed in love and joy. There is nothing to worry about, and nothing to worry about. So, Xie Ming, come with you.”

“Everyone will be together forever, no longer need to be separated from each other.”


Because the field of wave perception will be contaminated, Xie Ming can only use the intuition brought by the great master of swordsmanship to distinguish the state of everyone. There was a happy smile on everyone’s face, without a trace of sorrow.

It was exactly the same as the death of Tosaka Shizaka described by Yanfeng Kirei, as if he was immersed in a dream that he didn’t want to wake up.

In fact, this is probably the case.

If he didn’t work hard to maintain his sanity just now, and use a thousand souls in time to get rid of impurities (pollution), I am afraid he would also become that way.

Fallen and perish because of that unconditional and unrestricted love.

If you look at this matter from a personal point of view, from a completely selfish point of view, perhaps this is a kind of salvation.

Give up all thoughts and worries, give up all possibilities and the future, always keep the present and keep happy. Toward the abyss of desire, the endless fall.

But he couldn’t do it.

“Little Sakura, you should have seen my inherent barrier.”

“That is the end of the violence that rejected the beauty of the past, rejected the stability of the present, and was willing to abandon life to let the world enter a future where everything is unknown, and may even be worse.”

Xie Ming said calmly: “This is the responsibility of carrying the word’future’, violent-kun. Therefore, I reject you. Moreover, I also want to pull everyone out of their dreams and let them see the status quo. , Into the future.”

“The future? A separated future? I don’t know how many painful futures there are? What good is that kind of future?”

Little Sakura shook her head slightly, looking at Xie Ming like a lost lamb, like a butcher who doesn’t want to put down his butcher knife: “Moreover, we are not staying here.”

“Amidst happiness and joy, everyone (me) can also move into the future.”

“That’s just your future.”


“I’m starting to understand your power, little Sakura.”

The theme of the Moon World has always been on “people”. Use the body of a ‘human’ to defeat the monster that does not know how powerful it is.

If you want to defeat the monster, you must understand the monster. You can’t understand, but you have to understand. Only by understanding the nature of monsters can we find the weaknesses of monsters.

Then use all the cards in his hand to bet on the tiny hope.

So even if Xie Ming knew that the longer he talked with Sakura, the more dangerous he would continue to talk. This is not only to defeat the little Sakura, but to save the little Sakura.

“You said, let us truly become one. Everything in the world is your incarnation.”

“So, can I understand that?”

“Everyone I see now, you copied their original thinking and body, and transformed from your incarnation. The real everyone is one with you.””In…in your body.”


Little Sakura naughty wink at Xie Ming, and said with a chuckle, “They are indeed in my body~ Then, are you going to enter my body and save them?”

“Yes, come in~”

As he said, Little Sakura’s left hand was pinched into a flower-shaped finger, and he lightly stroked his stomach. At the next moment, the belly appeared as if it was cut open by a knife.

But what Xianlu came out of was not the internal organs of human beings, but the universe.

“Here is the Pure Land of Eros, where everyone is there~ Xie Ming, you want to save everyone, right? You want to wake everyone up, right? Then, just come in.”

“Please -kun enter the urn in a tone…”

But even if he knew that was the case, he had nothing to do.

First of all, even if the Red Dragon Emperor state is turned on, he may not be able to escape the palm of little Sakura. Because now, the entire universe is under the control of Little Sakura.

Hide, where can you hide?

Draw a sword and fight? How many people will he kill?

Little Sakura just said that everything is her. Now everything in the world has become her incarnation. If you shoot at will, God knows what will happen. Maybe, the little Sakura she killed was CC, Kohaku, Fujino…

Besides, how could he kill little Sakura?

Xie Ming has vowed since Oetinus’s time. Unless it has been determined, otherwise he will never do anything to the people he values.

What he has to do is not to destroy, but to save.

So even if he knew that it was to invite -kun into the urn, he could only do it, and then he would be tricked.

“I see.”

“Well, come here~”

Spreading his arms, little Sakura looked at Xie Ming as he walked in with love. Looking at him, he gently reached out his hand and reached into his opened stomach.

The next moment, Xie Ming’s figure was completely sucked into it.

“Finally…finally…. We can finally be together forever without separation.”

Once again, she stitched her belly with her fingers, and Sakura gently stroked her belly and spoke softly.

However, nothing has changed in the world.

Little Sakura closed her eyes slightly, and when she opened them again, her face lost her smile for the first time. In the voice, he also lost the depraved love for the first time. He threw out a pike and slashed towards Rin who was lying on the ground not far away.

Rin’s body was cut in half without any accident. But with the twists and turns, Rin’s body slowly disappeared.



“Hahahaha, it’s really close.”


“Merlin, and Fu Fu?”

“Fu? (Fu Fu?)”

“Fufu? That’s a pretty good name, Guy Siparuge. Or, you’ll call it this name in the future?”

“Fu! Fu Fu Fu Fu Fu! (You can go away!)”

“It’s so cold, Guy Siparug.”

“The farce will be played again later.”

Rubbing his eyebrows, Xie Ming looked at the flowers around him: “Here?”


Merlin grinned and said: “It’s not [Garden of Avalon], but the real [Remote Avalon].”

“Fortunately, you have left Liya’s scabbard in this world, so that I can use the power of the scabbard to open up such a real pure land in this ‘pure land (devil realm)’.”

“…You, came from the inner sea of ​​the stars to the outside?”



Looking at Merlin with his hands on his hips, Xie Ming’s mouth twitched: “Sure enough, your crown qualification is not Caster (magician), but runner (runner), right?”

“Hahahahahaha, this is too rewarding.”

“Forget it, just make you proud.”

No matter how much you usually despise, ridicule this unscrupulous guy. But if something happens, few people are more reliable than him.

“The scabbard was used by you, then Karen and her…”

“Karen, she’s okay, look, this is coming.”

“Xie Ming!”

The silver-haired girl plunged into Xie Ming’s arms, but immediately backed him away, staring at him and said, “Did you guys have expected it a long time ago?”


“Hahahaha, Karen, Xie Ming has no vision for the future. It can only be said that it is a miracle created by love.”

“Merlin, can you say something less creepy? Could it be that you are also contaminated?”

“Fu Fu Fu, Fu Fu Fu Fu! (This man has always been so disgusting.)”

“What an exaggeration, I’m a hero!? I want to change my treatment!”

“Merlin, talk about the situation.”

Rubbing his eyebrows, Xie Ming said calmly, “No matter what, it takes a lot of time to get here from the inner sea of ​​the stars. In other words, you already knew about this when we arrived at Avalon. .”

“What I felt at that time, your abnormality was because of this, right?”


Merlin smiled and said, “I was terribly scared at the time. The undisguised love (murderous) was aimed straight at my neck.”

“Although I am an immortal dream monster, as long as someone’s dream exists, I will never die. But in this situation, if I die once, it is a very headache for me.”

“So, I’m sorry~”

“I didn’t mean to blame you.” Xie Ming waved his hand: “If there was hope at the time, you would definitely not hide this matter.”

“In other words, we didn’t have any hope of defeating little Sakura at the time, did we.”

“It’s a great help to understand so quickly.”

Merlin smiled and said: “It doesn’t make any sense to defeat the little girl with me. If you want to truly defeat Beast III, the only hope is here, outside of the world that has become her pure land.”

“In other words, do you know why little Sakura became like this?”

“Well, of course. But about this matter, let’s wait for the other savior to wake up and talk about it together.”

Among the flowers, Rin fell asleep quietly. It’s just that she now has lost the happy smile Xie Ming saw at the time. Instead, it seems to be in a nightmare.

On her arm, Luen was slowly spinning.

“Sure enough… Master and craftsman also left behind.”

“Hahahaha, of course.” Merlin grinned and said, “That ba….the woman who manages the Kingdom of Shadows so well and who likes to fight so much, how could she miss this kind of thing.”

“You have the ability to finish that word.”

“No, I don’t want to die.”

“Aha…..”Sighing deeply, Xie Ming sat down cross-legged and said, “Then, before Lin wakes up, let me rest too.”

“It’s mentally exhausting, it’s really a bit big.”

“Relax to rest, Your Majesty the Emperor of Otherworld.” Mei Lin smiled: “This, but it’s the last time to rest.”


Xie Ming closed his eyes gently.



He uttered a strange scream that he had never uttered before, and Rin suddenly sat up: “Here!? This is!!!”

“In Avalon, beautiful lady.”

“Mei…Merlin!? So you guys are teasing me! Xie Ming! You just watch him tease me like this!? And Altria, too!”

Surprisingly angry Rin stood up and exchanged shares around. However, there is no tower in sight, only an almost endless sea of ​​flowers. Xie Ming on the side was not holding that smirk.

The fatigue between the eyebrows can hardly be concealed.

And beside Merlin, it wasn’t Altria, but Karen, who was playing a game with Fu Fu.

“Again…A dream again?”

“It’s reality.”

Karen glanced sternly, and she lazily concealed the irony in her voice: “Obviously, I don’t have a big chest, why are you still so brainless? Dreaming and ruining your brain?”


If it were normal, Rin would fight back even if he knew that he couldn’t fight. But now she is really in chaos.

“alright, alright.”

He smiled and conjured a flower, and gently handed it to Lin: “Smell the fragrance of the flower, let’s calm down first.”


The fragrance of flowers calmed Rin slowly. The chaotic thoughts in his head also slowly eased under the effect of the fragrance of flowers. Reason and calm returned to Rin.

“Since I returned to Fuyuki City, I have been dreaming? Until now, I really woke up?”

“That’s right.”

“Those things, me and…”

Subconsciously glanced at Xie Ming, Rin pulled his hair hard: “All dreams?”

“That’s right.”

“Who is it? Who did this kind of thing!?” Rin said viciously, “This is beyond the scope of a prank!”

“It’s little Sakura.”

Karen replied faintly.

“Little…. Sakura?”

“Yes, it was made by Little Sakura.” Karen looked at Rin: “It’s not just you, Aunt Aoi, Sister Fujino, Sister Humber, Sister Jade…Everyone in the world is pulled in by Sakura. In a dream.”

“Even Xie Ming almost sinks into it. If Xie Ming hadn’t buried Avalon in me… I would be the same.”

“…I can’t understand it at all. Little Sakura, why did she do this kind of thing!?”

“Hahahahaha, yes, why did that little girl do this kind of thing? How did that little girl become like this?”

Mei Lin raised his eyebrows: “It just so happens that Xie Ming is almost resting. The Merlin University class can also officially start.”

“Three, you have to clean your ears and listen carefully~ Children who are not serious in class, Brother Merlin is going to spank.”

“After all, the three of you are the ones who save mankind, the last hope.”

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